Tegretol for Trigeminal Neuralgia User Reviews (Page 2)
Tegretol has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 40 reviews for the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia. 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Tegretol
- Fel...
- January 25, 2018
"While I've taken Tegretol in the past with no issues, this time is different. First time around, no side effects. This time - possibly due to other medication - I've had horrible side effects. Headaches every day, dizziness, nausea to the point of not even enjoying a glass of water. Lightheadedness, unsteady on my feet - going for a walk with my friend the other day, I MUST have looked like a drunk. TBH - this time around, I'd rather have the nerve pain."
- Jan...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 9, 2013
"My problem started with severe uveitis/iritis (inflammation of the iris) for which I was under an eye specialist's care. This went on for almost 3 years before the doctor was able to get it under control. I lost a lot of vision in the left eye (it was in both eyes). Eventually, I became aware that I had tested positive for Lyme disease in 2005 but was never treated for it. I continued to have severe pain around the left eye that was incapacitating. I finally found a Lyme doctor after much pain, agony, and suffering. I was told I had trigeminal neuropathy in my left eye. I was given carbamazepine 100 mg x2 per day. I have only been taking it PRN, but after reading other people's experiences, I believe I need to take it every day to get the full effect. Thank you."
Frequently asked questions
- Lin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 24, 2013
"I have been put on this medication for pain. After 6 mouth operations, I was left with terrible upper gum and palate pain. I have only been on it for 5 days, it is not working. The pain is severe and constant. I am praying that as I take it longer, it will take the pain away."
- Anonymous
- January 26, 2011
"I have had TN for about 10 years, but was switched from Trileptal to carbamazepine, 100 mg 3x/day, about a month ago. The first week, I felt almost pain-free, but since, have been in constant pain. It does not seem to work for me at all now!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- September 20, 2009
"I have trigeminal neuralgia and have been suffering from it for quite some time. I was put on 300 mg twice a day, and it didn't help at all, and the attacks were just getting more severe and frequent, so the neurologist upped it to 900 mg a day. Still no relief! I have been on two other kinds and pretty much have to rely on pain medication, which doesn't even relieve all the pain."
- Tan...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 10, 2020
"Just out of the hospital, blew up like a balloon, had a very bad reaction. In the hospital for 3 days, was on tabs for 4 weeks, so am off them now. No good for me as I was swelled up like a beach ball on them. A neurologist told me to go on them for 8 weeks, gees. After 4 weeks, ended up in the hospital taking 3 to 5 a day."
- Sla...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 10, 2022
"Diagnosed 3 weeks ago. I have secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and have just learned that it's common for MS sufferers to get trigeminal neuralgia. I started on 50 mg Tegretol twice daily, which worked immediately and without any side effects, and it stopped the painful spasms. I was meant to increase to 100 mg twice daily on the third week, but I was confident that I would be okay at that dose. But on the 13th and 14th day, I started to get a few minor jolts, so I have upped the dose to 100 mg twice daily. The immediate side effect is that it works like a muscle relaxant, similar to baclofen or Lyrica. I find it difficult to walk or stand, but I can eat without any jolts, so time will tell! Take care, my friends!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 25, 2022
"I have been on Tegretol for 28 years! Started taking it for trigeminal neuralgia, and it worked well. Increasing and decreasing doses as flare-ups from the pain came and went; added Lamictal and eventually Lyrica for nerve pain. Tegretol has been my magic drug; eventually had the MVD brain surgery for the trigeminal neuralgia, and I have lowered Tegretol to 300 a day: it calms me and keeps moods even. I don't want to go off. I am also on the 300 Lamictal, also used for trigeminal neuralgia and mood stabilizing; Tegretol has affected my white blood count and electrolytes (sodium) low counts, so had to have blood drawn every three months."
- Bra...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 7, 2021
"I've been living with TN for a month. I have MS as well (19+ years). ER visit put me on Tegretol 600 mg a day. Just want to go back to the same strength I had before Tegretol. Will have to wait and see. No pain of TN in the meantime. Will take the muscle weakness for now."
- jan...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- September 7, 2022
"I have been on Tegretol for 6 years. And it has been great, no pain. Also, amitriptyline at night to help me sleep. But after this time, it's just stopped working and I can't eat, drink, or sleep without pain. Has anyone else had this problem with Tegretol where it's just stopped working."
- ANG...
- June 12, 2013
"Stopped the pain of trigeminal neuralgia. Side effects like unsteadiness, fingers twitching, sore joints, seeing auras, reading difficulties, speaking difficulties."
- Kat...
- March 15, 2013
"This is the only medication that has helped me! It's great!"
- hlt...
- March 14, 2015
"Worked for a while okay. After 2 1/2 months, I developed a reaction to it called 'Stevens-Johnson Syndrome,' which is a potentially deadly skin rash."
- Anonymous
- July 11, 2010
"Made me exhausted every day (wanted to sleep 24/7) and had changes to menstrual cycle."
- JJJ...
- April 7, 2016
"Excruciating pain in ear since June. Been on Tegretol since. From 600 mg to 1200. Then surgery. Still having pain. Still on 900 mg."
- Lex...
- November 9, 2015
"800 mg of Tegretol and still in pain."
- Anonymous
- September 17, 2022
"The amount seems to need to go up according to the pain. I am on 1000 mg a day, and sometimes the pain still pops in now and then."
More about Tegretol (carbamazepine)
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- Drug class: dibenzazepine anticonvulsants
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Carbatrol, Epitol, Equetro, Carnexiv
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Carbatrol, Epitol, Equetro, Carnexiv
"Been taking 3x a day for several years. Suffered on and off for decades from head/facial pain with no diagnosis. Finally went to a good neurologist. Tried gabapentin. Didn't work at all. (Neither does Dilaudid.) This does make me groggy still, and I have nausea, brain drain, and more. I would take any side effect for relief from that horrific pain. I've had it so bad, I literally couldn't breathe in. The breakthrough pain I now get is mainly an ache in my ear and sometimes teeth. The side effects also may be from the 15 other meds I take for various problems."