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Methadone for Opiate Withdrawal User Reviews

Brand names: Methadose, Methadone Diskets Methadose Sugar-Free

Methadone has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 228 reviews for the treatment of Opiate Withdrawal. 83% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 3% reported a negative experience.

Methadone rating summary

8.7/10 average rating

228 ratings from 248 user reviews.

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Reviews for Methadone

  • stupid
  • May 9, 2020

Methadose (methadone) "I was on methadone for 2 years after a 10-year addiction with heroin. I was up to 130mg. I went down 2mg every 4 days. It took almost a year, but I am off of it now. However, I do take Xanax when I get 'anxious'. I think most of the desire is mental at this point, not physical. But my counselor tried everything to keep me on it, even though I was doing fine. They didn't believe me. I was observed every week with my urine test. I was never praised for my success, only given that 'well, I hope you know what you're doing; we're here for you when you stuff up'. That hurt. I was so proud of my success, but all I got from my counselors is 'well, we'll be here when you mess up' - that is no confidence at all. So, I believe it's just a money maker. They told me I would be back on dope; well, it's been 2 years clean so I won."

9 / 10
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333 Report
  • Mike
  • January 17, 2020

"Was on heroin on and off for 47 years, methadone for a total of 5 yrs, 9 yrs, and 13 yrs. It is possible to get off, it depends on your determination and the meetings I go to. I have turned my life completely around. May 17, 2018, was the first time in my life I've been clean off everything. It feels great. I'm 66 years old and healthier now than I've ever been. So anyone struggling with addiction, keep trying. It is possible. I'm living proof."

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243 Report
  • Felicia
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 15, 2020

"I was on 140 mg of methadone since 2003. The minute I started, it kept me away from heroin. Until now, in 2020, I'm on 2 mg and detoxing as we speak. I feel cold, my back hurts, my legs hurt, and I feel weak. Does anyone know how long it will take to feel normal? I'm doing it alone in my home, and I'm determined to succeed; nothing is stopping me."

9 / 10
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200 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Treeguy
  • October 19, 2019

"So I quit methadone cold turkey at 100 mg because I felt I was ready and that my counselor didn't understand this. Well, you all know how this turned out. I'm using again and heavier than before. I let the stigma of this medicine and my family not understanding it make my decision for me. Well, screw that; it's my life, and I need to help myself before I end up dead. So Tuesday, I will be starting methadone again. I know it will be rough with the initial low doses because of my heavy heroin use, but I am determined and ready to use it correctly to keep me away from other opiates. If people look down on me or whatever, that's their problem, and I don't need them in my life."

7 / 10
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175 Report
  • Jessica
  • December 13, 2019

"I began being prescribed Percs. I was on 15mg 3x daily. Then that doctor's office closed and I ended up buying heroin off the street. My husband also got addicted. We were broke and going downhill fast. One day, as I was napping, my husband came home from work with heroin. When I woke, I found him dead on my bedroom floor. I called for help but it was too late. This made me determined to get clean. I started methadone maintenance for the 3rd time. This time was different. I was on 180mg (high dose). I felt great and life was normal. I stayed on this dose for 3 years. After I felt stable, I began to taper down 3 mg weekly. 3 months into this taper, I got pregnant. I stopped my wean and stayed at that dose and had a healthy baby. After his birth, I continued. Some weeks I went down 2mg and others 4mg. It was a long process but it worked. Methadone saved my life. I'm clean, happy, and healthy. Take your time, your life is worth it."

9 / 10
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162 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lisa
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 26, 2019

"In 1995, I was a hardcore heroin addict. I decided to get on Methadone. I never used pills or cocaine. Methadone saved my life. I have been clean now for about 17 years. I am still on Methadone, but I have accepted the fact that I may be on it for the rest of my life. Methadone has afforded me the opportunity to have 16 years on my job, buying my home, and have had a pretty decent life. I get 28 take-homes, and I can actually live my life. I thank GOD."

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142 Report
  • Jay
  • June 25, 2019

"Methadone was very effective and I stopped using heroin and taking pills once I got on the program, but I found it hard to get off because it became the biggest part of my lifestyle. Everything revolved around picking up my methadone. I felt anxious to travel too far from my clinic. It did get me out of the house though when I otherwise would have had zero motivation. 15 years after being on the methadone program, I decided I wanted to be free of all addictions and quit smoking marijuana and cigarettes, then tapered off my methadone dose over a 2-year period. It would have been sooner if I didn't fall pregnant. In my experience, it was so easy to come off, and I believe it was all due to God in my life. He made it easy on me. After 15 years on pretty high doses, I expected some withdrawals, but besides a bit of restless legs and some nightmares, I had no other withdrawal. I now feel like I never even had past addictions."

7 / 10
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116 Report

More FAQ

  • Kat
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 25, 2019

"I've been on Methadone for a year now.. I have a fast metabolism so I get dosed twice daily. People think the higher u go the harder it is to get off, well no not for me. I'm on 100mg in the morning and 70mg 8hrs later. It saved my life. Helped my anxiety and chronic pain. I decided to go cold turkey 15 days ago and I havent experienced any withdrawlas or side effects. I have a strong faith in God and if it weren't for him I don't think I could have done it."

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102 Report
  • newby
  • January 7, 2009

"I am a firefighter/emt. I hurt my back on the job 8 years ago and became an addict. I never did drugs as a kid or an adult. That blue pill had me spending every dime I had because if not, I could not work or have a normal life. So many years in pain and addicted then I got methadone. Methadone saved my life and job, which helps me save lives."

9 / 10
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205 Report
  • Twix
  • September 29, 2019

"People can falsely say all the bad things they want about Methadone because when taken as the only medication in your arsenal for drug addiction, it's a lifesaver! I can FINALLY, after 14 years, have a normal life. I can finally have a steady job & go to college. If I kept living the way I was, I'd either be dead or homeless. Methadone saved me, literally. I did try to get clean many times and did even succeed and was clean for 3 years, but I still had such bad anxiety and fatigue. My brain chemicals never went back to normal. I was screwed and started using opiates again. I couldn't work or live my life for the 3 years I was 100% clean. After I started using opiates again, I knew I was screwed for life and I'd be dead or homeless one day. I finally went to a methadone clinic, and it was the BEST choice I ever made. I've been on it for 7 months now, clean from everything else. It doesn't get me high but allows me to live again!! Please don't suffer forever like I almost did."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Magee
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 1, 2019

"I have been on methadone for 24 yrs. Was also on it, in 1980, was sober till 89. Bad accident. Dr gave me the dreaded dilaudid..after 4 yrs. I found a Dr who cared. He saved me, I broke up with my terrible spouse, who would not quit (died an addict in 2013). Got me clean, never took another opiate from 93 on. I am now at 12mls. Went down a few this summer. I will probably be on it for a long time for back pain. Its great. I am 63, sober, and happy. Its great. Keep up the good work"

9 / 10
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57 Report
  • Leeci
  • July 30, 2018

Methadone Diskets (methadone) "Methadone absolutely saved my life. I know 15 years is a long time to be on a medication but without it I would be without a doubt dead. I lost my best friend in the whole world to me to heroin as well as my husband I am now a mom I work a full-time job I go to work every day. I have my own home I might not have everything everyone would want but I have everything I need and so do my children. Without the methadone I would have nothing so this drug has done miracles for my life and anyone with opiate addiction that can’t seem to find another way out I highly highly recommend it!"

10 / 10
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67 Report
  • KLeib
  • October 2, 2008

"I am a mother of 3 great kids and I was throwing my life away by being addicted to any pain pill I could get my hands on. Primarily Oxy. I had a great job and spent most of my money on the drugs. My main concern was getting them daily. Someone told me about Methadone and I knew that if I didn't do something, I would be dead before I was 40 years old and my kids would be without a mom. I have been on Methadone for over a year and it literally saved my life. I now have a life, I am a mom again, a wife, and a great worker. I just recently received an award for the community I live and work in for making my community a better place to live and received a promotion. Not too bad for an addict and if not for Methadone, I would not be where I am."

10 / 10
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134 Report
  • Opioid...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 6, 2019

"This medication helps the cravings, and many other symptoms and may as well be America's answer to the opioid problem, however the program is huge a disaster. You can follow all the rules, have negative urines and do everything you're supposed to and they still don't give you bottles, they don't sign off on your daily dose on time. I lost my job, and a lot of other things trying to follow their program rules. It's impossible to function as a normal citizen when you're being told that you can't even take your daily dose of 2 years because the Dr didn't put the order in correctly. Over and over again this type of thing happens. I've seen a lot of people leave the program in tears every week because not only are the requirements ridiculous but when you do follow the requirements and jump thru all their hoops it's never enough for them. It's about money not helping the people to live normally at all."

1 / 10
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52 Report
  • nikki...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 5, 2018

"I was addicted to heroin for almost 5 years. Nothing helped until I got on methadone. I tried everything....rehabs, intensive out patient, suboxone (more than once). Methadone saved my life. It took away cravings once I got on the right dose. It’s all about finding your correct dose. If it’s too low you may still have cravings. But also I will say I wasn’t trying to up my dose as high as I could to feel “high” I just wanted to stay as low as I could but still manage cravings. I was on methadone for 6 and a half years and my highest dose was 90mg. I have been off the methadone now for 6 months. I did a slow taper and felt very little WD symptoms. I jumped off at 2mg."

8 / 10
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62 Report
  • Sue
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 9, 2019

Dolophine (methadone) "Methadone saved my life as I have addiction and pain. When first started on methadone I was at rock bottom of addiction. I also just survive being run over by a SUV vehicle. I broke both hips and shattered my pelvis. I was in the hospital for 6 months. With the year of opiate before the accident no pain medication would subside the pain. Now I have 9 years clean and sober and I get a month of methadone at a time. I was suppose to never walk again or have kids, nowI chase after my 2 kids everyday. I thank God everyday"

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • redfire
  • August 7, 2013

Methadone Diskets (methadone) "I have been on Methadone Diskets for heroin addiction for 12 years. Seems like a long time? Not really. This program has kept me from relapsing and enabled me to work and function without cravings or pain. If I have to stay on this program forever, that's okay with me. I love having my life and family back."

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95 Report
  • feeli...
  • July 5, 2015

"Go for the methadone. I've been an opiate addict for 10 years. I've been on methadone for two months now and I feel better than I ever have. I get my dose early in the morning and it keeps me well all day. I hardly ever think about getting high anymore. It's a better life. It works. It will take a week or two to find your appropriate dose but when you do, you will feel so much better. I go to work and take care of my family. My love life with my wife is better than ever. I can play with my son outside. It's great. If there's hope for me, there's hope for you too, my friend."

9 / 10
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81 Report
  • DaveyB
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 7, 2014

Methadose (methadone) "I have struggled with addiction my whole life and no matter how I try, I cannot abstain for long on my own. Methadose has made this a walk in the park. I have my life back. I can be in the moment and experience life (good or bad) as it comes. I consider Methadose a life saver."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • Ivy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 23, 2020

Methadose (methadone) "I was on opiate pain medications for 15 years for degenerative disc disease. Because of insurance, my oxycodone 30mg, and fentanyl 50mcg patches were cut off. I panicked, what was I going to do for pain and withdrawal?!? Suboxone never worked for me in the past, it just made me sicker. HOWEVER!! I found methadone (methadose is the liquid concentrate solution of methadone). It has literally changed my entire perception of pain meds. It controls my pain, keeps me from being sick, AND! it makes me not crave other opiates. I have more energy now than before and consider this drug a miracle."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Socle...
  • September 30, 2014

"So, so happy I researched my area and found a methadone clinic. The weekly amount you pay to receive your daily dose is far less than what you would be spending elsewhere! Methadone did give me my life back. It only took about two months of it being in my system for me to feel as if I could start functioning again as a normal person, get up, go to work, cook dinner, clean, then actually be able to sleep and do it again the next day. Thank you to those who do see people are trying to do the right thing and get sober!"

10 / 10
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80 Report
  • kcano
  • September 22, 2008

"My choice of drug was heroin. I used for 2 years until I got busted and had to get off and wanting to get off. I started Methadone on 100mg a day and cut down very slowly to 2 1/2 mg within a year. I think methadone is a good way to get off opiates but be prepared when you finally want to get off everything. Vitamins helped me get through the withdrawals after finally getting off methadone, be strong."

6 / 10
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114 Report
  • Brucie
  • January 29, 2013

Dolophine (methadone) "I had a bad accident in May 2007 and the doctors put me on Roxicodone. My life started to fall apart if I didn't have my meds, couldn't function. I missed a lot of work, outings with my kids, etc. In 2008, I decided to get help, so I got on methadone. Since then, being in treatment, I have gained so much of my life back. I can function now, go do things with my kids, and I am able to have a normal life again, like it used to be before my accident. If you ever have a situation like this, you need to try this."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • August 1, 2008

"I was very afraid to try methadone to detox from opiates at first, but thank God I went ahead and did. I love waking up, taking a dose, and spending the rest of my day doing positive things. No more cravings for oxy's, spending every penny I had looking all day for yet another pill. I feel like there is hope now. If you are living the life of a pill addict, methadone may be for you."

8 / 10
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  • Jtaylor
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 6, 2016

"I have been in and out of methadone treatment for the past 4 years but I can say it does work if you taper slowly and try not to go to high in dose. I have successfully taper from 80 mgs down to 2 mgs and was able to stop withdrawal free so tapering does work. The important thing is to not start using again when u get to lower doses because u will get high again and you will relapse at high doses methadone blocks other opiates so you wony get high and there is no point but as you get lower you will be able to get high so just don't use and you will be withdrawal free ."

9 / 10
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