Valium for Muscle Spasm User Reviews
Valium has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 51 reviews for the treatment of Muscle Spasm. 86% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Valium
- Gri...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 10, 2019
"I’ve been on many muscle relaxants for my many ailments and nothing worked. My surgeon after my first operation put me on diazepam for the horrendous spasms that wake me in the middle of the night in severe pain, and I’ve been taking it now for years at night under close supervision. I do not have to take as much medication during the day. Works great and no side effects. I don’t take them every night just as needed."
- Mal...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- April 20, 2019
"I've taken Valium 10 mg, 2x daily for neck muscle spasms and headaches for 15 years now. This has been the most effective medication I have taken for my issue. The company I work for is now telling me that I can't take this anymore because it's on a new restricted list. Nothing else that I have taken works without having some sort of side effect."
Frequently asked questions
- lav...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- November 25, 2014
"My muscle spasms in my spine were caused by injury. They have gotten worse with age. BUT, I had doctors who listened. I cannot take 'pain' pills or even NSAIDs. And because of the injury to my head, aspirin in large doses. Valium was prescribed by three neurologists but in low doses. The reviews I have read that are negative to Valium have the patients taking doses WAY too high. They are creating zombies. I take 6 mg a day—and it works, and I have lived with this spine pain—on a cane—for many years. They cannot 'cure' it, but Valium has made it possible for me to stay out of a wheelchair. The doctors who overprescribe are CREATING a problem for the patient. It is a very effective medication, cheap, and with very mild side effects."
- CA ...
- April 4, 2017
"My new GP has been recommending Valium for over a year for chronic mid-back/facet joint pain and intermittent neck pain (bad discs from C3-C5) and sciatica/torn labrum at right hip, but I resisted her recommendation. The chronic back pain flares every night, and often wakes me up and forces me out of bed. It takes several hours for the pain to recede every morning, which is demoralizing. Three nights ago I started taking 5 mg of Valium at bedtime, and each morning I've awakened with less and less pain so that I'm hardly taking any pain medication during the day. Fingers crossed that I can continue to take this dose at bedtime - the other testimonials on this website are giving me hope that this might be the case! Hallelujah!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Lan...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 14, 2014
"I have fibromyalgia and an undiagnosed connective tissue disorder, and this medicine has helped me with spasms and pain, as well as trigger points reduction. Currently using it for an anxiety med as well, this medicine has helped with all of the above at the same time, taking the place of numerous medications. I feel this should be used as a substitute for multiple meds to reduce the amount of potential interactions and unnecessary additional medications."
- ren...
- November 15, 2013
"Very helpful with back injury & muscle spasms. No side effects that I'm aware of. My condition is severe, without it and other meds I still have restless poor sleep due to severe pain & spasms but I barely have no sleep or relief without it."
- bob...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 4, 2012
"I have been put on Valium to relieve the muscle spasms and aches due to the reduction of Prednisone, which I have been taking for a long period of time (26 years). Anyway, this reduction of Prednisone has caused me quite a bit of muscle spasms, muscle aches, and muscle pain. The 10 mg of Valium relieves the muscle spasms and achiness. I feel the Valium is a godsend for my relief. I take one 10-mg tablet of Valium every morning when I wake up, as that is when the muscle pain is most severe. The Valium is effective in relieving the effects of the tapering down of my Prednisone level. Valium works very well for me. I rate the Valium a 10 in my relief!"
- wol...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 10, 2015
"I have a terminal illness, kidney failure. The times that I've needed to calm down, ease worry, and calm my tight muscles - Valium is the solution. I've been taking it for almost 4 years without addiction or compulsion to 'have to have it.' When my back is against the wall with all my medical situations, this drug has provided for my lifestyle very well. Thanks to all for sharing honestly on this site."
- USA...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- December 19, 2014
"I suffer from lower back pain. I had a back fusion in November 2013, about 6 months ago, I started having really bad back spasms around the area they did the fusion, which was my L5/S1. They had me on Flexeril, but it did not help. They tried Valium, and it works. I do not take it every day, only when I have the spasms. Between that and the Percocet, it is the only thing that works. But I only take them as needed."
- InS...
- January 26, 2013
"It gives me rapid relief of my muscle spasms starting within 10 minutes. It's the only 'as needed' medication I know of, whereas the others I've been prescribed are 'take at scheduled times' meaning they have slow bioavailability and one may be taking unnecessary doses."
- Mis...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 26, 2018
"Last week I went to the emergency room with my neck completely frozen and a blinding headache. After 72 hours of trying heating pads & everything from Advil to Flexeril to Vicodin with NO effect, I was convinced it had to be meningitis. My BP (normally a chill 120/70) was 145/92, so when the doc said 'I'm not trying to minimize what you're going thru, but you've just got a stiff neck, I'm giving you Valium', I was furious. Well, my apologies to the ER doc, because so far it has worked like a charm--only 4 days and I've got 80% of my mobility back, and the remaining pain is manageable with Advil. I always thought Valium was only an anti-anxiety drug, but I'm happy to have been mistaken. I'd highly recommend this as short-term treatment for muscle spasm, Flexeril had always been my go-to, but if for some reason it's ineffective on your spinal pain, Valium is great. However, I can't WAIT to get off it: I feel it's really impaired my mental acuity."
- mar...
- November 29, 2020
"I had severe neck tightness 5 days ago, and Aleve did not help. I finally fell asleep, but the next day I could not move my head more than an inch without severe shooting pain. Even texting hurt - the nurse where I live prescribed Baclofen, which did not help at all - still shooting pain, no movement. So I called a surgeon, and he said Valium is the best for muscle spasms. I asked the nurse practitioner to prescribe it, but she would not (no controlled substances). These strong drugs are for a reason!! I was in excruciating pain till I got the Valium and acetaminophen filled (from another county). The pain and tightness noticeably lessened by the end of the day. The next day, yesterday, I did not need the pain reliever, just the Valium. It is the BEST for muscle spasms, and I only took half a dose today. I will be saving them for when I have another serious ailment, and doctors won't prescribe!!!"
- Big...
- September 14, 2011
"I'm a 32-year-young woman, who at the age of 11 was diagnosed with a severe spine disorder (scoliosis). It was also affecting my vertebrae, they were turning in, causing my ribs to crush my lungs. My doctor said I had a year or so to live. I was slowly suffocating. So at 12 years old, I had 2 Harrington rods put in on each side of my spine, from neck to tush! The pain then wasn't too bad, from what I remember, but now at 32 some days I can't even move (winter in Idaho). However, 2 years ago I started using diazepam, and at first, I slept a lot. As time has passed, I have a great life. I myself cannot play sports, but I can sit on a metal bench for 3 to 4 hours and enjoy watching my 4 boys play sports. Take as prescribed and tell your doctor if it's not helping."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 4, 2018
"It is the only thing that works for me when my back flares up and still allows me to function mentally so I can work. I’ve taken it off and on as needed during flare-ups for years with no side effects or withdrawal when I discontinue. I don’t leave home without it just in case!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 16, 2016
"During my cancer treatment, Valium was prescribed to me for muscle spasms. It only took about 10 minutes to start working. It has done the job very well for me. I've been able to do my physical therapy with minimal pain, and soon hope to be pain-free!"
- Anonymous
- April 9, 2011
"I was originally prescribed Valium for mild anxiety. It has helped, but amazingly, it has stopped my muscle pain from a bulging disc L5. I now suffer no pain at all from the muscles around the disc. It's amazing."
- mar...
- August 4, 2017
"You know perfectly well this drug is HELL and the withdrawal of it is obscene if you even make it. How DARE Doctors not let patients know this up front. It is criminal. For years this withdrawal issue has been known and HIDDEN from patients and even doctors. It has ruined my life and many others. MILLIONS of others. SPEAK UP."
- Sun...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 26, 2017
"I take 5mg as needed at bedtime. I have severe muscle spasms, shoulder, and neck pain. I use Aleve, Advil, and diclofenac and still have pain. I was waking up with terrible tension headaches before using this. I only take it when I feel the tension at night. Regarding other comments on addiction - I have taken benzos for YEARS (on/off and never daily) and I have never become addicted. If taken only as needed, it's a great drug."
- rod...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 3, 2017
"Valium has helped my spasms in my back better than any other muscle relaxers. I have been taking it for 10+ years, and after that long of use, I really never get the sedation that I did when I started taking it. I take 10mg 3 times daily and have not found anything yet that works well for me."
- jk3...
- January 23, 2009
"This medicine has helped me very much. I get very bad spasms in my neck and shoulder. It helps 100% and I also have a much better time sleeping. It keeps my mind from wandering while I try to sleep. It also makes me feel more refreshed when I wake up. I have fewer mood swings. I used to pace back and forth all day, and it put a stop to that as well. It has improved my life very much."
- All...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- February 24, 2019
"Been on diazepam for several years for restless leg syndrome (RLS). It has been the only drug that works. 2.5 mg at night, sometimes 5 mg, but not often. No problems with it and never any withdrawal on the rare occasions I can do without it."
- Kai...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- December 3, 2017
"I have CP on my right side and down my back, along with scoliosis and a bad pars defect. For the pain and spasms, I take methadone and diclofenac for the pain, Lyrica for the neuropathy, and Valium, Soma, and cannabis for the spasms. I've been on the Valium the longest. It's a double-edged sword in that I use it for anxiety and spasms. Before it, I was on all the other standard benzodiazepines. Pound for pound, it is the safest benzo to be on. It lasts the longest in your system and self-tapers, meaning that withdrawal from it is easier than, say, Xanax or Klonopin. I've been on Valium for almost 10 years, and it has helped tremendously. With it, I can get out of bed every day and have quality of life. Recently, I switched from generic to name brand."
- Jui...
- April 18, 2012
"No doctor had been able to diagnose my condition. As a result, I was prescribed 10 mg of Valium 3x daily as a crutch indefinitely. At first, I was dim-witted and happy and got some relief, but after about a year, I started to become increasingly apathetic, dim-witted, started to have problems with light sensitivity and focus, became uninterested in socializing, and had a personality shift from the funny, charming guy to a depressed robot with anger spasms, who takes risks just to feel some sense of being alive. After 2.5 years, the physical relief has all but stopped, and in any case, I cannot have a life taking this. I am in the process of tapering off of it."
- Jea...
- June 20, 2020
"My doctor prescribed Valium after I had two lung surgeries. It was to treat the pain and muscle spasms. Thankful it was only 5 mgs per night. I couldn’t get a refill in time, and I’d been on it for about two years. I just felt it was time to get off of the Valium. I think I’m doing better pain-wise. And I take Tramadol for that pain during the day. I have been experiencing withdrawals. I am taking natural supplements in place to wean me off. I shake a little, rapid anxious thoughts, digestive upset, irritability, panic. It’s not good to take it long term. I rated Valium high because it did its job, relaxed me, and the only side effects for me were dry mouth and being more tired in the morning. The con is clearly the addictive properties of it. Your body starts to need it just to go to sleep or feel normal. I’m hoping this will end soon. I read it can take months or years to come off Valium. I was on a low dose, so I hope it won’t last that long."
Learn more about Muscle Spasm
- Benzodiazepines: Overview and Use
- Should you mix muscle relaxants with alcohol?
- What are the risks of mixing pain medications and alcohol? guides (external)
More about Valium (diazepam)
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- Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
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Valtoco, Diastat, Diazepam Intensol, Diastat AcuDial, ... +3 more
"Been using Valium for over 25 years for sciatica and anxiety. Saved me from potential hospital visits for both my conditions. I use 10 mg about 3 to 4 times a week. I have stopped when conditions were better for up to a month without any withdrawal problems. Valium is a wonder drug when not in the hands of abusers who get all the attention necessary to cause its false accusations as a problem drug. It is a problem for some just as alcohol is a problem for many that cannot restrain from abuse. It should be unlawful for employers to define what medications my doctor prescribes to me or anyone. We have let the lawyers and the ignorant decide what allows us to survive in this chaos of repression we call a free society. Robot doctors are overriding the decisions prescribed by my doctor of over 40 years. Hippocratic oaths are now broken in the name of government infringement on our rights."