Methylphenidate for Depression User Reviews
Brand names: Concerta, Ritalin, Jornay PM, Ritalin LA, Daytrana, Quillivant XR, QuilliChew ER, Metadate CD, Aptensio XR, Cotempla XR-ODT, Methylin, Relexxii Methylin ER …show all brand names
Methylphenidate has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 64 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 91% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Methylphenidate
- Dil...
- July 9, 2019
"I have had major depressive disorder for 30 years! I have tried every antidepressant probably ever manufactured. My psychiatrist tried a different approach and put me on methylphenidate for treatment-resistant depression and many types of anxiety disorders. It's like I suddenly came to life! I now have color in my life. Please consider taking methylphenidate. It might just save your life like it has mine."
- jst...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 4, 2021
"After 13 failed meds, I wrote down on a sheet of paper my remaining choices on how I was going to deal with my depression. 1) Try a stimulant. 2) Try an MAOI. Within an hour of trying methylphenidate, the lights came on. I do not need an MAOI, nor do I need to die to escape the nightmare I found myself living in anymore. I am putting my life together for the first time in close to a decade. Truly a miracle medication if it works with your chemistry and virtually NO side effects for me."
Frequently asked questions
- What is metilfenidato used for?
- Concerta vs Adderall - What's the difference between them?
- Ritalin vs Vyvanse - What's the difference between them?
- What are the brands of methylphenidate?
- Fin...
- March 21, 2008
Methylin ER (methylphenidate) "I've been on antidepressants from the old style to the newer SSRIs, SNRIs, and others, and nothing worked. My doctor suggested Methylin ER, and my depression lifted in two days, and I haven't had a relapse. It's been about a year now, and I'm still as happy as can be. I don't sleep for 12 hours or more anymore either. I can wake fully rested with 8 hours sleep and do anything my heart desires. Methylin ER is truly amazing, and I'll never go back to an antidepressant as long as this keeps working."
- Juj...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 1, 2019
"I have had such an AMAZING CHANGE since I restarted my Ritalin 20 mg. Before being back on Ritalin, I had actually been battling SEVERE suicidal attempts since my son passed away. And when I'm on my medicine, I'm also able to concentrate wonderfully. The most important thing is that my depression is now very minimal, sometimes almost non-existent, and I also can speak and think clearly again. Thank God for this medication."
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- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 10, 2019
"This medication and the people who fought for me to get it saved my life. I have had treatment-resistant depression for my entire adult life and have had SSRI after SSRI thrown at me but they always made things worse. This, from the very first dose, made me feel like what normal people must feel like. It gives me a steady level of energy, the ability to see humans without running home to cry, and took away that urge to throw myself in front of a train. All with no side effects! I never feel high or jumpy, just 'ok'--which is amazing for me. This needs to be approved by the FDA for depression--it could literally save lives. (Please note--the issues with generics are REAL for this drug. The yellow KVK brand in particular is like taking nothing. I have had a month of despair because of them!)"
- gos...
- November 26, 2016
"I have suffered from major treatment-resistant depression for 32 years. I've tried so many medications along with polypharmacy for this, and almost nothing helps. The only antidepressants that are of any use are citalopram, bupropion, and Abilify. Even this combination doesn't always work--usually the citalopram stops working after a number of months, and I have to switch it out for sertraline. A few years ago, my psychiatrist tried adding 20 mg of methylphenidate twice a day. What a difference! I am now able to get out of bed, work, focus, smile, and have something that approximates a normal life. The only problem with this is that I am now completely dependent on the methylphenidate in order to function."
More FAQ
- Jornay PM vs other methylphenidate formulations - how do they compare?
- How is Cotempla XR-ODT different to other brands of methylphenidate?
- FET...
- October 4, 2014
"I have suffered from severe depression most of my life (I am 58). Twenty years ago, I was put on Ritalin. It changed my outlook and life virtually overnight. In these 20 years, I also took a variety of antidepressants. None were very effective. Psychotherapy and Ritalin were together the cornerstone of my care and made a normal life possible."
- Dog...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 11, 2013
"I have ADD and depression. After several changes in medications the psychiatrist decided to try methylphenidate, and I have not felt this good in years! I am organized, can concentrate, and follow through on one thing at a time. I have had no problems with my blood pressure at all, it is the same as it was before I started this medication, and all my blood work has been normal every time. I no longer have to take anything to help me sleep. I no longer have a billion things racing in my head, like 'you need to do this and that,' and never following through on anything. I used to do crafts, such as sewing, crocheting, working in the yard, etc. I can finally do that again! Before, I was sleeping a lot in the afternoon, so then I'd have a hard time sleeping at night, but no more!"
- Bee...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- March 26, 2016
"Doing fine after taking Ritalin since 1992. I no longer do soft drugs nor drink alcohol, and quit smoking all since 2003. Helps me focus better and helps me have a positive frame of mind. Before taking Ritalin, I couldn't focus long enough to get past the first page of a novel. Now, I read novels consistently. When I started taking it in '92, I lost my appetite and couldn't sleep much, but I eventually adjusted to it. I have tried Dexedrine, Concerta, fish oil, herbs, magnesium, etc., but nothing comes close to it. I invented a board game as well."
- mey...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 21, 2013
Methylin ER (methylphenidate) "I've been diagnosed with ADD at the age of 42 and have struggled with major depression since adolescence. I currently take 10mg Methylin ER and 150mg bupropion XL in the morning. In the evenings, I take 50mg of trazodone for sleep. Three weeks now and I have never felt better. The adjustment period was pretty mild. Just a bit 'jazzed' in the morning and very mild nausea in the evening. This gradually faded over a week. My appetite is returning, my diet is improving and I am reconnecting socially. My sleep is good, and I awaken fully alert with the sunrise. I can't believe how dramatic this change is. I am optimistic that I will be able to dig myself out of the hole I've been in and re-build a life."
- Mac...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 8, 2019
"I have bipolar disorder and ADHD. I was put on this medication to treat the ADHD, but I’ve noticed a significant difference in my depressive episodes when I take Ritalin. Before, when I experienced my 'lows,' I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed, I couldn’t concentrate, my mind was foggy, I’d binge eat, put things off, and was miserable 24/7. Ritalin helps me focus, complete tasks, start my day, eat properly, and minimizes the depressive emotions in general. As of five months on the medication, I’ve watched it successfully treat the ADHD and fight back depression symptoms. I just want to clarify it doesn’t get rid of depression, but it does make it manageable. I am under the care of a psychiatrist, and we are monitoring the effects of Ritalin on both my ADHD and mood swings."
- Jam...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 6, 2024
"Next month I turn 25. Since I was 11, I have struggled with persistent depressive disorder and major depressive disorder. I also have autism, ADHD, social anxiety, CPTSD, and anorexia. Last week, I got methylphenidate prescribed 10 mg 2 times a day. It saved my life. A few months ago, I attempted suicide. I live in The Netherlands where it's possible to end your life for psychological reasons with the help of a life end clinic. This was the only thing I could look forward to. My suicidal thoughts were chronic for more than 10 years with no pause longer than 2 months. An hour after I took the first pill, my mind went quiet, it was amazing. I could focus on conversations and tasks and find motivation. I haven't dusted my room in a year, now I have. Showered once a week, this week I did it 4 times. I picked up hobbies and got involved in conversations. For my mood, it's been unbelievable. On average, I feel like a 7 instead of a 4 or lower when double depression hits. I have found hope!!!"
- Sad...
- July 12, 2015
"DX was major depression at age 20 (now 40). I spent 20 years trying every med available. All of these drugs had side effects (lethargy, apathy, no sex drive, no pleasure, weight gain, sleep problems). None made a big improvement. Fast forward 20 years... Told a new doctor about main symptoms: oversleeping, hopelessness, social isolation, no interest in activities, emotional blunting, etc. He prescribed Ritalin. I tried 10mg then went up to 20 mg and immediately noticed I was able to get out of bed early!!! No lying around doing nothing, ruminating/wasting time all day. I became extremely motivated. Ritalin makes me feel just calm, motivated, positive, and I sleep better in the evenings. I take 20mg Ritalin and 20mg Prozac."
- rig...
- September 3, 2015
"It was twenty years ago that I read a newspaper article of scientific nature. The article described me - depressed and having to push myself to get up in the morning. My energy level was low and my motivation almost non-existent. I took the article to my G.P. and she agreed to give me Ritalin. When my doctor left her practice without providing a new G.P., I had a lot of difficulty getting a new doctor who would prescribe the Ritalin. The first doctor I tried would not prescribe it. After slipping backward to my old non-productive life, I found a doctor willing to give it to me on a limited basis. I had to take a test for ADD. Then he gave me 10mg a day. It didn't help me. Finally, I found a doctor who gave me what I needed - 20mg twice a day."
- Mik...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- July 6, 2019
"Methylphenidate works well to help alleviate my symptoms of depression. I’m calm and focused while on the medication. It has also helped my anxiety by eliminating racing thoughts and rumination. It allows me to cope with stress a lot better. I am able to focus on an issue, task, or problem and deal with it appropriately. Whereas off the med, I would get overwhelmed and start becoming stressed. I highly recommend it for someone with ADHD, anxiety, and/or mild depression. I also take Benadryl at night to help me sleep. This combination has really helped me out. Please talk to your doctor before taking this medication if you have Major Depressive Disorder."
- Max...
- September 28, 2011
Ritalin (methylphenidate) "I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder from the Iraq War, which also goes along with adult ADHD and depression. They say it has a lot to do with my mind, having so many thoughts of what happened and what is happening racing through it that I guess it basically just gets worn out like exercising. But once they started me on Ritalin 20 mg three times a day, it helped a lot. I felt more focused, less worried, and in time, just felt more rested and calm. I did have to force myself to eat at first as I lost my appetite until I got used to it."
- D3n...
- December 22, 2014
"This is the first time in over 18 years that I haven't had to change antidepressants every 3 months, or end up nearly suicidal. Now my downs are not nearly as far down and they only last a day or two now. This should be used for depression more often. I had to convince my doctor that I was ADD to get it. But what it does for my depression is worth it. I know others who use it for the same."
- Kay...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 13, 2016
"Prescribed for depression and possible cataplexy/falling. Since taking this, I feel better and normal. It's great, and normal side effects. First few days, I was a little jittery and shaky, but that subsided. Helps me with fighting depression a lot. So glad something works since no antidepressant did."
- Zig...
- June 14, 2018
"Well being bipolar type 1, PTSD, from childhood trauma, social anxiety, and I've tried every antidepressant, but was put on Latuda 80mg once daily. I was put on Vyvanse, Concerta, Strattera, and finally back on Ritalin IR 20mg a day. It helped but didn't get me through the day, started taking 20mg 2x a day, noticed my depressive episodes went away faster, wouldn't sleep 20+ hours when I was down, I could actually get up and go to work. Kept me out of my own head and dark thoughts, it just helps get me out of my funk. No longer fall asleep on the long ride home from work, can be more social, no longer think people are out to cause me harm. Yeah I still get in my funks but the hopelessness doesn't last as long. Truly is a Godsend for me and I thank my wife (soon to be ex) for reintroducing this to me. I'm also thankful that I had the time I did with her! (Even though she's divorcing me) 'Tis better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all."
- Rob...
- June 2, 2015
"Heavy depression (black tar depression) for over two years. I have tried 7 or so antidepressants. Presently I am on an SNRI and an SSRI. I cannot formulate goals and I am totally isolated. I took 5 mg of Ritalin this morning (I am sensitive to these drugs) and I feel like formulating a goal. That is huge. Very encouraging reading about other people's experience with Ritalin and depression. I hope I have the same. Fingers crossed."
- Joh...
- August 3, 2014
"I have been on numerous antidepressants that seem to wear out over time. I last had this experience with paroxetine. My doctor suggested Ritalin as an aid to make the paroxetine work better. What a world of difference! There's not much information out there about this, and I am sure there must be downsides. This works for me like nothing else. I am very careful with it, but I feel there are more upsides than otherwise."
- Myv...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 12, 2019
"Resistant to many depression meds, even tried TMS—nothing. I was alive but not living until Dr. finally gave me stimulants. Ritalin is the only medication that gives me the up I need without being 'antsy.' I just have to make myself eat. Harder than you'd think. The crash is real, so be aware. If you think you have no hope, give it a try. Works in a few days."
- The...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 6, 2015
"The only disappointments I've had with my Concerta (methylphenidate extended-release) are its high cost and its propensity to become ineffective after one to two years. Otherwise, this is an excellent drug that should be used more often for difficult depression. It's made me feel like a functional human being again."
- Hey...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- August 24, 2015
"Methylphenidate extended release 54 mg x 2 a day has made all the difference in the world regarding my depression. Many, many antidepressant meds were ineffective—it was as though I had taken nothing."
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- Drug class: CNS stimulants
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Patient resources
- Methylphenidate drug information
- Methylphenidate transdermal
- Methylphenidate Chewable Tablets
- Methylphenidate Controlled-Release Tablets
- Methylphenidate Extended-Release Chewable Tablets
Other brands
Concerta, Ritalin, Jornay PM, Ritalin LA, ... +10 more
Professional resources
- Methylphenidate monograph
- Methylin Chewable Tablet (FDA)
- Methylphenidate CD Capsules (FDA)
- Methylphenidate Chewable Tablets (FDA)
- Methylphenidate ER Capsules (FDA)
Other brands
Concerta, Ritalin, Jornay PM, Ritalin LA, ... +10 more
"I was diagnosed several years ago with treatment-resistant depression. I have been on all of the antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications available today, with not a single one of them helping my depression the least little bit. Finally, my doctor agreed to prescribe this medication, methylphenidate, about a month ago. It has been an absolute godsend. I would go as far as to say it has probably saved my life, as I was suicidal nearly every day before I began taking it."