Syeda User Reviews & Ratings
Syeda has an average rating of 4.1 out of 10 from a total of 58 reviews on 29% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 59% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Birth Control | 51 reviews for Birth Control | 355 medications | |
Acne | 6 reviews for Acne | 572 medications | |
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder | 1 reviews for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder | 49 medications |
Reviews for Syeda
- Bel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 23, 2020
For Birth Control "I started Syeda because I am an athlete and need birth control to help me not put weight on. The pharmacist told me women gain weight because they think that the birth control alters their eating habits, but this hasn't altered my eating habits at all. It helped me stay at the same weight and has worked very well with my skin after just taking it for 3 months. My eating habits are very healthy, and this birth control has not put weight on me whatsoever."
- han...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 11, 2019
For Birth Control "I've just started my 3rd pack of Syeda, and I break out less, my boobs are bigger, no real side effects, less moody during periods, and it does its main job pretty well. My periods are also a bit lighter now too."
- Sar...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 13, 2024
For Birth Control "I was put on this because due to my PCOS. I hadn’t had a period in about 8 months and finally went to see an OB and was recommended this pill. It’s been about 2 months that I’ve been on it and overall I like it. I got my period the first month taking it and it was about 15/16 days which was expected due to me not having one for so long… however, this by far was the absolute worst period I’ve ever had, not blaming the birth control because I truly believe I had months of build-up just waiting to come out. I’m currently finishing my 2nd month and I’ve noticed a MAJOR difference in facial hair! (a symptom of PCOS) While it’s not completely gone, it has reduced so much that I am finally feeling confident without makeup. My boobs have become bigger and they are sensitive but nothing I can't deal with, also the first month on it, I had serious cravings for sweets… that has gone away for the most part. Haven’t gained or lost any weight."
- Mad...
- June 15, 2022
For Birth Control "Personally, I took Syeda for PCOS, which is a generation-four birth control meant for people with abnormal hormonal issues, such as an excess of hair or testosterone. Because of this, it is NOT recommended to take as a normal birth control option because it is less studied and has a different form of progestin than other birth controls. Syeda is a generic form of Ocella, Yaz, and Yasmin, which all are generation four as well. It should not be your first option for birth control. Personally, for me, this has helped my PCOS hair growth tremendously and has resulted in no side effects or weight gain. Everyone is different, but I can see this easily harming those who do not have hormonal abnormalities if they were to take this."
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- October 27, 2020
For Birth Control "So this is my first time taking birth control, and I'm 19, and I'm only starting my second week on Syeda. So far, it has been very bad for me. I already have anxiety, and so far it has made it 100% worse to where I feel like I'm backtracking with my mental health, like I can't control it. My acne is starting to have redness, and I never really had that before, and I'm eating so much. I'm getting my birth control changed ASAP and would not recommend."
- Arc...
- May 14, 2020
For Birth Control "Until I had to move back home from university because of COVID, I had been using Ocella, which had been alright for me. My boobs swelled, and it is possible I had weight gain, but I had just gotten off the IUD, which messed me up bad. But when I came home, nowhere had Ocella, so my pharmacy gave me Syeda. I have type 2 bipolar disorder mixed with anxiety symptoms, and taking Syeda for two weeks sent me spinning. My anxiety and hypomania have been awful, some of the worst I’ve had in a long time. It was not like this with Ocella, and I don’t know why the pharmacies in my hometown are not allowed to provide it, but I will not be taking Syeda again and would hesitate to recommend it to anyone."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 24, 2022
For Birth Control "This is the absolute worst birth control! I was taking the name brand Yazmin for years, and I never had any issues with it. I moved, and the pharmacist gave me the generic brand Syeda. I didn’t have any issues with it until 2 months in. I started experiencing the WORST anxiety and panic attacks, spotting, and the worst cramps. I have never had any of these issues before, nor did I ever have anxiety or panic attacks until I started taking this. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of Syeda."
- Nel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 3, 2020
For Birth Control "Never again. My pharmacy tried for years to randomly give me Syeda, even though I would repeatedly ask for Ocella. In January, the pharmacy tech insisted she give me two packs of BC, and it was Syeda. When I went back in March, I was given two more packs of Syeda. I didn't care to argue because this was around the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I figured they were stressed enough. After 4 months, however, I have had enough. I have gained weight from my increased appetite, I lost all motivation and enjoyment for things I once enjoyed, and I have been feeling more anxious. I don't care what a pharmacist says, generic doesn't mean the same."
- Asa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 8, 2021
For Birth Control "This was the worst BC ever! My doctor prescribed me the name brand Yazmin, and somehow my pharmacy gave me Syeda for months. I have bled almost every day, even when taking it, cramps like no other, knee pain, rash on my chest, anxiety as well. This is generic birth control that does not work! If I could rate a 0, I would."
- Jol...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- May 5, 2021
For Birth Control "I’ve been on Syeda for almost 2 going on years. I’ve never really had a major issue with it. I do find when I’m on my “break week” that I’m very emotional, and I get upset by the slightest inconvenience. Other than that, I’m on track from Sun-Sat, and when I’m on the break week, my period doesn’t usually start till the Wednesday, and I have a full 5-7 day period. Everyone’s body is different, find what works for you!"
- aj1...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 10, 2022
For Birth Control "This birth control should be taken off the market. The pharmacy gave this to me instead of my specified prescription. I have taken either Yasmin or Ocella for close to 15 years with no problems, but Syeda messed my system up within a month's time. Upon starting the pack, it did not stop my period (it’s usually like clockwork), my face broke out, and my body broke out, and my anxiety was terrible. I was able to have the pharmacy special order my Ocella this month, and I miraculously feel like myself again. There shouldn’t be such an acceptable variance with generic medications, the pharmaceutical industry should not be allowed such low-quality standards!"
- Jes...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 25, 2019
For Birth Control "I was taking Zarah for a while, which is the generic for Yasmin. It was working perfectly for years. Then, all of a sudden, my mail-order pharmacy started sending me Syeda in December 2018. As soon as I took it, the first week I was breaking out non-stop on my chin. If you're breaking out on your chin, most likely it's related to hormones. Every day I was getting a new zit and new bumps, I was really upset. Until I called my doctor, and then she prescribed me Gianvi, and after the very first day, I saw a difference in my skin almost immediately. I will never take Syeda again due to my horrible experience."
- Kri...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 10, 2022
For Birth Control "It’s rare that I will go out of my way to write a review, but had I done more research, I would never have started this brand of birth control. I’m sure there are people who have had a positive experience with it, but my own was horrible. I was on Yasmin with no problems at all for a month, but due to the cost at the time, I decided it was best to switch to Syeda, believing I would have a similar experience. Almost immediately after starting, I noticed my mental health had plummeted. My anxiety was the highest it’s been in years, and I went through a depressive episode that was so intense I could barely function. As soon as I saw the reviews and realized that I was certainly not the only person who experienced something similar, I stopped taking it. I immediately noticed improvements after stopping. For me personally, it is worth paying the extra money for the name brand to avoid this ever happening again."
- Ala...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 21, 2020
For Birth Control "I was on Syeda for greater than 2 years. I experienced spotting throughout the experience (which is why I am changing my birth control now). I figured I'd give it some time. I also experienced minor acne/rash on my cheeks during my period. Other than that, no mood swings, periods were regular, acne was clear while on the pill, and no weight gain or bloating. I was 24 when I started the pill, weighed about 125. Giving it a 6/10 because the spotting was very annoying!"
- Sev...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 1, 2022
For Birth Control "Pharmacy switched me from my regular generic to Syeda. No big deal- they are the exact same thing, right? NOPE! I was in SEVERE pain for 4 days after starting this pack. I almost went to the ER thinking it was a kidney stone or something because painkillers wouldn’t do a thing. My husband (a physician) was worried it may be something worse. I thought, let’s try this one thing before we go to the hospital - I'm going to go back on the old generic and (I know it’s crazy because they are the same exact ingredients, right?) but let’s try anyway- and let me tell you- almost immediate relief. I am shocked that this is being marketed as a generic for Yasmin, or that it’s on the market at all."
- Ash...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 3, 2021
For Birth Control "Syeda worked on the positive side of the middle ground for me. Nothing notably amazing, but certainly nothing terrible. I do not recall any weight gain or changes in acne, affected my breast size only slightly (did experience some breast soreness during the first month or two, but was expected). The first month was a bit hectic emotionally. Periods were regulated, but cramps were only slightly lessened and periods did not decrease in length (stayed at my normal 4-5 days). I decided to go off of Syeda after I moved pharmacies and was unable to take it for a month. After getting off for that month, I recognized my mood/anxiety being noticeably better than when I was on. Maybe it was my own placebo, but I decided that I had probably not noticed the mood changes while on Syeda, and it was time to switch. Overall though, no complaints! Just was not the exact best fit for me."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 21, 2021
For Birth Control "Took Syeda a week, started feeling weak, tired, and depressed. Second week, my face started breaking out; now I stopped taking them, and my period started. I’m guessing this is what it is because I’m not due to start my period for a few more weeks."
- PAh...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 24, 2024
For Birth Control "I have been on Syeda for 11 months now, and it works for me! I started taking a generic for Yaz years ago for acne, and in the past few years, started taking it consistently to skip my period. The original pill I was on (2mg/0.02mg) would cause breakthrough bleeding/spotting every month around when my period would be. After a year, ultrasounds, breaks (3-14 days), I kept having the once-a-month spotting that would happen on and off forever until I took a 3-day break (super heavy flow during break). No changes in acne for me, increased weight, and mood swings that went away after 1 month. Now I only have spotting at the 3/4 month mark, and as soon as I see a spot of blood, I take a 3-pill break. If I don’t take the break, I will spot on and off until I take the break. After the break, I won’t spot again for another 3/4 months. I tried another pill that was supposed to help breakthrough bleeding, but it gave me acne and depression. No pills, and my acne came back. Also not pregnant either."
- Ste...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 2, 2021
For Birth Control "AWFUL. I was given Syeda by my pharmacy, and the first month I felt “weird” and different. More emotional. The second month, I am a total wreck. I’m stopping these today - do not recommend at all. And I broke out more."
- Amb...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 26, 2021
For Birth Control "I've never had a problem with birth control until I started taking Syeda. Worst pill for my body, and I'm worried it won't protect against pregnancy. I have so much acne-new ones come every day! Bleeding all month, so tired, can't stop eating, migraines increased, and major insomnia. I've gained a lot of weight in 2 months. Took for 2 months and just stopped. My doctor said my Nikki birth control wasn't covered anymore by insurance, so she put me on Syeda. If it has the same ingredients as Yasmine and Yasmine was recalled because they found it doesn't prevent pregnancy efficiently, then why would anyone take this??"
- Ano...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 25, 2021
For Birth Control "So I got switched from Yasmin to Syeda, and I had never heard of Syeda, so I read all of these reviews and STILL decided to try it out, which was the biggest mistake of my life. I didn’t notice all that much my first month on it, but I started the first week of my second pack, and I am going to burn the rest. I cannot believe how awful my skin has gotten in such a short period of time. I have large, painful cystic acne on my cheeks and the most insane redness! I’ve also gotten keratosis bumps on my legs, which I have never had before. My mood has changed so much, I feel like I’m not even in my own body at times. I know it works for some, but honestly I wouldn’t even give it a go, just stick to what’s working for you. Wish I listened to the awful reviews on this because I am suffering from it now :("
- Ste...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 13, 2020
For Birth Control "Generally, I do not complain about birth control until I’ve taken it for at least 3 months. This time, I couldn’t do it. I only lasted a month. Syeda made me heavily bleed and cramp the entire month. I also had huge cysts around my jawline. I’m someone that usually researches before agreeing to take a medication. I wish I had. Syeda has been ineffective for some people, resulting in pregnancy. Although it only happened to that same person twice while taking Syeda, it’s enough to scare me away, especially for making me virtually useless for an entire month. I just advise some caution."
- Ano...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 19, 2020
For Birth Control "I was 17 at the time starting to take Syeda for 5 days because I have PCOS, and I experienced my first anxiety attack. It was the worst thing I’ve ever been through, and it traumatized me. I also didn’t feel like myself when I was on the pills, I felt different overall. I was more down, more sad. I stopped taking the pills after the anxiety attack, and I went back to normal. I felt like my old self again, I felt better, and I was happy again."
- Anonymous
- October 3, 2019
For Acne "I had been on Ocella and Yazmin for years, all of my painful cystic acne was gone, and I felt great. I got put on Syeda by my pharmacy, and my face was breaking out like an 8th grader. Also, it gave me the appetite of a HORSE. I ate and ate as if I hadn't eaten in months... also gave me a severely bloated. If you are happy with what you currently use, I would suggest caution before trying or at least pay close attention to the symptoms."
More about Syeda (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol)
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- Drug class: contraceptives
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Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella, Loryna, ... +7 more
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For Birth Control "DO NOT TAKE Syeda! During Covid-19, my pharmacy switched me to Syeda from Ocella. I didn’t think anything of it. Oh boy, was I wrong. Gained 20 lbs FAST, had severe acne, and crazy depression and anxiety. Thought it was all due to Covid-19 stress. However, from doing my research, I am now learning Syeda messed me up! Throwing it out now."