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Cephalexin for Bladder Infection User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Keflex

Cephalexin has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 107 reviews for the treatment of Bladder Infection. 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Cephalexin

  • Anonymous
  • February 5, 2018

"Had a UTI that got very bad very quickly. Took this antibiotic, 250mg, and within an hour I started to feel better! Had a bit of nausea as a side effect that would come and go though if I kept myself well fed every few hours that seemed to help. Had a bit of cloudy head and sleepiness as well but not enough to prevent me from daily activities, work etc."

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  • Kel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 10, 2018

"I get UTI’s quite regularly and this is my third time taking cephalexin (500mg - 3 x day). It always has helped get rid of the UTI. But I highly advise women taking it to also have a probiotic with it. I didn’t this time nor the first and both have left me with a yeast infection within the first 48hours or taking it. Apart from that no side effects- works really well"

8 / 10
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  • xdoll
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 21, 2022

"I want to start off by saying I have extreme hypochondria, anxiety and panic disorders. I haven’t left me house for years because it’s so bad. I’m terrified of literally everything and taking a new medication is definitely top of my list. It took me a week to actually start taking this medication and I was terrified. Mostly because the last antibiotic I took (macrobid) made me feel horrible where I couldn’t leave bed the whole time. I had 0 side effects from cephalexin, just make sure you’re drinking a ton of water and have no dairy within 3 hours of a dose."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Renee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2018

"So far I am currently taking 500mg 2 x a day. I was In the hospital yesterday for a severe Kidney Infection and UTI. I had Been on Cipro 2x a day for 11 days and found out I am now not able to take it anymore as it hadn't touched my infection. I was given a shot of Rocefin yesterday and started these today. So far I feel kind of weird and dizzy , indigestion started 15 min after but I can already tell I’m not hurting as bad when I pee! I’m going to do my best to finish this and hope it works as I am not able to take any other antibiotics :("

6 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 20, 2019

"Went to doctors and they told me I had a UTI so they prescribed me cephalexin, I took it 3 times a day for 7 days did not end up in the ER but, I had a very very hard time breathing but it eventually went away. The third day into the meds my insides started hurting here and there like my guts or something if that makes any sense (that pain went away like two weeks later though). After I finished the medication, less then a week later I got my UTI back so the meds didn't even help me had to go back to the doctors and get a different medication and had the go through this all over again.. but the other meds helped and the UTI went away, hope this helps anyone."

3 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Hello
  • September 29, 2020

"I was put on cephalexin for a UTI I didn’t even know that I had, literally no symptoms at all. So I’m not sure if it’s really helping with that but after 6 days I’ve had no bad side effects at all even though meds usually tend to give me some sort of adverse reaction. I feel completely normal. :)"

9 / 10
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  • Tierd
  • September 5, 2020

"Bactrim didn't work for my UTI so then I got Keflex. I started feeling better on first dose but now I'm feeling like it is coming back. I'm getting really depressed I have a horrible UTI and the thought of it coming back terrifies me. When I use restroom I pee small amounts and it burns. I'm so tired of this IDK what to do"

3 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Epip
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 28, 2019

"As with any antibiotic, how well it works has everything to do with what bacterium caused your infection. Assuming it’s appropriate, cephalexin works well. People can also read the prescribing information for expectations on potential side effects. I personally have found it safe and effective (no side effects), and believe eating yogurt regularly along with the meds to be a good idea to prevent subsequent yeast infections."

9 / 10
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  • Femal...
  • August 17, 2021

"When I tell you I have issues with antibiotics.. I mean just about all of them give me such severe side effects I barely can continue treatment. This is the first one I’ve taken that barely gives me any issues. It does make me very sleepy. After taking it, I usually have to lay down. I get a bit “out of it” but it wears off very quickly. No stomach issues with this at all. It’s worked wonders on my UTI and clears up infections very quickly. Very safe and effective drug"

10 / 10
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  • SarahV
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 18, 2017

"I a week ago had a lot of pain in my bladder. It felt like my bladder was swollen in my body. The bladder pain was BAD. I went to a doctor and I took a urinalysis test. To see if I had a bladder infection. I had blood in my urine. I got prescribed the generic of Keflex to take it twice a day. I finished all this antibiotic, it's the first bladder infection I've have in 6 months. I won't wait as long as I did to get medical help for my bladder. I have no bladder pain now. I feel a lot better."

9 / 10
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  • Adski
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 14, 2020

"9 tablets into a course of cephalexin 250mg x 28 tablets (4 a day for 7 days) I am getting LOTS of nerve pain / muscle pain / pain in chest etc struggling to walk. I am going to talk to my Dr to see if there is something else I can switch to, it feels like I've been crippled / ages 50 years over night. I have read that this clears up after stopping the medication so fingers crossed. I see that it is possible to damage tendons / tear them, be careful. Try something else if you can."

1 / 10
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  • Rose
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 7, 2020

Keflex (cephalexin) "I had cystitis and was put on Macrobid for 5 days only to find out it didn’t do a thing for the infection. My Dr gave me a injection of Rocephin in the office and suggested Keflex for 7 days, three times a day (500mg). The Rocephin gave me a stomach ache and diarrhea, then I took Keflex and it made me queasy the rest of the day. The second pill I was fine, and have remained side effect free since then. I finish my course tomorrow but still feel the cramping and mild pain from a UTI so I’m not sure this antibiotic worked either. We’ll see!"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 20, 2018

"I was diagnosed with bladder infection ,been on this medicine almost a week. It causes me to b extremely nauseous and have panicky attacks. The panic attacks are severe. I have never had panic attacks before I started taking this medication. I have one more day to take it so hopefully the side affects will go away."

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  • Jodie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 30, 2020

"Had a bad UTI and was prescribed Keflex 3x a day for 10 days. After 4 days I had a fever and felt sick to my stomach. On day 5, a blistery rash appeared on my hands and leg. Day 6, diarrhea started. I spent the next 2 days in bed with constant diarrhea. Finally went to ER due to dehydration and doctor said I shouldn't have taken it longer than 5 days max. Told me to stop taking it, took 2 bags of fluids to rehydrate me. Good news was my UTI was gone, but still have diarrhea 4 days after it started and now taking meds for that. I think everything would have been fine if I had taken keflex less time."

5 / 10
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  • Harrimo
  • August 21, 2017

"This medicine was effective in curing a UTI during pregnancy but it was also effective as causing upset stomach and vomiting. I am allergic to penicillin and had no allergic reactions to Keflex but it did cause me to feel very ill by the second pill of the day. I took this medicine 3x a day for 8 days and by the second day, I knew we would have stomach issues. I took plenty of probiotics but it's just a very powerful medicine."

4 / 10
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  • Diana
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 24, 2021

"Started getting mild UTI symptoms after a particularly stressful period in my life, the pressure and urgency to go were getting really uncomfortable so my doctor initially prescribed me Nitrofurantoin, 500mg/2x day.. three days into taking it my symptoms we're not getting any better, so she switched my prescription to Cephalexin, 500mg/2x and I kid you not, within a few hours of taking my first dose I was already feeling relief! A literal world of difference. Hardly any side effects too, except a small headache and gas but that's about it."

9 / 10
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  • Viva
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 16, 2018

"This pill started out okay or so I thought I ended up feeling horribly nauseous and yes I was taking a probiotic, had a bad time drinking water couldn't eat I lived off ginger ale, mints, dry cereal. I managed to take this pill for 7 days heaven knows I don't know how I did it but I finally had had enough and I quit after 7 days. I will not be taking this pill again. I lost 8lbs because I couldn't eat food with out feeling sick,"

2 / 10
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  • Mariana
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2021

"This was my second time taking Cephalexin. First time I only took 3 days worth for UTI but did not work (apart for giving me thrush). Second time I got double dose (4×500mg a day) and with each dose I took I was feeling like adding poison to my body. On day 3 I felt so dizzy, I could not function and went into a panic attack in front of my children. I went to emergency as it was the scariest experience of my life! I was told to decrease the the dose and had another panic attack in my sleep (hearing voices, nightmares). I stopped taking it and have been bed bound for a week. Then 3 days after stopping I had another panic attack and spend night and day unable to sleep with severe chest pain and unable to breath. This is an awful medicine, do not take it!"

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  • Pat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 21, 2019

"Went to the doc today for UTI infection I have had several over my lifetime and know what works best for me and that is Bactrim when I am prescribed bactrim after taking the first pill within an hour I feel 100% but this time the doc prescribes Keflex 500mg three times a day. I've been given Cipro before and it doesn't work. I'm hoping Keflex works BUT I can guarantee I will have to ask him for Bactrim. That is the BEST antibiotic no side effects. Amoxicillin does not work for my urinary tract infections, just saying."

3 / 10
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  • Meano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 29, 2020

"I was prescribed Cefalexin 500mg (twice a day) for a UTI and was 5 tablets in when I woke up with an extremely swollen vagina. I stopped taking the medication at this point. Another 1.5 days later, the swelling has gone down but my vagina is incredibly itchy and sore. I won't be using this again."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 4, 2021

"I have had chronic UTIs (anywhere from 4-14 annually) my entire adult life and I have noticed in recent years that after taking the generic drug Cephalexin, within days the infection reasserts itself and I need to take a different antibiotic. It took me a couple of years to figure this out. I thought I had contracted another infection but the symptoms start returning toward the end of the seven day treatment period and re-assert themselves fully within a day or two after I have finished the complete course of Cephalexin. (I always complete a course of antibiotics unless told to stop by a doctor.) I've never had the same problems with Keflex, the brand name drug, but insurance companies will no longer pay for Keflex so I try to avoid Cephalexin if the bacteria shows sensitivity to another drug in the culture. (For the last two decades, a culture is always done to determine which drug to use since I am highly allergic to Sulfa.)"

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  • Jess
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2018

"I was prescribed Keflex 500mg 3x a day for 10 days. I will complete day 3 tonight when I take my last pill for the day. I did not notice an improvement in symptoms but didn’t think I was getting worse either until I went to pee and saw blood. Blood was not one of my symptoms to begin with. Called my doc and she’s calling in Bactrim. Hope Bactrim works better."

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  • Not...
  • August 15, 2021

Keflex (cephalexin) "I took Keflex once and was fine and then my UTI returned a month later, doctor put me BACK on it and I had the worst reaction. Vomiting/ joint pain/ headaches it was AWFUL! I won't take it again I’ll stick with cipro or Bactrim"

2 / 10
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  • Katy
  • September 8, 2020

"Dr put me on Cephalexin 250mg a day, due to having severe UTIs constantly for 10 months. Told to take it at night but if I do I cannot sleep until about 5am. It interacts with the Pregabolin I'm taking. I get strong jolts down my spine, arms and legs, feeling like someone giving electric shocks during the night which means I cannot sleep. These side effects are less if I take it with food but it has to be a good size meal which is problematic due to other health issues I have. This seriously effects my ME. It has kept the UTIs at bay which is such a relief but ideally would like to try a different antibiotic which doesn't effect the other meds I'm taking."

8 / 10
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  • April
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2024

"I started taking Cephalexin after a procedure I had ( HSG) left me with a severe UTI and or Bladder infection. I had the severe burning sensation and abdominal pain prior to taking medication within 24 hours. I notice a major difference. I experienced very dark red orange urine for the next four days of taking this medicine. I thought it was the pills but by day five and six my urine was no longer red and orange it was clearer. While on this medicine, I did feel a lot more tired than usual. I spent most of my days in bed every now and again I would get a very upset stomach and only had diarrhea one time. I am now on day seven of my medication and no longer experience, the dark urine or abdominal pain or upset stomach, the medicine seems to have worked very well and I am Satisfied. One thing I did was drink a lot of water while on this antibiotic. It worked best when I didn’t eat when I ate I felt a little more nauseous and lethargic."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.