Fluoxetine and Insomnia: What Users Say
Brand names: Prozac
Reviews for Fluoxetine
- Ale...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 10, 2021
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "20mg to 40mg. What a change! I've been on 20mg Prozac for 2 months and I must say it made me feel worse than before. I had high anxiety, I couldn't leave my house, and most of the days I have spent in bed. On weeks 7-8, I literally thought I would come off this medication, but I waited and saw my doctor. We have increased the dose to 40mg (2 tablets a day). It has been 2 weeks now, and I must say I feel such a change. I am able to think again, I go to bed smiling, and did not spend a single day in bed. I feel more comfortable doing the house chores, it doesn't seem impossible anymore. Not sure if it works for everyone, but it's worth the wait. Seems like the 20mg just wasn't enough for me, 40mg changed my life so far. I PRAY TO GOD IT WILL STAY LIKE THIS. If it does, I know I will be getting my life back. Ps. I was diagnosed with severe depression and post-traumatic disorder/amnesia."
- Sca...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 17, 2020
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I’ve been on Prozac for 7 weeks now. I started 10mg & increased to 20mg after 10 days. I absolutely did feel worse before I felt better. I was already at an unbearable level with my anxiety & the Prozac did increase it for me for around 2 weeks. After around 3 weeks I started to feel good. I can drive again, I’m starting to enjoy being outside & doing things. I’m a lot happier, settled & at least 80% less anxious. I still have moments & I’m definitely not cured but I’m managing. Side effects for me are vivid dreams, loss of appetite & some weight loss. In the beginning, side effects were insomnia, increased anxiety, intrusive thoughts & agoraphobia. I got through it & it was like the sun finally came out once they started working. I spent hours researching & reading reviews, scaring myself silly. If you’re doing that also, I can’t say what it will do for you as everyone is different but for me, it has improved my life. If I can get through those 1st tough 2 weeks, anyone can."
Frequently asked questions
- SSRIs vs SNRIs - What's the difference between them?
- Is Prozac (fluoxetine) safe for dogs?
- Prozac vs Zoloft - What are the Differences & Similarities?
- What are some common side effects of antidepressants?
- Cal...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 15, 2016
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I have spent a lot of time reading threads on Prozac. They have all been very helpful during these past few months so I thought I should share my own experiences just in case anyone out there might find it helpful. I started Prozac 20mg about 2 months ago. I always knew I had anxiety and mild depression and was always curious about taking antidepressants. But when my boyfriend and I broke up, I literally went to my psych doc the very next day. I had done my research on ADs and thought that Prozac would be the best for me. My doc agreed. I kept a log every single day I took Prozac starting from Day #1 until Day #30. It took 24 days before I started feeling little random bursts of happiness. But up until day #24, it was pure torture. It hurt to smile, I completely lost my appetite, I could not sleep, I was sad, I experienced so much anxiety, it was painful. But thanks to reading all these threads, I did not give up and was hopeful that things will get better just as everyone said it will. Every day after Day #24 just seemed to have gotten better and better. And on Day #30, it finally hit me, and I understood what Prozac is all about. Yes, it is true that it is a life saver. If I had to put it in just two words to explain how I feel on Prozac, I would have to say “Calm” and “Clear”. But I’m not finished just yet… after a few weeks, I started feeling like the 20mg wasn’t really working. So my doc increased my dose to 40mg. This time around, I almost gave up and went back to 20mg, but thankfully I did not. For 3 weeks of taking 40mg, I was so tired, fatigued, and lethargic. I did not experience this on 20mg, and I was constantly hungry too. So after week #3, I called my doc, so I can make an appointment to go back down to 20mg, he was out of town, so I had to wait. When his office called me back to schedule me in, the awful side effects of 40mg were gone, and I was back to feeling clear, calm, and happy again. So here is my own personal advice from my own journey with Prozac… I’ve been on it for a little over 2 months. You have to get worse before you get better. No matter what you think, YOU WILL GET BETTER. Prozac is literally reprogramming and rewiring your brain, and that TAKES TIME. Side note: I’m 31 years old and ex-boyfriend and I are back together and happy. So were all those days of torture worth it? It sure was."
- ki ...
- June 18, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I would like to speak about Prozac. When I first started it, I felt like giving up. I was on 20mg and I couldn't eat or sleep, and my anxiety got so much worse. My thoughts went on overdrive, and new OCD thoughts came. However, I am now on it for three months at a 40mg dose, and my brain is so much clearer. I can rationalize the thoughts. OCD is no fun, but don't suffer. I went on here when I first started, and I read a positive thread, and it kept me going. Please don't lose hope."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- dan...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 16, 2015
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I would have to say this medicine really saved my life. I couldn't even go through life at first, I started to believe that I would deal with anxiety forever. I highly recommend this medication to anyone suffering from anxiety. At first, my anxiety got worse and I was nauseous and couldn't sleep, but after about two and a half weeks, my anxiety completely vanished! I feel better than ever now, and I'm only on the 20 mg. Anyone wanting to take Prozac I encourage you to."
- Cri...
- December 19, 2020
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "The pandemic finally put me over the top, and I went to my PCP. He gave me the anxiety test, and then prescribed this med along with Ativan. He told me to only use the Ativan if I was having a really hard time until the Prozac started working. I could tell a difference the very next day, and every day I felt happier, better than I have felt in years. I then realized how severe I had been. I regret not taking care of this years ago. I no longer worry about things and I am able to move on and get things done. I'm also able to breathe well and relax without feeling guilty about it. I used to always have tasks that gloomily hung over my head, making me feel bad. This medication has changed my life. I do want to note that a couple of weeks after starting it, I had some difficulty sleeping throughout the night. I took Benadryl at night to fix that, and after a week I did not need it to sleep anymore. I now sleep great and wake up in a good mood with energy every day."
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- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 24, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Panic Disorder "I have always suffered with generalized anxiety until recently due to stress from nursing school, it spiraled into full-on panic attacks that became daily and debilitating. I started taking Prozac, which completely changed my life. I had very mild side effects, lucky for me, I didn't get the side effects that many have stated on this forum, just some mild insomnia, but it completely eradicated my panic attacks and brought a whole new outlook on my life. I'm not afraid to step out of my house anymore and could truly enjoy life. This drug was truly helpful, I can breathe again! It took about 2-3 weeks for the effects to kick in, and again, don't be afraid of the side effects in the beginning, they will go away! Good luck to anyone suffering from panic disorder, I feel your pain. There are solutions, and you will get better! Godspeed."
- Ala...
- January 24, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I suffer from harm OCD/intrusive thoughts that honestly took over my life. Prozac gave me my life back and after suffering for 13 years, I now have no intrusive thoughts and my OCD is almost non-existent. This is a miracle drug with little to no side effects, except some mild insomnia. It takes time for the effects to kick in so give it some time, it took about 4-6 weeks for me to really feel a change."
- Md1...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 3, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I began experiencing panic attacks two months ago, due to a lot of stress and anxiety from work. It got to the point that I was scared to leave the house. I was prescribed 10mg of Prozac, and the side effects for the first 10 days were horrible. My anxiety increased by 100%, felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea. I wanted to give up, but the only thing that kept me sane was reading all the positive reviews on here. Everyone was right, it had to get worse before it got better. By day 10, I was waking up less at night, eating more, and my anxiety decreased. By day 14, I felt like my old self again. This drug needs time to get into your system!"
- Pit...
- January 10, 2021
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I’ve been on 20 mg of fluoxetine for five weeks so far. I was terrified to start because I had a horrible experience with Lexapro. My experience with fluoxetine has been a cakewalk so far compared to Lexapro. The first week or two were a little rough. I had difficulty sleeping, dry mouth, forgetfulness, and extreme exhaustion. Now at week five, my intrusive thoughts have decreased. When I do have them, I can let them go. I don’t ruminate like I was doing prior. I’m also not having panic attacks when trying to do everyday tasks like going to the store or driving. This medication is slow working, so it takes time to feel improvement. A lot of information says 4-6 weeks but many people in support groups that I’m in say it took closer to 12 weeks to feel full benefit and if this is the case, I’m excited to see how I’ll feel in a few more weeks because I’m already feeling so much better! The medication has saved my life."
- Mam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 25, 2024
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "Let me just start with saying Prozac has changed my life for the better. I started taking it at age 40. I have tried so many other medications and couldn’t get past the side effects in the first few days (headache, sleepiness, or insomnia), but I started on 10mg and I felt fine, just the slightest headache but was manageable. Over a few months, I went up to 40mg. Each increase bettered my life. I stopped sleepwalking on day 2, was able to forgive a relative that I’ve had a long grudge against, drove through busy traffic which before I was too scared, my sex drive came back, and for the first time in 2 years I kissed my fiancée passionately and I initiated it. My life was falling apart due to being hurt so deeply and my brain couldn’t recover. Prozac has made me enjoy life again and not be scared of everything and to stop pushing everyone away. I have also been able to think clearer at work and home and get out of my usual thinking patterns. So glad I tried this."
- LIL...
- March 7, 2017
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I decided to post my experience with Prozac to support others as well. I was suffering from extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Prior to this, I had no prior history of mental disorders, so this was all new to me. It was also interfering with my life, work, and social life. I decided to see a psychiatrist. She recommended Prozac. The first 4 weeks were really tough. I had really bad nausea, constant headaches, felt like my brain was being rewired, felt out of it, and couldn't sleep well. Once I hit the 5th week and beyond, everything started getting better. I have been on Prozac for 4 months and feel like my old self. I feel normal again, all the symptoms are gone, and the anxiety and panic attacks are gone."
- Osc...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- May 17, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "I took Prozac several years ago for depression. It worked much differently than other antidepressants I've ever tried. I felt it working the very first day, which really surprised me. It's hard to explain, but this medicine wouldn't allow me to feel depressed. It was a little like being emotionally detached, but to me, that's much better than the depressed state of mind I was in. One thing I noticed was the excellent increase in energy I suddenly had. I couldn't sit still, I cleaned the house from top to bottom, no daytime napping anymore, and I loved that! My thinking was clearer, it was a happy feeling. The only reason I stopped taking it at that time was I couldn't sleep much many nights with all that energy. I took it again about 3 years ago, but didn't get the same results as the first time. I chalk that up to being several years older now and taking blood pressure and pain meds. Overall, it's the best antidepressant I've ever tried."
- luv...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- October 23, 2014
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "I suffered horribly with postpartum depression and severe anxiety for 2 years after the birth. Felt so terrible all the time, felt like I couldn't do anything. Everything overwhelmed me. Tried Prozac and didn't notice a difference for 2 weeks, then slowly started feeling calmer and could somewhat focus on tasks and errands. I started supplements, vitamin D3, and fish oil. Felt more relief with this combination of Prozac and supplements. Noticed a lift in mood and sleep was once again welcomed instead of torture. I had severe insomnia during my depression. All I can say is I've been on this combination for almost 6 years and felt much better. My heart goes out to anyone suffering from this illness."
- Coo...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 31, 2022
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "I wanted to share my experience because when I was in the thick of my depression and reluctantly decided to try antidepressants, I was absolutely terrified, and it was reading reviews on here that really helped me stick it out and have hope for a better future. Prozac/Fluoxetine has honestly changed my life. In the best way ever. I had so many symptoms that I thought were just personality traits that I can see now were actually my anxiety and depression. I used to worry so much about everything and had terrible insomnia because of it. I was completely reliant on sleep aids and was always overwhelmed with work so much that I was taking sick days very regularly. Prozac did take about 8 weeks to start working for me. So you do need to be very patient. But I feel so much better now. I don’t feel any different, just think clearer and no longer sweat the small things. If you’re struggling, please don’t be scared. It might be the best decision you make."
- Anonymous
- December 10, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "I have been on it for 5 weeks. Initially, I did not feel so great, and sleep went out the window. Over time, the meds started working, and now I feel much better. Less anxious and depressed, more confident, sleep is still iffy but improving. Doc stated for me it may take 6 to 8 weeks, and I ain't stopping."
- Rel...
- February 1, 2015
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I honestly feel that this medication saved my sanity and my life. After going through an extreme amount of stress in a short time, and then having a miscarriage, I started having extreme panic attacks out of the blue. I was having them almost every day; one night I was laying on the couch for four hours shaking uncontrollably and thinking I was going to die. Finally saw a psychiatrist who put me on 20 mg of Prozac per day. At first, it made me dizzy and gave me headaches, and I couldn't sleep. I was ready to give up and try something else, but finally after about 6-7 full weeks, I started to feel better and the panic attacks stopped. Haven't had an attack in over 3 months and I feel like myself again. I am also taking 0.5 mg of Klonopin to sleep."
- Lol...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 5, 2015
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "Third week on Prozac, and I feel great. My mind is clear. I am able to focus on today and not obsess over the future. It's amazing. The first week I started on 10mg, and then the second at 20mg. Only side effects I had were insomnia and nausea for the first week. Still, definitely worth it for me :) I am finally present and not stuck in my mind."
- Tom...
- April 19, 2017
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "Personal experience: 1. Put up with the initial uncomfortable feelings of dizziness, increased anxiety, insomnia, lethargy (the anxiety is usually your fears related to taking medicine and the 'what ifs'. Medicine alone cannot make you think bad things). 2. After 2 weeks (yes, I was one of the unlucky few who had very bad side effects for all that time, but I stuck with it), the therapeutic effects start coming through eventually. 3. Don't just assume medicine will make you completely happy, you still need to actively change your life to fix the root causes of anxiety or depression, i.e., do meditation, quit drinking, do CBT, take up exercise, see a therapist, be around people more."
- Jam...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 28, 2019
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I have suffered with anxiety my entire life. After having 2 kids, my anxiety got so bad I stopped going to work, stopped eating, couldn't get out of bed. I was afraid of my own thoughts. I was hospitalized for a week. When I was prescribed Prozac, I had anxiety about taking it, and the first 3.5 weeks of being on it were HARD. Diarrhea, insomnia, heightened anxiety, and depression. But I took Klonopin as needed to help me get through. By week 5, I literally felt like my old self again. I can't believe the difference. I'm so grateful I stuck with it. I'm on 40mg, and it's been the best choice I have made for myself and my family."
- Be ...
- July 2, 2016
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "Prozac for anxiety and stress: I started Prozac 20 mg on January 1, 2016. I feel great so far with no anxiety and panicky feeling. Not every day is perfect but that is life. The first two weeks on Prozac 20 mg, it made my anxiety high, it made me nauseated, unable to eat, and unable to sleep. Since I suffer from GAD, 20 mg suddenly stopped working, and I went up to 40 mg. Increased to 40 mg, it gave me a lot of anxiety and panicky feeling again. After one week or so, the anxiety was gone, and the panicky feeling was also gone. I have tried three other ADs, and they all gave me chronic nausea and headache. However, on Prozac, I feel great. I do feel nauseous but it is manageable. Give Prozac 7 weeks before you quit. Two thumbs up!"
- Ziz...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 4, 2013
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Depression "I am a 25-year-old PhD student. I have been taking Prozac for 5 weeks now. It started affecting me on the 3rd week. I felt so much more active, and I had hope for living. I am working more efficiently, and my sleep schedule is perfect. I am gaining some weight, which means I should also start exercising. I still have vivid dreams and wake up several times during the night, but I don't mind it because my life has changed so much, and I feel so happy after years of depression."
- Sam...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 15, 2017
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I was suffering from generalized anxiety disorder with some panic. It was a miserable situation, and although I gutted it out for many years, I finally decided to try meds. My doctor prescribed Prozac, 10 mg initially. I'm not going to lie, those first couple of weeks were rough. It actually made me MORE anxious and pretty jittery. Sleep was not restful. But then just about the time I was going to give up (2-3 weeks into it) and try something else, I started feeling better. Eventually, I felt a LOT better. I now take 20 mg daily, and I feel like I got my life back. I don't think I realized how small my life had become until the anxiety abated. For someone who can gut out the initial few weeks, it is so worth it."
- Anonymous
- August 17, 2010
Prozac (fluoxetine) for Anxiety and Stress "I started Prozac after a bout with anxiety and depression with insomnia. I had probably depleted myself nutritionally and emotionally after a really rough year. Lost my Dad, on-going struggles with eating disorders, chronically ill husband, etc... What a difference. I have been on it for almost a year and I am fine. I feel great - like myself. Just need to give it time in the beginning. I think the medication and eating healthy and exercising has helped greatly. My stress level is just as high - just able to take the problems now with normal reactions."
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Prozac (fluoxetine) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I don’t find a lot of positive stories about antidepressants, or I find stories where people are taking the antidepressant the wrong way. I wanted to share my experience. A positive one. I’ve had generalized anxiety disorder, SEVERE OCD, and panic disorder for as long as I can remember. My first memory of having an episode was when I was 4 years old at my kindergarten interview. I feel as though I was born with the illnesses mentioned above, right from the womb. When I was a child I was extremely anxious, had bad separation anxiety from my parents, and had extreme OCD. I was just a kid and thought that the way I was feeling is how all kids felt, I didn’t realize that I was different. This went on, and got even worse in middle school. I began developing trichotillomania in middle school. In high school, I went from being a 90% above student to failing every class within a couple of years. I couldn’t leave the house. My panic disorder and GAD caused debilitating physical symptoms. I would be shaking when I had to leave the house, I wouldn’t drink alcohol because I was afraid of vomiting, I was suffering so much, for my whole entire life with severe phobias, fears, and anxiety. I prayed and prayed and prayed to God every night for it to go away. I was a 16-year-old living in a prison of her own mind. It never went away. Every single day was the worst day of my life, I would wake up and the thoughts just started, I never had a break. My life was exhausting. I am of East Indian background, and my parents didn’t understand mental illness well. It is very taboo in my culture. I went to tons of doctors, and they told me it was just growing pains, no doctor ever told me that maybe I should see a therapist. I didn’t have any support. When I was 22, I attempted suicide. Luckily, the attempt didn’t work, and I was forced to go on medication. I was livid, I was so against antidepressants, I was so, so, so scared, it felt unnatural. My general practitioner put me on Effexor. I took it for almost 8 weeks, it helped me to not want to kill myself, but it also made me gain tons of weight which made me depressed, and it made me hear voices. One evening a voice told me to choke my mom, and I started freaking out, and my parents drove me immediately to the hospital. At the hospital, I talked to a psych nurse who calmed me down, and got me an appointment with a psychiatrist the next day. This appointment and this psychiatrist saved my life, and changed my entire life. I want to really mention that you should not be going to a General Practitioner for mental illness medication, you should ALWAYS, ALWAYS go to a psychiatrist no matter what. If your GP is the only person you are seeing to help you manage your meds for OCD, anxiety, etc, that is the WRONG MOVE. That is such a common mistake people are making, you NEED a psychiatrist in order to get the meds right, please do not just go to your regular doctor, you’ll be cheating yourself. I went to the psychiatrist appointment the next day. It was the first time I had ever seen a psychiatrist. I got into her room, and we talked about everything: my childhood, my phobias, my OCD. She then brought my parents into the room to explain the whole situation to them and the fact that I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and that I have been suffering for way too long. My parents were so supportive. The doctor told me I was on the wrong medication, that I never should have been placed on Effexor which is an SNRI, and that I should be on an SSRI considering my main problem is OCD and GAD. We talked a lot about it, and she told me she would like to place me on Prozac. She said for me, because my neural pathways have been the same for 20 plus years, that I would need a higher dosage of Prozac especially for anxiety and OCD. I see on this forum, that so many people are on 20mg, or 40mg for anxiety disorders. You should be on 60mg at least, do not be afraid to go higher. People that say Prozac or an SSRI didn’t really do anything for their anxiety or OCD is because they are only taking a 20mg dose, That is not an OCD dose. 40-80mg for anxiety and OCD. Please up your dose. Use the medication, REALLY USE IT. Do not be afraid! My doctor started me on 40mg, eventually took me to 100mg, and then I went back to 80mg. Yes, the side effects are insane, I was nauseated, I couldn’t sleep, I was shaking, I had anxiety, but she prescribed me Ativan and said to use it until the Prozac kicked in. That the Ativan would keep me comfortable until that happened. Don’t try to be a hero, use your Ativan or your Xanax or whatever to stay as comfortable as possible. I could write so much more, but I’ll conclude with this. 4 months after being on 80mg of Prozac every day, I woke up one day and I was cured. Yes, cured. I had no OCD, I had no anxiety, I no longer had fears or phobias. I was cured. You have no idea how that day felt. It was like the first day of my whole entire life. I woke up being the real me, who is free-spirited and isn’t afraid of anything! I was finally free, I was no longer a prisoner. I didn’t even have to go to therapy. I just woke up one day a brand new person, from taking a high dose of Prozac every single day. DO NOT go off of the antidepressants. Your OCD, your anxiety, depression etc will come back. I WOULD never dream or even think to come off of my antidepressants, I have an illness, that will return if I go off the medication, because I have a brain disorder. OCD is a brain disorder. Do not stop taking medication for your brain disorder, do not try to fix your brain disorder with just a 20mg or 40mg dose. Own your medication, be on it for life. It’s been 5 years since I have been cured. If it wasn’t for Prozac, I would be dead. 1) You need a psychiatrist 2) Do not be afraid to take more than 40mg of Prozac to treat panic attacks etc, I am on 80mg a day and my life is a ball. It is so wonderful and so carefree. 3) Do not stop the meds. Be on the meds for life."