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Buspirone User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Brand names: BuSpar

Buspirone has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 1,320 reviews on 49% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Buspirone

  • Anonymous
  • September 30, 2008

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I've been taking BuSpar for two years to control the symptoms of anxiety. BuSpar has worked well for me. I had strong physical sensations of anxiety such as a 'knot in my stomach' and hot flushes (can't be menopause because I'm a guy). Also, BuSpar helps me control my thoughts that some terrible event is just around the corner and I've got to do something to prepare for this unknown event. I've not had any side effects."

9 / 10
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788 Report
  • HMOney
  • April 27, 2009

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "This medication is unbelievable. After 3 days, the anxiety I have been suffering with for over 15 years disappeared. I don't feel cloudy-headed or unable to function. It's as if one day I woke up and my life is stress-free. I did not suffer any side effects but I am also not on any other medication. I do not drink or smoke. I was opposed to medication at first, but now I am a believer."

10 / 10
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711 Report
  • Johnny...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 6, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I was having all kinds of medical problems, severe cramps, inability to urinate, severe joint pain, headaches, insomnia, and more. I noticed an improvement immediately, most of my problems went away completely, and my joint pain subsided some. I've been on it for two months now, I feel happy, calm, and 10 times better all over. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a terrible thing to try and live with. BuSpar is the answer. I had tried lots of natural remedies like 5-HTP and many others. The natural supplements had far more side effects than BuSpar! I hate taking medication, but I'm not sure how I'd get along without it. BuSpar has changed my life. I'm not sure what started the severe anxiety because I have never had a problem with it, but whatever it was, BuSpar saved me."

10 / 10
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500 Report
  • Callico
  • April 20, 2016

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I began taking BuSpar about six weeks ago. I am not a fan of benzos because they are addictive. I prefer to function with a clear head rather than popping a pill that sedates me so badly that maybe I'm not feeling my anxiety. I'm also not living my life or doing much else either. BuSpar has changed my life, I had completely forgotten what it was like to have a quiet mind until now. My obsessive thoughts subsided, I can leave my house without fear, I can speak to my friends and to strangers without profusely sweating and trembling, and I can drive again now that I'm not so easily stimulated. It takes a few weeks to feel the full effect, so hang in there if you just began."

9 / 10
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433 Report
  • Chas
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 31, 2020

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I took BuSpar for two days. On the first day, my sleep was not deep and I had weird dreams. On the second day, I had a massive panic attack after my third dose of 5mg and was unable to sleep at all that night. It was a horrendous experience. It is an awful drug for me."

1 / 10
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241 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • bstyll
  • December 4, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I'm on week 7. I thought I would wait until the effects kicked in to write a review. Regarding the side effects, mild nausea and lethargy for a short while after taking the medication, nothing to avoid taking the pill for. As for the results, very mild, but I notice a difference. I speak more clearly and confidently to people, and I am overall less anxious. One big thing, my constant worry about my health has subsided. I am 31 and live a healthy life, but I get a stomach ache and think I have colon cancer. These thoughts I laugh at now. I recommend taking this. Only 8 stars because it is not a cure all, only you can be."

8 / 10
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446 Report
  • Rooster
  • February 25, 2020

For Anxiety "After 6 months of meth use, my brain chemistry changed dramatically. I went from a successful sales team manager to a mental wreck who couldn’t stand in line at a store for 2 minutes without having a panic attack. After a brief hospitalization, I finally decided it was time to fix it. So, I saw a psychiatrist who put me on Buspar. With my history of drug abuse, he decided to steer clear of benzos. Prozac, which I had successfully taken in the past, made my anxiety 10x worse. After taking my 1st dose of Buspar, my shaking ceased. I’m quite familiar with the placebo effect, and I guarantee you that was not what was happening. Even though all pharmacology info available says it’s not immediately effective for acute anxiety, it worked wonders for me. Maybe it’s the “re-wiring” of my brain after the meth use, maybe I’m just nuts. So far, it has reintroduced me to life’s pleasures. I even felt positive ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)) effects for the 1st time in years."

10 / 10
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227 Report
  • Pinki...
  • May 31, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I've had generalized anxiety disorder since before they knew what it was. I have been on all SSRIs, the side effects have kept me from being on them long enough to see if they worked. Then Ativan through clonazepam, still anxiety-ridden. As a last chance medicine, my doctor gave me BuSpar. At this point, I was beyond jaded and thought, 'oh great, another pill that won't work'. But it did, at 30mg split to 10mg 3 times daily. I felt the cloud of anxiety lift after the first pill. I stopped catastrophizing everything and got my life back. It is an older medicine, no longer a 'go-to' medicine, but should be. The others made me zombie-like, etc. I had the dizzies for a week, pushed through, they stopped. I am now so incredibly happy and anxiety-free."

10 / 10
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416 Report
  • Luke
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 18, 2020

For Anxiety "Buspirone has been a life saver. I'm on 15 mg, just began taking 2 weeks ago but noticed changes immediately. I'm a lot less focused on negativity and can blow off those unwanted thoughts. This stuff really works."

10 / 10
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201 Report
  • Stef
  • November 16, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I started taking BuSpar about a year ago for anxiety/panic attacks. I've taken benzodiazepines in the past, but having an addictive personality, I had to stop those. BuSpar saved my life. I have no fear, paranoia, or low self-esteem anymore. I used to feel like the world was out to get me and that I was being judged by everyone no matter where I went. I used to have the most crippling social anxiety too, I'd avoid social situations because the anxiety was so bad. Luckily, BuSpar erased all of that for me. Anxiety still creeps up here and there, but it is absolutely nowhere close to being as bad as it was before. No side effects. I love it and will take it for a long time. At first, I did get headaches but they went away a couple of days later. Love it."

10 / 10
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391 Report
  • Mgano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 31, 2021

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "My doctor said that is one of those drugs that work well or not at all. I was originally put on Prozac for anxiety, but couldn't tolerate the side effects. Lot of muscle twitching and jerky movements. I switched to BuSpar and it worked great. I did have a problem with paresthesia for a while, and took gabapentin to relieve it. That went away after a couple of months, and I no longer take the gabapentin. My anxiety has virtually stopped and I feel really good. I would recommend giving it a try, and giving it time to work."

10 / 10
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178 Report
  • MCruz
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 31, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I take between 30-50 mg per day depending on how I feel. Usually 15mg or 20mg at a time. Doctors should really look at this medicine for bipolar as I am severely bipolar (with anxiety) and do not like addictive substances. BuSpar is a wonder medicine for some! I'm getting my life back! I no longer rage and ruminate, and I can also sleep and think more clearly :D most things do not work for me, but this one did."

10 / 10
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383 Report
  • Jude
  • June 22, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I have suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for longer than I care to remember. Went through too many antidepressants that all failed. I was told that BuSpar was an 'oldie but goodie.' I was reluctant to even try another pill and was under the notion that drinking wine was going to be my alternate choice, (which I didn't care to start). BuSpar has been my answer. It has brought calm into my life. I recommend this 'magic pill.'"

9 / 10
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377 Report
  • Brian
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 18, 2019

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I've taken BuSpar (45mg daily, 3 times a day) for several years. I have GAD with infrequent panic attacks and a mild depression. I was originally prescribed Clonazepam, and took it for several years, but a new doc convinced me to get off the benzos, which I managed to do and was no small feat. The BuSpar has been an absolute godsend for me. The Clonazepam worked, but pretty much flatlined my personality. The BuSpar made me feel 'normal' for the first time in years... my wife comments that she didn't hear me laugh once on the Clonazepam, and now I enjoy life and laugh all the time. Everyone is different, but this is a great drug for me!"

9 / 10
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220 Report
  • Dylan...
  • October 27, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I was prescribed benzodiazepines for my post-traumatic stress disorder-induced anxiety. The benzos worked great for me, but after admitting myself into a rehab program for substance abuse, I was told I could no longer take the benzos as there is a high risk for abuse and addiction (even though this wasn't the medicine I was abusing). After a number of panic attacks, I sought help from the doctor for a non-addictive alternative. They gave me Buspar 10mg 3x a day. This improved my anxiety, but I still had days that were debilitating. I saw the doctor again, and he upped the dose to 15mg 3x a day, and I have been completely anxiety-free since. Make sure you have the proper dosage before claiming this doesn't work. And the side effects like dizziness are easily countered with a good meal."

10 / 10
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344 Report
  • Annie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 18, 2020

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "BuSpar should be classified as a hallucinogenic drug! I took it for one day (15 mg) with Zoloft to get off Ativan. It made me lightheaded, nauseous, nervous, speedy, and when I tried to sleep, I saw terrible images moving around in my head. I couldn't sleep at all! These awful hallucinations gave me panic attacks. I was so scared! I also had some uncontrolled jerky movements of my limbs when lying down. I called the nurse line for help because I could not reach my psychiatrist. This experience was a nightmare! I also read an FDA report that stated that BuSpar can cause Tardive Dyskinesia, uncontrolled involuntary jerking movements of the face and body. Who wants that? Do not take it!"

1 / 10
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192 Report
  • Bubbz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 3, 2020

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "So far I've been on BuSpar 10mg twice a day for a week. My anxiety is much better than it was. I talked to my psychiatrist about taking the evening dose early afternoon and she said it was ok. As long as I stick to the same times every day, it will be ok. So I take my 1st dose at 6:30 am and my 2nd dose around 1:30 pm. Side effects are very mild. I take my 2nd dose early because if I take it later in the evening, I have a hard time sleeping. I'm still getting used to the medicine. I take Vistaril 25mg if I get anxious still, but overall my anxiety is much better than it was."

10 / 10
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169 Report
  • Kat
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 17, 2019

For Sexual Dysfunction, SSRI Induced "I got put on buspirone for libido problems and my libido came back like it was in my teenage years within a few days of taking 15 mg daily. I didn't know curing sexual dysfunction was a side effect. Made me feel human again, my libido had been dead for 4.5 years due to extreme domestic abuse. Talk about feeling alive again."

10 / 10
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194 Report
  • Blond...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 29, 2012

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I'm not exaggerating when I tell you all: This medicine has truly CHANGED my life! After suffering with clinical depression and anxiety for over 12 years, this is the only medicine that has completely taken the anxiety away. I take it along with Prozac 30mg and WOW, what a difference it has made for me. (I've been on Prozac for 8-10 years.) The Prozac helps with depression, but since my main problem was anxiety, it didn't help very much with that. Xanax wouldn't work for me like it used to, and after this last debilitating episode of anxiety, I had lost hope that anything would work for me. I'm only on 10 mg of Buspar, and it's literally made me the way I was before I started suffering all those years ago. I feel like the REAL ME again! Amazing!"

10 / 10
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367 Report
  • Erika
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 1, 2019

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "My new doctor wouldn't prescribe my usual combo of Prozac with Xanax 'as needed.' I was mad but gave BuSpar for anxiety a try, and it works out to be THE BEST COMBO EVER!! I actually felt euphoria and a bit lightheaded the first few days. Then in the first few months when I had alcohol in addition to wine one night, I got EXTREMELY SICK. But as a social drinker, I decided to 'try again' but only with wine. Everything has been fine since. I can even have margaritas, etc., again. (But I can't stress enough how scary and extreme that sickness was in the beginning, so drinkers, BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL.) My family says they have never seen me so happy in all my 46 years. I am sure that I've never had such an easygoing attitude. Things I used to take personally have no effect on me now. I take two 5mg tablets at night before bed. This works for me even though it isn't what is recommended (i.e., 2 or 3 times daily doses). No more obsessive worries, thin skin reactions, or depression!!"

10 / 10
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185 Report
  • artlpn
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 5, 2015

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "BuSpar has changed my life! I absolutely love this medication. I suffer from phobias and health anxiety, and this medication has worked wonders for me. As a nurse, I didn't want anything addictive, and this was my miracle. I tried Ativan, and it didn't even touch my anxiety. I have had no side effects with BuSpar, and it has helped me to relax and feel like myself again! I highly recommend it!"

9 / 10
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289 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 8, 2014

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I have been taking BuSpar for 2 months and have definitely noticed I am more relaxed and less reactive and upset in stressful situations. Prior to BuSpar, I had taken Xanax as needed for anxiety, but it made me extremely hungry. I would eat so much, and even worse, not remember, that it just gave me more anxiety from all the weight gain. I am only taking BuSpar now, and I take 7.5 mg x 3 daily. I am able to function on this medication and not feel like a zombie. I feel very relaxed and I am starting to enjoy life!"

8 / 10
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304 Report
  • Thean...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 16, 2020

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I have had emetophobia since I can remember (the fear of vomit). For the past couple of months, I have been dealing with horrible stomach problems and nasty anxiety attacks. When I went to the doctor, they suggested I take Zoloft for the anxiety. Zoloft was the first SSRI I tried, and the first night I tried it, I felt extremely sick. I went to the doctor again, and they put me on Prozac. I took that the first day and felt okay. The second day I took it, I couldn’t even get out of bed. I was super nervous to try anything else (especially SSRIs). So my doctor prescribed me BuSpar. It is not an SSRI and doesn’t have as bad side effects. I’m taking this pill 2 times a day and I started taking it last night, and I am now on the third dose. I haven’t felt sick at all, and I hope it stays that way!! So far, so good!"

8 / 10
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169 Report
  • Edste...
  • February 22, 2016

BuSpar (buspirone) for Anxiety "I have had anxiety for 10 years and had given up all hope for a normal life. Last year, I was prescribed BuSpar 15mg a day, and it did nothing for me. On one of my many visits to the mental hospital, I was told to try bumping it up to 40mg. A week later, I had my first anxiety-free day. It's now been 7 months, and I haven't had a single anxiety day. I have finally started to love again, I feel normal. My doctor said that because it's not addictive and doesn't lose its effects over time like Benzos, I can continue to take it indefinitely, so I will. If you're on it and it's not working, perhaps you may need more. For me, it's finally given me my life back."

10 / 10
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258 Report
  • Jay
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 21, 2019

For Sexual Dysfunction, SSRI Induced "Listen up, fellas. I have GAD and panic attacks. My doctor gave me Lexapro and I was on it for 5 days. NEVER AGAIN! Although Lexapro really helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks, your sex drive tanks and you can't have an orgasm. So, I had to choose between side effects and keeping my sanity. I chose keeping my sanity, obviously. I'll talk to my doctor and some friends, and they were all recommending buspirone. I started 5mg 3x a day. I noticed it also helped with general anxiety symptoms, along with helping me get more sleep during the night. My sex drive not only came back but it was better than before, and I have nothing but good things to say about buspar because it helps with my anxiety and my sex life is amazingly powerful. Whoever invented the stuff deserves to be a billionaire."

10 / 10
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178 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.