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Clindamycin / tretinoin topical for Acne User Reviews

Brand names: Veltin, Ziana

Clindamycin / tretinoin topical has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 181 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 13% reported a negative experience.

Clindamycin/tretinoin topical rating summary

7.7 average rating out of 10

181 ratings from 187 user reviews.

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Reviews for Clindamycin / tretinoin topical

  • ste...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 22, 2020

"I hope this review gives someone hope. I am in my early 40s and have had horrible acne my whole life. I've really tried almost everything. I tried Biacna (same drug, but different name in Canada) before, and hated it. My skin broke out horribly. But the second time trying on the urging of my doctor, I stuck with it the next time. Skin broke out again like crazy for about two weeks (the worst I ever saw). I told my doctor, he saw how awful my face looked, but still begged me to stick with it for another month. I did. I hid mostly inside my house for about a month because the acne got so awful. But, about 2 months into using it every day, my skin cleared up - it's like all the acne that was happening on my face all cleared up almost all of a sudden. I am now (knock on wood) about 3 weeks without any significant or visible acne on my face!!!! Please do yourself a painful favor. Stick with it for at least 2 months before giving up on this one."

9 / 10
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90 Report
  • Poo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 1, 2018

Veltin (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I have only been using this product for a few days, and I haven't seen much improvement. But after reading these reviews, I wanted to share what my dermatologist recommended. She told me not to follow the directions in the box, rather, keep your face damp (wet, but not dripping wet) after washing it and then apply a pea-sized amount of the product to the entire face. So essentially, you are working the product into your face with the water to help reduce dryness. This is a great tip because I have pretty sensitive skin, and my skin has barely gotten dry in the few days that I have been using this. If you're experiencing extreme dryness or any textural problems, I recommend you try this tip out! Hope that this helps someone out there."

8 / 10
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75 Report
  • Cha...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 21, 2016

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "For some reason, my acne became uncontrollable after I gave birth to my daughter. I finally went to the dermatologist after quite a few breakdowns. I started Ziana in January 2016. This medicine will take about 3 months of purging your skin before it shows how clear your skin will be. Be patient. Yes, it sucks. But it does work 100%. I have before and after if anyone would like to see or has any questions!"

10 / 10
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80 Report
  • cur...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 18, 2020

"So... I had unproblematic skin for the past 4 years after using my birth control, Diane 35. In March 2020, I decided to switch to an IUD instead of my combination pill, the progression of my skin slowly but surely led to me having acne. I would say at the end of July, I was prescribed the clindamycin/tretinoin gel to use nightly. Unfortunately, I would use it on and off, and for this type of gel, PLEASE do not use it on and off, or it will not work and your skin will have to repurge. So I currently am heading into my 10th week on the gel, and it is still a process. I have scars and just a few pimples reappearing. If I could recommend anything, it's to make sure you check in with yourself and stay positive. Acne is normal, and you are still beautiful with or without it. I'm hoping that within the new year, my skin will be clear again, but I'm learning that taking care of my inside is just as important as my outside. Best of luck to everyone on their acne journey!"

7 / 10
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40 Report
  • hha...
  • February 16, 2021

"Started using Biacna for hormonal acne, as well as regular acne I have on my forehead and T-zone area. Applied every day for 4 hours for 4 days, and overnight thereafter (took one day break after 4 days), and my skin has literally completely cleared up. It’s been exactly 7 days since I started using Biacna. I noticed a difference within 1-2 days, as it had stopped new pimples from forming immediately. I had around 10 pimples on my forehead, 5 on the cheeks each, and 5 pimples on my chin/nose area. One week later, all I have is 2 older pimples that are still healing but almost gone. I can’t believe how quick and effective this gel has been for me. It is drying, but completely worth it, and I used a heavy moisturizer and avoided wearing foundation to avoid it looking flaky. Highly recommend trying it. I have combo skin, oily around the nose and chin, but also dry elsewhere. My skin is fair-light skin toned. Went from 20 pimples to 0 in 1 week! And no new forming pimples."

10 / 10
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29 Report

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  • net...
  • July 4, 2010

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "Having endured mild acne for 40 years with no real relief from various recommendations/interventions from dermatologists. I used Ziana for 3 months and have had fabulous results. No side effects, easy to use. It has been a miracle and a dream come true! As an added bonus, the dermatologist has said to continue using Ziana and that it would improve the wrinkles too. Life is good again... acne affects more than your skin, but permeates your self-concept, activities you choose to participate in, social life, and the list goes on. To those who worked to develop this product, my deepest gratitude!"

10 / 10
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67 Report
  • Cas...
  • November 11, 2014

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "When I turned 26, I began getting really bad cystic acne on my chin/around my mouth. I would 'pop' the cysts and cause all kinds of scabs/scars on my chin area. Finally, I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed me Ziana. Let me just start off by saying this stuff is nothing short of a miracle. Within 2 weeks, my face looks brand new again. I use it every day. I went a few weeks without using it and the bumps began to come back… Also, a little bit goes a long way. I put a very thin layer on my face every night. I think some people may be putting too much on their face, which is causing their skin to be oily (the Ziana is causing the oil to come out of your skin, which is what is causing the acne anyway). Good luck!!"

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Hap...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 23, 2018

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I promised if this ever worked for me I would write a review. I’ve read these reviews over and over again to stop myself from giving up. Now on week 10, and my skin is almost perfectly clear. Do NOT GIVE UP. Weeks 3-6 were the worst for me, and I thought it would never work. Slowly, but surely, it does work. Fight through the breakouts and don’t worry. Give it its full 3 months before tossing it. You will not regret. Simplify your skin care routine. I only used face wash and moisturizer in the morning with Ziana (Biacna in Canada) at night. This has fixed everything and is clearing up my scars. Good luck."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • ell...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 21, 2014

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I started Ziana one month ago. I am 26 and have had severe cystic acne from the age of 16. I haven't worn makeup for the last two weeks because I do not need to hide anything anymore. Wooohooo!! It made my skin red/peel for a week and a half, but not so much that I needed to hide. I can wear the gel during the day because it doesn't flake or peel like most gels do. My pores are much smaller, and I couldn't be happier. I now only need to use it about twice a week. Love this product!"

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Mh9...
  • November 16, 2016

Veltin (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I was applying it nightly at first and realized it was causing my skin to peel a lot. Switched to using it every 3-4 nights and exfoliated my skin every morning. After about a month, I was able to put it on every night with no peeling issues. I also started only putting it on my problem areas (acne scars) rather than my whole face. Flash forward 3 months later from my first night using it, and my skin looks GREAT. You have to be patient and find a regime that works for you. Yes, your skin will peel at first, but you can also use it sparingly so your skin gets used to it. You don't have to torture yourself and use it every night at first. Start slow but keep a schedule. I put it on once a week now. I'm happy I stuck with it!"

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • jam...
  • June 10, 2008

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I have been using Ziana for about nine months. I will admit I was extremely frustrated in the beginning because my face seemed to be worse than it was before. But nine months later, my face is acne-free. I will occasionally get a tiny, tiny pimple, but it will usually go away in a day or two. My confidence is back where it needs to be, and although the wait was frustrating, it was worth it."

7 / 10
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59 Report
  • Dec...
  • December 3, 2014

Veltin (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I started using Veltin about a month ago for acne on my body, and all I can say is THANK THE LORD! After years of trying benzoyl peroxide products and other ineffective topical treatments, I finally found the right medication! Pros - reduces blemish size, lightens scarring and pigmentation a lot, pretty fast acting. For me, it only took a month for incredible results and still getting even better because I'm still not totally clear yet, but I'd give it 2 more weeks to be all clear. Cons - causes itchiness, peeling, and redness, but subsides after a few weeks. My tip is don't be lazy or impatient when it comes to this product because the whole purpose is to bring up the new skin that is healthy and shed the damaged skin and acne."

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • Cak...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 13, 2020

"I started getting deep cystic hormonal acne at 30, and four years later, I had tried everything. I got a prescription for this, and it had honestly changed my life. I am incredibly lucky and had no purging and no flakiness - it just worked. My skin is glowing, my scars are slowly healing, and I occasionally get a tiny spot, but it goes quickly. I am in awe as I was at the end of my hopes it would ever be okay. Absolutely incredible."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • May...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 20, 2015

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I have been on Biacna (Canadian Ziana) for about a month now. For the first couple of weeks, my skin flared up like crazy, and my face was peeling. Now I am finally starting to see my acne, which varied from cysts to moderate, disappear. I am hoping once my face becomes completely clear to see my acne marks fade. IMPORTANT: do not use any astringents or lemon/citrus or benzyl peroxide or tea tree oil while on this because it counteracts the chemicals in Biacna. GOOD LUCK and keep going xx."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Mya...
  • August 6, 2015

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I wanted to post a review of this product to help others who are struggling with acne and/or first starting this medication. I know when I first started Ziana about 2 months ago, I was looking through all the message boards I could to find reviews on what the experience was like for people! I am 20 years old and have mild acne and clogged pores. Nothing else I tried would get rid of my pimples. I started Ziana, and yes, it does get worse before it gets better. I had moderate acne and tons of little tiny zits showing up all over my cheeks. The medication was bringing all my clogged pores and acne to the surface. This lasted about 3-4 weeks until I started noticing a significant change. Now, after only like 2 months, my skin is almost perfect."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • Ski...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 26, 2019

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I am a 27-year-old female who had moderate cystic acne due to inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis. I saw a dermatologist who prescribed me Bianca, the Canadian version of Ziana, and he gave me a ton of samples that I’m still using. That was August 9th, the first 2 months were rough... I wanted to stop using it multiple times because my purging period was so bad, but I was so desperate to clear my skin. My face for the first 2 months got a lot worse, it was red, itchy, painful, dry, and flaky. I also simplified my skincare routine to just a sensitive cleanser, I used the Bioderma Sensibio mild foaming gel and La Roche-Posay moisturizer. My face started to improve 2.5 months into using it, and I’m currently 3.5 months into using Bianca, and all of my cystic bumps are gone. I’m continuing to use the medication to get rid of the acne scars left behind. I never thought my skin would be this clear again. Yes, the purging period was horrible, but I’m so glad I didn’t give up on this."

9 / 10
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20 Report
  • Kim...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 9, 2014

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "About 2 months ago, my skin started to break out really bad out of nowhere. I have had breakouts in the past, but nothing like this. At first, I thought it was an allergic reaction. I work in the operating room and wear surgical masks most of the day. I decided to go to the dermatologist, and she prescribed me Ziana. She told me I had adult acne and that it was not an allergic reaction. Within one week, my skin was much clearer. It has now been 2 weeks, and the results have been great. A small amount on dry skin here and there, but that is the only complaint. I am very pleased and hope the great results continue."

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • Red...
  • January 18, 2017

Veltin (clindamycin / tretinoin) "The first week, my skin got very dry and patchy. It peeled a good bit. The second week, my skin broke out worse than it ever has, and I started getting really discouraged that it wasn't working, and I felt like it had made my skin worse. I am now about to finish up my third week, and my skin is really clearing up well. I would say be patient with this product and give it one full month, and you will begin to see results. The method I use is washing my face, patting it dry, putting on a moisturizer, waiting about 10-15 minutes, then applying the Veltin only on the acne spots. This has seemed to work best for me."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • ZMo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2014

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I have struggled with minor acne all throughout high school. Just as soon as I got the acne off my face, new patches would appear. I tried every OTC medication and cream, with no avail. I even tried Proactiv, which actually just caused more new acne. When I went off to college, I decided to take action. My dermatologist prescribed me Ziana, and I have to admit, I was nervous. She told me that it is a very new product, and it may not work. After four nights of treatment, all of the acne and redness on my face were gone. Completely gone! I was, to say the least, excited. I stopped after four days and am still acne-free three weeks later!"

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 24, 2012

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "This medicine is amazing. After suffering from pretty bad acne and trying every topical product out there (benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, tea tree oil, sulfur masks, etc.), I had pretty much given up all hope of clear skin. I started Ziana and saw no immediate results, but kept applying every night. A month later, my acne was significantly reduced. Two months later... I only have two small pimples that are in the stage of drying up. I highly recommend Ziana; it seems to be gentle on the skin. Keep with it! The results are amazing. I'm so much more confident. Good luck! P.S. I used it in combination with doxycycline, which seems to significantly improve results."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • ehk...
  • November 22, 2013

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "Works wonders! Stick with it, though. The first time I went on it, my face was pretty clear since I had just come off birth control, so I had no 'purging' experience. It kept my face completely clear and even cleared up some fine lines! Unfortunately, my insurance stopped covering it for a bit. My skin was okay for the first few weeks off it, and then I suddenly had massive cysts. My insurance changed again, and they now cover it! Second round: definitely some purging, definitely a lot of flaking, but skin is getting back to where it was. Stick with it. The stuff really works, but you have to give it time!"

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Nic...
  • January 11, 2019

Veltin (clindamycin / tretinoin) "This product works amazingly well. I've been using it for just a few weeks. I had strange oily cysts growing from underneath my skin and erupting at the surface. This gel stopped it in about 1-2 days, which allowed my skin to finally heal from that trauma caused by the cysts. It's a powerful medication, so common sense is needed when using it. Think of it as an exfoliant on steroids. A normal exfoliant helps you to shed dead skin at a slow rate. This gel, however, will cause massive peeling after about 1 week's use. My dermatologist recommended this regimen: wash with Cetaphil, pat dry, apply the gel, and follow up with the Cetaphil moisturizer. Only apply the gel at night since exposure to the sun is to be avoided when you have it on. When the peeling becomes too excessive for me, I stop and only apply the gel to the areas that were affected. If I do not, it will literally burn my skin on other areas of the face which looked just fine. So you have to use common sense."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • alk...
  • May 6, 2021

"Very thankful for everyone sharing their experiences, so thought it only fair I share mine. I've been using 'Acnatac' (Australian brand) for 1 month now. I DEFINITELY purged, and it was probably the worst my skin has ever been. That happened quite quickly after starting and persisted for 3-ish weeks. My skin has started to clear. I'm getting small pustules here and there, but nothing compared to the amount I was getting before, and they are shorter in duration. My skin turnover is insane - this compound is the ultimate exfoliator. Keeping on top of moisturizing is definitely important. I'm lucky enough to work from home, so I haven't really had to worry about making makeup look good, but when I do, it's difficult to not look flaky and dry, but I'd still trade that over acne. I'll update as I continue for the next few months. I've tried the pill, antibiotics, $$$$ skin treatments, LED lights, every naturopathic treatment known to man, haha, and I was about to go on Accutane, but I'm glad this was suggested by my GP."

8 / 10
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13 Report
  • Bri...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 23, 2016

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I was experiencing some bad acne for about 2 years before I went and saw a dermatologist about it. She prescribed me Ziana. My main acne was on my cheeks, which also led to brown spots. The first month on this medicine was the worst; you will want to give up, but DON’T! It made my skin super sensitive; it made you want to cry, but it hurt for tears to even touch your face. No makeup looked good because of how dry it got. About 2-3 months in, I started seeing some results. About 5-6 months in, I had no blemishes left, and the brown spots have faded significantly. There's still some there, but I was told those will take the longest to go away. I wish I knew how to share a picture of the difference."

9 / 10
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23 Report
  • cha...
  • March 17, 2009

Ziana (clindamycin / tretinoin) "I absolutely love this medication. I was a little unsure since everything I used in the past didn't work. Went to a well-known dermatologist, and I must say my skin looks so good it's really hard to grasp. I had a glycolic acid peel on my first visit and started using the medication every night. I did develop a few more pimples while using, but I stayed with it, washing my face with CeraVe hydrating cleanser morning and night like I was instructed and applying sunscreen when I am outside. Today I had my second glycolic peel. When the doctor saw me, he was pleased with my results. It has only been 5 weeks, and the good thing is, he said if I think my skin looks good now, wait another 2 months. It's really amazing! I went out of the house for the first time with no makeup... yay! It really works."

9 / 10
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37 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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