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Twirla for Birth Control User Reviews

  • hmb...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2022

"This was the first birth control I tried at 23 years old. Friends of mine had used a patch before and had pretty good results. My doctor also agreed and said to give it a try. I didn't realize that the patch was such a high dose, as you leave it on for a whole week. The first month wasn't too bad. I felt slightly nauseous the first day I had it on. I had a horrible headache the first day of my second week, which I figured was from how strong the patch is. The second month was worse. I had pretty bad mood swings for the first two weeks that eventually evened out. I did not have any breakthrough bleeding, and my sex drive was normal. The patch stayed on really well, even in the shower and while working out. I tried the patch in a few different places, and ultimately putting it on my shoulder blade area was the best. I only used it for two months and had to switch to a pill because the adhesive irritated my skin. I'd say it was an okay first experience with birth control, but the pill just works better for me."

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  • Not...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 12, 2022

"I have pretty bad anemia from the start and needed to start birth-control to help regulate my very irregular periods. I’ve been on twirla for 9 months and so far they haven’t been regulated at all. I would always bleed while the patch was still on. The “ breakthrough bleeding” was every month and was like 4 days of heavy bleeding for me. It did not help my heavy bleeding at all like they said. I was getting sick since I was losing more blood on this patch. I wanted to like it since pills make me nauseous but it doesn’t help me with regulating my period which is what I need. The first 2 weeks I was nauseous and threw up once but after the first month I was fine .I’ve also never really had cramps until I started taking this which is annoying. I’m hoping I can find something that can work for me."

2 / 10
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