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Armodafinil for Depression User Reviews

Brand names: Nuvigil

Armodafinil has an average rating of 8.4 out of 10 from a total of 43 reviews for the off-label treatment of Depression. 81% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.

Armodafinil rating summary

8.4 average rating out of 10

43 ratings from 46 user reviews.

Compare all 184 medications used in the treatment of Depression.


Reviews for Armodafinil

  • hop...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 2, 2020

"After 25 years of treatment-resistant depression, Nuvigil relieved my symptoms in less than 1 hour. Peace of mind, contentment, and the ability to enjoy life again. And no side effects. But can’t find a psychiatrist who will work with me on a higher dosage. Afraid of losing their license. I think they should lose it for not treating me with the only thing that has ever worked, including ECT, TMS, and ketamine. When will the medical community learn to listen to patients like me?"

10 / 10
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151 Report
  • r-m...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 4, 2021

"I tried ECT, ketamine, and every medication and combination of medications known to man for 24 years. I have been hospitalized 6 times for depression. Since starting on Armodafinil in December 2018, I have had a life again. It has quite literally saved my life. I am productive, empowered, and happy again. I could literally cry at any moment just to think about this."

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • Bur...
  • April 9, 2013

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "Provigil then Nuvigil (slightly less expensive) helped save my life. Took Provigil first, switched to Nuvigil (same effect) for 6.5 years now. Day one value, no side effects as far as I know. Still same dose (250mg Nuvigil, equivalent of 200mg Provigil), never increased or decreased. Effect same today as day one. Note: I've been on a 'cocktail': 20mg Lexapro and 1mg Klonopin daily, plus daily mindfulness meditation and weekly CBT. But 6.5 years of lovely life after 3 terrible episodes of major depression in under 6 years. Certainly have ups and downs, but not severe and brief. If I run out for a few days I'm grumpier, less resilient but Nuvigil greatly clarifies my thinking and energizes me. It's not for all, but a miracle for me."

10 / 10
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148 Report
  • dia...
  • July 13, 2019

"I've had severe treatment-resistant depression for 25 years. I tried meds, ECT, TMS but nothing worked. Three years ago I was taking four Prozac and two Lamictal, and I was still extremely depressed. Three years ago, my doctor decided to try Nuvigil. It saved my life and also gave me my life back. Within one hour after the first dose, I was back to normal. I started being more social, finding hobbies, and most importantly, I had peace of mind."

10 / 10
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82 Report
  • Sus...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 7, 2020

"I have taken Armodinil before, this was Nuvagil. I have major depression. I also take Trintellix. Armodinil helps me greatly. It does help people with depression. I do not care what doctors and chemists say."

10 / 10
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57 Report

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  • Did...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 13, 2018

"I have suffered from treatment-resistant severe chronic depression for 25 years. Tried all meds which either didn't work or quit working, or side effects were not tolerable. I've had ECT and TMS also. About a year and a half ago, my doctor prescribed Nuvigil. It saved my life! No side effects, works within an hour. It does wear off in the evening, and sometimes I become depressed, but I know that the next day I will be okay, unlike the endless hopelessness of depression without Nuvigil. I can't understand why none of the drug companies will conduct tests and use it to help more people in my situation."

10 / 10
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76 Report
  • Onn...
  • April 4, 2013

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "I found Nuvigil to bring my life back from depression. Before Nuvigil, I couldn't keep my eyes open and live my normal life with 3 boys! Now, after Nuvigil, I can actually play with my kids and be a normal mother. I don't know where I would be without it. It really turned my life around for the best!"

10 / 10
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100 Report
  • Mel...
  • November 26, 2010

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "I have suffered from clinical depression for years. I barely have enough energy to get out of bed. My house is a mess and so am I. My MD put me on 75 mg of Nuvigil and the effects were amazing and instant. The only side effect I had was a mild headache and sleeplessness which both went away after a few days. I am gradually getting more energy and feeling more optimistic. I can see why the Caphalon is investigating this drug for treatment of depression by the FDA. My biggest problem is the cost, as I have no insurance. I can't pay 1/3 of my income each month for a pill. I qualify for the patient assistance program, so will try that. Otherwise I don't know what to do, as the MD has only given me perhaps a month of samples."

9 / 10
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104 Report
  • dav...
  • November 27, 2016

"Immediate lifting of depression; gave me my life back. Best to take 1/2 of 250 mg very early on an empty stomach with lots of water. I find it best taken around 5 am, go back to bed and wake later feeling great. Take another half before noon if needed, but, again, have an empty stomach and a big glass of water. After a week or so, effects not as strong and can make you feel paradoxically very tired. Take 2-3 days off, and it will resume working. Be cautious and mindful of how your personality may be affected; reduce dosage if you're getting 'too happy,' overly friendly, and too talkative. Also, it really focuses you, and it's good to make an effort to 'break' the hyperconcentration by taking a break, a walk outside, or a hot shower. I've been taking it for 4 yrs."

10 / 10
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58 Report
  • FLU...
  • November 20, 2016

"Nuvigil has given me myself and my life back, and I am so grateful! My doc first gave it to me about 7 years ago. The script was for 5-10 days. Tried it again a few years later after a bad episode, and again for 5-10 days. It was like a magical pill that within 1 day snapped me out of a rough episode! Fast forward to this past April or May, probably my worst depressive episode ever started in March. Anyway, started back on Nuvigil as an ongoing med. NOTHING! Ran out and couldn't get to my doc, so I ran out. So glad I did because I got back on it Thursday night, and I was feeling better Friday! I do take other antidepressants, so I don't know how this works on its own. I never post here, but had to in hopes that my story will help someone!"

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • Sus...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 29, 2021

"Have suffered with depression most of my adult life. Diagnosed with MS age 1985 - 26 years ago! With age and MS - anxiety, major fatigue, major depression, and cognitive dysfunction - all were making it difficult to get out of bed, much less function effectively. Psychiatrist of many years prescribed Nuvigil 10 years ago - and it has been a lifesaver! On days that I have to make decisions, socialize, and get anything 'normal,' such as housework done - I will take (2) 250 mg Nuvigil/armodafinil - early AM, mid-afternoon. But as others have mentioned, I will also stop taking it when it begins to lose its effectiveness for 3 days or so. And during those 3 days, I am useless. I also take Seroquel and Lamictal as antidepressants - and Xanax for anxiety."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Cal...
  • May 10, 2017

"I've taken Nuvigil off and on for about a year, along with 20 mg Lexapro. I take it as needed for depression and daytime sleepiness (I was falling asleep while driving). I find that it makes me agitated and irritable if I take it every day, so I only take 150 mg when my depression is causing extreme lethargy and lack of motivation. When I do take it, it usually works within an hour. I am motivated, focused, and productive on this medication. It even helps with my social anxiety, and I find that I'm more cheery and outgoing. I'm more talkative too, but in a good way - not in a manic way. The problem? It wears off after 6-8 hours, sometimes leaving me with a headache. Overall, however, it has been a big help to me!"

8 / 10
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38 Report
  • Fla...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 27, 2019

"My boy died, and I was devastated. My psychiatrist had given me Provigil to help me when my mother passed away. Now, I am completely alone. I took Nuvigil in order to meet with his widow and plan his funeral. I was able to concentrate to get through it. That was over three years ago. Now I take it when I know there is something I have to do. When the grief overwhelms me, I take the Nuvigil, 50 or whatever the low dose is. I am better off when I take it, it makes me feel like my old self again."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Com...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 2, 2021

"Armodafinil works for me after everything under the sun, including ketamine and TMS. If I miss a dose, I’m hurting, so it’s got to be used consistently to work for me. If I take it too late in the day, it has a tendency to contribute to insomnia. However, it boosts me out of the doldrums as quickly as ketamine is supposed to in effect. Combined with Abilify, it’s not too stimulating like caffeine. Without Abilify, some tension, jitteriness, and perspiration are possible. Abilify helps calm anxiety. So the combination works reasonably well for me."

9 / 10
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21 Report
  • not...
  • January 7, 2012

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "Be careful of medically induced hypomania. I took this for years. Helped with depression, and I decided to put up with increased anxiety and racing thoughts. Without my realizing it, I became extremely manic and caused irrational and destructive behavior. Thank God I switched doctors and medicines (to Lamictal). I wish I had known this can induce manic behavior! Please be careful because mania lies to you and makes you think all is well."

1 / 10
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50 Report
  • Dav...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 2, 2020

"Armodafinil is a miracle drug for me. I take it in addition to Lexapro and Klonopin. However, it only works for a few days, then I have to take a few days off. I'm still giving it a 10 because a few days' relief at a time is still a miracle. Start low and adjust dosage slowly because higher dosages can make you hyper. My daily dosage is 1/2 of a 250 mg. Note: I know Nuvigil hasn't been around 10 years, but before Nuvigil, I took Provigil, and it worked well too."

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 11, 2011

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "150 mg NuVigil does work somewhat for my depression, but the primary effects wear off after a few hours, and I feel more tired than usual. It is better than any SSRI, SNRI, MAOI, atypical, or tricyclic antidepressant that I have taken."

7 / 10
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48 Report
  • Mir...
  • September 3, 2021

"Long-time sufferer from depression. I’ve had high hopes after reading all the positive reviews about armodafinil. I finally got some samples and took 75 mg Artvigil. It worked within half an hour, but my anxiety was through the roof, on the verge of panic attacks. I drank a lot of water, but anxiety just kept getting worse. I felt jittery and anxious all day into the night. Two days later, I got a terrible headache and anxiety was still present. I take mirtazapine at night, and usually within half an hour of taking mirtazapine, I would feel sedated and sleepy. This time, nothing, I was still wide awake until the early hours in the morning with persistent anxiety/panic attacks. Now, two days later, I still feel the effects of armodafinil: anxiety, spaced out, and a general bad feeling. I might try a lower dose again in a couple of weeks to see if it works better, but I'm not holding high hopes. Really disappointed, as this was one of my last resorts to get my depression in order."

2 / 10
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17 Report
  • Lif...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 21, 2017

"I take Seroquel XR, it helps with the depression but makes me tired. I am taking 250 mg Nuvigil to give me a bit of energy. It seems to take two hours to really hit, then I get a rush of anxiety. That lasts for about ninety minutes. It smooths out about three and a half hours in. Then, at five hours, there is a drop-off. I get lethargic and a bit down for an hour or so, then the evening is largely the best period. It does seem to help, but it also hurts. I don't know. I never do."

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26 Report
  • Bea...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 4, 2022

"After decades of trying many drugs (and combinations) for a rotating mix of panic disorder, anxiety, depression, CPTSD, ADHD, narcolepsy, PMDD... This unexpected drug has been a GAME CHANGER, 250 mg in the am. For the first time in my life (now in my 40s), I once again see life in color and want to participate. I have a routine, I can get up in the morning, fall asleep at night, be productive the entire day, stay organized and on top of things - without any effort. Mood is the most stable it has ever been - not even getting PMS/PMDD. I take this with Bupropion. Given the panic and anxiety issues these drugs are known to induce, we had always steered clear of them but ran out of options. They paradoxically make me much calmer and greatly reduce anxiety. Note: It's also significantly better than modafinil, which I took for years (this more consistent and smooth)."

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • mdd...
  • August 15, 2011

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "Started at 150 mg, took half a day and felt like a new person - it changed my life. Quickly found I need to take the full tablet to get the same effect. Three months ago, doctor increased to 250 mg, take full tablet, but the effect only lasts 3-4 hours. Your body becomes immune and needs more and more. And now I 'crash' early afternoon and become very depressed. Took appetite away, lost 20 lbs in a little over a year."

6 / 10
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35 Report
  • 60...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 11, 2024

"About 20 years ago (when about 30), I took 150 mg Nuvigil (armodafinil) for depression. Many other meds failed. It was the magic potion. It was the perfect med and worked within one hour. No side effects. Eventually, I moved on. Recently, I tried it again. It still works but not as well, but I think it's worth trying for anyone who has suffered long-term depression. As the doctor said, this med either works well or doesn't. But it only takes one pill to find out! Good luck."

9 / 10
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3 Report
  • MrU...
  • July 12, 2011

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "I have used Provigil and now am on Nuvigil that helps for various issues. I realized I may have an attention problem when I took Provigil for the first time and scored 10-30 points higher than I ever have on a vocational rehab IQ test. For those of you who are low income, there is a foundation called Cephalon Cares that gives me my medication for free. You have to be under a certain income level, but it saves me much money since I do not have insurance either."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • W-g...
  • August 26, 2011

Nuvigil (armodafinil) "My psychiatrist initially prescribed Nuvigil to enable me to be alert and awake during the day. I suffer from bad insomnia, and I'm being treated for major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. I'd taken Provigil in the past, and it seemed to help with depression. Yesterday, I overslept and decided not to take my Provigil, fearing it would keep me awake even longer than usual. That was a huge mistake, I became horribly, morbidly depressed. I didn't make that mistake this morning, I took my Nuvigil as usual, and my (worse than usual) depression is gone. I haven't experienced any side effects, but I wish Nuvigil would enable me to lose weight like it does many people. I was on Abilify for a few months and gained several lbs."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Hop...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 21, 2021

"I've been prescribed virtually every type of antidepressant class for major depressive disorder, from the standard SSRIs and SNRIs, along with other classes of antidepressants including Remeron, Trintellix, and Nortriptyline. The SSRIs and SNRIs caused intolerable side effects, including severe panic attacks, suicidal ideation, and the other classes simply had no effect whatsoever. I've tried them all, and nothing worked for me. Even though Nuvigil was not initially made for my major depression, severe lack of focus, and fatigue issues, it helped with every single one of my stated mental health issues almost immediately. Started with 150 mg and increased to 250 mg after 2 months."

10 / 10
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10 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.