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Latuda for Schizophrenia User Reviews (Page 2)

Latuda has an average rating of 6.3 out of 10 from a total of 122 reviews for the treatment of Schizophrenia. 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Latuda

  • Tesa
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 22, 2020

"I started this med Latuda when I was locked up, and I'm so glad they put me on it. Immediately, the delusions were cut to a very minimum whisper. I have gained so much weight though, so now I'm looking for a diff med that won't cause me to have dyskinesia (I do with most) If anyone knows of anything similar to Latuda that won't cause me to keep ballooning, please please tell me."

8 / 10
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20 Report
  • Silly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 5, 2015

"After a casual conference with the people arguing in my head, we decided to give Latuda a try. My first 20 mg pill went down my esophagus without any problems whatsoever. I have high hopes for this drug therapy. Blessed be."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • keytay
  • June 2, 2014

"Latuda was good at demolishing my hallucinations. I took Latuda for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, it didn't help my mood - it made it worse. Brought me either mad or deeply and dangerously depressed. It also made me have a large allergic reaction in my mouth, sores, and bleeding."

7 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Stres...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 1, 2018

"I started getting voices and hallucinations after I received stress at workplace. It impacted my normal reasoning and rational decision making at that time, my head was filled up with visuals and voices of my previous friends who were creating a racket in my head and controlling my body movements. I was hearing theories about how my family is in danger , buy property, police- government is tracking my activities, god and religion, demons, capitalism etc. I resigned from my job, could not find another one, could not get social security, became depressed, had nightmares, used to sleep a lot, had hypertension and high blood pressure, gave my newly married wife a really hard and distressing time. Psychologist gave Latuda,and the hallucinations and voices started diminishing over a period of 2-3 months, the dosage initially high at 160 mg then reduced to 120 mg, now 80 mg it has been 8-10 months . Medicine has a bit of drowsy side affect and impacted my cholesterol"

7 / 10
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25 Report
  • Annie...
  • April 18, 2015

"I have suffered for 8 years, been hospitalized and tried many different meds, with side effects varying and different levels of therapeutic results for my schizophrenia/bipolar disorders. A few months ago, I had a severe schizophrenic episode, was hospitalized, and went from a high dose of Seroquel to a high dose of Abilify. Once home, I experienced severe muscle spasms, insane restlessness, and weight gain. I knew I could not tolerate the medication, but I wasn't stable enough or even completely to a good baseline despite the high dose. My doc introduced me to Latuda, and it was a miracle pill almost immediately. My weight continued to creep up on it, but that is my only complaint. I take 20 mg with no nausea or side effects."

8 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • ErrorS
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 31, 2018

"It works. I saw my thought patterns change, I was less angry, less paranoid. I always find a persons worst possible intentions and run with that as to why they act, that stopped happening. The crazier thoughts disappeared. I still felt depressed and unhappy and stuff, but started becoming more optimistic, REALISTICALLY, instead of "if you look left someone is going to give you a million dollars" or was "go get a damn job", stupid example but thoughts were more grounded in reality. HOWEVER, I started getting really bad anxiety. So bad I had to stop. Hopefully I can find a way with my doctor to manage the anxiety because everyone around me noticed I was a LOT easier to deal with. 40mg a day. If you have psychotic thoughts, try it. You may not notice a difference at first but you'll notice you become a lot more approachable and scare or emotionally hurt people a little less than you use to."

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • hailz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 1, 2019

"I've only been on this medication for a week but the side effects have worsened my condition (unknown form of schizophrenia/psychosis ) so much. My delusions are worse, they feel more real, voices are worse, I have a constant headache and I am unable to function."

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More FAQ

  • marcos...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 16, 2012

"I've tried many antipsychotics in the past, like Risperdal, Geodon, Abilify, Saphris, and Seroquel. My favorite has to be Seroquel. Latuda, compared to all atypical antipsychotics, is better tolerated than most second-generation atypicals, and it doesn't have the drawback of extreme akathisia like Geodon. Also, glucose and lipid level changes were compared to that of placebo, so I'm happy to say this purchase was worth it."

8 / 10
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41 Report
  • C1ERRA
  • March 15, 2015

"My daughter is on this med. She is 23. Her doctor told her to take at dinner time 300 calories or more. She eats about 6 or 7 because it makes her a little tired. But she still loves doing things outdoors. I thank God for this med. It works for her."

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34 Report
  • Backt...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 1, 2019

"My psychiatrist put me on Latuda to treat my condition. I started with a small dose and went up to a maximal dose. I was informed that the drug could cause side effects, such as extreme unrest when getting to sleep. After two months of use I started to feel horrible side effects. Feeling extremely vulnerable in social situations and anxiety. Often I experienced the worst nightmares through the nights while being/feeling fully awake. I had uncontrolled panic attacks and started to sweat heavily. Many unpleasant thoughts and even experiencing not being alone. Also physical abnormal behaviour in the face/mouth/tongue. This could last for many hours until I fell to sleep being totally exhausted. I never had such issues before. It happened mostly once a week. I always was afraid to go to sleep. For a long time I didn't suspect the drug being the trigger. But at the end I quit the drug for good, even so my doctor didn't recommend it. After I was off the drug everything went to normal again."

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22 Report
  • Beaky...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 14, 2014

"My wife started getting non-stop dark and intrusive thoughts. Diagnosis was psychotic depression or atypical bipolar depression with psychotic features. She took Latuda for three weeks, and it simply didn't work at all. The only thing good I can say is that she didn't suffer any side effects. She went from 20 mg to 60 mg."

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34 Report
  • Cabbie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 19, 2020

"Latuda has been a godsend. I was able to control my worst symptoms of Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type both positive and negative with only tardive dyskinesia side affects. Taking it at night has helped mitigate some of them. Along with a few other drugs in my cocktail, I can basically function like a human being again. I've been on it for over a year and it has worked wonders."

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17 Report
  • anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 9, 2020

"Latuda for me helped with my hallucinations. Took them away almost completely at 20mg and 40mg. Side effects were slight blurry vision, restless legs and hands, and slight motor control issues. Seems as if I have trouble thinking on it not sure if it is from the medicine or just apart of my illness. Overall conclusion - takes away hallucinations well for me."

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16 Report
  • mike...
  • June 9, 2015

"I took Latuda with Lithium and ended up in the hospital for 2 months. I don't know if it was the mixture, but I was doing all right on Lithium. When I started Latuda, I started to feel funny, not myself. When I was in the hospital, I lost movement in my body, and I was going downhill fast. After about 4 weeks, I started going the other way, but I needed physical and occupational therapy to walk and move my arms, plus my breathing was no good. This was the end of December, and here it is June, and I'm still going through therapy. Not a good experience with Latuda."

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30 Report
  • JaneyA
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 6, 2018

"I started on Latuda 40 mg and felt great. I had come off 17 years on zyprexa which had left me 25 kilos heavier and on the brink of diabetes. At 40 mg I had no side effects. Then I was put under a trauma and had a slight psychotic break. My dose was increased to 80 mg. When this happened I started having major vivid nightmares. Also huge anxiety. I got to the end of what I could take and read a review that said the nightmare lasts 1 month. I was at that so I persevered. They stopped. I have lost 19 kilos now and can function reasonably well. I can work part time, and am well during the day. My voices are now minimal. I can drive better. The only problem is the anxiety I get about 2 hours after having the tablet. I am now trying to manage that. I don’t know what side effects I will get over time , but I am now living a good life during the day. It was really really hard at first. The anxiety is there but I am trying to put into place strategy to manage it."

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21 Report
  • Healing...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 26, 2016

"After years of thinking life was over and I would have to live with paranoia in public, voices in my head and uncomfortable horrific feelings for life I tried this and within a month it evenly spreaded what I was once missing in my head from being traumatized by the death of my grandpa. At first my tounge was numb and anxiety was high the next day after taking 40mg at night with food but taking serequel or hydroxzine every 6 hours frequently they coordinated perfect with each other and through out my experience I forgot about the thoughts, delusions, and was able to live my life care free as my psychosis being a bad memory"

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27 Report
  • MrEnd...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 19, 2015

"I am on day #10 of this medication, and the side effects are very minimal, although I am having trouble sleeping. My sleep patterns have been affected. I feel more energetic, as if I have to be doing something. My mind will not stop repeating the same thoughts over and over again. I am also very hungry and have an increased appetite. It does, however, cause me to think about things differently, as I know what my general reaction to things would be or have been in the past, but it allows me time to think of an alternative besides being explosive. It has calmed me, and more than once, has helped me cope with a situation differently and more calmly. Overall, I think I'm doing well so far. I plan to continue this medication for some time."

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  • EmmaP...
  • November 21, 2015

"I have been taking 60mg for Schitzoaffective disorder. Have come off Flupenthixol and am now coming off Seroquel. Best I've felt in years. Much happier. Delusions are gone, not hearing voices or misinterpretting things. I take it in the morning with food but have found when I drink Jamacian tea I throw up and have a swore stomach at night. Have switched to decafe tea with lemon juice."

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27 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 12, 2023

"Latuda made me so sleepy that I had to start taking it before going to sleep. This helped and I wasn't sleepy during the next day. However, Latuda also negatively affected my mood, and my anxiety got worse. I had to switch to another drug because of that. Latuda usually helps with depression, but my experience is different. What works for other people doesn't necessarily work for you. If you try Latuda, make sure to take it with food because otherwise, it won't get absorbed."

5 / 10
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5 Report
  • CakePop
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 11, 2016

"40mg for Schizoaffective Disorder: Somewhat improved my paranoia, insomnia and intrusive thoughts. However it made my body feel extremely tense and agitated. I can hardly describe how horrendous this feeling was, like every cell in my body was screaming, like I needed to physically explode. I would try to pace around to relieve it, but nothing worked, and I felt exhausted at the same time, so I would lie down, but the feeling was unbearable so I would get right back up again. It was maddening. My pdoc gave me a beta blocker to make it go away, but that didn't work. After a month on this med I just quit it cold turkey as I was terrified of it, felt like I could not handle one more night of feeling that way."

3 / 10
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  • Ally
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 1, 2018

"I hate latuda medication. I've been on this drug for about a year now. I started getting nauseous when I first started now I'm getting vomiting and diarrhea everyday getting worse. I've been and had blood tests and ultrasound on my stomach nothing physically wrong with me. I advise anyone considering on taking latuda should think twice of side effects like mine. This experience is so serious I can't believe they invented a medications which mucks up your physical health. Cheers."

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  • Jiggy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 9, 2021

"Latuda (Lurasidone) is a phenomenal medication. I am on a relatively low dose (60mg) for schizophrenia (which I've had for almost 20 years) and it works perfectly. My psychosis is completely gone and NO SIDE EFFECTS, amazing, I've tried numerous other antipsychotic medications and they all had horrible side effects. I'm so glad I found Latuda."

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13 Report
  • Janic...
  • May 2, 2015

"I take several meds for my mood disorder. It is difficult to truly evaluate the medication fully, but also I just started it one week ago. I am taking Latuda 40 mg and I plan to ask the doctor to adjust it to 80 mg. Some people experience restlessness, which can be controlled with a sedative or Cogentin. I am still tapering off of Zyprexa, and I am noticing some moodiness, but I also take Adderall, which helps me concentrate and stay focused around people, which is my biggest fear. I hope it works out for me as it does for others too."

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  • Liz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 30, 2018

"Currently transitioning to Latuda because Zyprexa's metabolic side effects were too much for me. So far, It's going well. I'm on 60 mg and I sleep, eat, and live pretty normally. My voices aren't completely gone but they're manageable. Decreased anxiety and depression. Aside from helping my schizoaffective disorder, it seems like my PTSD is under control as I have fewer freak outs and nightmares."

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18 Report
  • BBP
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 3, 2017

"Diagnosed as bipolar with depression and severe anxiety years ago, however my reason for Latuda doesn't quite fit in the "bipolar" category, so I'm posting it here. I have been on another AAP (Zyprexa) for two years, but it doesn't cover all the bases for me. Got to the point where "paranoid thoughts" (as my Dr calls them) dominated a lot of my time. I was blockading my door, wouldn't leave my appartment after dark, etc. Dr added 40mg of Latuda to my cocktail. I don't know how long it took, but one night I realized thatI haven't been blocking the door. Sadly, I gained 15lbs in two months so I tried to quit the Latuda. As soon as I did, I went right back to paranoid me. I will have to deal with the weight (only side effect for me) to keep semi sane."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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