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Adderall User Reviews & Ratings

Adderall has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 505 reviews on 65% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.

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Reviews for Adderall

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • Kim...
  • April 9, 2021

For ADHD "If anyone else is having a terrible time with the new Lannett generic Adderall, you can report this to the FDA. I have been having crippling headaches, stomach aches, and the medication doesn’t even feel like it works!!! I get tired after I take it and then can’t sleep all night because of it. HORRIBLE. Google FDA MedWatch online reporting to fill in the form."

1 / 10
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1407 Report
  • Tee...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 21, 2023

For ADHD "Many Adderall/Amp-Dex tablets before 2020 worked great, especially Teva & Sandoz & occasionally Core. I can honestly say from 2020 to now that they've either taken out half the amount of drug per total mg and replaced it with cheap fillers, or taken the entire drug out and filled it with sugar. Look at the most helpful replies on here, all but one are from 2019 and before. If we’re all experiencing the same problems, the issue is the manufacturers, not any of us. This needs to be fixed."

1 / 10
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687 Report
  • Mel...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 3, 2023

For ADHD "Since the shortage, Teva is definitely leaving something out or substituting ingredients. That is the problem. I have been struggling for months because these new pills are a joke. I just ran across a few that I had left from before the shortage, took one, and bam... worked like a charm. That's definitely proof that this is NOT a tolerance issue. TEVA shame on you. This is not a joke for those of us who have to take this medication to function in our daily lives."

1 / 10
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567 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Bam...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 15, 2020

For ADHD "Generic Adderall: TEVA vs. ALVOGEN. All generic Adderall is NOT the same, trust me! I don't care what your physician or pharmacist may say. I've taken Adderall for nearly 25 plus years for ADD. Why? It works twice as good. Ask anyone who's taken different brands before. For the best quality and most potent Adderall on the market, it is made by a company called TEVA. Even pharmacists tell me that when they run out of TEVA and must use ALVOGEN, their patients complain because pharmacies cannot keep TEVA in stock. Consumers know it's the best and most effective for ADD and ADHD."

1 / 10
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903 Report
  • Som...
  • July 17, 2021

For ADHD "Been taking Adderall and generics for 25 years. I just spent a year on the ALV manufacturer of amphetamine with dextroamphetamine and everything took a nosedive. GPA went down, personal life, and just general capacity for life. Ended up with some acute OCD due to some other factors. Switched back to TEVA and I'm instantly clearer. Whatever FDA regulations they have controlling this product are either wrong or being ignored. There is a difference between what is supposed to be and what is sometimes, and this is one of those times. I take 30mg twice a day. I always wake up an hour early and take it, then go back to sleep so I wake up naturally. With ALV it would be 4 hours later instead of 45 minutes later. I went from a 4.0 GPA in 300 and 400 level classes to barely passing a 100 Level survey course. If it wasn't for the recent shortage and having to switch pharmacies, I would still be on ALV's trash pills."

8 / 10
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474 Report

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  • Wul...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 4, 2021

For ADHD "I've been taking 20mg IR Adderall for over a year for my ADHD, and it's worked wonders. I've tried TEVA and a couple of other generics, and they worked fine. However, this month, my prescription was filled with Alvogen generic amphetamine/dextroamphetamine, and let me tell you, it is horrible. After I take my 20mg dose, after 1 hour, I begin feeling tired and nauseous. I don't feel focused or motivated, I literally feel like I took a sleeping pill. This has never happened to me while taking Adderall until Alvogen brand. I will be reporting them to the FDA because this is NOT an acceptable substitute for Adderall."

7 / 10
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419 Report
  • Map...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 26, 2021

For ADHD "I have taken Adderall XR and short-acting for 25 years. I got this new XR 30mg the other day, Lannett, and it made me tired, heart racing, BP accelerated, and did NOTHING to help me focus. I contacted the pharmacy and my doctor, and he's trying to switch me to another brand because this is a joke. Awful."

1 / 10
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428 Report

More FAQ

  • Gar...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 10, 2021

For ADHD "I take two 30 mg pills a day for ADHD, and it has really made a huge difference in my life. I am able to focus on one task at a time and complete it. Works great for giving me the motivation I sometimes lack. Only issue is that when I was given the white or peach ones, they did not seem to work as well as the pink ones. Talked to the doctor about it, and she added to my prescription to only receive the pink ones. Curious if anyone else has had this issue."

9 / 10
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402 Report
  • J H...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 9, 2023

For ADHD "Teva Adderall is no longer effective after 5 years. The composition of the medication has definitely changed. This has affected me quite negatively, and I'm pretty sure it is a manufacturing issue. This needs to be corrected. Most of us take the medication because we need it, not because it's fun."

3 / 10
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233 Report
  • tri...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 12, 2020

For Narcolepsy "Generic Adderall is not the same. I feel immediately awful when I realize they switched me to generic dextroamp (amp salts). Not sure what brand. I heard Teva might have moved distribution centers and have been alternating approved cheaper alternative ingredients. Well, guess what, they don’t work AT ALL. Check the generic brands when you get your script filled and see how you feel. The old generic brand I took worked just fine. I cannot get out of bed for weeks because whatever 'similar' generic cheap alternatives they are using do not make the cut. Welcome back debilitating fatigue!"

6 / 10
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447 Report
  • Wil...
  • July 19, 2019

For ADHD "Adderall is literally the only thing that I have tried that has improved my life in the slightest. I have ADD and treatment-resistant depression. I got my Bachelor's degree in Health & Psychology. I tried every supplement, herb, nootropic, etc. I'm commenting here because of all the people saying how it drained them or over time began making them feel worse. You need to educate yourself. One of the most important things is to be sure to be supplementing with tyrosine daily. Tyrosine converts into dopamine, like how 5-HTP converts to serotonin. Just like how SSRI's eventually 'poop out' and stop working because they've used up the body's natural serotonin, Adderall will eventually 'poop out' on you and stop working. Yet, even worse when this happens, the more you take, the worse you feel because it's like revving an engine with no gasoline left in it. There's plenty more to look into, but even just taking tyrosine makes a huge difference!"

8 / 10
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435 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 8, 2021

For ADHD "Generic Adderall varies significantly depending on manufacturing. The reason being, the FDA says the manufacturer only has to “demonstrate” it “works in the same way” as the brand-name, i.e. generic ingredients do not have to be the same, which is why so many don’t work and/or make people feel sick. In my experience, the only generic that works like the brand-name is Prasco, which acquired Teva’s generic XR in 2016. Few pharmacies use Prasco as their generic because it’s more expensive! My doctor specifies “Prasco generic only” on my prescription for D-Amphetamine ER 30MG Salt combo. By law, the pharmacy must comply if Prasco is one of their overall suppliers. My insurance changed, so I called Prasco to see if they sell to Costco. They do. It just takes a day or 2 for the pharmacist to order and fill my script. Walgreens used Prasco as their generic until recently. Now it’s Mallinckrodt, which just filed for bankruptcy to settle a slew of opioid lawsuits. It’s all about money."

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323 Report
  • Tev...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 27, 2022

For ADHD "Teva Adderall IR 30mg is BAD as of February 2022. I’m shocked. It was one of the best generic brands forever. After 16 years of taking this, I’ve never had a problem with a generic brand (aside from Aurolife, aka Aurobindo, aka Northstar). I had no problem with Lannett, unlike others here. I’m falling asleep after I take it. I took an old Lannett I still had, and I’m back to normal. This is extremely frustrating; there’s nothing we can do about it."

7 / 10
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234 Report
  • The...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 24, 2019

For ADHD "I shared my experience recently on here and was going back over and reading others as well. I believe we should all state the laboratory that is producing the specific generic we are each taking. Doing so may help us all narrow down which ones to stay away from and which ones are truly therapeutic. Eon lab brand of amphetamine/dextroamphetamine was good until 9 months ago, now they are horrible (no therapeutic value and bad side effects). I then switched to Teva and they were decent for about 2 months and now they are giving me side effects. Plus, the pharmacy ran out of them and I had to wait for a new batch and when the new batch came in is when the bad side effect started. I KNOW the drug manufacturer has changed something. Hope that helps someone."

2 / 10
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352 Report
  • Bra...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 13, 2023

For ADHD "I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and I’ve been taking generic Adderall for about 5 years or so, and it was AMAZING. I was able to get work done and also helped me greatly in accomplishing assignments during college. During the last year or so, I’ve noticed that Adderall wasn’t working as efficiently as it used to. I was unable to stay focused, had a hard time completing tasks, and it takes me longer to analyze or register information at work. I thought the generics were an issue, so I started taking the brand name Adderall by TEVA. Well, I’ve now come to terms that there is an issue with the manufacturers and/or the components of this prescription. It hasn’t worked the same and it has been affecting me negatively in my work life as well as my home life. Something needs to be looked into, I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this problem. I now am looking into alternative/holistic medicine."

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160 Report
  • The...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 7, 2023

For ADHD "Since being switched to the generic version of Adderall, Dextroamp-Amphetamine manufactured by Alvogen, I have been experiencing negative side effects for the past three days. I have become irritable, emotional, and easily agitated by noises, including music that I previously enjoyed. I have also been experiencing fatigue, lack of motivation, and difficulty reading. My speech has become slurred and confused, and I have developed tension headaches. I want my sparkle back, and I couldn't care less about anything. I’m surprised I’m writing this review as I am currently feeling scattered and embarrassed."

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144 Report
  • Lyn...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 3, 2023

For ADHD "Been getting Teva generic from different Walgreens locations for years. I’ve been complaining about the dose not lasting longer than a couple of hours, but this last refill doesn’t even work at all. I doubled my dose, and all I got was a headache and brain fog. I’m extremely hungry all day too. The pills don’t even have that nasty taste to them either. Teva was caught back in 2012 giving out ineffective antidepressants, so it seems they’re back to their old tricks. Going to report this to the FDA, and I hope others do too."

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137 Report
  • Ano...
  • February 17, 2020

For ADHD "I have been on Adderall 15mg 2x daily for 7 years. It has completely changed my life. I was always down, depressed, unmotivated, impulsive, always daydreaming, short attention span, no focus, and couldn't sit still. Adderall has given me a new happy life that I can enjoy and appreciate. I'm starting to think I need to go up to 20mg. I can feel I'm getting used to them. But without them, I wouldn't get out of bed and would waste my life. I think Adderall is my miracle drug. I have never been so grateful for a prescription drug."

10 / 10
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296 Report
  • MeA...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 15, 2023

For ADHD "Keep coming back to read reviews of the generics. I stopped my prescription 6 mos ago, not because the shortage but because whatever is in this medication now as opposed to the past is so horrible it’s not worth even taking! I was one of the lucky ones who took the original BARR formula. I was visiting my mother recently, I moved out of her home 15 years ago. Clothes, shoes, purses, etc. remain. You probably know where this is going. I searched through my old purses and found a bottle with two pills, SANDOZ, 2015!! I only took a pinch since I hadn't taken any in so long. OMG, I cannot believe how much better this old medicine works! So sad at the same time. I’m stretching it as much as I can and so depressed knowing this will probably be the last time I will ever feel like a functional human being again."

1 / 10
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135 Report
  • Deb...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 6, 2019

For ADHD "I cannot believe that the FDA allows AUROBINDO or TEVA to sell their lousy drugs through pharmacies in the US. Neither of these generics have any effect on me at all!! WASTE of money! They are playing with people's minds and well-being!"

2 / 10
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285 Report
  • Foc...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 21, 2020

For ADHD "If you're taking for ADHD please note there are a lot of side effects, having said this, they are sometimes serious so take note to talk to your doctor. If you get cold fingers or toes, make sure to consult your doctor as it's a syndrome that can be prevented. It does help with focus, it helps with impulse control, it helps with a general overall euphoric feeling and it can cause you to lose a lot of weight. Be sure to eat, EAT, don't shake your head, you know I'm talking to you. Eat and stay hydrated it causes you to urinate a LOT, make sure to supplement what you are losing. It will cause tremors, shakes, and irritability, again, eat food. Make sure to stick to a 2000 calorie diet AT LEAST. May cause muscle fatigue and extreme soreness, stay hydrated, make sure of this. Some say it causes better grades in school, well, to an extent. It just makes you write a lot. Eat Eat Hydrate And maybe take melatonin to help promote rest. I warned and entertained you."

7 / 10
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261 Report
  • Ada...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 23, 2020

For ADHD "I was so glad to see these posts. Pharmacies are so rude to me. I switched to so many brands, but they say they are all alike, and say it doesn't matter which generic I get, because they're all the same. My doctor, unfortunately, thinks the same. I finally said to the pharmacy tech one day, 'I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like certain generics.' She said, no, I'm the only one. I know this sounds crazy, but the blue 10mg of Teva doesn't seem to work like the 15mg of the peach Teva, even if I cut one of the blue in half to make it 15mg."

8 / 10
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255 Report
  • Spa...
  • January 29, 2020

For ADHD "I have found the generic brand for Adderall is not as effective as the brand name. The Epic brand caused me to have severe depression, blurred vision, headaches, feeling very tired, and no focus at all. I’m trying to find a brand that is more similar to the name brand. Looking for suggestions if anyone can share, please. Thanks."

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252 Report
  • Sue...
  • August 10, 2019

For ADHD "First prescribed it in grad school for ADD & depression. Worked wonders. Only downside is I became very reliant on it. Was stuck between the two evils of being a depressed zombie (w/o taking it) and feeling like a happy, motivated, focused person (on Adderall). Eventually stopped taking and failed out of grad school. Work was hard, always late, made stupid mistakes, & couldn’t complete tasks. 3 years & 3 jobs later, I broke down and went back to a doctor who rediagnosed me with ADD, Anxiety, & Depression. I was reluctant to start back on Adderall and tried a few alternatives first. Everything made me feel even MORE exhausted, back on Adderall 30mg day, feel normal again. I have the motivation, energy, & focus to complete tasks. Only complaint is anxiety which I resolve w/ a low benzo & exercise. Remember, there’s no reason to be miserable if there’s a pill out there that can change your life."

7 / 10
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261 Report
  • Adu...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 17, 2018

For ADHD "I've read some of the comments comparing this medication to 'street meth.' That is simply not true and further stigmatizes Adult ADHD, since many still inaccurately claim it's something you grow out of. Well, it isn't, and my childhood ADHD went untreated, and I could barely function at school. Since taking a combo of Adderall and Wellbutrin, my brain and my life are no longer a disorganized mess. As a kid, I was an untreated C+ student, and as an adult, I have a Ph.D. I regret the years I wasn't helped. Medication plus cognitive behavioral therapy plus Adult ADD support groups = a better me. If the medicine doesn't work for you, that is your individual response, but it doesn't represent all of us."

9 / 10
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278 Report

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