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Exemestane for Breast Cancer User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Aromasin

Exemestane has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 99 reviews for the treatment of Breast Cancer. 25% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Exemestane

  • Fredr...
  • October 4, 2013

"I have been on exemestane for 7 months and stopped because of the severe joint pain, especially when 1st getting up from a sitting position or getting out of bed. Been off for about a month and I'm still experiencing symptoms. "

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85 Report
  • Golden...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 21, 2015

Aromasin (exemestane) "i have been on aromasin for about 70 days just had a short holiday came back hardly able to walk joints were aching from first taking it but thought this might be because I'm not getting any younger but now I wonder also my sleep patterns have altered I wake quite early and am a lot more tired also at times I seem quite breathless although I'm asthmatic it has always been well controlled will see my doctor to see what he suggests this was my last resort for drugs as most of the others I have tried with side effects."

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71 Report
  • Doxie...
  • December 29, 2014

"This is my 3rd medicine for reducing estrogen. I have been on it for 6 months, after going through surgery and radiation for Stage 1 breast cancer. It is much easier than the other medications. BUT I'm still not sure if I will continue. Since I have started on this medicine I have had the following: blood clot in lung, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, pain in my right side, insomnia, jaw pain, ringing in ears & some imbalances, these are new just since starting this medicine. (Pain in joints is something that is better on this medicine than others.) As I have already tried the other medications available to me this is my only option except taking nothing. "

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Frequently asked questions

  • Shary...
  • June 7, 2016

"I started taking exemestane after trying Tamoxifen and Femara. Unfortunately, these medicines have been hard on me. I do not have quality of life. Constantly tired plus the joint pain is unbearable. Hands are swollen, trigger finger and cists in the wrist. I have also gained a lot of weight and developed bad acne."

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  • LilyD...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 20, 2017

"My OC switched me from letrozole to exemestane because I was having some bone loss. I was a little more tired and achey on the Letrozole so assumed the same from exemesterane but oh my gosh what a difference. I gained 6Lbs in a month, horrible headaches, pins and needles in hands, back pain, fatigue, waking up in the middle of the night, hot flashes, ring in my ears and blurry vision. I'm switching back to Lettozole at least the s/e are tolerable. I guess everyone is different if it works for others awesome but not for me. These reviews are so needed in our for-profit health-care system. Doctors won't tell you or don't know about all the side effects and who even knows about long term ones....."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Mary
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 26, 2020

"I have been on examastine for almost 3 years, I will be finished in Nov. 2020. The first two years I was on tamoxifen. Since being on extmastine I have had 2 carpal tunnel surgeries just so I could do my job. My fingers, joints and wrist ache like no other and I haven't worn my rings for months. 2 more months hallelujah!!"

6 / 10
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35 Report
  • Mic
  • April 16, 2015

"I have been on Aromasin (Exemestane) 25 mg for three years. I tried the other two Inhibitors but had severe bone pain so this one is the best of the bunch. I do have some joint pain, low stamina, no libido, waking throughout the night, swollen fingers, toes and abdomen, severe hot flashes that feel like I'm being burned at the stake and the worse one is the weight gain. I've gained 50 pounds in the last two years and still have two years to go. My doctor put me on Clonidin every 6 hours because my skin was allergic to the 24 hour patch. It helps ease the hot flashes for about 4 hours. He doesn't have any advice for my inability to lose weight and the fact that I keep gaining even though I exercise and eat the same as before. Ugghhh!"

5 / 10
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64 Report
  • MISS...
  • July 2, 2018

"I've been taking it for almost 2 1/2 years. I'm 40 years old. So far no reoccurance. I was able to improve muscle and joint stiffness with moderate exercise. I'm also able to maintain/lose weight while taking this medication. I also have hot flashes occasionally."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • KTano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 29, 2018

"After trying Arrimidex and Femara, which both made me horribly miserable in many ways, I tried Aromasin, but first I let my body "detox" from the other drugs for a month or so. Both my oncologist and my pharmacist were good with that. Exemestane (Aromasin) has had the least number of side effects for me. I was already taking fish oil and glucosamine chondroitin for arthritis, so not sure if that may help as some have noted or not. Two years after chemo and I still have terrible neuropathy in my feet and they hurt most all of the time. Was taking gabapentin for the neuropathy, but had to take so much so often and it just kept wearing off, so I stopped taking that. The worst side effect that I have now (other than hot flashes and sore feet) is my thin, brittle finger nails. They were always thick and strong before cancer. I started taking biotin for that, but only recently, so no great results yet. I also take vitamin B12 which helps with energy."

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 22, 2017

Aromasin (exemestane) "Breast cancer I --- began & continued Aromasin for 4 years plus-shrunk tumor to be non-detectable on mammogram or high resolution scan!! Aromosin brand no longer covered by my insurance--mandating use of generic instead. Can only pray that the generic will work as well as brand and with the zero side effects (except for hair thinning) that brand Aromasin provided! A true MIRACLE drug!!"

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  • Stefg
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 20, 2015

"Very active and fit- 37 yrs old and have been on Aromasin for almost 3mo. I was on Tamoxifen for 5 years previously. It was a cake walk compared to Aromasin. I haven't slept through the night a single night since starting A. My hands are swollen and weak and they ache all the time. I have joint pain all over and am terribly stuff when I sit in the same position for long. I'm tired and have a hard time working out (I used to live for this) My vision is blurry sometimes. This blows but I'm hoping the SEs will improve soon."

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56 Report
  • DCano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 5, 2019

"I was on letrozole previously and could not stand the side effects. Joint pain, neuropathy, brain fog and more. I am now on exemestane for 2 months. No brain fog, but I experience tiredness. I now take it at night and that helps me function during the day. I am having some vision issues and I keep getting cysts on my face. It's not pimples, but cysts. As soon as I get rid of one another pops up. Is anyone else experiencing this?"

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34 Report
  • Debbie...
  • October 10, 2011

"On this medication for the past 4 months. Still unable to sleep at night, hot flashes, but a lot nicer than the other medication I was on. The only side effect that I can deal with is the muscle pain that it causes in my legs. I also notice my skin being oily and breakouts on my face."

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71 Report
  • Bcsur...
  • January 26, 2017

"This drug was the worst by far. Diagnosed almost 9 years ago in 2008. On tamoxifen for two years-had a hysterectomy-on Arimidex for five years. I thought after seven years I would not have to take anything. Dr said new research and I should take a drug for 10 years. Didn't want to go back on Arimidex because of the horrible side effects. On tamoxifen again for one year and developed a vetreous detachment in my eye-after research on my part could've been linked to the tamoxifen. I went off that and started taking Exemestane. On for three weeks and had terrible backache, nausea, acid reflux, cracking bones, and horrible depression. I won't take it again for only a 2% increase in survival"

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  • farmg...
  • January 26, 2012

"I was on Arimidex for two months and I thought I was having a heart attack. Turns out it it was the medication. I have been on exemestane for three months and my chest feels real tight most of the time. I have no energy and headaches. I am trying to decide if to go off it and go on Tamoxifen. I have talked to several people on tamoxifen with no side effects to speak of except hot flashes. I also have pain in my fingers and feet. I also feel like I am having some hearing loss which I never had before."

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  • Mz V
  • November 21, 2016

"Have been on this medication about 4 months I was wondering why I couldn't sleep and have gained and excessive amount of weight. I read the reviews which helped me considerably. I wake up with headaches in the morning. I take Excedrin it helps, my skin breaks out weekly. My right arm is numb and feels like no circulation. I believe I am going to take my self off this medication. I can't afford to keep buying clothes. Oh by the way my sugar has gone up. I've never had this problem before. I believe this medication is the common denominator for most if not all my issues."

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43 Report
  • maria...
  • December 6, 2016

"This is the second inhibitor that I have tried. Started off great, but now after 3 months am wondering if it is all worth it. The tiredness, insomnia and swollen hands and feet are bad enough. The worst part is the confusion. I go to appointments at the wrong times, can't remember some of the grandchildrens names! Along with the hot flushes and nausea, not fun. Then the doctor tells me that I need it for 10 years and just work through the side effects!"

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  • Birdie
  • April 26, 2017

"I thought I was going crazy. Taking aromosin for 11 mos. I fall asleep in the middle of the day, even nod off when I'm with friends. Terrible sleeplessness, hand joint pain in middle of night, thinning hair (after losing hair after chemo), The fatigue makes me lack motivation, no interest in anything, poor eating habits, can't exercise, don't want to do anything. This is worse than Arimidex!"

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  • april
  • March 21, 2016

"This medication was not good for me. I had a lot of severe joint pain and I was sad all of the time. I cried at the drop of a hat and this is not my normal personality at all. I always felt as though I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay under the covers. I lasted 2.5 years. All of my joints hurt. So, now I am trying letrozole. So far, it seems more of the same...sigh."

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  • Sherr...
  • July 5, 2015

"Kidney problems? Carpel Tunnel Numbness? Insomnia? (Hot flashes are a given, I take gabapentin and venafaxalene which helps.) I just started Exemastine after taking Tamoxifen for three years. I started the new drug about a month and a half ago. I had similar side effects when I started Tamaxifen but never had Kidney Pain. I am in a lot of pain which is covering about a 6 inch radius on my side. I am not 100% sure if it is pulled muscles since it came on overnight, but I don't recall any injury. Has anyone had this issue?"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 28, 2016

"I took for 60 days and had horrible joint and bone pain. At times, I could not make a fist, snap my fingers, or get out of bed. I was tired all the time. My face broke out with acne and seb.dermatitis. I stopped for a week and already feel so much better (more energy, much less joint pain). I am meeting with the Onc. in a couple weeks to discuss a new drug... hopefully without the awful side effects."

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  • Nbou
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 22, 2019

"I was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma in early 2017. After one dose of chemo I developed sepsis and almost died - 2 weeks in ICU in a coma, followed by 2 months in hospital. I had to learn how to walk again, etc. Thanks to excellent medical care I am back at work, and about 85% "back to normal". I am 61 years old and started this adventure as a pretty fit, outdoorsy woman, confident I could manage chemo. However, post sepsis, they won't give me chemo again. I did 6 weeks of radiation, took letrizole for a year to suppress estrogen, and switched to exemestane in July 2018. My most concerning side effect is lack of vaginal lubrication and interest in sex, which sounds trivial but is wreaking emotional havoc in my 27 year marriage. Medical professionals seem to have no knowledge of the safety of using topical estrogen and it's a risk my husband doesn't want me to take. Had anyone had this problem? I feel dropped by the medical system."

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25 Report
  • Fight...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 24, 2017

"I have been taking 25 mg of Exemesane for 22 days now. After the first week I started having a cough with clear phlegm everyday. I recently had bad headaches that lasted 3 days. I had to lay in bed with lights off. I also have been having diarrhea and nausea with some vomiting the past week. Two nights ago I had very uncomfortable heartburn, I had to sleep sitting up. I have also had increased bone/joint pain and fatigue. I hope the medicine is working because I really don't like feeling ill on a daily basis. I will discuss these side effects with my doctor next week."

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34 Report
  • KC OC...
  • January 26, 2018

"I have been taking this for 4 years. I feel like my muscles have gotten a lot tighter, as I have Plantar Fasciitis and Bursitis; that was helped with PT & stretching. My hair was thinning, I started taking a "Hair, Skin, & Nail" vitamin supplement & my hairdresser said my hair is looking healthy. I take a Fish Oil supplement & of course a Calcium supplement (which my oncologist said I should). I have hot flashes at night but I think if I was to chart those to my diet it might be associated w/ alcohol &/or red meat. Best news is my cancer has not come back. But with any of these types of medication it is hard to determine if that is indeed the source of the good (no cancer) or bad (side effects) outcomes."

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30 Report
  • victo...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 8, 2018

"I had hot flashes when I first started taking it, but one year on and I have none. I always get the Greenstone brand of exemestane now as I have found it very tolerable. If I take other formulations, I tend to have side effects. Also, I do walk 5 miles a day. It is not always easy, but I push myself to do this every day. I think that helps me a lot. They just started me on Letrozole. I don't like it at all"

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28 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.