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Plan B One-Step User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Plan B One-Step has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 2,769 reviews on 83% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Plan B One-Step

  • Quesh...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 7, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex last month on the 26th at 12 AM and according to my period app I was ovulating. I should’ve told him I wasn’t on birth control. The same day he brought me Plan B, and I took it right away. I was really anxious. I had a few symptoms. The first day it made me really sleepy. A week after I took it, the symptoms continued. I had mild cramps, felt bloated, and had mood swings. The waiting game was hard, seeing if my period was going to show up on time. Now today, my period started a day early, I was supposed to get my period on June 8th. I've never been so happy to see blood! I’ve seen a lot of people say the pill won’t work if you’re ovulating but that’s not true, so don't stress yourself out, the pill will work."

10 / 10
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111 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 26, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "I told myself I would share my experience if it worked because these reviews were the only thing keeping me sane. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 14th, which was when I was ovulating. Keep in mind I’m not on any birth control, nor did we use a condom. I know, dumb. We bought a Plan B, and I took it an hour after we finished. For two weeks, I was a mess. Especially when I found out it doesn't work during ovulation. I had extreme nausea, my boobs hurt, I had chills, lower back pain, bloating. I was convinced I was pregnant. But I got my period today, a day late. It’s heavier than usual, and the cramps are unbearable, but now I can relax. So please, for the girl reading this, take a deep breath. This pill really works."

10 / 10
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120 Report
  • Anony...
  • September 5, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I promised myself I would share my experience! And guess what, it did work for me and I was close to ovulation! My period was supposed to be here by August 21, and it didn’t. I panicked a lot, like a lot! My period came after 14 days late, it started on Sept. 3rd! The side effects to me were terrible! I had anxiety attacks, I was always nervous, nausea, bloated. But it worked! I never plan on using it again though! Take a deep breath, you will be fine! Just don’t stress so much like I did. I know it’s impossible, but just try❤️"

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Frequently asked questions

  • grate...
  • July 7, 2014

For Emergency Contraception "I was not going to post a review but decided to after realizing there might be someone out there very nervous right now. I had sex a day after my period ended and while I probably didn't even need it, I was very scared, being a teenager, and decided to take Plan B. I took it five hours after the incident, and I didn't have any side effects. I got my period 1 week 2 days after the pill, which is odd considering I just had it, but Plan B messes up your period. Now I'm not sure whether my next period will come when it was originally supposed to, or in a month, but since I got my period, I know Plan B worked. I worried myself sick, but reading all the positive reviews helped, and I hope this one does too!"

10 / 10
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203 Report
  • Anony...
  • February 4, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "To whoever is reading this: You’re probably stressed, anxious, and worried. But trust the pill, you will be absolutely fine <3. I took Plan B after the condom broke, which was close to my ovulation day. A week later I had brown spotting that lasted the entire month. But, at last, I got my period! It was 4 days late, and I was so worried the entire month. I had stopped living my life over this one thing. The pill works 95% of the time, but I kept thinking about that slight chance when it doesn’t. Don’t think like that! The odds are in your favor. It can be really disheartening to read a bad review where the pill doesn’t work. However, don’t forget that for the person who it didn’t work for, there are hundreds of thousands of people that it did work for! You will be absolutely fine, girl! xxx"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • September 26, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "“Effective” my ass. I literally took this within the hour of a condom malfunction and it DID NOT WORK. I was not ovulating or fertile, according to my period app. I waited almost 4 weeks after taking the pill to take a test, and sure enough it was positive. I read every review on here to try and ease my mind for such a late period, and I was one of the unlucky ones. If your period is more than 2 weeks late, please take a test. I’m writing this review to help others. I will forever be more careful."

1 / 10
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  • Jen
  • July 5, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex extremely close to my predicted ovulation. I took a Plan B 4 hours later, only to learn that it is much less effective if ovulation has already occurred. Nothing to do but wait for my period. Exactly 14 days after, I had some spotting, at first I was so elated because I thought it was my period. After the bleeding stopped, I turned to Google (mistake). I convinced myself it was implantation bleeding, combined with the sore breasts I was experiencing, I was sure I was pregnant. I took an early pregnancy test and it was negative. That same evening, I got my period. During my hours of stress, I read similar stories to mine to help calm me down. There is no need to be worried until you have actually missed your period, even then Plan B can cause it to be delayed. Even if you are pregnant, you have options, you'll be okay. Don't worry until you are sure you need to."

9 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anony...
  • January 15, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "Long story short, I had unprotected sex TWICE in one month. Once on December 3 and the other on NYE, Dec 31. I also took Plan B each time. You can just imagine how messed up my cycle was, and to make matters worse, on Dec 31 I was OVULATING. Not just assumed ovulation because of an app, like I took an OPK and it said my LH levels were HIGH. I had almost every pregnancy symptom imaginable after taking my second Plan B. However, I am proud to say that I got my period today on Jan 15. My last period started on Dec 4, so I was over a week late. I couldn’t help but read everywhere that Plan B does NOT work when you are ovulating. Please, please do NOT freak out because it worked for me in the worst possible scenario. I also know for a FACT that I am VERY fertile because I have already had to terminate one pregnancy before. Despite me ovulating and being very fertile, it WORKED."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • C C
  • August 1, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex on my ovulation day, and I took the emergency pill the next day (less than 24 hours). After a week, I got brown discharge, and I assumed that it's my normal period, but it stopped after 2 days. Now I'm currently waiting on my periods, and hopefully I get them because I'm not ready to be a mom yet."

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  • Maddie
  • January 23, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I want to share my experience taking Plan B because I know some other ladies are just as scared as I was. I had sex with my boyfriend, but the condom had slid off without either of us knowing. He didn’t pull out either. I did not have time to stop at the store on my way home, so I took Plan B the next morning, 16 hours after sex. You have to try not to throw up within the first two hours, so I took a nap to prevent myself from doing so. I woke up light-headed and feeling a little sick. After some time, I felt completely fine. I noticed my emotions were really bad for the next few days, maybe from the hormones in the pill. But I took a pregnancy test just to make sure, and I am not pregnant! Even after 16 hours between sex and Plan B! Please try your best not to google pregnancy symptoms because that will just scare you. Just stay strong and be patient! I’m sending prayers your way ❤️"

10 / 10
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101 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 15, 2019

For Emergency Contraception "Honestly, reading these reviews really helped me get through it so I promised myself I would write one too. I am 19, and it was probably the day after my period ended, around Nov 4th. My boyfriend and I were having unprotected sex, and he came in me. I didn't take the pill until 2 days later. I had every symptom. DO NOT GOOGLE ANYTHING, you will convince yourself you are pregnant like I did. Just remember, even though the symptoms are the same, they wouldn't show up so early. It's just a side effect of the pill. I was nauseous, cramping, had weird discharge, and about 4 or 5 days later, I had light spotting that I thought was implantation bleeding. My period was late, and at the same time, I started throwing up, I thought it was morning sickness. Two weeks after my missed period, I took a pregnancy test because they are most accurate 7+ days after your normal period, and it was negative. I was SO RELIEVED. Just now, almost 3 1/2 weeks later, I got my period. Just relax and don't think about it the pill definitely works."

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  • kaykay
  • January 16, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "To the girl who is reading this, calm down and know that everything will be okay! I promised myself that if it worked for me, I would leave a review. I had unprotected sex on Dec 7 and bought the pill 30 minutes later. My last period was Nov 7. Fast forward to the end of December, and my period was nowhere in sight. I ignored my stress until I got VERY worried when my period was almost 3 weeks late. My nipples were more sensitive, my boobs were sore, I was moody, and I was bloated but still no period. I had been scrolling through pages and pages of reviews trying to bring myself comfort, and I kept seeing women saying it didn’t work and they were pregnant. I was starting to panic, so I decided to take a pregnancy test. I took two tests, and they were both negative. The day after I took the tests, my period came! (20 days late) Remember that the pill can mimic pregnancy symptoms, and everyone’s body is different. Not everyone’s body will react the same. You will be okay!"

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83 Report
  • inter...
  • August 28, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "DO NOT STRESS!!!! So, I took Plan B after the condom broke during sex, one day after my period (day 6 of my cycle). I took the pill about an hour after. Sometimes my period comes on day 21, so I wanted to be safe just in case I ovulated early. About 5 days after I took the pill, I started spotting (but kinda heavily) a dark brown color. That progressed into a decent amount of blood, enough to warrant a tampon. The bleeding lasted for about 3 days, but wasn't super heavy. I also had cramps for about an hour, but they were very light. I've taken Plan B twice before, and only had light bleeding one of those times. Some time passes, to about a week and a half before my period is supposed to come. I start feeling pain in my lower back, very light. I'm getting bored of writing this, to be honest, but I just got my period on day 31 of my cycle. DON'T STRESS!!!"

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89 Report
  • Double...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 25, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "I want to share my experience with this drug. I had sex on ovulation day (day 13 of cycle) but the condom broke and he finished inside me. I panicked because I was not using any regular contraceptive pill, IUD, or anything, and coming from a religious family, getting pregnant without marriage would be a disaster! So I took Plan B after 1 hour. I had mild cramps and a headache only after a few hours... then I developed panic attacks, but it could be from me being so anxious. Days after, my breasts were swollen, and I was very moody. I also had a mild headache. On day 18, I had major panic disorders, became very moody, and had crying spells. My breasts became sensitive and hurt a little. Of course, I went through depression thinking of what might happen if I got pregnant. However, I started having PMS like usual. On day 26, I had my period :)))))) Ladies, believe in this pill. It works. I know it causes a lot of anxiety, and this is normal. It's effective even after ovulation. Relax and let the pill do the job."

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  • Anonymous
  • December 15, 2013

For Emergency Contraception "I had unprotected sex and I took the pill 30 hours later. I felt a bit drowsy within the first few hours, however, over the next two weeks, I experienced cramping. The cramps were really bad. 10 days after taking the pill, my breasts completely swelled. My nipples were always hard, and the pain was unbearable. I was convinced I was pregnant. The cramps continued, and I was experiencing back pain. Then the pain in my breasts finally began to subside, and I got my period the next day, exactly when I was supposed to. It was a little bit heavier than usual, but I've never been happier to be on my period. The pill messes up your body due to an increase in hormones. I've read it makes you feel exactly as pregnant women do, so don't panic over the symptoms!"

8 / 10
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  • Relie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 12, 2014

For Emergency Contraception "If you're here reading these comments, that means you're a boy or girl in the same position I was: A mistake was made somewhere and you're concerned about pregnancy. The waiting is gruesome, but I'm here to assure you; this pill works. After ingesting the pill 16 hours after sex, a period of terrible waiting began. My girlfriend and I were both antsy and scared, and the time of her expected period came and went. She was 8 days late, but alas, she had it. This pill works in mysterious ways that can cause a later period, but I'm here to tell you there is nothing to worry about. It's scary, it's unsettling, but I'm here to tell you to calm down and relax because this pill will take care of everything."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 2, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I just wanted to leave a review of my experience in case someone else is going through a similar situation. So I had unprotected sex with a guy the day after I had already ovulated. Of course, I read that Plan B isn’t really effective during ovulation or after, so I freaked out. He pulled out, but I was still nervous about possible pregnancy. So, the next day (about 16 hours later), I took the Plan B pill. I had cramping here and there in both my stomach and lower back. A little bit of nausea a few days after taking it. I stressed myself out so much from googling symptoms and whatnot. I thought for sure I might be pregnant, but one day before my period was due, I started spotting lightly, and then I got more intense cramps, and my period came on strong right after. This pill DOES work! People will say it doesn’t during ovulation, but I’ve read a lot of reviews on here and other women say the same thing. Keep your hopes up because your period will eventually come!!"

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81 Report
  • jbug
  • July 28, 2014

For Emergency Contraception "I took this approximately 48 hours after unprotected sex while I was ovulating. I felt fine after taking the pill. A few days before my period was due, I experienced major mood swings, bloating, cramps, and sore breasts. These symptoms lasted for the few days before I was due, and then the symptoms stopped on the actual day I was due. But no period. Needless to say, I was freaking out! (This is why I am writing this to help others from freaking) -- I was supposed to start on a Friday. Then Saturday rolls around, then Sunday and no period... Just really, really sore breasts on Sunday. That Monday evening, I finally started and had breast tenderness, cramps, headache, tiredness... But at least I started - 3 (longest days of my life) days late."

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161 Report
  • Mpz
  • July 21, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "My experience with Plan B has been stressful, to be truly honest. I have used this pill more than 5 times in my life. This year I used it like 3 weeks ago just to be cautious because I was not ovulating, but I was 5 days away from ovulating. I took the pill after 42 hours, and the side effects are awful. I have nausea, I feel tired, I have mild cramps, and worst of all, EXTREMELY SENSITIVE BREASTS! That got me thinking for the past 3 weeks that I might be pregnant, but my period has not arrived yet. I took a pregnancy test, and the results are negative. I know that my period will eventually show up because it isn't the first time I have experienced this. Last time I had very few side effects, and my period arrived 2 months late, so I guess this time it will also take a while, but this pill messes up your body big time."

9 / 10
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  • anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 2, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "This has totally been the most stressful almost two weeks of my life. So, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and the condom broke, but we didn’t realize that it broke until after he finished in me. I looked at my Flo Period app, and I was two days past the main ovulation day but still in my fertile window. I immediately started crying and panicking, so the next day I went and got Plan B. We then realized on Google it says it won’t work if you're already ovulating, so I was even more freaked out. I didn’t have super extreme symptoms, but my boobs were sore and I had horrible mood swings. Not having that many symptoms worried me a little bit, but here we are, I just got my period twelve days after I took the pill and one day earlier than expected. Just remember that everyone’s body is different, and try not to Google things, even though it's almost impossible to do, it will give you major anxiety. Best wishes to everyone going through similar things."

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66 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 13, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I wanted to tell my story to all girls who are going through a pregnancy scare. I had sex (WHILE OVULATING) with a guy I barely know, and the condom broke, and he finished inside me. I took Plan B within an hour. I was nauseous for 3-4 days, wanted to puke, didn't eat at all due to stress, had to go to the toilet more, and had light pain in the abdomen. After maybe 5-6 days after Plan B, I had brown discharge which was more like a medium period, but it lasted for 3 days. After 2 weeks after intercourse, my period should have started, but because of Plan B, I was sure it would come later than usual, and exactly after 2 weeks, I got my period symptoms: severe breast pain, severe abdominal pain, and mood swings. But after a week, I got my period, and it is so heavy like never before. So girls, don't stress like I did and just trust the pill, it really will do its job."

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87 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 9, 2011

For Emergency Contraception "Well, let's just say that I had a wonderful cruise. When my partner and I were done with all 3 times we've done it, the condom would always go missing. Stressed out, and having to wait until I got off the boat, I ran to the nearest pharmacy to buy the One-Step pill. Mind you, I did take it within the 72 hours as intended. After two weeks of patiently waiting for my period, it came, albeit a few days late. I'm writing this review because I was stressing out about whether the pill worked or not. Just letting you know that it does. And I was pretty close to the 72-hour deadline."

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  • mar_ga
  • June 20, 2021

For Emergency Contraception "It works. I got my period one day late. I took it after 10 hours of the deed. I was on my 8th day of my menstrual cycle and 5 days before ovulation. However, because I was afraid of risks, I took it since my app said my fertile window started. I knew the pill was working because I got acne the day after on my chin (hormonal), cramps, and sore boobs all the next 3 weeks. Mood swings all over the place. I was scared, so I took a blood test one day before my estimated period date and it came back negative. Two days after that, my period arrived. I feel very tired and painful, but I am happy to be out of this craziness. This page helped me a lot to not go crazy. I took Plan B 4 times in my life, and it always worked. Sending you good vibes and peace of mind. You got this!"

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66 Report
  • Anony...
  • June 5, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "Took the pill an hour after unprotected sex (he did not withdraw, I am not on birth control). I had period-like bleeding 7 days after taking the pill, which I assumed was my period coming early, but it only lasted about three days. I began to experience my usual period symptoms 10 days later (mild cramping, general achy-ness), but no period. My symptoms got SIGNIFICANTLY worse in the next few days. Extremely sore breasts, moderate cramping (constant), very light spotting. I had taken the morning after pill one other time in the past and did not experience any of these symptoms, which made me EXTREMELY worried that it hadn’t worked this time. My period FINALLY started over a week later (symptoms continued even after period came). This pill affected me physically and mentally. I was extremely anxious and most of my symptoms were not normal for my cycle. I promised myself to never take this pill again (yes, symptoms were that bad. I was absolutely convinced that I was pregnant)."

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  • Vega
  • March 9, 2020

For Emergency Contraception "I took the pill 2 days after having unprotected sex. My boyfriend came inside, so I was 100% sure I needed to take it. I took it 4 days after my period had ended. I am 5’0 & 95 pounds. I'm stating that because I think that played a big role in the side effects I experienced. I started bleeding 5 days after taking the pill. I had cramps for over two weeks straight. My whole body ached & it made me fatigued. It was all severe. I threw up twice within the first 3 days. The pill did work. It made my next period 21 days late. The stress was real. Do not stress, it works! Just be aware that the dose is heavy & every body reacts differently to it."

8 / 10
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81 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.