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Ortho Evra User Reviews & Ratings

Reviews for Ortho Evra

  • flute...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 29, 2014

For Birth Control "This is absolutely the best birth control I have ever used. I switched from Nexplanon to Ortho Evra, and if you are thinking of doing the same, I highly recommend it. Let me list the reasons why: 1. Weight loss. I have lost 5lbs in one month, without even trying! I'm back to the weight I was before I started birth control...but my breasts are still birth control sized. 2. Sex drive. Mine had been non-existent since I went on Nexplanon in September. Now, stronger than ever. That might be a downside though, now that I think about it. 3. Skin- no acne! 4. Predictable cycle. (On Nexplanon, I never knew when I was going to menstruate, which was about 90% of the time). Now, a non issue. 5. Don't have to remember everyday."

10 / 10
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146 Report
  • Patch...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 5, 2014

For Birth Control "I was on the NuvaRing before the patch and it was working for me just fine, but my sex drive was non-existent. I switched to the patch because I wanted something easy, and let me tell you, it's amazing! The first two months, I did have random cramping and sore breasts, but it was manageable and did not really bother me. The patch is easy to remember because I change it on Sunday, and that is my 'me day': I do my nails, facial, change my patch, and plan the week ahead. The only problem I had was sometimes it did come off, but I easily fixed that by using rubbing alcohol on my bum before I applied the patch, now it never falls off. I would recommend the patch to those of us who are control freaks and love to plan everything, including your period."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • 5...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 27, 2014

For Birth Control "I switched to the patch after getting Depo-Provera shots for about two years. I have to say I love the patch and that it is extremely effective and very convenient. The only issue I seem to have is that when I take it off, the day I start my period I nearly always get a major migraine, but that could also be linked to my period. My skin is normally clear, way clearer than it was before I was on the patch, and my period does not last as long as it did before I used birth control. My breasts I'm sure are also bigger because of it, which to me is too big. Overall it has prevented pregnancy thus far for me, and I plan on using it for a while."

9 / 10
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70 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • 12344...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 3, 2019

For Birth Control "I started the patch about a month ago. I have a little uncomfortableness and major mood swings for the first day, but that was about it. When I moved the patch to my back, I noticed that my breast started to become more tender, but again nothing severe. I was liking the patch until about 2 days ago. I had to check myself into the ER and found out I have a blood clot in each of my lungs caused by the Ortho Evra. I'm only 22. So I am officially off it, but I wanted to share this because I have no family or personal history with blood clots, so anyone can form blood clots. I'm not saying everybody, because it was working fine until about a week ago. But I feel the need to bring awareness to this."

4 / 10
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38 Report
  • Carly...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 22, 2014

For Birth Control "When I first went to the doctor, I was not interested in the patch. She talked me into it and said if I didn't like it after a few months, to come back and we would change it. With the birth control pills I used to take, I had to pay $50 a month. Although, with the patch, I am paying nothing. FREE! Now to the symptoms. The first 3 months sucked between headaches, nausea, being moody, and tired. The worst symptom was cramps when I was not on my period at random times. It hurt so bad and was very annoying. After 3 months of using the patch, the symptoms are gone and I absolutely LOVE THE PATCH. I have been on it for about 6 months and the only downfall is that clothes lint collects around it, but it's not a huge deal if you put it where no one can see."

9 / 10
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60 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Kris
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 17, 2019

For Birth Control "I've just come out of the hospital after 6 days being diagnosed with pulmonary embolism which is a blood clot in the lungs, which is a known side effect of Ortho Evra. I would steer well clear of this if you think your blood clots easily. I now have to wear special stockings for blood flow and circulation as well as blood thinner tablets for the next year. Thank you Evra ever so much"

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • Lubeh
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 29, 2021

For Birth Control "This has been the worst 5 days of my life. After the 1st day, I took a pregnancy test because I thought I was pregnant from all the nausea. 2nd day I almost quit my job because I was extremely exhausted, felt helpless and wouldn't stop crying. Every morning I wake up with an upset tummy and cannot brush my teeth without vomiting. I've stopped taking it now and will not recommend it to anyone. You completely lose yourself. It is a nightmare"

1 / 10
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25 Report
  • Aonym...
  • April 19, 2011

For Birth Control "I absolutely adore Ortho Evra. Less pimples. I practically glow! My breasts got bigger by a full cup. I'm always happy my sex drive went up. This is the second time I've been on it, and I'm never going back! I used NuvaRing and Yaz and a couple of others that gave me yeast infections, acne, low sex drive, and angry mood swings. This is perfect for a forgetful artist like me. Once a week and it works well with my body chemically. I don't know why I stopped it the first time."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • MS94
  • September 17, 2014

For Birth Control "I am rating this a 10 because I believe it's extremely effective. I have been on the patch for almost 4 years, and I never once had a pregnancy scare. For me, I get regular periods, but I also get most of the side effects. After the first few months, periods are regular, mine last between 3-5 days. I get more emotional, I get mood swings, cramps, headaches, I bloat, I basically get all the side effects, but they are not severe. Every once in a while, they are pretty bad, but that will only happen once every 6 months to a year. On the patch, I never gained weight from it. The only thing I truly dislike about it is I will get really nauseous and throw up if I don't eat anything the night before I put a new one on, and recently I'll have bloody discharge."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • leigon
  • October 7, 2008

For Birth Control "I took this for one to two years. I switched from Ortho Novum 7-7-7 and had no problems with it. My biggest fear was that the patch would come off. I had a couple of them with corners lifting but they never came off (in fact it could be painful when you took it off). I came off it to have a baby. I stopped using it in mid-January and was pregnant in February. The patches always leave a 'goo' around them. Use alcohol to get it off - normal washing doesn't work."

9 / 10
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67 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 15, 2009

For Birth Control "I've been on the patch for nearly 5 years now, and I absolutely love it! With me being such a forgetful person, I just knew the pill wasn't right for me! I change it weekly from one butt cheek to another. My patch has never come off! It actually sticks on really well! I can swim all day with it on and not have to worry about it coming off. I haven't experienced any bad side effects or anything besides craving for more sex! I am truly thankful for this invention! If you are a non-smoker and under the age of 35, I highly recommend the Ortho Evra patch!"

10 / 10
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63 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 3, 2009

For Birth Control "I was on Ortho Evra for almost 6 years (since my early 20s). I've had very few issues with it... no weight gain, no moodiness, no stale sex drive. All I've experienced were slight skin irritation (where the patch was placed) and spotting. I switched to NuvaRing under the guidance of my physician (because of my concerns over the FDA warnings). It was as easy as the patch, but I quickly gained 5-7 pounds over 2 months of usage. Then my doctor put me on Microgestin 1/20 FE. It was the first and will be the last birth control pill I ever take! I have gained 15 pounds over 6 months, experienced excessive night sweats, and lost all interest in sex altogether. Now, I might return to the patch."

8 / 10
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61 Report
  • liveu...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 30, 2013

For Birth Control "No mood swings, no acne, no weight gain, controlled period, protects me from being pregnant, only changed once a week, same sex drive, and increased a cup size! I love it. The sticky part washes away and I rotate between shoulder blades, it doesn't fall off me, works great for me, and I recommend it to anyone who has had other forms of birth control issues, this just might work for you."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 26, 2013

For Birth Control "This is by far the best birth control I have ever had. Weight loss, no period IF I keep week 3's patch on through week 4 also. No mood swings and a very increased drive. About a cup size increase in breasts. Faster growing hair. Beautiful skin. The only down is constant yeast infections, seems like they started since I've been on the patch because they never used to be a problem. Otherwise perfect, went from Depo-Provera to the patch and will never regret it."

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44 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 20, 2008

For Birth Control "I was on the Ortho Evra patch for a couple of years, and after the first 3 months of your body adjusting to it (which you are forewarned about), just regular side effects, mood swings, regular cramps (when your time is almost near), and I believe it gave me a high sex drive. I've been off of it for about 5 months, and my sex drive plummeted dramatically. It's extremely convenient due to my forgetting to take the pill every day. I usually put it on my pelvis and rotate sides each week."

8 / 10
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56 Report
  • happy...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 11, 2014

For Birth Control "I gained weight from the Depo shot. I was extremely sick on the pills. The Ortho Evra patch was a gateway to happiness. I had multicystic ovaries that made life uncomfortable for me, from random pains and swelling to uncomfortable sex. I tried many different contraceptives, and the patch is the only one that helped. My only complaints are the residue from the patch, breast tenderness (although I did go up a size and my sex drive went way up). My husband hides from me now, haha. Make sure you use as directed. Skipping a few days on the switcharoo will throw your period off."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 4, 2011

For Birth Control "Yes, the Ortho Evra was effective, but it made me feel absolutely horrible. I faced terrible depression and would cry for essentially no reason. I became hostile and irritable to even my best friend and didn't even feel like myself. I experienced issues with anxiety, including anxiety attacks and a sense of uneasiness when in public places. I can't recall ever feeling worse about myself."

1 / 10
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45 Report
  • Diji
  • January 5, 2016

For Birth Control "Absolutely swear by and love the patch. I place mine on my lower left-hand side of my stomach and rotate between two spots to give my skin a week's breathing afterwards. Yes, it collects dust around the outside, but it's really not a big deal, and if it is, use talc, it stops this. I've been on it for nearly two years and only ever had three fall off. I have such a high sex drive, it doesn't give me mood swings or make me gain weight. I become slightly emotional on my last day of my gap week, but nothing over the top or noticeable! Would 100% recommend it. I've tried various pills, and they weren't for me. But hey, everyone's different."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • steph
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 24, 2014

For Birth Control "I'm 17, and I've been on the patch for 4 months now. Before this, I had been on the pill for a few years, but it started to become inconvenient. The patch is VERY convenient for me. I've tried quite a few birth controls for my heavy and painful periods, but nothing has ever worked. The patch hasn't made too much of a difference in that area, but my skin is clear, and I'm definitely protected from pregnancy. The first two months, my period was really bad, but it got better. I'm happy with the patch, and I recommend it. One downside is the color of it, though. I'm African American, so my skin is brown, and the patch is kind of pink like a Band-Aid. No big deal, though."

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Shyanna
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 2, 2014

For Birth Control "I'm 19, I've been on the patch for almost a year and a half, I've recommended it to quite a few of my friends. It's the best. The first three months are a bit crazy. Constant nausea, tender breasts, emotional, but all these things are bearable and seem to fade away after your body gets used to the patch. Easier to remember to change it. It's so convenient."

10 / 10
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32 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 3, 2014

For Birth Control "I hadn't been on birth control before the patch, but my experience on it has been pretty pleasant. My period is a lot shorter, and it comes exactly 3 days after I take my patch off for my week off. The only negative I have found is that I am way more emotional than I have ever been in my life. I cry way more often (when I'm wearing the patch and on my period), which I find very strange since I had gone from not crying ever to crying about once a week."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • miche...
  • December 26, 2013

For Birth Control "I've been on the patch for about 9 years, going on 10 years. Absolutely love it! It is super convenient, no pregnancies, and if you're forgetful like I am, it works GREAT! I tried the pill, and that made me very nauseous, so I decided to give Ortho Evra a try, and it was the best decision I've ever made! My breasts grew, but that's about the only side effect I experienced. Unfortunately, I've been getting a lot of yeast infections recently, so I'm going to try the NuvaRing to see if the Ortho patch is what's causing it (highly doubtful). Worth a try, though. I highly recommend Ortho Evra."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • hmhaas
  • October 26, 2009

For Birth Control "I was on Ortho Evra for 4 years and absolutely loved it! I had no problems with it up until the last year. I recommend this product 100%, if used like the package states. It's very easy to use and very convenient, I mean how easy is it to remember to switch it once a week? Very effective as well! I used it continuously (with no off week) because I had really bad headaches during my period week and loved it at first, until about 6 months later and I started having a lot of horrible cramping and breakthrough bleeding. The cramps were more frequent than the bleeding, but just as annoying. I talked with my doctor who told me I needed to force my body to have a period, so I tried that (took the patch off for a week) and that didn't help. My doctor said that with this medication used continuously there isn't enough estrogen and the body can't handle that sometimes. I am currently using Seasonique, which I haven't had any problems with yet. I wanted to let everyone know of my experience, but that I still recommend the product, just not for continuous use."

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • LilHa...
  • March 2, 2011

For Birth Control "It may be too early for me to review this since I've only been on it for a month, but I thought I'd share my beginning side effects for the people who are curious. So far, I haven't gained weight, or had hair loss, spotting, or any of that. I have had some headaches here and there, as well as nausea, which when I chew some gum, goes away in no time, and also some moodiness-not a big deal, though. By what I've gone through from the start of it, I would say I definitely love this medicine. Absolutely recommend it to others."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anti-...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 10, 2015

For Birth Control "I was on the pill for about 6 months before I tried the patch, and to be honest, I wish I had gone with the patch earlier. There's no hassle with remembering every day like you do with pills, and so far it's really effective! (Been on it for 3 months.) My only side effects are tender breasts and feeling hot often. Also, with the patch, my sex drive increased. :) I would definitely recommend it."

10 / 10
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28 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.