Meclizine for Motion Sickness User Reviews
Brand names: Antivert, Bonine, Dramamine Less Drowsy, Antrizine, Travel Sickness, Travel-Ease, Dramamine II, D-Vert, Driminate II, Help I'm Nauseous Dramamine All Day Less Drowsy Motion-Time Sea-Calm …show all brand names
Meclizine has an average rating of 8.4 out of 10 from a total of 52 reviews for the treatment of Motion Sickness. 83% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Meclizine
- Anonymous
- November 9, 2008
Bonine (meclizine) "I went on a 4-day, 3-night cruise with my identical twin. Both of us had previously taken Dramamine but neither of us liked it due to the sleepiness. She bought some Bonine while I had my doctor write me a prescription for the back-ear sticker. Both of us took our medicines 12 hours before getting on our plane. I got tired while she enjoyed poking me and making fun. The back ear patch didn't work because I got sick within minutes of being on the ship. My sister forced me to take the patch off and made me take the Bonine. We had a great trip. We swear by Bonine and our family and friends love it too."
- Hel...
- June 18, 2013
Bonine (meclizine) "I didn't get motion sickness until after we got off our 7-day cruise. I have been fighting nausea and dizziness for a week now (the doctor said it is normal to suffer this after a cruise). After reading these reviews, I went and bought Bonine. I took one pill, and I feel great! Sure wish I had researched this a week ago!"
Frequently asked questions
- JVC...
- March 29, 2013
Bonine (meclizine) "My husband and I went on a 3-night Bahamas cruise for a romantic getaway. I get 'seasick' when traveling at times, but was thinking big ship = less motion? Wrong! I was sick by dinner @6 PM and we boarded at 4 PM. I was so upset :( crying, nauseous, disappointed. My husband and I went to the gift shop and found Bonine. I took 2 and got very drowsy but no more seasickness. I decided the next dose I would take 1 pill and see if that went better. It did! So for the rest of the trip I took 1 pill every recommended dosing time, and I did not have sickness or drowsiness again. Bonine was amazing for me! Highly recommend it, and it was worth every penny."
- dlb...
- March 3, 2015
Bonine (meclizine) "I learned to sail keelboats 8 years ago. I love it, but am prone to seasickness. I tried ginger initially, but that was ineffective. Then a friend suggested Bonine, and I have used it ever since. I don't feel drowsy while sailing, but on the drive home after sailing and all the next day, I can be very drowsy. To combat the drowsiness, I tried reducing my dose, I now take 1/3-1/2 a tablet each time I go out (once or twice a week), increasing the dose up to 1-1/2 tablets if I expect rough seas. Over the 7 years of twice a week use, I have only had trouble twice in stormy 6 ft seas. Highly recommend, but figure out your best dose. I have taken it for up to 10 days continuously without ill effects."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- April 6, 2009
Bonine (meclizine) "We are cruisers and have been on many since 1980. My doctor at the time told me to try Bonine, and it has gotten me through many a rough sea, and I'm always able to enjoy myself. I have forgotten to take it twice, and each time got motion sickness. So I always recommend it to family, friends, and other new cruisers."
- Wor...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 25, 2015
Bonine (meclizine) "My youngest son gets carsick after being in the car for 30 minutes. I discovered these tablets and give him half of a pill an hour before we leave as directed, and he's golden. He does not experience drowsiness and acts like his normal self. Trips have become manageable now and I don't cringe with the puke bucket."
- RJa...
- October 28, 2015
Bonine (meclizine) "I wanted to take a helicopter ride while on a trip to Kauai. I have a horrible history of motion sickness. Someone suggested Bonine, so I tried that. I not only made it through the entire 90-minute ride, but I actually enjoyed it and didn't once have the horrible motion sick feeling."
- 123...
- September 24, 2017
Bonine (meclizine) "Bonine is a game changer! My husband and I have a 28 ft boat, which my husband loves offshore fishing! But I get terrible seasickness! Even if it's less than a foot! Tried Dramamine, and it never worked. I would be green in less than an hour! But then I discovered Bonine. 'God sent!' took 1 pill! The chewable lasted all day fishing! Not to mention it was rough seas about 2 1/2 to 3 feet! It was amazing! So I'm sold, definitely a Bonine fan. It was a game changer for me! This stuff truly works."
- The...
- November 12, 2019
Bonine (meclizine) "I took Bonine on recommendation before going to Universal Studios, as some of the motion-simulated rides there make me feel nauseous. It’s been 2.5 days, and I am still so incredibly drowsy. I’ve been drinking lots of water each day to try and flush it out of my system, but it seems to be taking an incredibly long time to wear off completely. I won’t be taking this again. I’m going back to Dramamine."
- Pla...
- August 23, 2016
Bonine (meclizine) "I hadn't been on a plane in 6 years, and I had 2 back-to-back flights in which I was extremely sick and threw up. I took 2 Bonine for the flight back home, and I felt absolutely no motion sickness!!! I'm so thankful I got Bonine, now I don't dread airplanes anymore!"
- Fra...
- April 28, 2014
"I have a very poor vestibular system, which causes severe vertigo, dizziness, and nausea when traveling. I usually use Gravol (natural product, 550 mg) and my travel bracelets for short flights (less than 2 hours). Unfortunately, I was sick throughout the plane ride due to bad weather, and it seemed to set the tone prior to my first cruise. The doctor gave me meclizine, which really helped. I still had some turbulence in the stomach, so I purchased 'Motion Ease' oils (a drop behind each ear) when the seas were really rough! No motion sickness symptoms at all during the 7-day cruise! The only side effect (not sure if from the cruise or the pills?) was that it took me four days to fully regain my balance (tipping on the right was kinda weird)."
- mel...
- May 18, 2009
Bonine (meclizine) "Took Bonine for a 3-hour flight, and it worked great. I get motion sickness very easily, and Bonine stopped the nausea and dizziness. I did have some drowsiness, but I will take that over the dizziness and nausea any day."
- Anonymous
- July 14, 2009
Bonine (meclizine) "Both my son and I took this on a diving trip, and it worked great. No side effects. I have high blood pressure and had no effects that I could tell. We took 1 the night before, and 1 an hour before the boat left the dock."
- Mre...
- April 29, 2013
"Used it for scuba diving from a boat. Before using meclizine, couldn't keep my stomach contents where they belonged. Ruined several dive trips. After taking 25 mg, I got to watch the other divers handing over the boat, feeding the fish with their breakfast. Heavy seas, no problem. Got it at Target."
- KSp...
- September 7, 2017
Bonine (meclizine) "My sister and I have a long history of motion sickness: a rocking chair or porch swing is enough to set it off for us! This summer we took a trip to Jordan, Israel, Greece, and Italy, where we traveled on planes, buses, trains, and ferries and rode in taxis, rented cars, and jeeps--and camels and donkeys in the desert!--without any trouble at all, as long as we took our Bonine every morning. We can't say enough about this product's efficacy!"
- Jdk...
- February 13, 2013
"I used to dread flights, elevators, and fishing trips because of sickness. Took Bonine on a snorkeling trip and was actually able to eat on the boat! It really works for me, and I am amazed because I have tried everything and doubted this medication would help. I highly recommend Meclizine!"
- Nes...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 8, 2014
"I have used meclizine on cruises and boat trips as I am susceptible to seasickness in moderately rough waters or worse. Although it makes me a little sleepy, it's not so bad that it affects what I do. It just makes it a little hard to get up in the morning-takes me a little longer to feel 'awake.' Otherwise, I usually feel very good with no nausea. I used it on a *very* rough boat ride once, and although I never threw up, I was nauseous for the last half of the trip. However, considering how sick others were, I felt it was still helping me quite a bit."
- Kar...
- January 10, 2015
"After years of suffering from motion sickness, I finally tried Bonine. I've been taking it for about 2 years now for car rides longer than an hour and plane rides. For me, it only works if I take it at least an hour before travel. If I take it when I'm already sick, it only works about 50% for me. This wonderful medicine has allowed me to travel. Before, I used to dread going any distance. I do get a little bit drowsy, but not to the point where I cannot function. I can still work, sightsee, etc. I sleep wonderfully when I'm on it!"
- Vic...
- August 21, 2017
Bonine (meclizine) "I have been on both a 5-day cruise and just returned from a 7-day cruise. Was introduced to Bonine on the first cruise by a friend, also on the cruise, who provided the Bonine for all 4 'cruisers'; not one got seasick. This last 7-day cruise, I took my 14-year-old daughter, who also did not get sick. It did make me a little drowsy, so I skipped it one morning we were in port for the day. I forgot to take it when I re-boarded the boat and was feeling woozy and remembered I hadn't taken it that morning. I popped the Bonine and immediately felt fine. Have not heard of any friends being successful with prescribed seasick meds, and not one complaint about taking the Bonine. Thank you, Bonine, for a fabulous 7 days!"
- Anonymous
- June 16, 2011
Bonine (meclizine) "I have to swallow two tablets an hour before I expect motion sickness to occur (getting on a plane, riding in a car, etc.), and it totally works. Doesn't work instantly for me, though. I also took this for nausea due to pregnancy, and it helped with that too. I highly recommend Bonine!"
- Col...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- August 22, 2018
Bonine (meclizine) "Works well, but after 24 hours, need to sleep for at least 8 hours. OBTW - I have a USCG (U.S. Coast Guard) license, and it specifically prohibits taking Bonine within 24 hours of operating a vessel for hire. Kinda stupid rule if you ask me. Seems like a seasick captain would not be a good idea!"
- Anonymous
- August 29, 2010
"We cruise 2 or 3 times a year, and this medication has made it possible for me to enjoy it. The first 2 were several years apart because I got so sick on the first one. The second one, I was sick only one day, and the infirmary gave me some samples of meclizine. Within hours, I felt great, and now I start taking meclizine the day before we sail until the day after we get home. I have had very few issues, a little 'queasy' when in VERY rough seas, but never sick. For those few times, ginger ale has settled me right down. I highly recommend this medication for anyone suffering from motion sickness."
- Vsa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 28, 2019
"I took Bonine prior to a return airplane flight home due to experiencing motion sickness on a flight out of state. This worked so well for me. Even during turbulence, I felt great. An added bonus was it seemed to reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes that I've been dealing with for the past year!"
- Ala...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 15, 2019
"I used meclizine for a 10-day boat trip around Kodiak Island, AK, which has major waves. I definitely get seasick easily, and I wasn’t seasick once! Took 1 pill every eve. I don’t feel like I had too many side effects - slept heavy, sometimes tired but not bad compared to the regular Dramamine (diphenhydramine). I definitely had super vivid dreams every night. Others on the boat taking it shared that same experience. Some of my dreams were kind of obsessive and annoying, but still slept good."
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- Drug class: anticholinergic antiemetics
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Antivert, Bonine, Dramamine Less Drowsy, Meclicot, ... +4 more
Bonine (meclizine) "On the advice of a friend, my wife and I started taking Bonine 24 hours before we departed on a small ship cruise in the Caribbean. It was the best advice we could have gotten because at night while traveling between the islands, the weather was very, very rough. Over half the people on the cruise were extremely seasick and miserable. We felt fine and had no issues at all. I highly recommend this product."