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Nexplanon and Mood Swings: What Users Say

Mood swings: mentioned by 1189 users (24.4%)

Based on user experiences from 4,863 Nexplanon reviews, the following table shows the most commonly mentioned side effects.

All user comments are moderated by Each review is verified for relevance and screened for inappropriate content. Side effects are user-reported and not clinically verified.

weight gain 26.6%
mood swings 24.4%
bleeding 24.4%
depression 19.6%
acne 18.4%
spotting 13.8%
anxiety 12.5%
cramps 10.2%
sexual dysfunction 9.9%
headaches 8.9%

Reviews for Nexplanon

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • Kit...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 18, 2021

For Birth Control "Nexplanon is not worth the mental toll it takes on your daily life. I'm willing to cut it out of my own arm at this point. I'm constantly pushing away my loved ones every night. I have had more mood swings and suicidal thoughts than my entire life and I have a good partner, promoted to my dream job and none of those things matter anymore. The joys in life are gone. It's like having split personalities with this product. The one I got four years ago was great and I would only cry at stupid things. This time around I can't stand to be alive. Don't do it. Find another way there is something wrong with this product."

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363 Report
  • Jan...
  • September 12, 2020

For Birth Control "I have had my Nexplanon implant in for 1.5 years and I had it removed on the 20th of August 2020. Three days later, the nightmare kicks in! Can someone tell me when this will end? Note: 0 history of mental health problems (current nightmare = severe anxiety, sometimes panic attacks, high heart rate, dizziness, dream-like state of mind, confusion, frustration, irritation, mood swings, lack of control. Not myself whatsoever! I asked the male doctor, and he informed me, as well as the lady doctor who removed it, that this was not related to the implant removal. I think the removal has caused a serious hormonal imbalance in my body. Can anyone relate? If so, please leave a message/comment. I am 34 years old and it’s scary, so if there are any young girls or ladies out there, you're not alone! Take care, my fellow soldiers. Xx"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 9, 2021

For Birth Control "I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your experiences. I have had the Nexplanon implant in for 5 weeks now, and I am having it removed in two days. I feel like I am going crazy. I have never suffered much with anxiety, but over the past few weeks I’ve been crying non-stop and having very dark thoughts that I am sick and dying. The anxiety is causing me to be very sad and emotional and worry about everything. Reading all of your stories gives me hope that everything. I am not going mad and that the hormones will balance out once removed. Thank you."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Ste...
  • March 29, 2021

For Birth Control "It’s been less than four months since I got Nexplanon inserted, and I want to get it taken out. It’s done its job in preventing pregnancy, however, it has negatively impacted me both physically and mentally. I have been bleeding nonstop since I got it put in, and this has resulted in a lot of inconvenience in my life as I am always bleeding. Having already been used to tampons, my fear of getting a bacterial infection or toxic shock syndrome has increased to the point that I switched back to pads. I can’t continue like this. The first month, I was having terrible mood swings and pushing my boyfriend away. It went away for a little bit, but I have started feeling uncontrollably sad, worthless, and unhappy again. I don’t think keeping it in any longer is worth it, to be honest. It’s sad, but I’m writing this right after I finished crying for the night because I feel so sad. If you suffer from some form of anxiety and depression already, your mental state may be further negatively impacted."

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117 Report
  • Amo...
  • January 24, 2015

For Birth Control "My experience with Nexplanon was horrible and would like to share my experience, although everyone is different and what doesn't work for me might work for you or vice versa. I had the Nexplanon placed 3 months after giving birth. Before that I was happy, high sex drive (always have had high sex drive), regular periods, and overall very long life. After Nexplanon, I had non-stop bleeding, severe headaches, severe dizziness, severe lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, and severe mood swings. I felt like I was going downhill because I felt sick all the time and extreme sadness and depression. I had it removed because I no longer felt like myself and felt like I was making bad memories on what should be my most precious moments with my family."

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  • Anonymous
  • November 13, 2014

For Birth Control "Probably one of the worst decisions I have made in my adult life. I have always had great skin, and on this medication, it exploded with both random dryness and severe acne. My emotions were a roller coaster (more than just normal girl stuff). My sex drive plummeted. Constant spotting. Yeah, it prevented me from getting pregnant, probably because I was always on my period. All in all, bad experience."

3 / 10
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167 Report
  • Lay...
  • August 30, 2020

For Birth Control "I got the Nexplanon. I thought it would help. It was great at first, then two days after I got it, my vision was going crazy, I got dizzy, and I had a lot of mood swings. And I looked up some of these side effects, they are crazy. I think this birth control needs to be looked into more and maybe have fewer side effects. If it works for you, great, but if it doesn’t, please take it out. It’s not worth having it in your arm if you feel miserable. And I know every woman is different, but please be aware."

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41 Report
  • Lex...
  • February 11, 2020

For Birth Control "I had it removed less than a week ago. I never thought twice about my mood while on it (I thought it was just how I was or have always been) until my relationship started getting rocky due to my anxiety, obsessiveness, and easy triggering over the most minor inconveniences. It was hard for me to have a good day even when I tried. I had emotional breakdowns every day, and my period lasted forever, blood clots, and spotting in between every cycle. But at least I knew I wasn’t getting pregnant. Since it was removed, it literally feels as if dark clouds were lifted from above me. It’s crazy to think how many good moments I’ve missed out on or ruined due to my mood swings the past 2 years. No more obsessive thoughts or anxiety or unjustified rage, and no depression. It’s great birth control. I just wish the mood swings and depression that come along with it are not a thing. I’m happy to know that now I’m not an angry, raging female, just a female that was dealing with all of its negative side effects."

6 / 10
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40 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 3, 2014

For Birth Control "I got this in July. I started my regular period when I got it inserted, and my period escalated to soaking through a pad every 10 minutes. I took birth control pills to fix this. I bled for 2 months straight like a normal period. Now I always am spotting, some days heavy flow. I usually always feel crampy now. I gained 10 pounds within two weeks of having this, all in my stomach. I always have migraines. I get more pimples and am always tired. I randomly get sad and angry for no reason. Also, my sex drive has been slowly but surely diminishing. I am keeping it only because it's keeping me baby-free."

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61 Report
  • Joj...
  • March 29, 2021

For Birth Control "Don't do it. This thing should come with a health warning. I have had the implant for 6 months and have bled every day since I got it, not even light bleeding that you could live with, heavy bleeding. My mood has changed, I am normally a very positive, easy-going person. Since having this inserted, I spend most of my days crying, getting angry-I am not an angry person-and feeling suicidal, and that is scary. It has got to the point where my two kids are even asking, 'Are you okay today, mummy? Why are you crying, mummy?' I have spent days just sitting, crying, or extremely anxious. I have contacted medical services to get it removed and have been put on a waiting list. Also, I have put on over 20 lbs, considering that I haven’t been overeating, and no matter what I do, weight does not shift. My advice would be to stay clear, the implant is purely awful and just not worth it."

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29 Report
  • Kay...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 19, 2021

For Birth Control "I would not recommend. Has pretty much ruined my life. My periods have been going on for weeks, up to months long, along with brown, bloody, and liquidy discharge. I’ve had horrible mental health, including suicidal thoughts, worsened depression, anxiety, and obsessive thoughts. I’ve had mood swings and gained around 5 lbs even on a healthy diet and exercise every day. My 'you know what' has had a horrible smell. I’ve tried everything from medication, figuring out my pH level, wearing cotton panties, to taking showers often, and still, there is a very bad odor, especially from my discharge and period blood. The cramps are debilitating, and I couldn’t even walk. The application area has ached ever since I got it, and I’ve had migraines constantly. If your body is sensitive to extreme hormonal changes, you have depression or any mental illness, or sensitive in general, I would not recommend this. It has been the worst experience of my life, getting it removed soon."

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27 Report
  • Moh...
  • March 22, 2014

For Birth Control "I've had Nexplanon for 4 months. It has been effective in preventing pregnancy, and not having to take a pill is convenient. But that's where the pros end. A couple of weeks after having it inserted, my mood swings were off the chart. I was snapping at everyone for the littlest things. I've never had a problem with depression in the 23 years I've been alive and have been depressed since I started this birth control. On top of that, my sex drive is gone. I was crazy, head over heels in love with my husband up until I started this prescription. Now I can hardly stand to have him kiss me, I'm so turned off. And it's not him, it's definitely the Nexplanon. Definitely getting it removed."

4 / 10
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57 Report
  • Ove...
  • July 7, 2021

For Birth Control "Well, let's see. I would not recommend this to anyone. Why? You like being bipolar II? Because that is what you get. Do you like your monthly period for a month with 2 weeks of no period? Because that is what you will get. My OB/GYN lied to me. She said this was better than the pill (I was having massive mood swings as well as really bad cramps being on the pills, and I would always forget to take them) and told me that this birth control method would be the way to go. I lost my health insurance, so for almost 3 years, I had to deal with having suicidal thoughts nearly almost every day, being over-emotional, anxiety through the roof, mood swings, and a period for a month with 2 weeks off (AND NO, IT IS NOT SPOTTING). I currently just got my health insurance back, so in September (because that is when I can get in), I am getting this awful thing out of my arm. It's okay because now I am going to be more cognizant of what I put in my body. NEVER AGAIN!!! I know people are different, but nope, NEVER AGAIN!!"

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25 Report
  • Jul...
  • October 13, 2014

For Birth Control "This birth control appealed to me because it's estrogen-free, you don't need to remember a daily pill, and it lasts for a long amount of time. I had Nexplanon inserted on 3-13-14. I got my period the next day. Today marks 7 months of constant bleeding. Having said this, I'm sure it's highly effective birth control, but for me it was more so effective because it caused me to not have sex. The first couple of weeks I was a little extra emotional, but that stopped quickly. I had no other side effects. I have friends who went on this and stopped having periods altogether, so I'm sure my experience was exceptional."

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49 Report
  • Mad...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 6, 2020

For Birth Control "My daughter had the Nexplanon implanted about a year and a half ago, although I told her I thought it was a bad idea. It has not been studied in women under the age of 18. After about the first 2 months, I saw the light in my daughter's eyes go out. She had horrible cramps, breakthrough bleeding lasting weeks, and severe mood swings and depression. On Friday, January 31st, at 8 PM, my daughter was taken to the local ER for suicidal thoughts. After 36 hours of awfulness, she was admitted to a psychiatric care facility and put under suicide watch. The doctor that gave her this implant did NOT educate her on the side effects it can cause, especially the mental side effects. She will be discharged in a few days and has an appointment to have it removed immediately. Do NOT get this form of birth control! Especially if you have ever been diagnosed with any type of ADHD, bipolar disorder, OCD, etc. I’m grateful she saw that something was not right and sought help before I lost her."

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27 Report
  • Jad...
  • April 6, 2021

For Birth Control "I’m a teen, and after I had my baby, doctors pressured me to get on Nexplanon and told me it would stop my periods, so I got the implant on January 7th, 2021. In the beginning, everything was fine. About a week after getting the implant, I started my period, and the longest it has stopped for has been 5 days. It’s now April 6, 2021. I’ve been suffering with depression, BPD, and anxiety, but ever since getting on this implant, it has skyrocketed. I’m always depressed, I get anxious all the time. I’ve been having the worst thoughts, hate my body image, and my overall mental health is the worst it’s ever been. I would never recommend this to anybody. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare. Constant mood swings, always mad, horrible acne, suicidal thoughts. I'd rather be pregnant again than to use this. Doctors should really express to people with a history of bad mental health that it will make a horrible impact on your mental health. I’m getting this removed within the next week."

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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 29, 2020

For Birth Control "This is my 3rd insertion of the Nexplanon and will be removing it indefinitely as soon as possible. I noticed on the 2nd insertion that my moods were out of whack, I gained a lot of weight, and towards the end of the cycle, I felt myself again. After a month of my 3rd implant, I again feel noticeable moments of sadness and anger for no reason!!!! My husband confirms that it’s an off/on switch with my moods, and he doesn’t understand why. This is not worth it... I will gladly pop out another kid if it means not dealing with this terrible birth control method."

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24 Report
  • Ale...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 12, 2021

For Birth Control "I got on Nexplanon 5 months after getting in a relationship. I have been on it for about a year now. Thinking back, I remember myself being really happy before it. As soon as I got on this birth control, I felt like everything went downhill. I am really depressed. I cry randomly, I get sad at least every day. I have a lot of good things going on for myself. I just got hired for a job I've been wanting for a while. I was really happy about it for about an hour, then the rest of the day my mood changed. I was crying and didn't know why. I have been thinking the worst. Also, I now feel like I don't even want to be with my boyfriend even though he treats me good. I just don't want to be close to anyone. I have pushed everyone away. I've isolated myself. I get bad mood swings. I am mostly irritated and sad every day. It has been horrible for me. It might work for some, but for me, it hasn't, so I'm going to schedule an appointment to get it removed."

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21 Report
  • Cie...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 30, 2014

For Birth Control "I've had my Nexplanon for over a year now, it's very effective against not getting pregnant, and that's the best part only. I have 2 periods a month, one light, one heavy. I randomly bleed, as well as cramp horribly before I start. I've had headaches, nausea, hives, nasal sinus issues, depression, mood swings, weight gain, loss of appetite, peeling skin on my face, dandruff, a rash on my arm, constantly itching, loss of sex drive, tiredness, and the list continues."

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40 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 3, 2020

For Birth Control "Let me just say, “Wow, YEAH TO ALL THESE REVIEWS!! ALL FACTS!!” Gosh dammit, I hate all these mood swings. My boyfriend said it’s like I have an on/off switch to my moods that occurs every 10 minutes. I’ve always had the same thoughts that make me depressed and stressed. I’ve had this Nexplanon for a month already, and now my same thoughts that I think about every day before this BC are making me hella suicidal. I’ve decided to live in my car just to get away from my problems at my place. Probably going to regret moving into my car once I remove this implant. DO NOT GET THIS!! Especially if you already have mental issues. Unless you only want to get it so you don’t have to deal with getting pregnant."

4 / 10
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21 Report
  • g19...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 17, 2023

For Birth Control "I am totally appalled by the lack of information regarding the side effects of this implant that is given to women before having it put in. The nurse I spoke to said nothing about negative effects besides the fact that it may interfere with my periods. It was simply made to sound like the best thing ever. Within a year, I had gained so much weight that I would be out of breath just walking down the road. After 2 years, the weight gain was so bad my GP put me on tablets for fluid retention. I didn't realize until last month, after coming across a TV show by chance about the lack of proper information provided to women regarding contraception, that the implant was to blame. After suffering from anorexia all my life, I am now obese!! And as for mood? I am in tears over everything, back on anxiety medication and antidepressants, as I have suffered from blood clots. I should not have been given it in the first place! BAN IT!"

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10 Report
  • GQa...
  • January 11, 2020

For Birth Control "Well, I got a nice story to tell that goes like this: I almost died because of this thing in my arm. I had it on for a year and a half, and since the first month, my period disappeared, which made me turn into a monster. I became a completely different person: mood swings like crazy, extreme headaches, always tired and depressed. Long story short, over the summer of 2019, one day this vomiting started. I thought it was a stomach virus until 15 days went by and all I could eat. I was on IV at the hospital for weeks, under observation and under medication to ease the vomiting. They came to the conclusion that I had an anxiety disorder to an extreme, got to a psychiatrist for her to tell me that all of this was happening because of that little inoffensive tube I had in my arm. She ordered to get it out of my body immediately, and I promise you I’m not making this up. After 48 hours, I was a different person. The vomiting stopped, and as the days went by, I started getting better and better. Never again."

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22 Report
  • Kay...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 21, 2023

For Birth Control "Do NOT get it!!! I got the Nexplanon inserted a year ago, and I'm getting it removed next week. It has been the worst experience, both physically and especially mentally. I gained 10 pounds and am constantly bloated, and I am someone who is a very healthy eater and regularly exercises. My skin also plummeted, and I now have painful acne. I am also bleeding CONSTANTLY!! I'll go for 3 weeks bleeding and 1 week not bleeding. Finally, my mental health has completely spiraled!! I have constant mood swings and waves of anger that have been completely ruining what are supposed to be special moments. I have zero control over my emotions and reactions, as if my brain and body are separate! I'll be telling myself I'm angry and crying over nothing, but I physically cannot get out of the terrible mood I am now somehow in. I am not myself anymore, and you are not alone if you feel this way with Nexplanon. I cannot wait to get this mood-controlling parasite of an implant out!!"

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10 Report
  • Ang...
  • March 3, 2020

For Birth Control "I had the Nexplanon inserted on March 15 after having my son. Pros: I didn't get pregnant, and the first one I had, I did not have a period for 2.5 years. Cons: Over the last five years, my depression and mood have gotten worse. I have dealt with depression before, but not to the point I didn't want to be alive anymore. Mood swings from extreme anger to crying my eyes out. At one point, I actually thought I was bipolar. I've had this implant twice - March 2015 and June 2017. The second go-around was awful. I did not have a period the first go-around, but the second it was terrible. Before I had my son, I was very regular - every 28 days, bled normally for 3 days, and it would taper off and be done by day 5. With the implant, I would have extreme mood swings a few days before, and then I would bleed heavily for 4-6 days, and finally on day 7 it would taper off. It never was regular. Some months it would come a week early or would be a week late and only last 3 days. I would NEVER recommend this product to anybody."

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20 Report
  • Hol...
  • February 14, 2020

For Birth Control "Please do not get Nexplanon. I just had it removed 2 days ago, feeling a bit better. Mood swings lessened. Had severe mood swings, depression, weight gain, and I ate very little carbs. Lack of energy, troubling constant thoughts, anxiety, high blood pressure. Please do not get."

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