Xtandi for Prostate Cancer User Reviews
Xtandi has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 18 reviews for the treatment of Prostate Cancer. 44% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 50% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Xtandi
- jlm...
- April 18, 2016
"4 months at 160 mg each day and 1 month at 120 mg a day. PSA was 48 when starting this medicine. PSA dropped to 0.20! Medication did its job. BUT, side effects were extremely painful, tiring, hot flashes, losing my balance, and so much more. I'm 83 years old and had stage 4 prostate cancer. If I get 4 more years or so, it's worth it. Have been off medicine for about 3 months and still having side effects! Rating would be 8."
- Gie...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 29, 2020
"The cost of Xtandi is ridiculous, in my opinion, but the options are 0 at this time. My PSA went up to around 50, and I was on Lupron. I was then put on Xtandi, and for almost 4 years, my PSA has been below 1. Side effects, I would say, seem to be tiredness. I also seem to be picking up weight in my legs and around my stomach, but have not gained any pounds since being on the Xtandi. I would have to qualify this as a success with side effect limitations."
Frequently asked questions
- Why has Xtandi stopped working and what do I take next?
- How long does Xtandi work?
- Xtandi vs Zytiga: How do they compare?
- Is Xtandi a chemotherapy drug and how does it work?
- Tat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 21, 2019
"My 69-year-old dad is taking Xtandi for 3 months now. The first month was perfect, PSA went down from 275 to 180, and he was feeling amazing and healthy. At the end of the second month, he started to get pain in his lower back, very burny skin, and he could not even sit. After 2 weeks, he suddenly could not walk anymore on one leg. So he stopped Xtandi for 14 days. In this time, he was able to walk again. Very weak, but slowly walking. But his PSA is now back to 276. He has started Xtandi again. He has stage 4 prostate cancer. Wish him luck. I believe this drug may work very well but can have terrible side effects!"
- hil...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- May 13, 2020
"My husband is 83 years old. He played golf 3 days a week before taking Xtandi. Last time he tried to play, he fell. I told the doctor he needed off of the medication. I had to find another urologist to tell me it was OK to stop it. My husband is now almost bedfast. Walks with a walker, has home health care. Mentally disabled. Yes, he is 83, but he was playing golf 3 days a week before taking Xtandi. Please pray. I am afraid the damage cannot be reversed."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Ala...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- August 9, 2021
"Been taking Xtandi now for over a year. I'm 66 years old and have metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (MCRPC). Very happy with the drug. I do have some side effects, but nothing compared to the pain I had before taking Xtandi. I am thankful for the medication, I get to live pretty much pain-free. I am very concerned about what will happen to my quality of life when I can no longer take the medication. Thank you."
- Rod...
- March 24, 2020
"My dad has prostate cancer and was doing well with Zytiga. At that time, his PSA was 500, it went up from 250. His doctor changed his meds to Xtandi, which made it worse for him. The uncaring doctor didn't even check on him, he had several transfusions already, and yet he still advised him to take the medicine even if we see that his health is declining faster than usual ever since he started this Xtandi. The side effects were so much worse. I would not recommend this medication and feel like it's a hoax. My dad's PSA even got worse."
More FAQ
- Does Xtandi lower prostate-specific antigen (PSA)?
- What is Xtandi (enzalutamide) used for?
- Erleada vs. Xtandi: What's the difference?
- Ric...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 4, 2022
"I'm a 63-year-old male who was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer and started on Casodex/Lupron. It was good, but Casodex stopped working after 6 months. I was switched to 160 mg of Xtandi. Dropped my PSA pretty quick, side effects were pretty rough to start with (memory, brain fog, balance issues, hot flashes). After 6 months, the doctor lowered the dose to 80 mg, and side effects lessened. Brain fog reduced greatly, hot flashes and balance issues come and go. PSA has been non-detect for over 2 years now. I also take multiple natural supplements that I have researched. These supplements reportedly block the feeding pathways of my cancer. They can also help extend the effectiveness of the Xtandi. Do your research because the doctors don't look at anything natural. Also, change diet and limit carbs to 75 gm / sugar 40 gm or less. Lots of vegetables, a whole lot less meat. I have to say, I'll put up with the side effects as this drug really works."
- tom...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 19, 2022
"My PSA was over 500. Dr. put me on Xtandi. Within a few months, it had dropped to 'undetectable' with almost no side effects. It has been staying this way for over two years. The price of the medicine started out at $7,500 a month, which I could not afford, but I was getting it at no charge to me. All of a sudden, the price has gone to over $13,000, and I am told that I am no longer eligible to receive it. I don't understand how ninety little pills could cost so much."
- Ray...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 25, 2022
"My 88-year-old dad was put on Xtandi combined with hormone shots for prostate cancer (returned after 10-year remission). I questioned this since his PSA dropped a lot after just one injection. The doctor felt it was needed to ensure the cancer didn't metastasize. He has been on Xtandi for about 5 months, and I've seen an alarming decline in his overall health. He's gotten so weak that he fell yesterday and couldn't even get himself up. He's having bad back pain, lethargy, sleeping long hours, general malaise/unconcern, loss of appetite, moving at a very slow pace, and now falling. We're taking him off Xtandi. While it's an antiandrogen, it seems to work like chemotherapy! It 'might' be effective (can't really say), but I don't think it's worth the chance he's taking. I just pray all the harm (even more than listed here) this drug has done in this short time will reverse. I'm scared, given another review here, though, that the damage will be permanent. Time will tell... only God can heal."
- Doc...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 8, 2021
"I've been on Xtandi since May of 2019, along with a shot of Leuprolide every 3 months. I have been taking 4 - 40 mg capsules each day. My PSA almost immediately dropped to below measurable and has remained there. Side effects have been brief hot flashes, aggravated when I get in a warm room, some loss of muscle mass, and loss of taste so that favorite foods are no longer enjoyable. I do taste salt and sweet. I am 75, maintain a relatively active lifestyle, and consider my side effects minimal. I had high-risk prostate cancer and underwent a robotic prostatectomy along with adjuvant radiation. I started the Xtandi following the surgery."
- Wil...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 27, 2023
"I just started taking Xtandi 11 days ago, and I feel much better and stronger than before. It surprised me that my health renewal came so suddenly and quickly, and I appreciate it. My PSA had climbed to 1,482 before taking Xtandi (along with an Eligard injection - 6 months lasting), and, believe it or not, I felt like my PSA numbers were rapidly dwindling within hours (minutes) of taking it. My leg strength is stronger than before, and I don't feel as feeble as I did before. I take 4 tablets of 40 mg Xtandi once a day, usually around 3 P.M. I'm supposed to take these 4 tablets all at once too! Easy to swallow actually, so it's no problem for me. I just read online that I'm not supposed to eat grapefruit when taking Xtandi, so this is the first major drawback with Xtandi for me. Also, I do take, as required, at least 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily as this somehow is important to do while taking Xtandi. No detrimental side effects observed so far, only amazing healthy benefits."
- Dot...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 1, 2022
"My elderly dad was on this awful drug for a month. Side effects were very severe and debilitating. Has gone from walking around the house on his own to now using a walker. Weight loss was very sudden and huge! He’s mentally very sharp and is a doctor himself. Would not recommend this drug to anyone!!"
- Met...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 7, 2023
"Mixed feelings, but it is working for me. It appears to be knocking down some of the cancer, but also need SBRT, Lupron and Zometa to keep PSA below 1.0. 73 years old and continue working part time because I enjoy what I do and it provides my wife and I the funds to enjoy traveling and much needed insurance benefits. That brings me to a major concern. The cost is very expensive at over $14,000 per month if I didn’t have the coverage. No generic available, but there should be since it’s my understanding that this drug was developed using government funding. That aside, I’m thankful that it’s available and works for some. I’m very sorry that it hasn’t worked for everyone. My side effects include painful joints, painful muscles, itching skin, hot flashes and general fatigue. I’m not going to blame that all on this drug that has been a Godsend for me…the Lupron can have similar SEs but they seem to have worsened over time."
- Wif...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- December 2, 2017
"My husband died Nov 22, 2017, from small bowel cancer! He was prescribed Xtandi in June of 2016 and took it for six months! This is a very rare cancer, only 2% of all cancer reported. He had no sign of this cancer in June by scans but was full-blown in Nov 2016! I am wondering if any of you are having this same problem?"
- Gar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 25, 2023
"78 years old with stage 4 prostate cancer. I'm on an Eligard injection to my belly fat every six months. PSA has been at point 3 (.3). Was put on Xtandi in addition to Eligard after not being able to tolerate Erleada because of bad headaches and extreme tiredness every time I took it. Had to stop Xtandi after two weeks because of extreme back pain between my shoulder blades that burst across my back if I coughed. I'm done with the add-ons due to quality-of-life issues. Will just stay with Eligard and take my chances."
- Dav...
- December 23, 2016
"Found Xtandi to be a waste of time. Instead of aiding or lowering my PSA, it raised it to 90 from about 15 when starting it. There was severe fatigue and dizziness. Not satisfied."
- Tri...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 25, 2017
"Side effects are too harsh and sickening."
- Tam...
- February 20, 2021
"My husband declined after he started this medication and passed away 4 months after he started it. No, I would not recommend it."
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- Drug class: antiandrogens
- En español
"Apparently, have stage 4 prostate cancer. Had radiation, no surgery; went on Lupron for 2 years. Prescribed term ended and then PSA climbed in 3 months from 0.23 to 4-ish. Back on the Lupron. PSA dropped at first, then climbed to 6.4. Started Xtandi (simultaneously on Lupron) almost 2 years ago. PSA rapidly dropped to below 0.02. Been there ever since. No change in side effects from being on Lupron alone: Hot flashes (fewer and less severe over time) and weakness when they occur. Last 30' to a couple of minutes. For me it seems like a miracle drug."