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Mirvaso User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Mirvaso has an average rating of 3.2 out of 10 from a total of 176 reviews on 21% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 75% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirvaso

  • cloud...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2020

For Rosacea "This stuff appeared to work initially though gave my face a bit of a strange pale hue. After 3 days of using it as directed, just like many other reviewers on here, an intense 'rebound' red has come on and it's terrible. My redness is far beyond what my rosacea symptoms were before I tried this. I think it's burned my skin. I will not use it again."

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  • Jon
  • February 16, 2019

For Rosacea "I applied it as directed and saw immediate great results. I would apply a small amount in the morning and be good for the day. After I started having to apply it again mid day. I became an addict and needed more and more and more to get the same effect. I finally realized that it wasn’t that I didn't have out of control rosacea that the cream was causing it. The first day off Mirvaso was absolutely horrible and was totally embarrassed at work because it looked like someone poured acid on my face. I am now on day 4 and have seen good improvement. I have been using Eucerin Redness Relief Nigh cream For those that have made it this far into my comment DO NOT START USING THIS MEDICINE. My skeptical side feels like the product is designed to make people need to use more and more so they can get $400-500 per gel pump"

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  • Paddle...
  • September 21, 2016

For Rosacea "My husband was given this medication by our dermatologist 6 months ago and he was thrilled to have finally found an answer to his roseacea. The last 3 months have been a living HELL! His skin became bright red & looks almost purple. For weeks his face became crusty and was oozing fluid onto his pillow to the point where I was washing his pillow cases every day. We have been to a variety of specialists who say it's contact dermatitis. He has been on prednisone and antibiotics 3 different times and nothing is helping. For the first month he couldn't sleep because he was in such agony and only an ice pack gave him relief. I plan on calling the FDA hotline, which I found on the Mirvaso website."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anna
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 7, 2019

For Rosacea "Awful experience, steer well clear of this :( I was on antibiotics (oracea) for little spots on my cheeks and they did go away and my skin feels very smooth. My dermatologist at the start gave me protopic for night (very greasy) and perilox for the day, I stopped using both as I also had reactions, really red blotchy skin. I went back and he gave me mirvaso, 1st day I was thinking this is great until later on day when I had a major blotchy face, could not figure it out, reading this had helped as I have so many symptoms others have had. I didn't use it today (so around 36 hours since last time) and all off a sudden from nowhere I am all blotchy again. Also anything touching my face makes it worse, my scooter helmet left me all raw red colour where it touches my cheeks, my pillow did same thing when I had a nap a few days ago. I have used it 3 days and thats enough, not sure how long I will have effects for :( stay clear of this cream. I have been taking photos to show my dermatologist."

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  • Pen
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 9, 2019

For Rosacea "Please stay well clear of Mirvaso!! I wish I had read the reviews before using this cream!! I tried for it the first few days and thought it was the best thing.. UNTIL day three I put it on the affected area and all of a sudden my face felt on fire and bright red, it lasted a good few days before the redness died down! I went to bed with ice packs on my face to try and cool it down! There are so many others cream out there which have worked for me, it's just finding the right one! But please please stay away from this one!!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • XxCAxX
  • February 23, 2020

For Rosacea "“If it seems too good to be true it usually is” Used it once, got rid of the redness completely for about 12 hours, worked amazingly The next day my face felt like it was on fire and the redness was back much worse than before for a very long time Please read the reviews before using this product and think twice before using it. My sample tube of Mirvaso is now in the trash can where it belongs."

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  • catme...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 15, 2019

For Rosacea "The reviews of this drug nearly scared me away from trying it. I tested this on a small patch of skin for over a week because I was so scared. After a week of not have any ill-effects, I started applying a thin layer to the areas of my face that flush as directed by my dermatologist. I've found Mirvaso significantly reduces the baseline redness I have on a daily basis. If I do encounter a trigger (sunlight or stress) I will still flush, so it's not perfect, but it's better than without Mirvaso. I personally have not encountered any of the terrible side effects or rebound as many have described after using it for several weeks. I'm thankful I tried it, and I encourage anyone hesitant to test it on a small patch of skin for a week or so first before going full force."

9 / 10
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  • KCR
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 19, 2014

For Rosacea "I was researching rosacea products, and discovered Mirvaso. Immediately, I asked my dermatologist for a prescription, and she also gave me some samples. I used it the very next day, and within minutes my face looked normal. It worked so well for the first few days, and all of the sudden. My face was bright red, tingly, blotchy and my nose would run like crazy. I thought to myself, " It can't be!" I really thought I found the answer to my life long embarrrasing constant redness. I had to know for sure that the medicine was the culprit, and I put it to the test. So the following week I put it to the test, and I discovered that it was the culprit. "

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  • Be Ca...
  • June 29, 2014

For Rosacea "Awful experience. First 2 days were perfect and then the rebound flushing began. I never have flushed that bad before. It was dark red/purple, painful and swollen. I should have stopped then but I kept thinking my skin would adjust. Didn't want to give up on it but finally quit using after 3 weeks. Took a week for the rebound flushing to quit after discontinuing use. I went back to my baseline redness everywhere but my forehead. It is redder than when I began treatment."

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  • Dani
  • May 24, 2016

For Rosacea "I was prescribed mivaso from my dermatologist for rosacea, I suffer from flushing / red face - especially my cheeks. I applied it at night to see how it worked and I was very impressed!! All the redness had disappeared. I continued to use it every day for about a week (only a little bit in the morning before I did my make up) I thought it was a miracle cream, every now and then I would have hot cheeks and redness but I put that down to my rosacea and being flared up by something like coffee.......But then I started having rebound flushing, my face felt like it was on fire, my cheeks were red/purple it was hard to work or function in life. I had never experienced burning and flushing like that before. Stay away from this product!!!"

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  • Mattddd
  • October 12, 2016

For Rosacea "Terrible product that should be avoided! Don't let your dermatologist talk you into this by giving you a small sample tube first. You try it and initially it seems like a miracle rosacea cure. You then have to buy a bigger tube for $80 but it is not a solution to the problem. It starts off working for a full day at a time but after a week or so the rebound flushing is terrible. I was applying at 7.30am in the morning before work but after a couple of weeks the severe rebound flushing was kicking in around 4pm in the afternoon. Face goes severely red for rest of the night. I had to stop using it, stay at home for a few days until it gets out of your system."

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  • Sarmoti
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 24, 2013

For Rosacea "I was given a sample of Mirvaso by my dermatologist. I applied it in the morning, as directed, and my face instantly became extremely red where it had been applied. This redness continued the entire day. The following morning the redness had subsided a bit but my face was still redder than normal. "

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  • UK-91
  • March 5, 2016

For Rosacea "I used this as I have had suffered with intense blushing and redness for over 4 years I am 23. Like most the first day was amazing my face was a normal colour ( seemed to good to be true ) over the next few days the rebound flushing was worse than I have ever experienced my face was boiling hot and dark red I had to attend meetings at work it was very hard . Not used it now for 3 days and still suffering from the intense flushing . Please for your sake DO NOT USE IT WILL MAKE IT WORSE"

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  • Chris
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 15, 2018

For Rosacea "DO NOT USE!!!! Used for just over 1 week with reasonable results in reducing mild redness. Then on the 9th day of use, I had a major reaction - burning sensation like I had just had my face directly over hot steam. I now have severe chemical burns on my face which are a thousand times worse than my rosacea ever was, more than 12 months later. My dermatologist says, unfortunately this is me for the rest of my life unless I have laser which may or may not work. It has ruined my self esteem, have no idea what to do."

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  • Regre...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 17, 2018

"There is light at the end of the tunnel for those going through rebound. If this helps one person, then it’s worth it. It took me over 2 weeks to largely recover, though I am on meds. Time will depend on many variables, may take longer for some. The volume of rebound stories calls into question drug approval organisations. Something is very wrong here, and should be a priority in the best interests of patients. My dermo no longer prescribes based on the volume of negative stories, yet GPs dish out like confetti. After 1 application of Mivaso woke up what looked like chemical burns on my face, continued for 10 days with little improvement. 5 days after rebound I was prescribed Eumovate which seemed to help. Day 10 I started applying a thick layer of Sudocrem + using a fan. This was the turning point, burning skin, redness + flushing reduced. Day 13 started lymecycline for heat/redness flair ups. It could well just be time. Sudocrem = turning point for me that is. Hope this helps someone."

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  • Libra...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 30, 2016

For Rosacea "I love this medication, it works perfectly for me. I apply a small amount only to the affected area and it clears up the redness on my cheeks. It also makes the heat go away. The redness clears up all day, which is what I need it to do. I haven't had a flare up for awhile, but it's back now and I will make sure I have plenty of Mirvaso on hand. I also have a coupon I found online that I'm hoping will help with the cost."

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  • Wd22345
  • June 22, 2016

For Rosacea "This stuff is really bad and makes rosacea worse. I used it for two weeks and it would work for a few hours but then the rebound flushing was horrendous. I haven't used it in 6 months and I'd say that it left permanent damage. The area of my face affected by rosacea has increased and the easiness of flushing has too. This could be a side effect of aging as I've always had rosacea(26 years old now), but I definitely think mirvaso was a catalyst to increasing symptoms."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 30, 2014

For Rosacea "I first thought Mirvaso was effective, but it actually increased the redness of flushing and made my skin even hotter. After two weeks of trying it I have stopped using it and hope my rosacea goes back to what it was before, which was not good, but better than after using Mirvaso."

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  • JJ98
  • January 31, 2017

For Rosacea "This cream is absolutely horrible. I will admit the cream initially does what is says it will do, gets rid of the redness. However this is completely temporary, around 6 hours in my experience. What comes afterward is a serious rebound. I spent the day outside in the cold weather (normally a trigger for me, which would normally warrant redness) and when I came back in around 6 hours later my face has never felt hotter in my life. My skin burned and was unbelievably deep red, it looked as if I had held my face up against a fire. This lasted around 2-3 hours. I used it once more thinking my skin needed to get used to it and the results were even worse. I threw away all of my samples after 2 days."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 9, 2019

For Rosacea "I was offered to try Mirvaso around 5 years ago when it was first introduced. I couldn’t find any reviews on it except for the trial results which seems okay. I decided to give it a shot for myself. First time applying it to my face it worked great and reduced all redness. The next day was horror. I wasn’t aware of what I looked like and when I went to the bathroom my face was purple and extremely blotchy. It lasted for days after and I WILL NEVER APPLY that product to my skin again. Worst feeling ever and made my skin 10 times worse. Mirvaso shouldn’t even be a thing and definitely wouldn’t recommend it to anyone."

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  • jen
  • November 20, 2017

For Rosacea "The side effects are no joke. I used it once and three days later I look and feel like I have a terrible wind burn on my face. Does it help initially? Yes, but the rebound is 10X worse than what you started with. I don't even have severe rosacea. Just moderate facial redness. I regret using it."

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  • Destr...
  • November 19, 2015

For Rosacea "Had beautiful skin. Spent life caring for it. Developed light flushing as side effect from antibiotics. Went to derm (as recommended online). Derm prescribed mirvaso. With 1st use it completely destroyed my life. My skin went dead pale & my ears turned hot & red (didn't apply it to ears). 48 hours later entire face turned red (did not apply it to entire face). Face began developing a rash getting worse and worse for 3 months. For 3 months have had a severe flushing disorder induced by Mirvaso (not better yet). All food caused flushing. Have health problems from weight loss. On a strict diet (there are 21 foods I am able to eat). Can't lie down. Lost job. Nerve pain in nose, jaw, gums, lips, eyes, ears. Burning soap in eyes feeling"

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  • bwmtns
  • November 10, 2014

For Rosacea "Worked well first few months, when it wore off in the evening I was redder than ever before. After about 6 months began to flush at random times while wearing it and it was really really red! Also flushed in sections, not the whole face. I am now using natural cleansers and products and the redness has finally subsided."

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  • MarkJ
  • May 9, 2016

For Rosacea "I tried this under doctor recommendation for my combined condition, it turned me white the 1st day. great. 36 hours later I was purple all over my face and still flushing 72 hours later. What am I supposed to do?"

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  • joolzz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 9, 2019

For Rosacea "I applied this cream as directed for four days before accidentally forgetting to apply it on the fifth day. By lunchtime of this day, my face had turned purple, with huge welts across my face. My face was also burning and stinging. I also had a thumping headache, stomach upset and ectopic heartbeats. It took me a few hours before I realised it was a rebound effect from the Mirvoso cream. I then searched reviews of this cream online and was horrified to find hundreds of people who had had the exact same experience as me. I was then terrified that my skin would not return to normal. I spent two further nights with sudocream all over my face while it burned throughout the day and night. Even a week later, my skin has not completely returned to normal. It is much redder and is still burning."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.