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Yasmin User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Yasmin has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 564 reviews on 38% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 42% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Yasmin

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 29, 2020

"I love this Yasmin pill. Before I went on it as I have PCOS and I would get excruciating period pain to the point where I couldn’t move and it’d make me sick, since going on this I barely get any pain at all and I find that I’m bleeding for a lot less time as well (from 7/8 days before to only 4/5 now). I haven’t had any issues with this pill and I have been on it now for just over 2 years"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Yusdeep
  • February 8, 2016

For Acne "Love this pill. Went on it and cleared my skin, but I didn't know that Yasmin was clearing it I thought it was just the fact I was no longer a teenager. Stopped taking this pill to get an implant to avoid periods. Well, it was hell, acne came back full blown and periods were relentless. Went back to the doctor today and got Yasmin again! So excited for clear skin again!"

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Tatiy...
  • June 26, 2016

For Birth Control "I started the pill purely for birth control although I've always had painfull periods and terrible skin. Since being on yazmin, my face has completely cleared and I only have a tiny amount of acne left on my upper back. My periods are no longer a nightmare and only last around 2 days and the pains have almost completely disappeared. The only downside as it costs me $74 every 3 months but other than that I love it. I haven't had a single negative side affect to date."

10 / 10
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  • habouya
  • May 20, 2016

For Birth Control "I have been having these pills for two month now as a treatment for my PCOS. I am 18 and since I started having this pill my skin went bad and I have had ance all over my face. I have completely lost my sex drive and I don't feel anything during sex. My mood has been funny and I have been sleepy and tired. I wouldn't recommend this pill it totally destroyed my sex life and my face."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 4, 2016

For Acne "I have been on Yasmin now for nearly 6 months and it was the best decision I ever made going on it! In the first two months I experienced a huge increase in acne all over my face but I was expecting this. By the third and fourth month it calmed down but I experienced a few bad breakouts throughout the month. The fifth month was when I started to notice drastic changes, I use to wake up with a new spot everyday but it changed to hardly breaking out at all, and the spots I did get were only small that were easy to get rid of. I'm currently at the end of the fifth month and my skin has never been better! I feel so much more confident in myself and my skin. All it takes is a little time and patience and you will get the results you want!"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 22, 2014

For Birth Control "I have been on this birth control for about three months. Although my periods are shorter, I have had really bad side effects. It has made me very moody, I have had really bad headaches, and I have experienced major hair loss. It freaked me out and I switched back to my prior birth control."

1 / 10
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23 Report
  • 123ks...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 11, 2016

For Birth Control "I don't usually review anything online but I really feel like I need to share my experience with this pill. I was on Yasmin for a year and a half and although superficially it was okay (no weight gain, no acne etc), mentally I went crazy and this seems to be the case for a lot of women. I was anxious, my mind was foggy, I was snappy and overly aggressive (which is very unlike me), and generally just didn't feel myself. I then spoke to a doctor following an anxiety breakdown and they said it could've been due to my pill. I recently changed from yasmin to another pill and it has changed my life. I FINALLY feel myself again and I've realised how much yasmin messed me up. I would not recommend this pill or experience to anyone."

4 / 10
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  • Yasmi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 27, 2013

For Acne "I used Diane for years but my doctor switched me to Yasmin because I was experiencing breakthrough bleeding. Have been on Yasmin for six months and I really do not feel like myself with a consistent moderate depression and angry mood swings. So odd because I am normally a happy-go-lucky person! I was using Diane largely for my acne and it worked but Yasmin has not done anything for my acne either - I have at least two new whiteheads every morning I wake up, which also does not help with the depression! I will be switching back to Diane and exploring other options to address breakthrough bleeding at the end of this cycle."

2 / 10
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24 Report
  • Frosh
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 21, 2014

For Birth Control "I used Yasmin for birth control reasons as it was the lowest one available to me at the time that didn't cause breakthrough bleeding. It was great for birth control and my skin is very clear after taking it. The main difference I noticed from other pills is that I would always get my period one day early (on the Sun instead of the Mon). I also had terrible mood swings and angry outburts. My poor kids copped the brunt of my moods! I have been off Yasmin for two weeks now and am back to my calm and happy self, and my sex drive has returned. I am 42."

7 / 10
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  • LizB
  • August 23, 2009

For Birth Control "Yasmin was great for the couple years I was on it, but about a month after I quit taking it my hair started to shed more than usual. After three months I had about a 40% decrease in hair volume and became noticeably thin on top. This is very devastating because I am an attractive, healthy 27 yer old. This is the side effect they don't warn you of. "

3 / 10
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30 Report
  • Ffion
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 3, 2014

For Birth Control "I've been on Yasmin for nearly two years but I've noticed my sex drive has gone and I get moody a lot more but it didn't make me gain any weight I'm going to change pills when I go to the doctors next."

7 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • November 6, 2009

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "I started taking this - before I was very moody - caused a lot of fights with my boyfriend from mood swings. I suffer from depression, PKD, POD, etc. I took the medication and within the first month I noticed I wasn't as moody. I'm also very overweight - lost 30 pounds first 2 months (granted I ate healthy and exercised but what a boost - POD is a heavy cause for weight gain). My hair also didn't grow as fast so I didn't have to shave as often and I was a lot happier person in the end. I've been told to switch to another one and I'm very very hesitant too - only due to this not being recommended for kidney disease."

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29 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 2, 2010

For Menstrual Disorders "I've just turned 48, and for the past year or so I've had mid-cycle breakthrough bleeding. Six months ago this changed to a daily, dark brown, old blood discharge. My ob/gyn thought that low estrogen was the cause so I tried birth control pills for the first time in over 20 years. The first two brand made things worse, and then I tried Yasmin. The daily bleeding stopped within 24 hours and stayed away. Side effects for me are a bit of breast tenderness and some weight loss. I don't care what other side effects show up, to be honest. I'm so glad I tried Yasmin."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2019

For Birth Control "I have been on Yasmin for 5 days so far and I have had constant nausea and in the past day have also experienced vomiting. Almost gives morning sickness type symptoms:/ . I will try and get to the end of the 21 days as advised by my pharmacist but if this does not stop I will definitely be coming off this pill. It is such a shame as I really wanted this to work to clear up my skin and regulate periods."

2 / 10
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12 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 12, 2020

For Birth Control "I was on this pill for around a year and I can’t believe I put up with it for that long. My appetite would change constantly. Sometimes I would eat everything and sometimes I couldn’t eat without feeling nauseous. I’ve tried this pill and tricyclen, this one made me gain so much more weight. I was on both for a round a year. Finally the MOOD SWINGS. I would cry every single day for NO REASON. Even if something inconvenient happened, I’d start crying. And I felt like I couldn’t control it. Out of no where, the tears would start falling. It made everyone around me annoyed. It helped my acne for a bit, but then I started getting a few pimples again after a while. I do not recommend this one ! :("

3 / 10
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10 Report
  • ally
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2019

For Acne "I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 and was on Diane for about 6 years, it did absolutely nothing and made me an emotional wreck. I switched to Yasmin and I’m now on my 3rd month of it. Already my moods are so much better, I feel happier in myself and don’t have the mood swings I was experiencing before. I am yet to notice any change with my acne but I’m hoping this will change as time goes on. I have not put on any weight with this pill and feel no nausea or cramps except small period cramps which last around a day, which is nothing compared to my periods without the pill. I think for anyone who has PCOS and is looking for another pill I’d definitely recommend this one as even in this small time frame I feel so much happier"

8 / 10
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13 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 4, 2012

For Birth Control "When I was 17 I was scared to start on Birth Control. My doctor had suggested Yasmin to me. I was glad I did start it. I had no problems. I never got sick from it, gained any weight, had any pains etc. Even every time I stopped taking it there were no problems. The birth control was very effective even if I missed a few days. My face was also clear of acne. No changes in sex drive. I am very sad I cannot go back on it because it is no longer free with my health care. "

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • Josie...
  • February 16, 2015

For Birth Control "I've been taking Yaz for 4 months now, I'm 16 years old. Few complaints, at the beginning this pill caused me horrible nausea and breast pain but that could be due to changing to Yasmin from Microgynon 30. Also I experienced spells of depressive moods which have now cleared up but I often experience mood swings! On a positive note my skin has cleared up massively and have maintained if not lost weight, great pill."

8 / 10
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20 Report
  • Anon
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 9, 2019

For Birth Control "I used Yasmin for 5 years after reacting awfully to a cheaper brand. I was on it from the age of 16 to 21 years and never had an issue. On the previous brand I had awful mood swings. On Yasmin I felt like myself again and it cleared up my skin wonderfully. I went off birth control because I wanted to experience what my mood would be like without any medications and to experience my true cycle again. I experienced some hair loss for the first few months, but only some thinning and some pimples have returned (everybody has to deal with some at one point right?). My hair is back to it's full glory now (6 months later) as well as my normal cycle, with a bit more PMS than on the pill, but manageable. Reflecting back, my mood on Yasmin was altered slightly. I feel like it stabilised my up and downs which means I didn't experience my full ups. I am feeling mentally and physically healthy as well as feeling empowered to have taken control of my well being."

9 / 10
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  • Rianne
  • September 11, 2015

For Acne "Yasmin is a life saver. I would honestly recommend it to anyone with persistent acne. My acne came back when I was 20 after my skin had been completely clear since I was around 16. My GP didn't feel like it was severe enough to put me on strong medication again like I was during my teen years so he prescribed me Yasmin. I have been taking yasmin now for around 8 months and my acne is completely gone. I stopped taking it at one point for about a month because I was away and unable to get a prescription and my break outs started to come back which definitely proved to me that Yasmin actually works. I still get the odd spot here and there but they are always small and easy to get rid of I no longer get cystic spots at all !!"

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Elano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 12, 2019

For Acne "I've only been on this pill Yasmin for about a week now, my skin usually is okay and have a few breakouts here and there when my period comes around but right now it is breaking out so much and much worse than normal, making me feel horrible about myself. It’s only been a week and I’ve been told to stick it out for 3 months. My heart has been going crazy as well like sometimes I feel like I’m going to have actual attack, sharp pains in my chest now and again. No idea if this is anything to do with this pill but ever since I’ve started taking it this is all new to me. I don’t know what to do and need help - The only reason I came on this pill was to regulate my period as I also have the Implant, the implant made my period go wild as I was on it for near 4 months!! However I don’t want this to come back so I’m unsure what to do!"

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  • lilyb...
  • December 30, 2015

For Acne "I had horrible cystic acne on my chin (5-6 large, angry, agonising, red lumps at any one time) & they started to creep along my lower cheek which is when I decided to take oral contraception to help it stop. Now 6 months on from starting yasmin my skin is better than its ever been and I am only left with slight hyperpigmentation which is easy to cover with makeup. Not 1 new spot this month and NO oil at all! Seriously, not even a shiny nose! Results only started at around 5 months so please, please keep at it. 1st month my breasts grew and hurt alot but by month 2 they went back to their normal size and I felt no more pain. Months 2-4 I had minor whitehead breakouts along my jawline but these disappeared by month 5. Month 6 I am acne FREE"

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Yasha...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 1, 2019

For Birth Control "I was on Yasmin for about two weeks and it has caused me so much bad. I started experiencing severe anxiety, panic attacks, lightheadedness and even problems with my vision. I’ve been off for about a week now and things are slowly, very slowly levelling out.. My eyes are still a bit messed up and my panic attacks happen probably every other day or so along with the dizziness. At first doctors had no idea what was going on with me.. which lead me to a hospital visit because the panic attacks were so severe, as well as 3 appointments with my family doctor in just a WEEK! And a CT scan to make sure I didn’t develop a blood clot in my brain from the pill!! Unfortunately I experienced some of the worst side effects of this drug! I’m extremely scared to even consider taking any form of birth control again!! Please if you care for health don’t take this pill!!!"

1 / 10
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  • anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2021

For Acne "Gosh. Don't get on this tablet. It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I almost feel suicidal, been into severe depression, shouting and breaking things and ruining my relationship with everyone. If this is the cost you have to pay to clear skin then I'd rather have pimples for the rest of my life. And tbh it hasn't even helped my acne in fact made it worse. Don't please. If you wanna remain sane don't get on this. Go natural or anything but not this."

1 / 10
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9 Report
  • Kit
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 1, 2019

For Acne "I have PCOS, PMDD and I'm type 2 diabetes-prone (which means I had but I do not anymore but if I go back to eating bad and come off my meds I will revert)and I'm a type O blood type. I'm 5'3 and I weigh 162 thus far... Yasmin by far is the best birth control pill I have ever been on. The generic to Yasmin I tried for several months but it wasn't nearly as effective as Yasmin, my cystic acne stopped completely after a few weeks as it was very noticeable how less oily my skin became. The great thing I love about Yasmin is it covers so many of my needs; it also is an androgen blocker so it aids with my hair issues of thinning and odd places of hair growth (a gift from PCOS). I also have noticed that as long as I take it in the same time window every day that my moods are so much better... I'm not moody and angry while on this bc pill. Oh and least I forget my periods are way better and so are my horrific cramps and clots."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.