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Junel Fe 1/20 for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 2)

Junel Fe 1/20 has an average rating of 4.4 out of 10 from a total of 783 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 28% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 53% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Junel Fe 1/20

  • LoveL...
  • September 24, 2015

"To everyone worried about taking this because of the awful side effects people talk about: RELAX. Junel was the first birth control I ever took. I have a VERY sensitive system and my main concern was weight gain. My body is so sensitive that I've even gained weight from a natural progesterone cream. I did not gain a single OUNCE from junel. Not one. It did not make me hungry. It did give me a headache for the first few days, but I'm three weeks in and I don't even feel any difference in my body. Please take negative reviews that you read with a grain of salt. Yes all birth controls effect people differently but I honestly feel like if you go into it thinking you'll be fine, you won't experience weight gain, you WILL actually be fine."

10 / 10
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  • rubys...
  • March 12, 2014

"I switched from Beyaz to Junel mainly because I wanted to clear up my skin. It was a very spur of the moment thing and my doc gyno didn't really treadle in the pros and cons. So, I'm on the new pack...I finish the new pack (28 days no placebo) and, nothing. Well, barely. My period is SO light (2-3 days tops) from what it used to be. (4-9 days heavy, heavy flow) I was throttled at first because yes, I was sexually active at the time and the scantiness of the flow really freaked me out. My acne did clear up. I still get my period every month no matter how miniscule it is. I could talk about Junel all day but...they don't give me enough words."

7 / 10
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  • not...
  • February 20, 2015

"I have been on this pill for about 10 months & I LOVE it ! I originally got on it for birth control & it did the job. I haven't gotten pregnant after never using protection or any other contraception . I still get my normal 3 day period but a few months I had spotting or a longer period. overall, I love ❤ it and will continue to use it until I'm ready for another child."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Manda...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 25, 2020

"I took Junel fe 1/20 for one year. I had never been on birth control before starting Junel. When I first started it, I experienced very mild nausea so I took it at night right before bed and that fixed that problem. My periods have always been short but very heavy, 3-4 days with medium-heavy bleeding. Junel didn’t really affect that, but it made my breasts extremely sore. It cleared up my acne, only a small break out during the placebo week. But let me tell you... the emotional roller coaster has been a nightmare. It didn’t start until about 3 months in. I would not be able to sleep at night and just cry out of unexplainable anger or sadness. I would get really really angry for no reason. Dwell on things that made me upset and become so irritable I couldn’t express what I was feeling because I didn’t even know where it was coming from. Anxiety and depression worsened the longer I was on Junel. It was terrible. I’m onto something new and prob won’t go back to Junel."

5 / 10
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  • Aubrey
  • February 27, 2020

"I have been on this pill fJujnel Fe 1/20 or over a year and I have honestly had no issues with it whatsoever! I was on the mini-pill previously and that was tough with having a rare and unpredictable period so I switched to a combo pill. I was honestly so skeptical at first because this doesn’t have the best reviews on here but honestly everything has been good for the past year! This allowed my hormones to be regular, helped to clear up my skin, and best of all prevent pregnancy without any horrible side effects. I did have breakthrough bleeding for a month or two there but it hasn’t come back since the beginning. Starting this new birth control was scary with all the possible side effects and some of these review horror stories, but it was a good choice. Personally, I have had no issues with this birth control and would not hesitate to recommend it to a friend. As I said before, I have had no issues and will stay on this pill for hopefully years to come."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Staci
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 22, 2020

"I have been using Junel Fe 1/20 for about 5 months. I started taking it to help with PMDD, endometriosis, and fibroids. It makes me exhausted during the day and I've started having bad dreams that have progressively gotten worse to the point that they are full blown horror. I have also become progressively more emotional with alternating rage and severe depression. I had the most terrifying nightmare I've ever had last night and woke up feeling like I was losing my mind, that there was no reason to live, and I couldn't shake the feelings of dread and impending doom. Thank goodness I know this is not right and I'm not crazy. After doing my research, I've found that I'm not alone. This happens more than science would like to admit. Although it eased my symptoms from fibroids and endometriosis, it caused side effects that most definitely outweighed any benefits (and it never helped the PMDD). I WILL NEVER TAKE THAT PILL AGAIN. NEVER, EVER, EVER."

2 / 10
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  • Sarah
  • April 29, 2014

"I love this birth control. I switched from Lo loestrin FE because I would get two periods on that (one in week 2 of active pills and one during the placebos) and my doctor said I needed to up my estrogen dose. I was so nervous to start this because of various negative reviews, but I'm almost finished with my first pack and I've had no horrible side effects at all. The first week there was mild bloating and I've had breast tenderness (more than usual) but other than that it's regulated my bleeding and I've gotten no other side effects! Give this pill a chance!"

10 / 10
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  • Jurb
  • December 31, 2020

"I was previously on Microgestin for 5 years prior to this. The only reason for the switch is because Walmart doesn’t always carry the same generic. I didn’t realize it then, but realize now the awful side effects this caused me. ‘They’ say all genetics are the same, but I don’t believe that for a second. Microgestin was great. Junel gave me regular yeast infections, lots of bloating and water retention, more acne, and did nothing to help my pre menopausal symptoms (night sweats and hot flashes). It also made me way more emotional than I normally am. I hated this pill and wish I would have put two and two together more quickly."

2 / 10
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  • Tano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 13, 2021

"Started this birth control to help with cramps, bad lower back pain, and to regulate my period. First 3 months I had bad anxiety, mood swings, and my periods would start the week before the brown pills and then zero period during the brown pills. I was just about to switch pills and figured I'd give it 1 more month. Then, it all changed overnight. I no longer have any mood swings and I think it actually has helped with any anxiety. I have no abdominal cramping, no lower back pain. I will still get hot flashes and night sweats right before my period starts though. This is the first pill that has lessened my period. Now if I wanted to I would probably only have 1 full tampon day and then spot for 3 days. At this point I am very happy that I stuck with it and hoping each month will continue to get better. I have now taken for 5 months."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 3, 2019

"I have been taking this pill Junel Fe 1/20 for about 9 months. The first 3 months were the worse with mood swings, depression, and anxiety. My body took 3 months to get into a groove, but after that it's been smooth sailing. No weight gain, acne cleared up, LIGHT and painless periods, and no pregnancy scares. I would recommend! Don't let the negative reviews scare you. Everyone's body is different and will react differently depending on how you take care of your body."

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  • Anna
  • February 11, 2020

"I am a medical student so I have studied OCPs and various side effects that are expected. But even my education couldn’t prepare me for the months of HORROR I experienced. I had sore nipples but knew it was my body adjusting to the increased estrogen so I tolerated it, what I didn’t expect was this empty feeling unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Also I felt irrational rage and my mood was explosive. I felt like I was going crazy, little things would irritate me and I would be emotional rather than cope. I thought it’s stress from medical school, but I’ve always had stress and dealt with. Prior to Junel I was on Microgestin for 10+ years. I stopped Junel a month ago, I am back to feeling like myself. Junel is so dangerous..I am a happy easy going person with a lot going on for me in life but it made me feel so worthless and at those darkest moments even suicidal please avoid. I know everyone reacts differently but if you read reviews you can see a pattern"

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  • Sek
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 28, 2020

"Whoaaa, so glad I'm not alone with all of these side effects!! After having my last baby I dealt with unbearable periods and cramps while ovulating, to the point it was getting in the way with every day life. Was checked for Endo and was cleared of that so my OB prescribed Junel Fe to me. First couple months seemed great! Very light and almost non existent cramps. After a few months migraine after migraine. Lashing out at my family for no reason, depression, felt like nothing in life mattered, and absolutely NO sex drive. The thought of sex made me feel sick to my stomach ( my poor husband lol ). After discussing with my husband that I felt the pill was to blame for all of this I stopped taking it. A little over a week later I am feeling amazing and am even starting to think about sex again. Yippy. Just hoping not to get pregnant lol . All in all...if this is prescribed to you please ask for something else!!"

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  • Sarah...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 2, 2021

"*Please Read* 28 year old female - I went on birth control for the first time >1 year ago. A few months into taking Junel Fe 1/20, I began experiencing severe anxiety, frequent panic attacks, and intrusive thoughts. I improved my diet, went to therapy, acupuncture, deleted my social media accounts, journaled more, meditated daily and none of it healed me. It did not make sense. I decided to read reviews on this birth control and found multiple sites/read over a hundred reviews of women experiencing something similar. I stopped taking this pill the following day and it's now been 1 month. The extremity of anxiety has subsided - no more suffering mentally, emotionally, and physically. I WISH I had done research prior to taking the pill my Gyno recommended. This should NOT be taken especially if you have existing mental health issues."

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  • K4ty
  • March 4, 2016

"I initially hated this medication because it made me bloated and constipated due to all the iron. I'm very health conscious so it was a bit unnerving to suddenly gain 5 pounds (I generally stay the same weight). But once I started my fourth pill pack, it seems like a lot of the side effects subsided. I also haven't had any periods, which I'm totally fine with. Other positive side effects: Am not pregnant. My hair is thicker (I had a very stressful year that made my hair fall out). Skin is better, though I've never really had acne. My advice if taking this pill is to drink plenty of water, watch your salt intake, and be patient."

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  • Boston...
  • October 29, 2014

"I have been on a variety of birth control pills for 15 years now, and Junel is by far the worst medication I have ever experienced. Immediately I experienced severe mood swings and depression. I stayed on Junel for 2 months, but nothing ever improved. 3 years later, a new doctor accidentally prescribed Junel to me, and I decided to try it again. Again, immediate mood swings, depression, etc. "

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  • Kerryk
  • December 29, 2014

"I recently switched to this birth control and have nothing bad to say about it. I used to have cramps, bad acne, mood swings and back pain. My mood swings, cramps and acne went away! My period used to be 7 days and very heavy. It's 5 days and light! I couldn't be happier!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 5, 2015

"I switched to this medicine (from Camrese) mainly suffering from a very decreased sex drive and heavy periods, with very dismal mood swings. This medicine fixed all of that (yay!). Additionally, periods are very light, lasting about 2 days. I have not had any additional problems with weight, acne, etc. I would highly recommend giving this a shot if you are having problems with other, heavier dose meds!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 17, 2020

"It’s been working well for me besides the nausea and bloating. I worry because I haven’t gotten my period in a few months and I keep taking tests and they all come back negative so I assume it’s the pills stopping my period. I do get light spotting every now and then but that’s about it. I might switch because the whole no period thing scares me a bit but everywhere I read that’s a normal thing to happen. It’s also cleared up my skin tremendously and I only get like 1 pimple every month or so."

6 / 10
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  • Mick
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 26, 2019

"This birth control honestly does not deserve all the negative reviews. I've been on it for 3 years and have had no side effects. My sex drive is lower but I think that has more to do with being a mom and not a selfish young adult anymore than it does with this medicine. I haven't had a period in the last two years and it has been absolute bliss, no more ruined birthdays, anniversaries, beach vacations etc. I was anemic in the past and my periods used to be so debilitating that I would have to call out of work for the first day every month. I also suffered from cold induced urticaria since I was 7 years old and this birth control has somehow made that ailment completely vanish, now I can go places without a jacket or swim in cold water and not have my body break out in hives. I seriously love this birth control it has changed my life in incredible ways that I didn't even think we're possible."

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  • Demon...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 29, 2019

"After experiencing breakthrough bleeding on Tri-Sprintec, my doctor switched me to Junel Fe. The first 2-3 months I had no side effects and was experiencing normal periods. By the end of month 3, I went off the deep end. My anxiety and paranoia has been SO unbelievably horrible for the past 3 weeks and my skin is the worst it’s been. I’ve never been one to suffer from anxiety or depression, but this pill is no joke ruining my life. My stomach is consistently in knots, my heart never stops racing, and I’ve had to seriously force feed myself due to no having no appetite. The only time I feel normal is when I’m sleeping. Thank god I came on here and read others similar experiences because I was ready to check myself into a psych ward. I’m 5 pills into my fourth pack and have to stop taking them. I’d rather have my period for a month straight than take Junel Fe. If you end up trying them, don’t worry, you’re not going psychotic. It’s just these hideous pills!"

2 / 10
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  • Emily...
  • August 6, 2014

"I started taking Junel Fe after taking Sprintec for three months, and at first I liked it. It is effective for birth control, but I had the worst side effects. It made my face breakout, I gained some weight, and it made me so moody and depressed. Going on month five I spent a lot of time sleeping and spending time alone because of the pill."

3 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 31, 2012

"In February I started Junel. It's been very good with almost everything, but it hasn't helped with my cramping. I have regular periods that aren't heavy or light, they're just sort of painful. I haven't had any breakouts, major weight gain, or bad nausea. As for spotting, it only happened for a few weeks during my first month on Junel. My breasts also grew about a cup size."

9 / 10
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  • MbSh
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 6, 2019

"I am on my third pill of my second pack and I have decided to stop. I feel absolutely terrible on this medication, but I noticed I feel the worst on the first week of the pack. I have pre-existing anxiety/depression and Junel Fe 1/20 has made it unbearable. I’ve experienced bloating, nausea, sore breasts, irritability, no energy, and negative sex drive. I thought I was going crazy until reading this thread."

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  • GBaby
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 23, 2019

"Okay so I wrote a review on this BC a while back giving it an 8, but I'm back again to give this a 2 and here's why. This has helped clean up my acne, its helped regulate my period and I'm not pregnant, thats why I'm giving it a 2. I'm also giving it a 2 because this BC has turned my into a maniac. Sorry if that sounds bad to anyone but seriously, my emotional state has just gone off the railings. I literally cry EVERYDAY. A lot of the time its for no reason. I've been getting really upset with my boyfriend over nothing half the time. I'm over-dramatic, impulsive, irrational. I'm surprised my boyfriend hasn't dumped me yet. Last night I had a bad episode and he told me he KNOWS it this birth control and that I have to stop taking it because its affecting my mental health and our relationship. When I say I cry everyday, I'm not joking. Guys please stay away from this pill, all I wanted was to regulate my period, not become a psycho."

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  • julia...
  • April 30, 2014

"I've been on Junel Fe for 6 months. Since being on it, my periods don't last as long and are usually really light, I don't have severe cramping or severe nausea, haven't really spotted. The only bad thing in my experience is that I've gained 30 pounds in four months while taking this and so far no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to lose any of that extra weight. Believe me, I am making a huge effort to lose this weight. This medication is the only difference in my life that can account for the weight gain, unless I have some illness or medical problem that I am unaware of (I am only twenty years old with no medical history of any diseases in my family). Also, I have taken pregnancy tests and I am not pregnant."

8 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.