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Apixaban for Prevention of Thromboembolism in Atrial Fibrillation User Reviews

Brand names: Eliquis

Apixaban has an average rating of 5.0 out of 10 from a total of 109 reviews for the treatment of Prevention of Thromboembolism in Atrial Fibrillation. 36% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 45% reported a negative experience.

Apixaban rating summary

5.0 average rating out of 10

109 ratings from 122 user reviews.

Compare all 21 medications used in the treatment of Prevention of Thromboembolism in Atrial Fibrillation.


Reviews for Apixaban

  • Lin...
  • August 5, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "Been on Eliquis for a little over a month after having one Afib attack. 2.5 mg twice a day. Hate it and hate the metoprolol I am also taking. Both have the exact same side effects so it's hard to tell which causes me problems. I had ringing in the ears before these meds, but the meds make it way worse. Aches all over. Kidneys hurt. Headaches most of the time. Itching. Starting to lose hair. Tingling in legs and feet. I think the metoprolol causes the frequent urination, but I think Eliquis does too. When you get a printout from the doctor or pharmacy, you only get a few of the side effects. I use the site to find out ALL side effects of any med. I have been told through the years by different doctors how well I do with pain. I felt so bad today I just cried. This stuff is poison. 68-year-old female with no other health problems, until I started taking this poison. Might look into natural treatment before this stuff gets awful. So sick."

1 / 10
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481 Report
  • lwl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 17, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "Have the god-given good sense to question doctors, and if the substance is doing all you say it is, get off it. Besides, from all I can determine, Eliquis doesn't directly address AFIB, only potential symptoms resulting from AFIB. This stuff ain't good for you and will only add additional complications, making living absolutely miserable. I wonder just how much kickback is sent to doctors and pharmacies for recommending this stuff."

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472 Report
  • dk9...
  • April 3, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "I have A-Fib and had a pacemaker installed in December 2019. At that time, my doctor had told me that as soon as I am healed from the pacemaker procedure, he wanted to do an ablation for the A-Fib. About 1 month and a half ago, he prescribed Eliquis for my procedure that was supposed to be April 9th but has been canceled due to the COVID-19 issues. I have gained about 15-20 lbs since I started taking it. I am fatigued, my joints ache and hurt all the time, and I am having problems having regular bowel movements. I thought I was losing my mind to begin with until I looked at some of these reviews and saw others who were having the same kinds of issues. I am still on it and don't have any idea when I might be able to have the procedure and get off of it. I asked the nurse if the weight gain or constipation might be from Eliquis, and she said no...???? Prayers for me would be appreciated!"

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373 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Mar...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 18, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "I want to let people know there are alternatives to medication. Eliquis caused my husband to be very sick. He had atrial flutter. But try natural remedies to strengthen the heart like Hawthorn solid extract and coQ10. Speak to a herbalist natural may work for you. Pharma just wants to keep you on medications for the money, they only treat the symptoms, not the underlying condition, which could be a mineral deficiency or something to strengthen the heart. So please look into alternatives, not just pharmaceuticals."

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322 Report
  • SGa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 18, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "My sister was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation and was prescribed Eliquis. After three weeks of constant headaches, which she reported to her doctor, they made her an appointment for a check-up. Three days before her appointment, she suffered a brain aneurysm and died. The doctor attending her said they had 'reports' of this 'common' problem. If you're prescribed a medication that makes you feel worse and your doctor doesn't respond immediately with a solution, go to someone who will respond. Check the warning on the medication website, it could save your life."

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307 Report

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  • Dau...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 22, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "My 88-year-old father was prescribed the lowest dosage of Eliquis, which he took for 2 days before experiencing a catastrophic spontaneous brain bleed resulting in a coma. He died 4 days later. The death certificate listed the cause of death as Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke as a consequence of anticoagulation with Apixaban (Eliquis). He was in excellent health. This should not have happened."

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350 Report
  • Peg...
  • April 19, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "Because of an erratic heartbeat, my cardiologist put me on Eliquis 2.5mg twice a day. I have been on this med for about 4 months. Mainly, I am having pain in my feet and redness, particularly when I get up in the morning. Also, I have pain in my left ankle, together with one of my toes. I have also noticed pains in my arms and hands. I keep thinking it is arthritis. In addition, I feel out of balance when I walk, plus vision seems affected. I still function, but moderately. I also take Metoprolol, 12.5mg per day. Help... I am 81 years old."

5 / 10
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291 Report
  • Kit...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 17, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "Cardiologist prescribed Eliquis 3 weeks ago for occasional Afib, and was ugly to me when I said 'that’s pretty strong to start out with'. I regret not discussing this with my primary care doctor because he agreed with me! Still, he wasn’t comfortable taking me off it since he didn’t prescribe it. I was lightheaded the first week and for the last week I have been experiencing the worst joint pain and headache ever!! I told my husband I cannot and will not live like this!! I will be in the cardiologist's office tomorrow for testing...I intend to find a way to get off this HORRIBLE 'poison'!!!"

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296 Report
  • dan...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 24, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "I was on Eliquis for three weeks prior to a cardioversion. Made me feel tired, fatigued, no motivation. I would get a headache in the afternoon and wake up with a headache. Sometimes I felt woozy, almost dizzy. After the cardioversion, I went to 1/2 tablet for a week. The side effects were somewhat less, but still terrible. I didn't feel like doing anything, dishes piled up in the sink, house didn't get swept, I just felt like sitting. I stopped taking it, and the next day I felt great. Not doing this again."

4 / 10
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262 Report
  • Eli...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 20, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "My mom was put on Eliquis for Afib. Then, after a month and a half, she started bleeding rectally. We took her to the emergency room, where they found that it was necessary to give her a blood transfusion. It took 2.5 days for the bleeding to stop. She was put in rehab, but after 11 days, her blood pressure dropped dangerously low. She died a few days later, and I feel that this entire event was a result of Eliquis. Older people should not be put on this drug!"

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278 Report
  • Nic...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 20, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "My mother (75) was taken off Warfarin after 20 years and prescribed Eliquis for convenience. Four days on Eliquis was more than enough. Just got back from the ER where we spent the night getting her checked out. She experienced tremors, fatigue, nausea, loss of balance, and basically felt like rubbish! This drug seems quite dangerous even though our cardiologist tells us she has successfully placed hundreds on the drug. I would not recommend it to anyone!"

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198 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 10, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "Mother had good health for a 94-year-old, able to care for herself, socialize, and enjoy life with zest. She was put on this drug because of irregular heart rhythm. She went down in the bathroom, was taken to the ED, CT scanned with a brain bleed. Came home, perked up to her old self, but 10 days later, lost speech and self-care - a new CT scan reveals more bleeding, now she's on hospice. Crazy. We believe the drug has all to do with this because of her health status and NO chronic conditions, none. This lady could stay up all day, drove her own car until 6 weeks ago, ate 3 meals a day, went to church every Sunday. Carried a just-in-case cane, for balance."

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184 Report
  • Mar...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 30, 2018

Eliquis (apixaban) "My father was put on this drug by his doctor. 5 mg twice a day. The doctor said he had AFib, which was news to him. However, two or maybe three weeks after he started, he developed this crazy itching feeling all over his body, stabbing pains in his stomach, wheezing, and then it gave him some kind of an ulcer in the stomach where his stool was black. I took him to his doctor, and they found blood in the stool. Also, he was wheezing for a month, so I took him for an x-ray and they found he was in the beginning stages of pneumonia. Needless to say, his regular doctor told him to get off of Eliquis. My dad walks for an hour on the treadmill, and the past couple of weeks he noticed that his heart was starting to beat fast and he would get out of breath very easily, which has never happened before. Think twice before you start taking this drug."

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232 Report
  • NZn...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 17, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "My husband has been on Eliquis 5mg twice a day for several months after being on Plavix after a coronary stent in Dec 2019. The cardiologist insisted since he has had atrial fib whenever he has a health crisis. So, on the Plavix, he had some nasty bruising whenever he had blood drawn. Now on the Eliquis, he has swelling in his hands and arms. Worse is the swelling of face around the mouth and lips. He also loses his voice from pharyngeal swelling. His breathing is fine. It usually settles down after a few hours, but last time it took longer. We cut the Eliquis in half and reduced the dose, but he has had the same reaction again. It happens after taking it in the evening and swelling comes up overnight. Changing back to aspirin to see if the Eliquis is the problem. He is also on Toprol or Metoprolol, which he has also cut back on to 50mg once a day. His BP and pulse are fine. He is 74 years old and almost completely incapacitated by these drugs. Not sleeping and loss of appetite also."

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164 Report
  • Hag...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 24, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "Shortly after starting Eliquis, I became short of breath and developed red, itchy patches on my legs. Can hardly walk to the corner now. Feel unwell and lightheaded. Think I will look into getting off this horrible drug. Have no life anyway taking it. What else will this poison cause next. Calling FDA."

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204 Report
  • Dod...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 19, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "I was in Afib in the hospital this last time and they prescribed Eliquis. This is HORRIBLE medicine. I was only on it for 8 days and I got severe vertigo, and I was so winded that I couldn't even walk to the kitchen without feeling like I was gonna faint. My appetite was almost nonexistent. I will NEVER take this medicine again. The side effects are brutal."

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158 Report
  • Del...
  • November 26, 2013

Eliquis (apixaban) "I have Atrial Fibrillation and thought I would try Eliquis due to its superior safety protocol. I have only been on it for 2 weeks but after the first several days, I have noticed an increasing burning/flushing sensation similar to a sunburn over most of my body. I have not had any gastrointestinal upset. I will continue to take Eliquis for a few more days but may have to discontinue it."

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299 Report
  • Tot...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 16, 2014

Eliquis (apixaban) "I have been taking Eliquis for eight months now. I have been in and out of atrial fibrillation, and have had no problems with Eliquis. None of the side effects have appeared for me. It is easy to use and a huge improvement over warfarin."

10 / 10
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286 Report
  • Sun...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 13, 2023

Eliquis (apixaban) "I was on this med for eleven days and stopped. I'm incredibly healthy with only a blood clotting disorder and a history of several DVTs. I had doctors push for me to take this medication even though I protested. I even had one threaten to fire me as a patient, so I left and found a new doctor. This new doctor also pushed Eliquis! I really do think they are getting paid to prescribe it. I am experiencing dizziness and being out of breath often. Last night I even forgot how to turn on my phone. I'm only 45 years old. I'm refusing to take this med. Never, ever again. I'm returning to high-dose aspirin. Forgetting how to turn on my phone was the nail in the coffin. I'm glad I found this website. Good to know I'm not alone. This med is not worth it! Only eleven days and I'm gone."

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80 Report
  • Bat...
  • November 21, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "Where is the Eliquis generic, pharmaceutical company made generic, seniors cannot afford these big prices, we will soon have to go off it and have strokes and everything else because of the high price, some seniors have to go hungry so they can buy the expensive Eliquis, this is a shame"

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127 Report
  • San...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 20, 2019

Eliquis (apixaban) "After a routine internist visit and then an EKG, I was diagnosed with Afib but with a low pulse, therefore, I have no major symptoms of Afib — maybe a sometimes pounding heart. I saw two cardiologists and was placed on Eliquis. Since then, I have had major joint pain, difficulty climbing steps, dizziness, fatigue, and itching. All in all, the joint pain was unreal, and I took myself off the 2.5 mg twice a day that I was taking (even though my prescription was 5 mg twice a day). Eliquis has lactose in it, and I am lactose intolerant, so I immediately noticed a problem, and that is why I cut my pills in half to take a 2.5 mg dose. That did solve the lactose problem, but the joint issues were not resolved until I got off the medication. I was on it for about 2 months, so I am unsure how expensive it was ultimately going to be because I was given a free month and then a reduced-rate month. I am 72 years old."

2 / 10
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146 Report
  • Cin...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 9, 2020

Eliquis (apixaban) "My mom had triple coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with occasional afib which happened a little over three months ago. So, she was put on Eliquis. She has been hospitalized twice since then and was not progressing in her recovery. She had rectal bleeding and bright red to pink urine along with water retention and problems breathing. Her heart was checking out completely fine, but doctors were at a loss. Finally, my daughter and I got a hold of the lab results to discover she was anemic. The doctors missed the lab results!! She stopped the Eliquis on January 24th, and the hospital gave her 2 units of blood, and now she’s like a whole new person. Feeling better, the rectal bleeding stopped after 2 days off Eliquis, and she lost 25 lbs in water! She’ll be going on Coumadin. Sorry, we’ll take the extra blood work and watching what foods she eats over this rubbish any day! Nightmare"

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129 Report
  • Ach...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 7, 2018

Eliquis (apixaban) "Symptoms of joint pain, fatigue, and burning skin came on gradually until it felt as if I had the flu with burning skin. Symptoms started to resolve within two days of discontinuing this drug. You couldn’t pay me to take it again."

3 / 10
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157 Report
  • fla...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 26, 2018

Eliquis (apixaban) "I was prescribed Eliquis after getting a pacemaker, and then the troubles began. Rapid water retention of 50 pounds occurred the first year. Then gout, a kidney stone, and finally I could not walk 15 feet without holding onto something or sitting down. Then sleep was another problem, 3 or 4 hours a night, with stiff and painful mornings followed. My life changed from very active to almost an invalid. Doctors treated me, tested me, they all claimed nothing was wrong with me, all vitals were within normal guidelines. This is my current state and has been for over 2 years."

3 / 10
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151 Report
  • Sue...
  • March 10, 2017

Eliquis (apixaban) "I was diagnosed with afib about 6 years ago. Given flecainide and told to take 2 low-dose aspirin. Recently, the doctor told me aspirin was not sufficient to prevent a stroke. He prescribed Eliquis 5mg twice a day. I have been suffering from headaches. They feel like pressure on the top of my head. In addition, I am very tired and I don't feel as though I think as clearly. I will be seeing the doctor next week. I hope he takes me off this medication. I honestly do not feel well. I am 72 years of age."

5 / 10
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160 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.