Concerta for ADHD User Reviews (Page 2)
Concerta has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 383 reviews for the treatment of ADHD. 56% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 19% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Concerta
- 29 ...
- April 15, 2018
"I grew up with severe panic attacks. When I was 19, up until the age of 27, I stayed in my room. I couldn't leave my house. I had/have severe anxiety and depression. Years went by and I lost hope. I didn't have a job, I was a loser. I took a mindfulness class and after each mindfulness tape, I noticed I was in extreme pain, more so than the other people sitting around me. It was then that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was prescribed Adderall and Vyvanse for my ADHD but they made me extremely tired. Currently, I am on Cymbalta, Concerta, and Remeron. With this combination, I began a full-time job. I have been employed for 7 months, and I would be lost without Concerta. If you're looking for a drug that is similar to Wellbutrin, Concerta is the answer. Do not give up hope. Never give up hope. Don't take 'no' for an answer, and if a doctor is diagnosing you incorrectly, leave and find a different doctor. There is a right combination of medication out there for you. Never give up!"
- Fel...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 12, 2013
"When I was about 13, the school psychologist who I was seeing for behavior problems suggested to my mother that I start taking Ritalin. I was hyperactive, could not focus, blurted things out, and was generally viewed as a weirdo by my peers. My mother refused to follow the psychologist's advice because she 'didn't want me on medicines'. The same diagnosis and suggested treatment followed the next year and the year after by the psychiatrist who I was referred to. Eventually, I dropped out of school, somehow managed to get my GED, and enroll in college. I decided a few years ago to see a doctor and he prescribed Concerta. I am now able to follow through on projects and not feel like a failure, frustrated all the time. It has really worked for me."
Frequently asked questions
- Concerta vs Adderall - What's the difference between them?
- What are the brands of methylphenidate?
- How long does it take for Concerta 18mg to kick in?
- Jornay PM vs other methylphenidate formulations - how do they compare?
- Fuz...
- June 6, 2019
"My daughter was 9 when she was diagnosed with ADHD, but I always knew. I figured if it didn't affect her schoolwork, why treat it? Well, come 4th grade, her teacher commented that her grades are okay, but she's much brighter than what she displays and is completely distracted. Just a week or so before the teacher meeting, I was just starting to think I would get her evaluated since she started to hate herself, getting in her own way (you ADHD folks know what I mean by that). She was put on Concerta and is now in honors math and a straight A student. The best part was seeing her go from hating herself to loving herself and owning how bright she is. People would tell her she's bright, but she just didn't believe it until she was able to work up to her full potential. Also, afterwards, I was diagnosed with ADHD and am having great success with Ritalin and will be switched to Concerta at my next visit."
- Meg...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 26, 2023
"For most of my life, I have drifted in and out of employment. Being told I am a daydreamer and missing out on things most people would spot a mile off (dates, small details on forms, cleaning, rota, etc.). A few months after starting this medication, I also started a job! In immigration, so a lot of paperwork, extensive training, long shifts, and difficult customers. Almost a month in, and I’m getting appraisals, 100% on most of my work, always on time, and never miss a beat! I am 30 years old, and I could cry. This has literally changed my life. In the first week, you will experience jaw clenching, etc., but it settles. I am taking two tablets of 18 mg a day. Sorry to those that have experienced bad side effects, it’s trial and error, and maybe your chemistry does not align with the medicine, but that’s okay-keep trying!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Max...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 5, 2015
"Worked for me the first year I took it but then it started to have really bad side effects. I have ADD but I don't have hyperactivity and I was getting socially awkward and having anxiety and even depression. I don't recommend it for someone who's not hyperactive."
- Lin...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 16, 2017
"I'm 21 and I've been taking 72mg (two 36mg capsules) a day since I was about 17. Concerta changed my life. I was failing school, and no matter how hard I tried, it didn't change anything. I became depressed, slept for 14+ hours a day, and gave up. Then I was prescribed Concerta, and it changed my life. It keeps me focused, motivated, and energized. However, the side effects are very real. I don't sleep much, which is why I usually don't take it on weekends to catch up on sleep. It reduces my appetite, so I eat a big breakfast before taking it in the mornings. It does elevate my anxiety, and not saying it's something I suggest.. but I smoke cigarettes to help that. Also, I don't know if this is common or not, but it keeps my digestive tract regular."
More FAQ
- Jen...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 4, 2021
"I've been on Concerta for a few weeks now, I was just recently diagnosed with ADHD, and it's my first medication. I am a 15-year-old female. I started with 18 mg but didn't feel any difference. It only decreased my appetite (I lost about 5 lbs a week) to the point where I became underweight. My doctor recently upped my dose to 36 mg, and I feel worse than before. I've been having a hard time falling asleep and have slept very restlessly. I am still losing weight. I've also noticed that I feel more moody and impulsive, and I have been hyper-fixating more and lashing out at my family. I have a doctor's appointment next week where I hope to switch medications."
- Sam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 15, 2015
"I've been taking Concerta for the past five months. When I first began taking it, I would get headaches and appetite problems, but those side effects disappeared after about three weeks on it. Concerta has not only improved the amount of work I'm able to accomplish, it's improved my self-esteem as well. I no longer feel as shy and cluttered as I did before I started taking Concerta. I like that it lasts throughout the entire workday, so I don't have to worry about redosing. Overall, Concerta has been a very positive experience for me."
- mou...
- August 9, 2013
"Before Concerta I was labeled disruptive; unintelligent, impulsive, poor concentration etc. The worst part was that no matter how hard I tried, I always messed up, and it was never on purpose. I am often described as having 'no-filter' between my head and mouth. Now, with Concerta, I am able to 'filter' information correctly. I have control with what I say, and I can concentrate when I need to. This is, however, no miracle - I have bad days. Like anyone, my cognition suffers if I haven't had enough sleep, etc. Concerta only gives one control of their actions and organizes things in your head a bit better - something I had been long without. Please consider the facts provided by health professionals."
- Ome...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 13, 2018
"This drug is a lifesaver. If it weren't for this drug, I would be failing in college and sleeping all day. Concerta has helped me study and lessen my depression symptoms. It's definitely worth the risk. The only downside to this drug is that it doesn't last 12 hours, well at least for me. It lasts like 9 to 10 hours. Also, as with other ADHD medicines, you can become tolerant to the point you don't notice it working. My grades improved with this medicine, and I was able to write a 10-page paper in the 12th grade and a 25-page paper in my junior year of college. I'm even more organized outside of school. I wash my clothes and shower more on this medicine. I can finally read more without getting mentally tired as much. I wouldn't be able to pass my classes in college if it weren't for Concerta. Everybody with ADD or ADHD should try medication for it. I recommend Concerta because it lasts throughout the day. It lasts longer than Ritalin."
- Moo...
- November 15, 2013
"I'm a 15-year-old girl who started off with Vyvanse for a year but became anorexic. I switched to Concerta! The first couple of years, I felt so amazing because I have never experienced what it felt like to succeed after trying so much. Then I got to High School. My meds ended a relationship. I was always paranoid and extremely nervous. I am like a robot now. I'm either extremely emotionless, really mad, or really paranoid. My friends tell me that it's like talking to a stranger. I get frustrated so easily and don't care about anyone or anything around me. I don't want to be taken off my meds because I'm really successful. But should I really have to choose between my loved ones and school? I shouldn't have to pick."
- Anonymous
- October 4, 2018
"My brother was prescribed Concerta two years ago, and I feel the need to share his story so everyone knows how helpful this drug is for people suffering from ADHD. He is taking it and Strattera both for his condition, and the Strattera worked well for a long time, but when he was prescribed Concerta in addition to this to further help with his symptoms, it was just amazing. His breakdowns and tantrums decreased in number, he started doing his chores and homework again, and he started doing random little things to help other people out. This medication is a controlled substance, so it's harder for him to get than his other medicine-he has to have an appointment with a specialist every two months to stay on it, though I don't think it's that way for everyone. He was born addicted to the painkillers my mother was on, as he was seven weeks early, and therefore has a higher chance to become addicted to substances in the future, but this does not seem to be a problem so far with Concerta."
- Can...
- September 14, 2019
"Concerta is by far better than other ADHD meds, such as Adderall, in my experience. It is milder and much better at helping where it needs to and doesn't make me feel sick like Adderall did. I recommend this for all of you who have anxiety. Adderall made my anxiety worse on it. Concerta helped me feel less anxious because I have ADD and anxiety, this helped so much."
- wil...
- April 11, 2014
"My experience with Concerta has been amazing. I am 12 and this has helped me deal with bullying, anger issues, and lack of focus. I have learned that just because you are ADHD does not mean you can't have a normal life. I recommend this to anybody who is ashamed by their weight, has trouble focusing, and has anxiety issues but make sure to eat regularly because Concerta makes it so you don't know if you are hungry or not."
- C11...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 2, 2020
"I've struggled with ADHD and depression for about half my life. I started this medication around 3 months ago. I take the 54 mg dose. I've tried probably every antidepressant there is, and quite a few for anxiety. But this, I think personally, Concerta has helped quite a bit in regard to both. Because of it, I've been able to wean off my antidepressant and no longer have to take it. The appetite suppressant does help me out since I'm working on weight loss, but it can also be a struggle to eat at times or find a food that is appetizing in general because of it. And the medication can cause constipation and dry mouth, which is inconvenient. Overall, I think it's helped me a lot in focusing on coursework and its intended purpose."
- neb...
- April 1, 2008
"I'm 20, I have been on Concerta for 3 years. Before, I was on everything else, every other medication was an emotional rollercoaster ride, and I was very angry. Now, 5 years later, I'm the happiest, most confident person. I graduated college with honors and lead an 'out of trouble' life!! THANKS CONCERTA!"
- Pet...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- May 13, 2017
"I was late being diagnosed with ADHD (late 40s). I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1992, but I never felt this was the correct diagnosis as my meds never helped me with all the different thoughts going on in my head. As soon as I started Concerta, I felt more relaxed, my concentration improved greatly, and I could sleep peacefully without any benzodiazepines. I am currently (for over 4 years) on a dose of 72 mg, it still is as effective as when I started, and luckily I haven't had any of the listed side effects. I think if anybody feels they have ADHD, they should seek psychiatric help to do the relevant tests."
- Dbl...
- April 27, 2010
"I am 36 and was diagnosed with ADD shortly after my youngest son was diagnosed with ADHD. I take 36mg Concerta, and it has changed my life and saved my career. Looking back, I should have been diagnosed as a child, but my intellect got me through college, the military, and life in general thus far. Had I been treated as a child, life would have been a lot easier. However, my struggles have made me who I am. I recently began a new position at work, and it is extremely challenging. I need to be exceptionally focused and organized. I was drowning and getting depressed about my lack of success until I started taking the Concerta. 2 months later, I have been promoted and able to handle a larger workload... HOWEVER, my son developed severe tics."
- mam...
- December 6, 2013
"My daughter was finally diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive-type at age 16 after a lot of stress regarding high school academics and feeling 'dumb.' Concerta has been nothing short of a miracle for her. She finally ended up on the 54mg dosage and does very well. The only side effect she has had is loss of appetite which she now knows to eat a healthy/big breakfast before her medication in the morning. She then eats a normal dinner. She has occasionally had insomnia if she takes her medication later in the morning or if she has accidentally had caffeine. Overall, she is in a good groove with this medication and her SAT score went from 1600 to 2000 after medication and a prep course; GPA from 3.3 to 3.9."
- Anonymous
- January 7, 2016
"I have been taking this for 10 years (started at 18 mg, went up to 36 mg). Recently (several months ago), I developed several horrible side effects. For example, it made me feel nervous. I could not keep still. It also made me extra irritable (to the point I was yelling at my friends for the littlest things). I also felt depressed (to the point I did not want to get out of bed at all) and could not sleep. The doctor brought me down to 18 mg, symptoms did not improve. I immediately stopped taking this and felt 100% better the next day. The doctor put me on Adderall XR, which works a lot better with very little side effects. Please avoid Concerta if possible."
- dnb...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 4, 2019
"I started taking Concerta about 6 months ago. The first month after being diagnosed with ADD, I was on Ritalin, then switched over to Concerta. I’m on the 72 mg of Concerta, and it really has changed my life. I failed two classes in college before I started medication, and now I am doing really well in school. It really helps me focus in general as well. I’ve lost 70 pounds since I started taking medicine for my ADD, so I’m currently 140. This medicine destroys my appetite until it wears off, so I usually only eat at night. It also has messed with my sleep, so I make sure to take it by 9 in the morning so that it will wear off by like 10 at night. Whenever the medicine wears off, I become super unproductive, but I’m not sure if that’s how I am without it or if it’s just worse when the medicine wears off. I really recommend Concerta, it really has helped me so much."
- Wha...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 27, 2014
"My 13-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter both have been diagnosed with ADHD. I, nor my husband, could wrap our minds around our kids taking medicine, but were forced to give it a try. My son started taking Concerta when he was in 4th grade, and my daughter started taking Vyvanse in the 3rd grade. The results were amazing! Their handwriting went from sloppy to super neat, reading skills increased, grades were mostly A's... and many more great results! The bad part about the pills is that they have so many side effects that were making them seem like totally different people! They were skinny, depressed, had insomnia, headaches, twitching, and were angry. We withdrew both from public school and started homeschool. Now learning at our own pace!"
- Ano...
- January 8, 2014
"I've been on Concerta since I was about 13 (I'm 22 now). When I first started the medication, I experienced a fair amount of weight loss. Overall, Concerta has truly changed my life and made me a more focused student. Since I've been on it for so long, I have learned to manage side effects but some that have been ongoing are: upset stomach right after taking the medication (due to the stimulant effects and lack of food), slight headaches, jitters, binging when the medication wears off, and occasional paranoia. When first beginning the medication, remember to force yourself to have some caloric intake even if it is just a smoothie. This has been life-changing, but please remember to balance out your diet."
- Ano...
- November 12, 2013
"I would recommend this medication ONLY if you are 100% positive you need medication, by that I mean teachers and family recognizing the issue. My mom finally decided to give me Concerta during early middle school after my teachers advised it for a few years. I recommend beginning with 9 mg and slowly going up if needed. This medication is horrible in my life in the sense that I feel like I need it to do good in school, especially now I'm in college. But it causes me to be incredibly depressed. I continue to take it because grades are first, but for kids I recommend keeping a very close eye on them and follow up on depression issues because as a kid in middle school, it was horrible."
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"I am in my early thirties and very recently started drug trials for ADHD. After trying Vyvanse, which didn't work out, I moved to Concerta. On the lowest dose, I had concerns, as it seemed to make my ADHD symptoms worse. I became more irritable and more distracted. After a week, I moved the dose up to the next level and had a terrible day. Extremely irritable, so lethargic I could do almost nothing all day, difficult time sleeping... I had difficulty dealing with my children if they did the slightest thing wrong. Concerta is not for me, I will try something else."