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Levonorgestrel for Emergency Contraception User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Mirena, Plan B One-Step, Kyleena, Liletta, Skyla, Aftera, Morning After, Julie, Option 2, EContra One-Step, AfterPill, Take Action, Curae, Opcicon One-Step, New Day, Her Style, AfterPlan, PostDay One-Step, My Way, Athentia Next, My Choice, Next Choice One Dose, Fallback Solo SheWise Optionelle …show all brand names

Levonorgestrel has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 3568 reviews for the treatment of Emergency Contraception. 77% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 13% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Levonorgestrel

  • Anonymous
  • September 25, 2019

Aftera (levonorgestrel) "I'm never one to write any types of reviews, but I felt like I needed to write one now since this was the only thing that kept me sane while I was waiting for my period. Firstly, just breathe, you're gonna be okay. I had unprotected sex on the night of 9/3, he didn't pull out, he completely finished in me. I am not on birth control. Not even an hour after, we ran out and bought Aftera (they were sold out of Plan B). Turns out my ovulation day was 9/4! I was going crazy because I did experience side effects like headaches, feeling very sleepy, and cramping. I was supposed to get my period on 9/18, and it came on 9/20!! Only 2 days late. Ladies, try not to freak yourselves out. I know it's hard, but this pill works!! The more you stress, the later your period could potentially be, so just try not to think about it because there's nothing you can do right now. Just remember there are so many other females going through the same exact thing. You're not alone, stay positive, and good luck to all of you!! <3"

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  • Anony...
  • February 20, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "So I said if it worked I would leave a review, because I never leave them, but I wanted to share my experience. I am not on birth control and he didn't wear protection. We had sex midnight Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. I took the Plan B Sunday morning afterwards. I didn't realize I was ovulating that entire weekend because I don't keep track of it!!! It took 10 days for my period to come on. I began to stress about it, which I tried not to do because the stress can mess with your body too. I'm just so happy it's on. No more sex for me until I'm married!"

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  • LOano
  • March 29, 2021

Take Action (levonorgestrel) "I wanted to come on here to relieve any of you ladies who are worrying like I was. After reading some of the reviews and I was SCARED. So. The day after my period ended, I was having unprotected sex when he accidentally fully came in me. I was PANICKING since I was in my fertile window. He went to Walgreens but Plan B was out, so he grabbed TAKE ACTION. I took it roughly 6 hours later. A week later, I went to the bathroom in the morning and BOOM sooo much blood! I was so relieved! But I thought it was odd since I JUST had my period not even a week ago. Well now, it’s roughly when I should’ve gotten my period but now but I was unsure since I had a mini period. Just went to CVS and got a pregnancy test. Negative! It’s going to be okay !!!"

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Annoy...
  • July 8, 2021

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Let me just tell y'all that these past two months have been a roller coaster of a ride for me. So babe and I did the deed on May 22nd, the day after my period. Honestly, I don't know if he came in me or not, but to give me peace of mind, I went and bought Plan B on May 23rd, approximately 26-28 hours after the deed was done. I was beating myself up because I didn't use any contraceptive and I felt really silly. The day after I took the pill, I had a slight headache. Four days later, I began to have spotting. I spotted starting on May 28th and ended on June 3rd. My due date for my cycle was on June 14th. I have been bloated, nauseous, constipated, had headaches, felt fatigued, and been very moody. I began to stress and panic. My anxiety got the best of me and I went into depression. Honestly, if I had never found this website, I would be more of a mess than I am now. PLEASE. DON'T. GOOGLE. ANYTHING. Trust the pill. After 23 days, I finally got my period today on July 7th."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 21, 2021

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Okay girls, I promised myself that if this pill worked for me, I would come back and comment on this and share my story. So I’m 20 years old and am already a mom of two. I met up with some old friends this summer and stupidly had unprotected sex with a guy I used to date years ago. He pulled out and didn’t finish in me, but I’m the paranoid type, so I went and bought a Plan B two days later. I was also in my fertile window according to my app. I was SO bloated for weeks and anxiously awaited my period, but it didn’t come on the expected day, so then I really freaked out. My period ended up being two weeks late! The worst two weeks of anxiety I’ve ever had. I’ve only used the pill about maybe 4 or 5 times in my life, and it’s worked every time. Girlies, try to relax. I’ve been in your shoes before, I promise. I’m never putting myself through that again, but I am so thankful the pill came through. The best of luck to everyone reading through these comments. Xoxo"

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Be zen
  • November 8, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Ladies, this works. I promised myself if I got my period, I would write a review. I had already ovulated, the condom broke while it was inside of me, AND I took this pill at hour 70. After three weeks, tons of pregnancy tests, sore breasts, weird spotting (brown and pink... was convinced it was implantation bleeding), I finally got my period. It was 4 days late and started out very slowly, but it’s here. Trust the process, get off of Google, and remember that everyone’s body is different and will have a different reaction to the hormones."

10 / 10
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  • super...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 16, 2019

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Sharing my experience because I promised I would to calm others' nerves if it worked for me. I'm a 20-year-old college student who had sex during my fertile window and the condom broke!! He finished completely inside of me. I had been on and off birth control, but was off it for a couple of months with plans to change to another form. I ran to the pharmacy and took Plan B within an hour of this happening. Reading reviews that said that Plan B was ineffective during ovulation made me want to DIE. I was an anxious mess for two weeks. I did have some side effects after taking it, including swollen breasts (the first sign of pregnancy which sent me off the deep end) and mood swings. However, after much waiting, my period finally came... and four days early! My cramps are unbearable, but it's better than being pregnant... right? Plan B DOES WORK. IT IS EFFECTIVE EVEN DURING OVULATION. To the girl who's reading this with her heart in her throat, take a deep breath and know that Plan B works."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 26, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Girls, everything will be ok. Let me share my experience. I was not thinking and I had unprotected sex on Sep 19, around 5 days before my ovulation. I took the Plan B 30 minutes after sex. By the way, he didn’t cum or anything, I took it because I didn’t want to risk it. A week later, I started bleeding and I thought it was my period, but it wasn’t. I found out it was bleeding between periods, but it did start to panic. Girls, please don’t google anything because it will trick and mess with your mind. Well, anyway, I was thinking and almost convinced myself that I was pregnant. On October 8, my period was supposed to arrive but now my period arrived, it was 15 days late. Let me tell you, if you are taking this pill for the very first time, it is very effective. So, I recommend this pill, and my advice is to take it ASAP! And don’t stress about it because it will delay your period even more. Just relax, ok? It will be fine, and this was definitely a lesson learned for me. I will never have sex without all the precautions."

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  • Loraine
  • May 1, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "So we had unprotected sex on the last day of my period and 3 days after period. He came in me both times. I have irregular period time that could happen 18-28 days randomly, and I never had a late period in my whole life, they are always less than 28 days. So I started to get nervous since Google told me irregular period time could cause early ovulation too. I took Plan B 40 hours after yeah, I know it's late. Some spotting showed up a week later. My period didn't arrive on the expected day, and I already said I never had a late period, so by the time 28 days came around without a period, I was totally freaking out. Guys, I know my body and I know how it reacts. I always get breakouts on my face and like lower back pain, but none of those signs showed up. I found these comments really helpful, so I relaxed, and a week later, I finally got my period. No pain, but I did notice a larger amount of flow. My advice is DON'T GOOGLE ANYTHING. You are just freaking yourself out. Just give it time and patience."

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  • Anony...
  • January 23, 2021

Take Action (levonorgestrel) "A few weeks ago I was worried and reading these reviews. I was unaware about the “Plan B doesn’t work after ovulation” theory until after having unprotected sex during my fertile days. I literally kept myself up all night after being on Google too long and ultimately convinced myself that I was pregnant. Safe to say, I am not. Don’t stress yourself out over everything you read online, sis."

10 / 10
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  • Jelly
  • August 21, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Hoping this will help someone out there because I did not see a lot like this. I am not on birth control. I had sex a few days after ovulation, and the condom completely broke, and semen went inside of me fully. I was freaking out especially because the guy I have been seeing for a year is a secret, and we could never be together due to religious reasons. I got Plan B immediately. I was freaking out and crying for about 2 weeks because everywhere online said it’s not effective after ovulation. I took an early pregnancy test, and it was negative, and my period came a day late. I am so thankful this worked, but I am not going to have him ejaculate in the condom again."

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  • Anonymous
  • July 30, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "To the teenage girl reading this, YOU WILL BE okay. I said I’d write a review of this. It’s been the worst month of my life, but one day late my period came. I had spotting similar to implantation bleeding 5 days after taking the pill, and nausea, headaches, and had to pee. So basically every pregnancy symptom in the book. I had sex without a condom on the last day of my period, and he pulled out, so I probably shouldn’t have taken it, but I did. It honestly gave me so much anxiety and stuff, but just take a deep breath and let it do its thing. Try not to convince yourself you're pregnant because that makes it so much worse. You’ll get better."

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  • BigBu...
  • February 14, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and he finished fully inside me - no pullout or anything. I’m also not on birth control. AND it was THE ovulation day. My period tracking app said it was the most fertile day of my cycle. I took it within 30 mins of him doing that, and I just started my period 5 days before it was scheduled to arrive. I spent so much money on pregnancy tests while checking this past week and a half. I had all of the symptoms: nausea, vomiting, bloating, mood swings, sore breasts, extreme fatigue. This pill can cause those things. The odds really are in your favor and don’t let any other apps or pills say that this one doesn’t work while ovulating. Tons of girls take it on their ovulation and they’re fine. Just take this pill immediately (within an hour) and try to relax! Keep living life — don’t let stress take over ❤️"

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  • lcath...
  • April 12, 2021

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "After reading EVERY single review on this website, I made sure to write one myself if Plan B worked. I had my period on Feb 6th for 6 days that ended on the 11th. I had unprotected sex Feb 13th. My boyfriend didn't finish in me, but it was the first time we didn't use a condom at all (I'm not on birth control). On Feb 14th, we went unprotected again, but for a few minutes until we put a condom on. I decided to take Plan B on the 15th. The only symptom was a horrible headache. A week later, I started spotting for about 4 days with cramps. After this, I didn't get my next period for 43 DAYS! I think because I don't use birth control and the excessive stress caused my body to go whack. During this time, I took 5 pregnancy tests, all negative. I continued to have sex throughout, just more safe. My advice is to stay OFF the internet and try to be calm. Another thing, everyone's body is different, so don't worry if your experience is different from others. You're going to be okay!"

9 / 10
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  • EllaKi
  • January 15, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I had sex and he fully ejaculated inside of me during my 'most fertile day' on Flo, my ovulation app. I took it about 8 hours later. I had a week of heavy bleeding, cramps, basically a period. It was just withdrawal bleeding. Like many women, I was petrified that I was not safe because I had already ovulated. After I found out the bleeding was withdrawal bleeding, I thought I could be pregnant for sure. I was already pregnant once 3 months ago and I had an abortion. It was horrible. I never ever want to go through that again, but I thought I might have to. I had light bleeding and brown blood for days, pain that felt like implantation bleeding (which I have felt before), and other early pregnancy symptoms. My period came 2 days late. This drug works even if you are ovulating. The symptoms are so torturous, however, and you can feel like you are insane. But it does the job. You're not pregnant, girl. Be grateful!"

8 / 10
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  • Mia
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 23, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "Ok, so I really wanted to share my experience with other women. I am 20 years old. My boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex. I didn’t realize I was ovulating (according to my app) the day I was. We had unprotected sex until about 2 days afterwards. I was freaking out, so I decided to take the pill. I just can’t remember if it was 48 or 72 hours. I was stressed out as I wasn't ready to have a baby. I didn’t get my period the day I was supposed to get it, so I was certain I was pregnant. However, I got my period 3 days late. I am so relieved that I’m not pregnant and wanted to share my experience because most of the reviews I was reading while I was waiting to get my period were saying that if you had sex the day you were ovulating, the pill does not help, but it did for me, and I took it 2-3 days afterwards."

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  • Missy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 2, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I took this on April 7, 2020 (the day after) and received my period on the 24th of April. Normal 5-7 day period. So I went about the whole month the same UNTIL, May came along which my period was supposed to come again, obviously right? But no. I panicked because I didn’t know what was going on with my body if I was pregnant or if I was just going crazy. Turns out I started my period on June 1st - DAY 38. I was 12 days late from when my period was “supposed” to start. So. I didn’t have any side effects but my SECOND cycle started late as heck. So if y’all are worried about being pregnant or whatever, your period may come later in the second cycle. It did not have this side effect on the medication but I just wanted to share my experience. Also I only took one Plan B. I’ve never taken any medication like that in my life. All in all, It worked but you may discover yourself in the same situation as me, getting your SECOND period late. :)"

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  • makys
  • May 6, 2020

My Way (levonorgestrel) "If you find yourself here reading these reviews, then you are probably going through the same as I recently was. I promised myself I would come here and tell my story if I got my period. I had sex on the very LAST day of my ovulation, and the condom had slipped off at some point. I had no idea when I took the My Way pill that the whole point of the pill was to slow down your ovulation, so I thought it was too late for me. I took it around 17 hours after it happened. No symptoms from this except sore breasts, but everybody’s body is different. My period was 3 days late, and finally came this morning. I cried. I'm not sure if the pill is what prevented the pregnancy or if I just got lucky, but I'm thankful I'm not pregnant. Try not to dwell on the thought you might be pregnant, it just causes unnecessary stress. Remember to try and stay positive even though it is hard. I have learned a big lesson from this experience, and I hope reading this brought you a little comfort because God knows I needed it <3"

8 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 21, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I had unprotected sex on my ovulation day (according to Flo app). My boyfriend pulled out, but we went for round two without cleaning up, so I decided to take the pill the next morning just to be safe. Five days after, I began to bleed lightly for three days. After the second week, I got hit with ALL of the symptoms. I had mild cramping, nausea, fatigue, sore nipples, and I broke out HORRIBLY. I took a pregnancy test 7 days after my missed period, it was negative. The next day I got my period (8 days late). Very heavy and bad cramping. I read pages of the reviews panicking about if the pill would work or not on ovulation, but it did for me, so just relax."

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  • June
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 7, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I had sex the day after my period ended, and just my luck, the condom broke! I took this pill within 6 hours, and a week later I bled for 3 days straight, which was awful, and then it went away. I was super nervous ALL MONTH. Took a pregnancy test and everything. Negative, but try telling that to a scared girl! However, my period came on time this month, and the cramps are horrible! But the pill did its job. Relax, girl. You'll be okay. And stop reading these reviews! You're freaking yourself out. YOU WILL BE OKAY."

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  • Dhjdj...
  • June 18, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I promised myself that I would write one of these if my period came and guess what! It did. My period was late by a whole month but it is finally here! Don’t stress it for real, I cry way too much! You will be okay. The pill works! Definitely never taking it again because it messed up my cycle but it saved me!"

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  • Colleen
  • June 29, 2020

Aftera (levonorgestrel) "I am so thankful I am not pregnant and it did the job, but this pill seriously messed up my cycle and had me so anxious for about two months. I wasn’t due to get my period for another two weeks at the time I took the pill. Six days later, I started bleeding, and it lasted about four days. The first two days it was maybe enough to fill tampons, but the other days it was very light, like only there when I wiped. Fast forward to when my period was scheduled to come - still no period. I ended up getting my period ten days late, but I could have sworn I was pregnant. I had been having creamy white discharge for about two weeks and had been feeling bloated with cramps and headaches - this NEVER happens to me! My period is here now, but it’s significantly lighter than it normally is. I have taken Plan B once before in the past, and I never had any problems at all. Ladies, please spend the extra $10, or even better, get on regular birth control! Also, stay off Google to stay sane."

4 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • June 25, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "OK LISTEN, I had unprotected sex and took the pill. I had like every single symptom for over 2 weeks. I managed to convince myself I was pregnant and freaked myself out horribly, but I got my period perfectly on time. Stop stressing, girl. You are most likely fine, so don’t worry until you have to. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE❤️"

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  • Anonymous
  • March 2, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I just wanted to share my experience with this Plan B pill. This was my first time taking Plan B. I took Ella previously and didn’t have any side effects. But since it was the weekend and I couldn’t get Ella, I decided to take Plan B. I was in my fertile days, the first day of the days leading to ovulation. I started freaking out and decided to take Plan B 18 hours later to make sure everything was okay. I started bleeding exactly 7 days after taking the pill, it looked like a light period that lasted 6 days. 3 days later my actual period started, a week earlier than it was supposed to. The only thing that is different is it looks like the pill made my period lighter and not as painful as usual. No major side effects besides bleeding, some nausea just for one day. Trust the pill and relax! DON’T freak out and don’t Google any symptoms. Listen to your body. And girls, take care of your body. No one else will do that for you. I’m definitely not taking this again though. Good luck ladies ❤️"

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  • Tars
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 23, 2020

Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) "I wanted to share a positive post on here. I took Plan B about 20 hours after unprotected sex. For 3 weeks, I panicked. I saw no spotting at all, except for one day after taking it (which I swore was implantation bleeding). I was also sick to my stomach, and my boobs hurt. After several pregnancy tests and being a week late, I finally got my period. The wait almost literally had me on edge, but I was never so glad to get my period. Never again taking this chance. Please try to stay calm and trust the pill and the process. I took this pill literally during ovulation, and it still worked. Very effective. Just remember everyone's body reacts differently to the hormones."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.