Methamphetamine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)
Brand names: Desoxyn, Desoxyn Gradumet
Methamphetamine has an average rating of 9.1 out of 10 from a total of 77 reviews on 89% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Methamphetamine
- Par...
- June 24, 2009
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "After trying Strattera, Vyvanse, Adderall and Dexedrine with side effects that interfered with my daily life, I was prescribed Desoxyn. A smaller dose of Desoxyn gives a far greater primary effectiveness than any other medicine, and with significantly less side effects than any other medicine. As far as my ADHD is concerned, this medication is absolutely amazing at helping me out."
- Mur...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 8, 2025
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "This medication has saved my life. I think of how my mental health was before I was prescribed this medication for my ADHD/Autism/BPD/Anxiety diagnoses, and it's like comparing apples to potatoes. I began traditional psych/therapy at a young age, so experienced the psychiatry guinea pig game for years. Thus, I have been prescribed almost every 'acceptable' medication regimen under the sun (other stimulants, anti-psychotics, mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, etc.) and experienced hospital/treatment stays due to my diagnoses, as well. Life always felt like a shade of grey. Fortunately, my current doctor is a believer in alternative therapies/medicines, so recommended trying Desoxyn as a last resort. Unlike traditional psychs, my doctor never set expectations of being 'cured', was honest, and never attempted to instill fear. I find it to be truly shameful how they treat and speak of this medicine and those who take it. It has been a wonderful treatment for my mood, function, and overall well-being."
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- What exactly is Captagon and why was it banned?
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- 133...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- February 27, 2020
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) "I have idiopathic hypersomnia and no stimulant worked for me prior to Desoxyn. I haven’t had to increase my dose (40 mg/day), and for the first time I’m not on an off-label dose. I feel calmer on it, it boosts my mood, I have more of an appetite on it (compared to others), and it keeps me awake! The only downside to this medication is how difficult it can be to obtain. My insurance changed, and it was a battle to get 40 mg approved, and it cost more. I’m scared to ever switch again because it’s a constant battle when it comes to insurance. I’ve had to go on many a medical treasure hunt to get it due to the name’s bad reputation. I can start/stop it no problem. I’ve never felt high on it or craved it. It doesn’t make me angry, super irritable, or depressed. It’s by far the best I’ve tried for IH!"
- Anonymous
- June 22, 2008
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "I would give it a 10 but will err towards conservative and give a 9; only because it has a high abuse potential and humans are inherently prone to some type of addiction. It has pretty much NO side effects if taken as directed for adult ADHD, and after 5 years on it, I feel it has stabilized me more than any others. Adderall is second place for me, but it is more likely to make me irritable after therapeutic effects wane for the day. I have taken Desoxyn before and fell asleep!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Fat...
- November 17, 2009
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "Desoxyn has opened doors to my life, heart, and mind that I thought would never be able to be opened and be shared with the world. The side effects were little to none and other medicines' side effects greatly outweighed the Desoxyn effects."
- Bos...
- November 5, 2016
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "I've used all the first-line ADHD meds beginning in 2003, and only one was effective, but of course my tolerance is depleted; it's not so effective now: Adderall generic 30XRAM, 0 regular PM. Yet, without it, I'm like a hyperactive confused kid again. I don't want a higher dosage. I want a change; I asked my older psychiatrist (been with him since the late 1980s) about Desoxyn, which he said, 'I've never heard of it.' He's 100% psychopharmacology. He treats kids through seniors; MA-trained MD, Harvard + BU Med School. Is it possible that MA laws never permitted this medication to be used for ADHD? Should I ask again, or won't I find it in MA pharmacies? I don't want to sound like a druggie either, but it's frustrating to be stymied. At my age, 62.5, I'd like some relief again."
- Ale...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- June 21, 2023
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "Like all the other reviewers, I have tried all the other 'modern' ADD stimulants. The common theme of all other reviewers is that these medications all leave the user feeling 'jittery' or 'tweaked.' This is my experience as well. I can only describe the stimulative effect as so very much 'cleaner.' It is an entirely superior experience in every manner. There are only two disadvantages. 1. Its base chemical name is methamphetamine; as soon as you bring this up to your prescriber, they will immediately suspect you are a meth head trying to get high legally and will be highly suspicious of you and resistant to prescribe it for you. Due to the drug schedule levels, it must be specially ordered for you. Additionally, it is unavailable in higher strength tablets, only in very small 5 mg. Effective therapeutic levels call for a dosage of 30 - 60 mg twice daily. I guarantee your doctor is going to be very resistant to prescribing you 6-12 pills 2x daily."
- Bob...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 9, 2023
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "I've got several gene variants that make the usual stimulants (regular amphetamines like Adderall or Vyvanse, methylphenidate like Ritalin or Concerta) not work very well. With the usual stimulants, I need to take large doses (combination of extended and instant release throughout the day), they wear off quickly, and work fairly poorly and inconsistently. Regular amphetamines completely stop working after a week, even at large doses. Desoxyn (methamphetamine) works extremely well, works all day (7.5mg instant release dose 2x daily), works consistently without having to take breaks, and helps where the usual stimulants fail. Most notably, it helps very well increasing my working memory to normal levels (or at least what I imagine that would be). Despite the stigma surrounding methamphetamine, it feels way less stimulating than even methylphenidate does. Unfortunately, it has been unavailable for the past year, with no return apparently on the horizon... :("
- ngq...
- July 24, 2018
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) "Back in 1971, I got prescribed 'Desoxyn' for obesity. I was 28 and weighed way too much to be healthy. I lost 55 pounds in 11 weeks on Desoxyn, so I kinda swear by it. I've taken more than prescribed on a couple of occasions (accidentally) and do NOT recommend this, as the side effects were not good for me. I completely understand why this stuff is controlled. I moved away from my doc and pretty much took myself off it."
- hua...
- February 11, 2019
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) "I have tried all the stimulants, but all of them give me bad side effects except Desoxyn. It is the best med for me, and I do not crash like others that I need to take a nap to feel good! Desoxyn is not that type of bad illegal drug - that is not true... It did get my fatigue away 99%, and I stopped feeling weak, and nerve pain and depression went away too. If you're sensitive like me to medicines, this one is the right one for you! I hate that the insurance companies do not want to cover it, I dunno why, but I did use a coupon and ended up paying $113. I hope you find this helpful!"
- Pub...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 7, 2023
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "Prescribed Desoxyn for ADHD, initially 5 mg/day up to 20 mg/day. It helped a bit with focus and motivation, but it caused profound discomfort, e.g., increased anxiety, a rapid heart rate that was distressing, dry mouth. I don't know why people rave about Desoxyn. I think it's because it's methamphetamine, so they think it has to be good. Since it's the most potent stimulant, it has to be the most effective. That logic is flawed. Desoxyn has a very narrow therapeutic index. It can cause neurotoxicity at slightly higher than usual doses, and the long-term effects on the brain are unknown. I would stick to the amphetamine salts, such as Adderall. It never made me feel edgy and uneasy, in fact, it was 'gentle' and just worked. It didn't cost an arm and a leg. Desoxyn only comes in 5 mg tablets. The usual dose is 20 mg-25 mg a day. It ended up costing me about $670/month. Insurance rarely pays for it. Maybe there's a tiny group for which Desoxyn is appropriate. But I have a lasting aversion to it."
- Che...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 4, 2022
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "Desoxyn was the greatest treatment for my ADHD I have ever received. Alas, I lost access to my prescribing doc and thus his scripts several years back over a national shakeup in health insurance. Naturally, some should never be prescribed this drug (it's methamphetamine after all). Abusers aside, however, if one struggles significantly with ADHD, Desoxyn may be the key when all else falls short. It certainly was for me. At the time of my Rx, I was completing graduate courses, all of which I aced. I also received flawless scores on two different research papers. I was dosed at the advised max of 25mg/day; and while I could sense the stimulant working, I wasn't beset by dependence, and it never triggered euphoria or enticed me to abuse it in any way. Given the stigma that surrounds Desoxyn, and with insurance getting ever more selective over drug coverage, I regret not expecting to reap Desoxyn's benefits again. But I'm thankful for the remarkable blessing it was while it lasted."
- Hop...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 10, 2021
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "24-year-old male here. Wish I could explain my full 6-year story and share advice and words of support, but there’s a char limit. My experience: 1. Adderall didn’t work, caused anxiety at higher doses (IR & XR). 2. Concerta 36 mg helped a little. 54 mg genuinely worked… for the first 2 days. 3. Focalin lived up to its claims. More tolerable & effective. I still couldn’t work like a normal person. 4. “Final showdown” time. Requested a month of Desoxyn, then a month of Dexedrine. 5. Lots of experimenting (within FDA guidelines). I found them to be the 2 most effective, with Desoxyn winning. (Um… no idea why 3:1 AMP salts combo did nothing.) It’s neither magical nor scary. I’d say #1 for efficacy, #2 for tolerability (2nd to Focalin). Feels similar overall to other ADHD meds. Only anomaly was mild euphoria the first 2 days. Less addictive than coffee. Only “big W” could order it. Even on this, I still struggle. But it’s the best I’ve got."
- Rx2...
- October 27, 2009
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "I took the tablets after being on all forms of Dexedrine, Ritalin, Adderall, etc. It had no side effects, but was not as big a deal as it is made out to be. Dextroamphetamine spansules (brand SKF) are far more effective and long-lasting for ADHD, which I've dealt with."
- Yuk...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 2, 2022
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "I don't get all the hype for this drug. I took Desoxyn for a few weeks but never really noticed much of an effect, other than maybe a little help for focusing on personal projects. I am diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, but maybe this drug works better for people with the combined or hyperactive types. It made my stomach feel weird, but didn't have any other major side effects. Definitely not worth the ridiculous price tag. Hard pass."
- Rac...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 30, 2023
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) "I was prescribed Desoxyn in 1992 along with Dexedrine for my narcolepsy. The dose is high, but these two medications changed my entire life. I had my first diagnosis when I was 8 years old, I am now 78. I had started back to college for liberal arts. Concentration and alertness were a necessity since I was working with power tools. These two medications made life new and exciting. I could do everything I wanted without falling asleep. Now I take Adderall, and life is nothing but existing for me. Nothing else works. Now I can't get my insurance to pay for it. It is the only one that works for me."
- Lif...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 22, 2023
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) "Long story short. Autism, severe sensory processing issues, frequent bad self-injurious meltdowns. Unmedicated ADHD. On over 10mg Xanax daily for over 3 years. Memory gaps and poor relief from sensory overload, but fewer meltdowns. I'd still have breakthrough meltdowns, and it lowered the quality of my life. Got off it. Started Desoxyn a few days ago. Was scared to take my first dose because stimulants have always made me immediately go into intense sensory overload. This was prescribed as a last resort for ADHD and BED. My first dose was taken as I was about to enter a bad meltdown and totally lose control. My friend made me take my first dose when I started to yell at barking dogs from the street. Within 15 minutes, the sensory overload was completely gone. I feel able to focus, but without the horrible side effects of literally every other stimulant I've taken. Desoxyn saved my life and has finally given me back power over my life, future, and brain."
- Bea...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- November 20, 2021
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) "When I took Desoxyn when my doctor suspected I had narcolepsy years and years ago, (They didn't have sleep studies then) those were the best years of my life as far as no sleep spells, had a little more energy, was able to focus, was more dependable and happy. That doctor retired and has since passed, and for the last 10 years I've been taking Modafinil and Concerta. No way near Desoxyn. I feel like I'm in a trance all the time, takes hours to kick in, I'm up at night and in a fog all day or sleeping. Desoxyn was not nearly as expensive either, and it ruled!!! God bless Abbott Laboratories for giving me those years."
- Tru...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- March 20, 2023
For ADHD "I too am like most of the people with ADHD who commented here. After trying all the others that are typically prescribed for this disorder and had unwanted 'direct effects' like highs and lows, turning stomach, poor appetite, along with poor sleep patterns. Feeling like an empty shell, agitated, moody, and just pissed off for all those reasons. Like many others with ADHD, in this world I'm sure. When I was prescribed this medication, I instantly felt like a human being. A true member of society for once in my life. I too don't understand why methamphetamine, even when produced legitimately and legally in a real sterile lab, by real properly educated scientists using only the proper ingredients, unlike the stuff sold on the streets, could still be so ridiculed and looked down upon so negatively. I really don't understand!"
- Own...
- December 24, 2022
Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) "Works great. Losing weight. I had to cut to a lower dosage in the beginning due to side effects: breathing issues, chest discomfort, and headaches. But once I lowered the dose, it worked great, and I started noticing weight loss shortly after I started taking the supplement/medication."
- I_A...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 16, 2015
For ADHD "Took this for 3 weeks. After the honeymoon phase of week 1 and 2, I noticed how clean it felt. I had little to zero side effects. Then week 3, I increased it to 10 mg in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. Developed freezing cold toes and fingers. It was a nightmare, stopped for a few days, tried 1 a day, seemed to be fine, increased it to 2 and felt the cold sensation. Moving onto another medication."
- RIc...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 23, 2017
For ADHD "I barely had enough time in the day to meet the obligations of my job until I began taking methamphetamine. It really energized me to focus on the task at hand and nothing else. Shortly after I began taking methamphetamine, I received two promotions at work and was given an additional supervisory role. As an added benefit, it curbed my appetite, allowing me to work through lunch and, in some cases, even dinner without taking a break. Also, there are almost no physical side effects, unlike Vyvanse and amphetamine salts, which made my body and head ache, as well as gave me a craving to chain smoke. The only downside is the availability at the local chemist, it seems the refills can only be handled through a tribal doctor or local shaman."
- Qui...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 4, 2021
For ADHD "Similar to others, I have gone through a long list of treatments prior to trying Desoxyn. Adderall, Ritalin, Zenzedi, Vyvanse, etc. All of the above either had issues with lack of efficacy or intolerable side effects ranging from insomnia, elevated heart rate, blood sugar issues, and very uncomfortable comedowns. I asked my psychiatrist about Desoxyn, which he was unfamiliar with, and was initially reluctant the first 1-2 times I brought it up. We decided to try a low dose of 5 mg to start. The first time I tried it, I didn't 'feel' it kick in, but I had great concentration, focus, and was able to get work done. The best part-no comedown feelings whatsoever. Ironically, the smoothest medication from onset to the 5 hours it lasted initially. I was able to have it ordered at my regular pharmacy and filled without issue, although I was hesitant at the reaction from presenting a script for meth. Taking 3-4 a day, and I am very thankful for this medication. Pricey without insurance."
- den...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- January 25, 2021
For ADHD "I have been clean off of meth since March 9th 2007. I am shocked that this is prescribed. Please be careful everybody it does feel good at first and helps you lose weight but it will turn on you. It is evil that appears in beauty."
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Desoxyn (methamphetamine) for ADHD "I've spent six years trying every other ADHD med I reasonably could, some of them multiple times, and can't tolerate any of their side effects. Vyvanse stops my will to do anything and gives me constant dread, Metadate made me super irritable, and Adderall kicked in so fast I got horrible jitters and wore off so fast I felt brain dead. It all made me feel broken and hopeless. All I've ever wanted is something I can take like an antidepressant, that I don't feel, that doesn't remind me how dysfunctional my brain is without it. Desoxyn is that med. I don't feel it kick in, and it lasts almost all day and wears off naturally as I wind down. It just does what it's supposed to do, and I haven't had to increase my dose (5 mg) in the year I've been taking it. It actually makes me pay attention, not just hyperfocus. I'm more present in conversations and my day-to-day life, more confident and outgoing. So glad my psych was willing to prescribe it."