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Doxycycline User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Brand names: Vibramycin, Monodox, Doxy 100, Doryx, Oracea, Adoxa, Doryx MPC, Morgidox, Avidoxy, Uracil, Targadox, Mondoxyne NL, Acticlate, Doxy-D, Oraxyl, Doxy-Caps, Alodox, Adoxa Pak, Adoxa TT, Adoxa CK, LymePak Okebo Doxy 200 …show all brand names

Doxycycline has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1,616 reviews on 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Doxycycline

  • John
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 18, 2019

For Bacterial Infection "My doctor prescribed me this doxycycline antibiotic orally, 100 mg for MRSA after the first two antibiotics failed (some sort of penicillins). The doxycycline has managed to fade the MRSA boils but not completely eradicate the infection. The side effects are by far the worst I’ve ever experienced from any other drug I’ve taken. From dizziness, nausea, and the worst of all, the pressure it causes in your head. My whole 10 days on this drug have consisted of being in bed or lying on my couch with anxiety from side effects. I wouldn’t recommend this drug to my worst enemy."

3 / 10
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46 Report
  • heroo...
  • May 30, 2016

For Acne "I would just like to say thank you to Doxycycline for saving my life. I have extreme depression and anxiety, and that was only made worse by my acne, which covered almost all of my face and was spreading fast. I tried every over-the-counter medication, every face wash, and even attempted laser therapy. I almost took Accutane, but heard the terrible stories online about how bad the side effects were and more. Even my doctor tried to convince me to take Accutane, but I'm here to say if you have horrible, red, blotchy acne that is very congested, please try Doxycycline. It took 3-4 months, and when I look in the mirror now, I actually kind of want to cry because of how much it helped me. Doxycycline + Spectro Blemish Cleanser & Moisturizer saved my life."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • White...
  • May 16, 2011

Doxy 100 (doxycycline) for Lyme Disease "Medicine was effective to a degree it ameliorated muscle pain, joint inflammation, and mild-to-severe headaches. Inflammation/rash in upper body area (predominantly on the back) occurred within a week of beginning three-week regimen—persisted until end of ingestion, though it faded in both discoloration and swelling, as well as itching, over time. Some blurred vision and intestinal discomfort occurred, but was not debilitating to any significant degree. While fatigue was lessened somewhat, it did not preclude a general feeling of somnambulism or sleepiness, which my physician says may persist for a few weeks or even months. Overall, I’d rate this as an effective medication against the Lyme Disease I developed."

9 / 10
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94 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • goodn...
  • July 26, 2016

For Bacterial Infection "I started taking doxycycline for sinus infections because of other drug allergies, such as penicillin, sulfa, and Cipro. I take it between breakfast and lunch and then between lunch and supper. I sit up after taking it and have no problems with this drug. Thank God I have something to take, and my head feels better after the first dose. Hopefully, I will not develop any allergies to this. I have taken this three times, 10 days at a time, now over the last three years with no problems."

10 / 10
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65 Report
  • Jane
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 4, 2020

For Chlamydia Infection "I took this medication doxycycline for the treatment of chlamydia and it worked my symptoms went away in about 4 days but when I got retested in 2 weeks I was still positive! And no I didn’t have sex after taking all the medicine I’m so upset I don’t understand why it didn’t cure it"

1 / 10
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39 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • jultus
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 10, 2018

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "Reading most of these user reviews, it seems I'm the only one not suffering from side effects. I've taken doxy after tick bites about 4 times in my 52 years on Earth. 2 of those times were preventative, the other 2 times I already was infected (erythema migrans was clearly visible). I can't say enough good about this antibiotic. You just have to not take it on an empty stomach. The negative reviews, to me, seem like whining and blaming doxy for something it is not even responsible for. I've decided to take it this week (in 2018) when I was coughing for 2 weeks and had flu-like symptoms, even after having been vaccinated against the flu. This worked wonders. I had only taken 2 x 100 mg doxy, and the entire thing was over the next day. This is an absolute killer antibiotic. Try to avoid direct sunlight up to a week after you've taken it, or your skin will burn. Highly recommend this drug for lots of bacterial infections."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • So...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 9, 2020

For Skin or Soft Tissue Infection "I was on a dose of 200 mg a day of doxycycline for two months, 100 mg/day for one month, and now on 40 mg/day for another month for a bad case of perioral dermatitis (40-year-old female). Tried elimination diet, herbs, and everything - and it didn’t work, but this (with some creams, elimination diet like 80% of the time, and tons of emotional processing) cleared my skin up!! I am totally sun sensitive, so I try to stay inside (yay quarantine). I take it with a FULL stomach, and I have no side effects. Also, I take the BEST probiotic from the vitamin shoppe. The doctor is weaning me off gradually to avoid rebound... Wish everyone the best!!!"

9 / 10
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39 Report

More FAQ

  • Bronc...
  • February 16, 2015

For Bronchitis "I'm currently on day 4 of 10 taking Doxy twice a day. My doctor thought I had a touch of bronchitis, although I was thinking possible pneumonia. Anyway, I felt better almost immediately after taking the first dose or two, but it's still not the full relief I was hoping for. My cough is just slightly looser and I definitely feel better, but I'm still coughing quite a bit and wheezing. I was prescribed another time a few years ago, and I'm pretty sure I remember it taking a good 8 or 9 days to completely kick in. I'll try to remember to post update in another few days. I'm really HOPING that this kicks in stronger sometime in the next 3-4 days. Tired of coughing."

6 / 10
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71 Report
  • Fritz
  • June 17, 2019

For Lyme Disease "I had two tick bites on my hip by my belt line. Then, not a couple weeks later, I got bit again on my left arm. About three weeks later, I developed, almost out of nowhere, extreme joint pain and stiffness, a complete loss of energy, a headache, a very stiff neck, and sensitivity to light. I went to the doctor about two days into this. They did blood work for Lyme disease, and it came back negative. Symptoms persisted terribly. The doctor did a different panel, which came back negative, but the doctor, due to my symptoms, got me on this antibiotic. The first three days were the worst I've ever felt body-wise in my life. The doctor did instruct me that that would happen during the bacterial die-off (Herxheimer reaction). By day five, all symptoms but the extreme fatigue faded. I did experience weird light aberrations. The continued extreme fatigue is the only real problem now. The doctor did mention that the treatment can take 14 days up to a month before you are 100%."

9 / 10
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45 Report
  • deepl...
  • October 1, 2015

For Chlamydia Infection "Have been taking doxycycline for 6 days now, it's giving me terrible nausea, the pus is still coming out of my vag, and I still have slight pain on urinating, doesn't look like it's working for me. Guys, please can anyone help?"

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67 Report
  • Healt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 16, 2014

For Bacterial Infection "Prescribed 100mg 2x a day for 14 days for a skin infection. It is so important that you drink lots of water and do not lie down within 30 minutes of taking this medicine to prevent ulcers in the esophagus. I followed this and had no issues whatsoever. On the 7th day, I had slight nausea, take with food. Also, I wanted to mention I did experience chest tightness/shortness of breath from days 3 to 12. It stopped 24 hours after my last dose...Prilosec helped. Recommend taking a probiotic once a day to prevent any stomach issues, including diarrhea. Works great for me."

8 / 10
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73 Report
  • Karen
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 27, 2023

For Pneumonia "Had COVID, then developed pneumonia. Started on amoxicillin, didn’t do much. Went back to the doctor and was given doxycycline and steroids. Within a couple of hours, started to feel better. Had no side effects. I’ll be asking for this medication first from now on. It’s magic! xx"

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12 Report
  • John
  • December 3, 2016

For Lyme Disease ".I had proper Lyme disease (not 'chronic' Lyme, quack quack) took doxy for a month, after a tick bite a year ago. Most symptoms went after a couple days, still suffering from some minor pots and memory loss but improving each day. My best recommendation to people with post Lyme syndrome.... Exercise consistently (within your limits). This has really improved heart and cognition problems for me. They do get better it just takes time. Be patient... Taking doxy after 4 weeks for Lyme is not necessary unless you have serious neuro complications . (You will have need to have had Lyme for 10+ years for this to be necessary, and still 2 months is enough. Look at the evidence please. Taking copious amounts of abx is not good for you."

10 / 10
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59 Report
  • busymom
  • December 24, 2019

For Pneumonia "Thought I had a bad cold with cough and shortness of breath. After about 7 days, when I got the pain going clear through the lung (front to back), I knew it was pneumonia (had it before). Started doxy 2 x a day, also using a nebulizer with albuterol solution 3 x a day and an emergency albuterol inhaler for nighttime breathing help. Better on day 3 but no further improvement until I began doxy 3 x a day. Always eat 30 minutes before taking doxy or you will have stomach issues. Drink a bottle of water every two hours to help flush the crud out of your system. You will be tired for 8-10 days after stopping doxy, but it has done its job."

7 / 10
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40 Report
  • anon
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 31, 2020

Vibramycin (doxycycline) for Acne "I got off minocycline a month and a half ago after 6 months of successful treatment with it for my acne, and no side effects (mild to moderate inflamed acne here). Acne started coming back, so my derm put me on doxycycline (I use azelaic acid 15% once a day topically too). I've been only 4 days on doxy 100 mg twice daily, and my skin is completely clear again. Zero side effects with this as well. The inflammation subsided in just 2 days. It has saved my skin once again. Tetracyclines work so well for me, it's hard to get off of them."

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • Col
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 18, 2018

For Bacterial Infection "Finished a 14(!) day course awhile back for a MRSA boil. Got another bad boil weeks later (now trying Septra/Bactrim). I didn’t have any notable side effects; perhaps because I reduced refined sugar intake to near zero, drank lots of water, probiotics (not at the same time), and got plenty of rest punctuated with some exercise. Why so many bad reviews? I guess only problems motivate a review. A vast majority of users do fine. You may feel crummy on it for a few days as your body eliminates dead bacteria. It’s ‘germ warfare’! Hope this helps."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Dukie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 24, 2019

For Bacterial Infection "I have been on doxycycline for 4 days, in conjunction with an expectorant, for a sinus infection. The script is for 10 days. I have followed 'how to use this medication' received from the pharmacy, including drinking non-caffeinated drinks, and have had no negative interaction with this medication. As a matter of fact, my symptoms broke today, but as with any medication, even though I am feeling better, I will complete the 10-day round of this antibiotic. I am allergic to penicillin and diagnosed with epilepsy, and find this antibiotic one of the best I have taken, and have not had any medication interactions. In addition to medication, rest and plenty of fluid assist in recovery."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Maryn...
  • February 16, 2014

For Bacterial Infection "I had minor surgery and developed cellulitis, and was put on doxycycline. It made some immediate improvement in the pain and swelling. The culture came back as MRSA. Ten days of doxycycline was extended for two more weeks, but after five days, with the infection not completely gone, I switched to vancomycin infusions for twenty-five days until I was considered healed. The problem wasn't the medication, rather, it was the lousy suturing with internal stitches that started emerging through the wound for weeks, keeping the infection deep in my thigh. Then I got a bad cold or flu with a terrible sinus infection, so I started taking the remaining doxycycline. I don't think I've taken it for sinus before, but I felt better right away and had no real side effects. Great!"

8 / 10
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72 Report
  • unarien
  • January 10, 2016

For Bacterial Infection "I have been taking this medicine for a week. Took two straight away with food. Then one a day after with food. I've had no problems until today, my sixth day. I woke late, took the tablet with only a cup of coffee. About 20 mins later, felt unwell with a slight stomach ache and felt chills all over my body. Felt bloated and sick, so quickly got something to eat. And within an hour, felt better. Do not take this on an empty stomach. Last day tomorrow. It's a good antibiotic... got rid of my upper respiratory infection and tooth infection..."

9 / 10
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62 Report
  • Yup
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 15, 2019

For Lyme Disease "On doxycycline for Lyme disease. 21 days. No side effects at all. I have one more week taking it. I was worried about the stomach problems and did my research before taking it. I drink a whole glass of water before and after. I think that’s the key to taking this antibiotic. I also make sure I am taking a probiotic every day."

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Susie...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 20, 2019

For Rosacea "This medication has been life-changing. I had been battling constant pustules and papules for over a decade, getting much worse the last four years. I had tried a range of over-the-counter creams and treatments, and on Rozex cream for a year - which helped a bit. A new doctor put me on this, and in six months I have virtually no “pimples” or skin thickening at all. Miraculous. I did find I needed to combine it with a pill to settle my stomach, the main symptom being burping and a little discomfort. My skin is now clear, and I can happily go makeup-free. Results began after two weeks, but it took about five months for the full impact to be seen. Highly commended for p/p rosacea. I am in Australia, and the price is very reasonable."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • JulieP
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2016

Doxy 100 (doxycycline) for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "I've been taking 100 mg of Doxycycline twice a day for 8 days now, and I feel worse than when I started. Now, in addition to the upper respiratory infection, I have terrible vertigo (side effect of Doxycycline)."

1 / 10
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60 Report
  • Super
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 16, 2020

For Bacterial Infection "I had a bacterial infection, Ureaplasma Urealyticum, and was definitely hesitant to take this doxycycline pill due to the nasty reviews. The first time I took this medication, it was terrible, but that was because I took it on an empty stomach. It takes about 30 minutes to kick in, and if you haven't eaten, it will be miserable, but once I ate 30 minutes prior to taking each pill, I didn't experience any nausea or vomiting."

7 / 10
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38 Report
  • dbano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 5, 2013

Vibramycin (doxycycline) for Urinary Tract Infection "Prescribed for both my urinary tract infection and sinus infection at the same time. I am a vegan and am finding it a bit difficult to time my dosage (2 a day) around other medicines and meals. I believe it is causing headaches and nausea. I have not vomited but feel as if I could. In the middle of the cycle of prescription-hope I can tolerate the remainder."

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74 Report
  • GiGi
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 5, 2019

For Rosacea "I had been on doxycycline (rosacea) for months, it did not work. I was given methotrexate 2x, it did not work. I was on Ivermectin 2x, it also did not work, and I have used gels, nothing. My face is still red, pimples, and itchy. Also taking spironolactone 50 mg. NEED HELP!!"

3 / 10
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39 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.