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Citalopram for Generalized Anxiety Disorder User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Celexa

Citalopram has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 from a total of 197 reviews for the off-label treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Citalopram

  • sweet...
  • February 7, 2016

"I've had generalized anxiety disorder for about 3 years,I had it under control until 8 months ago, stressing about money and school. My anxiety has been horrible, feeling like I'm dying all the time, thinking I'm having a heart attack, feeling so confused and lost, I've hit rock bottom. I went to the Dr and I was prescribed Prozac 40 mg I ended up in the ER because dosage was too high. The Dr then prescribed me citalopram 20mg which I have not taken. I am very fearful of medications now, I wont even take Tylenol. I read reviews that its great and the worst medication, I'm very confused now, I've tried dealing for mnths on my own trying herbal teas and vitamins, Nothing seems to help me...I don't know what else to do I can't go on living like this"

1 / 10
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  • Britt...
  • January 11, 2016

"Okay, so I started citilopram about 2-3 months ago. Because I started off having bad anxiety attacks, and I didn't even know what they were till I got diagnosed with the mental illness, and a few weeks after that, came along depression. And both of them, were always getting me down, they also took a big chunk out of me. Like they made me feel down about myself. Made me feel suicidal. And stuff, so my mom and I finally decided to see the doctor and get the medication called "citalopram" and it was the best thing that I ever got onto, is it hard to quit? Yes. Because the effects of not taking the pill, is like you feel down, thoughts come running through your head, suicidal like I said. Etc, so anyways, I highly recommend this medication."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • January 23, 2011

Celexa (citalopram) "Citalopram has given me my life back. I was nervous, panicky, overwhelmed by thoughts, feeling vulnerable, at times even agrophobic and like I couldn't cope. Now I would describe myself as fairly confident, happy and self-assured. I still have some bad days but generally Citalopram has made all the difference. I have also had therapy and joined classes such as confidence building and positivity. These classes have also made a significant difference to me. No real side effects from citalopram either, except dry mouth and feeling thirsty - which really isn't a problem."

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Azmom
  • April 5, 2017

"I finally was brave enough to start this medication for bad anxiety, panic attacks. I have become limited on where I go. Finally so exhausted from pushing myself just to go to the grocery store......I gave in and took 10mg Saturday night. Took just half of a .25 mg xanax with it. Just in case of side effects. Surprisingly nothing bad has happened yet. I know it will take time for then to take effect. And hoping they will soon help. Tonight will be my 4th pill. I will keep you posted. Wish me luck "

8 / 10
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  • Emily
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 2, 2021

"At the beginning of August I had a really bad panic attack to the point where I called the ambulance on myself. Everyday after this panic attack I started dealing with non stop anxiety attacks and terrible insomnia. I couldn’t sleep more than 45 min without waking up and having an anxiety attack. I thought my life was over. All I thought about was my anxiety, and the next time I would have a panic attack was. I was fully consumed by my anxious thoughts. I went to the hospital 3 more times in the span of 2 weeks because I couldn’t deal with my own thoughts anymore. My doctor prescribed me citalopram at the beginning of August, after about 3 weeks it kicked in and my life has been amazing ever since. No more panic attacks, no more anxiety and no more insomnia. I can sleep through the night, and if I do wake up, I’m able to just go back to sleep. No more thoughts consuming me and no more worrying. Citalopram changed my life."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • willi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2016

"I have been prescribed Citalopram for the 4th time but have started my dose at only 5mg as I get so many bad side effects but the good news is, this is this really works 100% for me once I get used to it! I only wish I had not listened to my doctor who kept tapering me off it but always gave me Zopiclone or Lorazepam to help, only my new GP won't give me either so this is tough right now. Only on day 3 but remember how I was able to lead a completely normal life once the medication worked. A small price to pay in the end have been ill for almost a year now trying different medication but decided it was tie to go with the one that truly works despite how horrible the start up effects might be ."

9 / 10
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  • Lily
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 28, 2021

"I have been taking citalopram 30mg for 3 years now. I had a rough adjustment to it (started at 5mg) but I am sensitive to any drugs. It was my last resort so I stuck with it. One thing I learned is that if you are undermethylated these drugs will most likely work for you because you typically have low serotonin. However if you are an overmethylator you will be too high in serotonin and these drugs can make you manic and worse. So, I would suggest getting a methylation test to see if SSRi’s are suitable. Also, very important is the kryptopyrrole test. It tests you for an inherited condition called Pyroluria. If you have it you can treat your depression and anxiety with high doses of vitamin b6 and zinc. Please research these things before you start on these meds because for some like myself they are very hard to ween off of."

5 / 10
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  • Tony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 1, 2018

"I take 10 mg every morning and after 2 weeks of horrible side effects. Sweating , nausea and general lethargy the good effects are starting to kick in . Feel really good energy levels increasing , anxiety has reduced dramatically. Please please do not allow the initial side effects deter you. Pain does led to Gain "

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  • Tyyra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 11, 2019

"After being prescribed and taking citalopram, my life has changed in 3 short days. It may take up to 4-6 weeks for some people to feel the effects but I felt them very quickly. I have serious panic attacks and stomach acid issues that have made my life excruciating due to drug use. The drug keeps my negative thoughts and feelings (anxiety and depression) at bay ; stopping the release of the very painful stomach acid which is ruining my life. It’s the only thing that has worked. Again, only 3 days in so still waiting any potentially side effects in future."

10 / 10
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  • Zoe
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 16, 2017

"I started taking 20mg 2 months ago and I noticed a difference after the first week. My issues stemmed from overly panicking about everything and crying hysterically whenever anything small went wrong with my relationship. Soon as the medication started to work I developed more independence. I struggled to cry (I could cry... but after crying a bit, my body/brain stopped me from being able to cry hysterically like I used to). I also found that I cared more about myself and not silly arguments I was having with my partner. Since the medication has worked, if we argue, I'm calm and I realise my worth so much more. I would definitely recommend this medication to anyone who panics or cries unnecessarily. I've had no trouble sleeping ever either"

8 / 10
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  • Dolphin
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 25, 2013

"Made me feel really numb emotionally as well as sexually... I felt like I couldn't cry or be anxious anymore but I couldn't laugh, really be happy or feel passion for life anymore. Please be careful if you decide to go off this medication as you will probably feel strange electrical-like buzzy feelings in your brain as I did. They last a few days but were every unnerving and I sometimes felt like I was going to pass out.. So be sure you don't go cold turkey. It did work for me in that it gave me a break from my obsessions, sadness, worries. And it did so for a long time. "

5 / 10
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  • cbur
  • January 11, 2016

"I started this medication for depression, panic attacks, and social anxiety disorder. I felt the benefits on day 2 of starting it, and now (10 days later) I think it has been a miracle for me! I feel genuinely happy, and things that used to cause me strong anxiety are rolling off my shoulder like they're nothing. I don't feel like it has changed who I am, but simply made me a better version of myself. I would give this Rx 10 stars, but I do experience some mild side effects occasionally: nausea, headache, pupil dilation, drowsiness, loss of appetite, teeth grinding. Also, I am on 20mg but feel like it wears off in the afternoon. I am going to talk to Dr. about increasing dosage."

9 / 10
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  • ShanW...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2018

"I was like you, reading comments, being hesitant to start the tablets after many different meds, many failed ones. Well let me tell you; I’m 21 year old with a 1 year old. I have previous mental health problems but I was in remission. I had my child and boom came the anxiety over time it got worse and meds stopped working. So I gave citalopram a try after many meds made me depersonalised, depressed; suicidal thoughts etc. I'm on day 5 of this tablet. First few days were heightened anxiety, but my mood now is getting better, the anxiety is calming. Yes it is barely days and my dose will be going to 20mg. But it does have to get worse before better, accept that and give it time. I never gave meds enough time but this one seems to be doing something right!! Hang in, there will be help for anyone! I was hopeless thinking nothing would work. I will repost in 5 weeks when benefit should really kick in!"

8 / 10
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  • John
  • November 22, 2016

"I'm 23 years old and completly normal I suffer from anxiety which started making me feel very down in the dumps ( depressed). I started on 10mg 2 months ago and now feel great a lot more calm and back to my out going self. I suffered from some of the side effects for the first month such as insomnia and dizzyness and my symptoms did worsen at first but stick with it it does calm down in the end"

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  • Sps
  • February 2, 2015

"I have had anxiety and OCD for as long as I can remember. I have also been on tons of SSRI medications (Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Cymbalta, etc). Celexa (Citalopram) has been amazing! I currently take 40 mg after starting on 20 and have been on it for about a year now. My mood is so much better, my anxiety is almost completely gone and I can now do things that I never could before such as going out and socializing with people without reservations or panic attacks. I have some side effects, the two main ones being some weight gain (about 15-20 pounds) and difficulty achieving climax at times. Considering how much this medicine has allowed me to "live again," I can deal with these side effects."

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  • Scott
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 5, 2019

"I have anxiety and I am on my 5th day of taking citalopram and for the first time in about 3 years I don't feel dizzy my stomach cramps are gone I feel a sense of calm and the lump in throat sensation has decreased. I have had diarrhea and disrupted sleep but feeling good at the moment. I expect will have bad days too but the big difference is the sharp stomach pains that I used to get."

10 / 10
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  • Pedia...
  • April 2, 2015

"16 years old. Therapist and I decided to turn to medication after 6 months in therapy had little effect. I was prescribed 10mg citalopram, which we tapered up to from 5mg. After only 2 days had passed on the 5mg dose, it was already having positive effects; it stopped me from having a panic attack when I normally would have. It's been a week, and each passing day my anxiety is lessened as well as some of the underlying depression. I have had side effects though; slight headaches, nausea some drowsiness (especially after taking a dose) and some of the worst heartburn ever. It's only been speedbumps in my normal day, though."

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  • Nikki...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 24, 2021

"After suffering from generalized anxiety disorder, I took celexa. I had horrible side effects: didn’t want to leave bed, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains, feeling like I’m losing control, anxiety attacks daily, dizziness, no energy, no appetite (lost 15 lbs). The most concerning side effect was that this medication made me depressed. Mind you, I’ve never had depression in my whole life and the purpose of me taking this drug was to combat my anxiety. I’ve been taking it for 2 months and my psychiatrist said it’s reached it’s “full potential”. I gave this a 3/10 because at the 7 week mark I had a couple average days. Average days really aren’t enough though to live a meaningful and happy life. A lot of doctors say that at the two month mark you’ll feel better, and that’s not always true. Things got worse for me on these meds. Wishing everyone who reads this all the love in the world and just know that things WILL get better, whether celexa or another pill helps!"

3 / 10
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  • Mjano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 28, 2018

"So after an incident on a night out after which I had a panic attack, I somehow ended up having panic attacks constantly and could never not feel my heart beating in my chest which was really put me off sleeping. Everything made me anxious and I became dissociated and couldn’t sleep. Five months down the line without any progress and I decided I needed intervention so was put on 10mg. First week I felt sick and even more hyper anxious. But three months in and I feel great. I’m more focussed, my heart has calmed down, I feel confident doing all the things I did before. All the side effects went within the first month :)"

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  • silly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 24, 2019

"This is my 10th day on citalopram which I am taking it for anxiety. The first 7 days I was taking 10 mg dose and am now taking 20 mg. My side effects seem to vary from night to morning. At night I have trouble sleeping and have night sweats, then in the morning I feel very drowsy and tried and nauseous. I also seem to be having hot flashes during the day and at night, not sure if anyone else has these, or maybe it's just stress related. I really hope this medication starts to work soon, as I have read other posts and everyone says to hanging in there and it will get better, I sure hope it does."

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  • Garde...
  • September 16, 2018

"I had very bad panic attacks and anxiety after a bad time in my life. I couldn't get out of bed for weeks, felt panicked constantly, short of breath, chest pains, shakiness, aching shoulders and chest, eventually I went to the doctors. I was immediately put on 10mg of citalopram. I had side effects for several weeks but then eventually I felt ok, stable but not great, I got the odd relapse if I were in a shop /social environment and had to fight it somehow, so I upped the dosage to 20mg. I felt much better, but you're always aware that you may have a sudden turn. A year on and I've now upped it to 25mg as I still feel a its still a tiny bit there, some good and some not quite good days. Overall I can function pretty well in most situations, it seems to go away at its best if I keep busy, work etc. for now I'm keeping ok and managing it, a huge difference from a year ago, tell people you have this condition as it helps. I'll keep you all posted "

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  • Basiaka
  • August 24, 2017

"I take Citalopram for anxiety and depression. Before I started taking it, I had daily panic attacks and could not function very well. I've been on it now for four months. I highly recommend this medicine. My panic attacks have gone down to weekly. My dad starting taking it too and it helps him as well for bad depression. I started at 10mg. I took that for two months and now I'm doing great on 20mg. You may have some side effects at first, BUT everyone I know who had taken it has not had long lasting side effects. Two weeks or so is about it."

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  • Luvlif
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 21, 2018

"Please do not give up on this med due to side effects. I felt really awful for the first 3 weeks, my anxiety got worse. Had a fuzzy head ache for 5 hours after taking med, I felt terrible. The Dr said it would take 3 months to really take effect. He was correct. As I remember after 5 weeks I could really feel the difference. You can’t evaluate the true benefit of the med for a long time. The side effects gradually go away. I can’t believe there is a med that could help me feel like my old self again. I did not take the full dose at first. I ramped up gradual with time. Stay the course, be patient! If after 5 weeks you don’t feel better you may have to change to another med. If you don’t give it a chance, you can quite and go back to feeling miserable."

9 / 10
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  • cwdance
  • January 13, 2016

"I started taking it about 5 months ago. My experience was great. Within 3 days I felt calm and not as stressed out. I was sleeping through the night. It was wonderful. However, i am feeling the stress come back and i am not sleeping as well. I am taking 20mg may see of my doctor can raise the dose. But i love not feeling like my heart will pop out of my chest just thinking about going to work."

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  • Alumi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 22, 2016

"I have been on Citalopram for just over two months now, I have noticed a HUGE difference. I went from being depressed and wishing my whole existence away every night to "going to bed with a smile on my face" basically. I spend a lot more time with my family, I get out a lot more, and I am much more motivated. I have not noticed a change in anxiety though..."

7 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.