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Alesse for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 3)

Alesse has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 178 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 31% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 39% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Alesse

  • Howdy...
  • October 8, 2017

"Personally I have had so far a great experience on alesse. I've been on it for just over 6 months now, it has helped with acne and regulating periods. I haven't noticed any weight gain at all, and my period are super light. I however just recently started having sex, and overall I am a nervous person about getting pregnant, but so far all good! *finger crossed*"

9 / 10
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  • Ashley
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 19, 2019

"I have been on Alesse for 12 years and it has been great. No pregnancy scares, no spotting, very minimal cramps, my skin was not affected. My period would only last 2-3 days and was not very heavy. I would recommend Alesse for sure."

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  • Ajean
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 30, 2019

"Well where to start. Thankfully I have been off of this for almost two years now. But looking back at photos I remember something very prominent. Hair loss. My hair was receding like crazy on both sides of my head. 6 months after I stopped taking it, the hair thankfully started to grow back. It's shorter and thin, but it's enough to cover my scalp. Be very careful... This is the first birth control I have ever been on that I experienced this kind of side effect."

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  • Susanne
  • November 26, 2016

"I'm 19, and this is the first birth control I've ever tried. I started taking it 3 months ago, for contraceptive purposes. The first week was a nightmare. I had the absolute worst stomach pain, cramping, bloating and nausea I've ever had in my life. I was crying my eyes out because I felt so awful, and I couldn't sleep at night. I kept taking it, and that side effect went away after a week. I had a little bit of spotting over the first month, but that's long gone now. I've always had extremely horrible periods. They were so heavy, I was anemic, I had to use both pads AND tampons at the same time, and I had to change them every 30 minutes. They're so much lighter now, and my formerly debilitating cramps are almost non-existent."

9 / 10
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  • Canad...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 18, 2016

"Alesse 28 is the first birth control pill my doctor prescribed and the only pill I have ever taken and is still currently taking. I chose to go on the pill because I believe it is best option and the most convenient for me to prevent pregnancy while regulating my period. My average period cycle is 36-39days and tends to be irregular than most. I have been on the pill for almost 2 weeks now and so far, so good. My body seem to have adjusted well to Alesse 28. The only side effects I experienced were very mild headaches, and nausea during the first 2 days of starting the pill. I also experienced a little breast tenderness during the first week. But no mood swings, or weight gain/loss. Overall, great birth control pill."

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  • Leigha
  • October 6, 2018

"I am a first time user of birth control, my doctor prescribed me Alesse. I’ve now been on it for two months. It has given me acne which I have never suffered with before.. two months ago my skin was flawless. Now I have pimples on my chin and a couple on my forehead that bleed. It gave me horrible nausea for the first two weeks to the point where I couldn’t eat. This pill sucks. Would not recommend to anyone. 2 months in and I’m not waiting the full 3."

1 / 10
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  • Kate
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 16, 2020

"At the beginning on Alesse I had no side effects! My acne was clearing and my periods were light and short. After been on this for 2 years I have noticed my anxiety and stress get really bad. I never really stressed about anything that bad or cry that much, but I feel like the slightest thing will cause me to cry. I also started to experience a lot of bloating and stomach aches."

7 / 10
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  • zesty...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 3, 2015

"Background: 18 year old, 5"4, 115 pounds and works out regularly. Overall I think it is good. I've always had clear skin so acne wasn't a problem at all. PROS: super light periods that only last about 5 days (sometimes so light I can't even put a tampon in), no weight gain, no acne, no pregnancies lol. CONS: discharge (fair-quite significant amount), back aches and sometimes I get moderate-severe headaches. Overall I would recommend this form of BC. One thing I did notice: I don't get my period until 4 days after I finish the birth control packs, is that normal? Considering some people get it at the same time every month and/or the day after they finish the pills."

7 / 10
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  • Ang
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 18, 2019

"I tried the generic brand of Alesse called AlySensa 28 for 3 months and I can safely say it's been the absolute worst 3 months of my life. I experienced almost all possible side effects, painful cramping, increased bleeding, headaches, body pain, mood swings, panic attacks, everything. I also never had this birth control actually regulate my period, my period came when it wanted and was just super heavy, and incredibly painful and had some major mood swings which is not even close to normal for me. Although, I didn't get pregnant so there's that."

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  • Bano
  • February 13, 2021

"To be honest, I really liked taking this pill. Only stopping because I get aura migraines and can't take estrogen because of the stroke risk. I was only on the pill for 2 months, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but here's my experience: I was a little emotional for the first 2 weeks, acne around my jaw for the first month, and I feel like my bowels were off a little at first too. Just a bit constipated and bloated, but that also adjusted over time. Acid reflux flared up a bit easier too. My boobs looked GREAT which I loved, and I was super relieved that it didn't make me super emotional like other ones I have tried. My periods were lighter and less cramps. And I actually got my period on time, and I have always been irregular. Weight stayed the same, sex drive stayed the same (if anything I think that my bigger boobs put me in the mood more lol), overall I had a good time taking this and wish I could stay on it!!"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 11, 2013

"I was 22 when I was taking the pill and was on it for 3 months. I stopped because of the side affects. I was getting very, very emotional and moody about everthing. At first I wasn't sure if it was the birth control but I talked to other friends and they also had similiar problems. I also got very sore breasts which I never dealt with before so it really bothered me. And the biggest thing was I had a hard time remembering to take my pill around the same time then would get very paranoid I would become pregnant. I then tried the shot but that didn't go well either so I'm going to try the patch next!"

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  • katgirl
  • October 17, 2017

"Alesse was the first birth control that my doctor had put me on. I had no side effects and was confused due to all of the complaints I had heard about taking birth control in general from my peers. I began to wonder if there was anything better than Alesse and that is my biggest regret. I took Lolo as well as Tricera Lo and both of those helped me realize what side effects and tolls some birth control pills can have on women. I was breaking out in cystic acne, my breasts hurt, I had gained weight, my appetite was immense, etc. I went back on Alesse and low and behold, my skin is at its best, I have ZERO side effects and most importantly, it prevents me from getting pregnant."

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  • JenG
  • March 27, 2015

"I used alesse for a few months and had a lot of trouble with it. I was extremely moody, depressed and felt like a completely different person. Even my mother noticed a huge change. I was crying all the time and overwhelmed. When I told my doctor he took me off alesse and started me on Tri-Cyclen Lo. I noticed a change immediately and I am still using Tri-Cyclen. It's easy to blame mood swings and being upset on other parts of your life, but for me it was ongoing and I knew it wasnt normal for me. Glad I got off of it when I did!"

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  • Gabss...
  • May 3, 2016

"I've been on alesse for 2 months now. I feel extremely tired all the time, even after drinking coffee and usually coffee makes me wired. I constantly feel bloated even when I haven't eaten anything. Then when I do eat something I feel like I'm about to throw up. I've noticed that I've gained a little bit of weight especially around my tummy/hips. My mood swings are all over the place (I'll cry and get cranky over the dumbest things ALL THE TIME)..Definitely would not recommend this birth control and plan to go off it asap."

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  • Jessdes
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 23, 2015

"This has worked amazingly for my hormonal acne (cystic acne on the sides of my chin). Ive been taking it for about a year now and I get the odd zit here and again but for the most part its cleared up. Most effective treatment I have ever used for acne. I dont bother taking the sugar pills or skip a week, I just go right to the next pack as recommended by my doctor."

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  • Desiree
  • April 19, 2014

"I just started taking Alesse, but I was using it before. Due to lack of money I had to go off and come back on again. I'm constantly spotting from a lot to a little in a matter of hours. I'm a lot more snappy then I have ever been. I get sassy quickly. Headaches almost all the time."

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  • Snj
  • May 8, 2017

"Alesse was the first type of birth control I've ever taken and I experienced many negative side effects. When I first started it, I had severe back pain, headaches, and mood swings. After a week or two these symptoms subsided but I began to feel depressed--this feeling went on for about a month and worsened whenever I drank alcohol. In total, I was on this pill for two cycles before I decided to switch. That being said, everyone is different! If Alesse doesn't work for you, there are probably others that will."

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  • Ginga...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 15, 2015

"So, recently I got switched off from aviane which was the best birth control ever! Because, I moved out of province they didn't carry aviane so they put me on alesse. I'm going on 21 years old, I'm 5'3, and I've never passed 115 pounds using aviane. Using alesse I have gained almost 10 pounds the last few months of use! This birth control has worsen my acne, caused me severe head aches, worsen my abdominal pain thru out and off my period, heavy bloating, worsen my constipation, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and rather 5 days my periods are 7-9. I'm glad this birth control suits most of you ladies on here, for myself it has been the worst! Obviously not for every woman, defiantly not for me! Looking to switch ASAP!"

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  • lisa
  • January 31, 2016

"First time using alesse been gaining weight like crazy my mood swings are all over the place my period been starting a week early so now my period lasts about 2 weeks. This pill is definitely not for me"

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  • Gabby
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 8, 2018

"I’ve been on this birth control for just over a year and while it is a good birth control, the symptoms are not letting up for me. Before starting the pill I had zero acne, but after starting and to this day I have cystic acne all over my face and it left scarring on my skin. I have waited for over a year for this to calm down but it shows no signs of stopping. I’m getting really fed up. It makes my periods regular and pain free which is wonderful, but the acne is really making me insecure. Other than the acne and mood swings, I have no other complaints."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 1, 2016

"I've been on aleese a month now and it's been absolute hell. I'm not and emotional person under any means and eat like a full grown man usually but since starting this I haven't been able to eat at all because of the nausea and have had random uncontrollable mood swings. I've lost 10 lbs and every time I take one of these pills I get an instant headache. My period was hell aswell I got bad cramps for a week before and all during, this is not normal for me. My period also went from 4 days to 7 which really ticked me off. It cause my acne to get far worse and scar like I've never had before.Not only this but my anxiety levels went through the roof, my depression did the same causing me suicidial thoughts and I hadABSOLUTELY no energy."

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  • Cathy
  • November 1, 2016

"I've been on this pill for a year and I think I'm gonna stop taking it. Honestly not really happy with this pill! For someone who had relatively clear skin I got the worst acne from using it! Like little bumps all over my forehead and painful zits on my jawline and cheeks. Tried every possible skin care line and couldn't understand how I went from clear skin to a face full of acne... and now some acne scars too. Finally pinpointed it to Alesse being the cause. Also pretty sure I gained some weight while on it. Definitely don't recommend it!"

2 / 10
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  • VPgirl
  • June 4, 2015

"I've been using Alesse for about 2 years now. It was the first BC pill that I was prescribed. I was hesitant to use hormonal contraceptives because of mood swings and spotting. However with Alesse, I experienced neither of those side effects. I can't say it made my skin any clearer. I don't have severe acne but it didn't clear up my pimples. One side effect I did experience was weight gain. I am normally about 105 pounds but on the pill I gain about 3-4 pounds. I just feel very bloated. However, when I stop the pill temporarily ( the week of my period) I go back to my regular weight. I realized I could manage this by just watching what I eat and I exercise a bit more. Overall, I am pretty satisfied with Alesse!"

8 / 10
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  • Katie
  • January 30, 2016

"I have been on Aleese for 8 years. This birth control is great for preventing pregnancy and regulating my menstrual cycle. It also helped my menstrual cycle be lighter. Unfortunately, this birth control does lower your sex drive. I went off it and my sex drive came back full force and plan to go off it permanently."

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  • Bdog
  • December 17, 2015

"I've been on Alesse for 2 months and my experience with it has been absolutely horrible. Cramps everyday, breakthrough bleeding, acne, sore breasts, frequent urination, back pain, nausea, bloating, anxiety and depression. Probably the worst birth control someone could possibly go on!!"

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.