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Saxenda for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) User Reviews (Page 4)

Saxenda has an average rating of 7.5 out of 10 from a total of 1269 reviews for the treatment of Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight). 67% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Saxenda

  • astrict
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2021

"I started using Saxenda 3 weeks ago. I’ve lost 13 pounds in that time. I noticed a significant decrease in my appetite in the first few days. I haven’t increased the dosage since the lowest dose seems to still be effective for me. And I haven’t noticed any side effects. As a side note, I also monitor my daily intake of calories as I have for quite some time now. But no restrictive special diet (I eat what I like, but within a calorie budget). I only drink water and black coffee. And I exercise moderately at least every other day."

10 / 10
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127 Report
  • Fergy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 9, 2021

"I'm only on day 3 of Saxendra and have lost 3lb, I'm getting headaches and a dry mouth but nothing I can't cope with, I only seem to be able to eat around lunch time. I can't explain it when my meal is in front of me I don't feel full or bloated - I just can't eat any more than half of a small portion. I haven't had that empty, sickly feeling from not eating enough and haven't snacked or felt the urge to snack at all"

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10 Report
  • Faywi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 5, 2021

"I am just starting week 6, and down 10lbs. This hasn't been a rush, and I am easy WAY less than I have ever. Not on the full dose as of yet, at 2.4 and 4 clicks. It is shocking how much of an effect it can have on you. If I eat too late, I wake up with horrible acid reflux. I attempted 3ml and the headache I got was next level.... not migraine level, but not fun and wasn't quelled by meds. I love this drug, I know my loss is slower than many others, but I am working out more and harder and loving how I am feeling. Down 4 inches on my body as well... HECK YES!!!"

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7 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • CMano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2021

"I got samples from my PC and started using Saxenda in November 2020 through January 20201. It helped me greatly with food control. Most food just didn't taste good or I just wasn't that hungry and only ate a few bites. It also helped me avoid sweets all together, even through the holidays! I just didn't want it. Saxenda increased my metabolism and my over all wellbeing. After 3 months I had lost 15 pounds so I stopped the injections. I still continued to eat better and exercise and have now lost another 5 pounds in the last couple of months. I am very happy with how Saxenda worked for me. Although my insurance did not cover this medication and would have been $1,500. a box if my PC did not provide samples"

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22 Report
  • Johnn...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2021

"I have been on Saxenda for two months. As of this morning I have lost 23.6 pounds, 10% of my old body weight. I experienced mild nausea at the very beginning, and some constipation along the way. But all very manageable. I am very happy with this medicine."

10 / 10
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14 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Go No...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 1, 2021

"Finishing week 10 and am down 21 pounds. Very happy with Saxenda. Went up to 2.4 which helped with hunger that arose at week 8. Also started getting itchy welt at injection site when I increased. Tried stomach and thighs for injection. Just switched to my upper arm and it seems to be better. Eating healthier and a lot less. Doing lots of yard work for exercise. Still have a long way to go but I’m very optimistic because of saxenda."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Lucy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 30, 2021

"I started Saxenda 4 days ago, miracle because I startd at 167.4 lb and I'm now at 164 lb, I'm 46 yrs old, no exercise yet, 2 meals a day, I eat meat once a day small portion. My dose is 0.6, my doctor got me 3 pens free, is very spency (1800 us, 400 canada , 200 mexico dollars any country)"

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6 Report

More FAQ

  • Povi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2021

"I'm on my 19th day. I have been on 1.2 now for 3 days. I stayed on 0.6 while the nausea settled a bit. I am having some nausea still, but have only recently increased the drug dose. The 2nd night I woke up at 2 am and threw up, that was the only time, though. The ongoing nausea comes and goes, but mainly when I think about food, which isn't often these days. I'm not craving anything at all, and meat is a little off-putting. Anything like bread or chips (carb stuff like that) is totally off the menu, and I'm enjoying fruit. Having some constipation, but I need to drink much more water, that will fix that little issue. I am active, but not overly... maybe walking 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes... and doing stuff around the house daily. I'm 62, and in 19 days, I have lost 7kgs (15 pounds)."

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300 Report
  • Toni
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 17, 2021

"Started March 24th at 184.9 as of this morning down to 171. I have Leptin resistance and before this medicine I stayed hungry all the time, now I have to make myself eat. I am currently on 1.8mg daily and unless things change I don’t plan on increasing."

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24 Report
  • Ryan
  • April 14, 2021

"Zero side effects. I managed to go to 3 mg pretty quickly as I had no side effects, and it curbs my hunger. I don't eat as much. It makes you more like fasting because I'm not hungry all day. Then night time, I have my dinner, then something else later at night. Highly recommended. Doesn't hurt at all."

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30 Report
  • Toni
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 13, 2021

"I started March 24th at 184.9lb as of today I am 174lb, no side effects at all and there are times I have to remember to eat. I have leptin resistance bad and stayed hungry all the time. This drug is wonderful!"

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15 Report
  • MommaT
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 10, 2021

"After 3 weeks I’m down 12 lbs and increasing the dose each week, to now at the 2.4 mg dosage. Will talk to my Dr. about staying on this dose for a while rather than increase to highest (3.0) as I’d hate to top out so early and see results also top out. I had slight nausea the first day after a dose increase, but other than that no side effects, and some changes in bowel function but nothing terrible. Very happy with results so far and can’t wait to see further results."

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37 Report
  • Fay...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 7, 2021

"This is magic. I am only down 6 lbs in 2 weeks however my body is feeling different. I am so much fuller with smaller amounts of food. I do find that I can eat a teeeeeeny bit more when I dose up. At 1.8 as of tonight which blows my mind. Slight nausea, not too bad. Indigestion like crazy tho ( get Tums for inside and peppermint oil for outside)"

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13 Report
  • Erica
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 5, 2021

"I’ve been on Saxenda since 1/5/21 and I have lost 40 pounds in two months! This is a miracle drug! I’ve been trying to lose weight for years now because I gained SO much weight in college. You can say I definitely gained the “freshman 50.” Once I graduated college in 2013, I tried every kind of diet from WW to Jenny Craig to diet shakes, and that never worked. My mom told me about this injection, and it’s honestly changed my life! I definitely recommend this injection if you have a really hard time losing weight. I will say you definitely need to exercise for 30 minutes at least twice a week, but you don’t have to do more than that. I am so happy and feel so great! I wish you all the best of luck, you won’t regret it!!!!"

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592 Report
  • Shelly
  • April 2, 2021

"Have been on Saxenda for 1 week. So good so far, have lost 3kgs and no side effects what so ever. Totally recommend it."

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5 Report
  • Busy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 2, 2021

"I have been on Saxenda for only 1 week now, obviously on starting dose 0.6. It's been great loss of appetite, no nausea (knock on wood) and I have already lost 3kg. The only symptom is dry mouth which isn't a bad thing makes me drink water.  I haven't told anybody I'm taking it to see if they notice a difference. I am not sure if I will increase dose yet as I don't want to lose weight to fast so I might stay on starting dose for another week to see if I need to increase. Definitely a big thumbs up from me"

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7 Report
  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 30, 2021

"First week down, I'm down 3 lbs. I originally was not happy about that, but I can feel the difference. I have started to monitor my food on MFP to make sure I am doing it right and up the dose tonight. The first few days, I was pretty nauseous, woke up with heartburn in the middle of the night (injection at night), which was resolved with some peppermint oil. I have been eating between 1200-1500 calories a day, and I find that if I cheat (for experimentation) and have a piece of chocolate, then I'm uncomfortably full for what feels like hours. Make sure you stop eating your meal when you feel the slightest bit of no longer hungry. I read somewhere on here that Saxenda is like weight loss surgery in an injection... I couldn't agree more. I will keep updating!"

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41 Report
  • FSUGo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 24, 2021

"End of week 3 and lost 8 pounds. Life changer in controlling appetite. No side effects except constipation during week three which resolved quickly with fiber. Also dry mouth but gum helps. The needle doesn’t hurt. Highly recommend if you have a lot of weight to lose."

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22 Report
  • Mel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 21, 2021

"This is my third week on the medication and I'm down 11lbs - a miracle for me! Starting weight was 198lbs at 5'7 and with PCOS weight loss has been difficult before saxenda. I no longer crave sugar and I'm finally that person who can have a square of chocolate and put the rest in the fridge! I haven't cut out any food groups but it's been a god send for portion control - I'm simply not hungry. I've only just upped my dose to 1.2 and was on the min dose of 0.6 for 2.5 weeks. I don't think I'll go any higher. Side effects have been constipation and some heart burn, but the positives massively outweigh this. My goal now is to focus on healthy eating as when I come off I don't want to be craving sugar etc. Wish I'd found this sooner!"

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23 Report
  • Naughty
  • March 20, 2021

"Absolutely fab, been on this 7day's with a total loss of appetite"

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8 Report
  • Virch...
  • March 17, 2021

"I have battled obesity/binge eating since age 11. Add to that depression, low self-esteem, and now COVID-19 lifestyle with 4 kids at home and working from home. I topped out at 263 lbs last year. Oh yeah, I left off that I have insulin resistance and PCOS. I started Saxenda right before Christmas 2020, and the nausea was pretty intense to start at 0.6mg, but thankfully no vomiting. Taking injections at night worked well for me. Fatigue was an issue in the beginning, and I can honestly say that once I truly modified my intake, my cravings faded. I do my best to stop at 1800 calories a day. I started at 3000 steps a day and am now up to 7500+ steps daily. After 3 months, I am down 38 lbs, weighing in at 225 lbs. I must admit that the injections don't do the work alone. Some days are really tough, but I have learned to stop eating at the point of satisfaction. I am excited about the next 3 months. Remember to drink your water and rest—it matters... Best wishes everyone!"

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107 Report
  • Sweet...
  • March 7, 2021

"Started October 19, 2020. First three months, side effects were nausea and acid reflux. At about 2 months in, constipation was bad. Started eating All-Bran every morning and taking 1 FloraLax daily, and the constipation went away in two weeks. Almost 4 months in, all side effects are gone, so my body got used to the drug. Started at 201 lb, BMI 34. Now 165 lb, BMI 29. I am 62 years old and thought I could not lose weight anymore because of severe food addiction. I think this drug has helped with readjusting my metabolism. Words can never explain the pure joy I feel inside. I should have gone to see my doctor a long time ago to talk about weight loss. I used to eat all the time, even get up at night to eat. Not anymore!"

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776 Report
  • Jack
  • March 6, 2021

"I started at 234 lbs (5’9 woman) in BMI Obese category 1. I started Nov 1st, 2020, had minimal side effects. It is now March 2021, and I am down 39 lbs!! It is amazing, I am so thankful for Saxenda!"

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67 Report
  • Zoe
  • March 3, 2021

"I'm just over one week into using Saxenda, so far, I have lost 8 lbs in 7 days. You do need to control your calorie intake, but even on 0.6, my appetite disappeared. For the first time in years, I could leave food if I felt full. I have experienced a lot of fatigue, but my body isn't getting the sugar rushes and carbs that it's used to, so I will accept that as a side effect for now, my body needs time to adjust. The nausea was helped with ginger tea, but for me, it was minimal. Constipation can be helped with Movicol or Dulcolax (I needed it by day 4, but beware, as your digestive transit is slower, add another 6 hours to the time you think the laxatives should work!) You do need to drink a lot of water, which isn't a bad thing. I cannot praise this enough. For me, it's the boost I needed."

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49 Report
  • DJano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 1, 2021

"I started Saxenda 2/24/21 and so far on 3/1/21, I have lost 6.2 pounds. The only side effects that I have had are headaches and fatigue. It’s not horrible for me, and I’m able to continue. I’m still on the 0.6 dosage and look forward to losing an additional 29 pounds. Good luck to everyone ❤️"

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94 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.