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Amoxicillin / clavulanate for Strep Throat User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Augmentin, Amoclan Augmentin XR

Amoxicillin / clavulanate has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 66 reviews for the treatment of Strep Throat. 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Amoxicillin / clavulanate

  • Omee
  • September 16, 2017

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "In 2015 Aug my Doctor prescribe me Augmentin 625, for 10 days. After completing this course my strep throat problem was gone but I haven't been able to sleep for several months, sweating, feel like body is shaking and nightmare. Next 6-month acid reflux with too much burping with lots of air comes out and stomach cramps and problems with throat and colon and time to time ear pain. I started treatment like GARD, IBS. but my health becomes poor, even my immunity power goes down. In next 6 months, I stop all drugs and start taking healthy diet and regular exercise, I feel better and better."

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  • Frank...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2017

"Everyone take a note that anytime you take an antibiotic you should to a probiotic to help your digestive health. A lot of antibiotic's cause diarrhea and can turn severe without proper technique. Take into fact too that eating or consuming and dairy product with an antibiotic is A HUGE NO-NO!!! I cannot stress how many times people have done that complaining about frequent loose bowel movements that sometimes leads to accidents. By the third day if you don't reckon progression, go back to docs immediately!"

8 / 10
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  • Ceejay
  • October 8, 2016

"It all started with a fever that came out of nowhere so thinking I got the flu I went out and bought some DayQuil and night so when I woke up I had body pain a headache swollen glands and a dry mouth and it hurt to swallow so I used my light of my camera and shine it in my mouth. It was red spots on the roof and back of my throat with pus I knew something wasn't right so I went to a immediate care center and failed the rapid test but she started me on the antibiotic 875mg AMOXI... but I take it the first night couldn't get any sleep so after my 2nd pill out of 20 I start having lil pimples over my ears my face and arms hands etc so I don't know if it's a allergic reaction or just a side effect but my throats feels horrible I can't swallow"

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Frequently asked questions

  • mommy...
  • December 18, 2014

"Was given this medicine for strep throat, prescribed 875mg twice daily; I was in so much pain I seriously felt like crying every time I had to swallow or tried eating or drinking anything! My tonsils were huge, very inflamed & red with white blister like spots. I went to Walgreens little clinic Sunday morning & started this medicine that afternoon by the morning of day 3 my throat felt 10x better! Amazing by the end of day 3; needless to say the medicine was definitely doing its job great, UNTIL it hit me that Friday, the nightmare started of bubble guts, diarrhea & the most awful foul smelling gas ever! Severe diarrhea 13hours and counting."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 11, 2015

"I was diagnosed with strep throat Monday morning. The doctor prescribed 500mg of amoxicillin three times a day. I filled the script that morning and started my course. It is now Saturday morning and I am halfway through the course. Last night was the worst night since this thing started. I cannot sleep through the night because my throat is still very swollen and it is extremely painful when I swallow. My lower back and ears are now achy."

3 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Chates
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 13, 2015

"I've been taking this drug for possible strep throat. Since I started taking it I've had extreme nausea, vomiting, dizziness, heart burn, chest pains, joint pain, pounding headache, insomnia, confusion, and loss of appetite. I don't know if I'm having problems because I'm young (16) but I don't plan on ever taking this drug again ."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 5, 2017

"I was prescribed amox/clav 875 for strep throat. After being on the medicine for 24hours my sore throat was completely gone. I felt so much better immediately, but of course finishing the course with strep is very important, so I continued. The first few days extreme fatigue, to the point of sleeping hours! Day 5 or so, I had night terrors for two nights in a row. The last couple days on it have been ok, still very fatigue and happy I'm done with the medicine. Point is, it is great for strep treatment in my experience but the side effects can be harsh!!"

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  • Anthony
  • December 7, 2016

"It took care of my sinus infection. However, it hasn't don't anything, after 8 days, to lessen throat redness and pain. Though, for me, the pain is not severe. Throat feels like its swollen, but I haven't had much trouble swallowing, but again, this medicine hasn't made it better. I would only recommend this medicine for those with sinus and ear infections. Otherwise, it does nothing for strep throat. So if strep throat is your biggest problem, try and get something else for it. Oh, and my side effect, so far, has been headaches. So I take advil to deal with that. Whether or not it cancels out the medication, I don't really care, cause I'm not living with a harsh headache if I can help it."

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  • 12Buddy
  • March 31, 2017

"I took AMOX/K CLAV 875-125 MG - It is the generic for AUGMENTIN it didn't start working until the 4th day, very slow working but the doctor did tell me it would work slow but it would be very affective and to make sure and take for all 10 days 12 hours apart, so I did. I did get the headaches but don't know if it was from lack of eating and lack of coffee. I did notice that my tastebuds were affected, which had never happened in the past, so I figured it would go away, it has now been 16 days since I started the medication and my test buds are getting better but things still taste like chalk, I'll wait for a couple of weeks see if taste buds get better but for now I eat enough not to be hungry."

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  • Lou-who
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 25, 2017

"Worst experience I have ever had with any medicine. I was prescribed this for strep throat. On the first day I was fine, but by the second day I was so extremely nauseous that I couldn't even stand up. Had some, but not a lot of diarrhea. I continued to take it because I thought it was just from where I was sick. Today is the fourth day, I woke up and felt not myself. I explained to my husband it felt like I had taken some hard drugs and was having a bad high. I was feeling so sick and light headed, I vomited multiple times today. And had diarrhea. I have decided to quit taking this medicine. It's Christmas eve and I can't feel like this in the morning. Hope I don't anyways! Never taking this again, especially after reading similar stories!"

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  • Woahh...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 20, 2017

"Dr thought I had strep just by looking at my throat and felt like I was swallowing glass, so I got 500mg amoxicillin 3x/day. Within 24hrs I could swallow again and fever went away. However, I am now on day 5 of this medication and have pretty bad nausea, a raging yeast infection and frequent loose stools, and the abdominal cramps are pretty bad. If you're on this, start taking a probiotic or yogurt immediately! I'm not playing around!"

6 / 10
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  • Effa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 9, 2014

"Had fever about 38 degrees Celsius, really painful sore throat with excruciating joint and muscle pain for two days, was only on paracetamol, two tablets six hourly because I could not even swallow my saliva or walk to the bathroom. Private GP started me on it and on day two I could already eat and move around the house. I only had mild stomach pain and increased bowel movement instead of once daily, it is three times plus slight nausea. Today I am on third day and am feeling much better."

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  • Giova...
  • August 19, 2016

"Caught my strep on day 1. Was prescribed penicillin 500mg originally 4x daily for 10 days. After two days of antibiotic treatment, my symptoms worsened resulting in a second visit back to the ER in severe stomach pain since I was taking penicillin, Tylenol and Advil on an empty stomach due to not being able to swallow even my saliva. The doctor gave me a steroid called decatrum via IV followed by a pain medicine via IV. The steroid gave me immediate relieve within an hour helping the swelling down. Afterwards, he discharged me and sent me home with Amox-clav 875 and Tylenol 3 with Codeine for pain. The amox-clav was directed to take twice daily for fivedays. I'm onmy second doseand I feel a majordifference but severestomachache constipation"

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  • Vitamin...
  • February 7, 2013

Augmentin ES-600 (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "My son was first given Amoxicillin 400mg/5ML SUSP for his strep throat, but that was not effective in treating his bacteria. He continued to have a high fever so Dr.'s perscribed Augmentin ES-600 SUSP. My son who is 11 years old would LOVE to go back to the Amoxicillin. The taste of the Augmentin is "like swallowing chalk" as my son describes. It also seems to be affecting his taste buds. Everything tastes terrible this week. He is only on day 4 of a 10 day supply, twice a day."

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  • Missy
  • August 28, 2017

"I vomited violently all night after taking side around 7 p.m. A month later we thought we'd try again because the doctor didn't believe it could be from this medication. The same thing happened! Miserable!"

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  • JayT
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 7, 2021

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I've had several antibiotics before in my life with no problem, if the doctors ever try prescribing me Augmentin again I'm refusing. WORST EXPERIENCE of my life. I've been extremely nauseous with stomach pain, some pepto took care of the discomfort easily enough, but that's not my main complaint. It has destroyed my sense of taste and smell, everything reeks, I can't make out any smells, everything has the same disgusting odor. There's a putrid bitter taste in my mouth all the time. I lost almost 10 lbs through my 10 days of this antibiotic simply because how little I could eat/ keep down. Granny smith apples and yogurt were the only things that didn't have that bitter putrid taste. Not to mention it took 7 days for my fever to break when the doctors told me 3-4."

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  • RMS
  • April 2, 2016

"I was prescribed Amox-Clav 875 for strep throat. After three doses of the medication, I became extremely nauseous and threw up everything in my stomach. I became exhausted and slept for multiple hours. I developed a terrible headache and my nausea continued. I contacted my doctor to explain my conditions and he prescribed an anti nausea medication and a different antibiotic. While Amox-Clav was effective in helping my strep throat symptoms in only 3 doses, it rendered me incapable of doing anything. I was not comfortable continuing the medication."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 15, 2015

"First day, i had no side effects, caught my strep within 3 days of having it. Second day strep was getting better as well as going number 2 more. Also lack of sleep because of the drug, kept waking up in the middle of the night. (It makes you restless). Besides the side effects it did its job and thats really what counts."

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  • strep...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 31, 2015

"second day of being sick I was diagnosed (rapid test) with strep and put on this medication. After 5 days with worsening symptoms I started coughing up blood and was diagnosed with pneumonia. was taken off this and put on levofloxacin. 2 days later no more lung bleeding and the pneumonia is almost gone. would not recommend as it did nothing and allowed something I caught early to worsen as if I caught it too late."

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  • Grif
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 15, 2019

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "Tried this medication many times in the past and I have not tolerated it well. Typically doctors have given it to me for mycoplasma, but this time I was diagnosed with strep throat. Since I did not already have a headache due to the strep throat I opted to go with Augmentin as recommended by the ENT. I was sure to share my past episodes with the medication, but the ENT assured me headaches were not a side effect. Well 1 dose into it my head feels like it weights 50 lbs and I am achy all over and feel totally worse. After the second dose my full blown headache where I can’t move is back in full force. And I also can’t sleep on it. Never again on this medication!!!"

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  • Lyndy...
  • April 21, 2012

"No adverse side effects at all and I am the worlds worst for taking tablets and worrying about the side effects. I was really very poorly but by day 2 of taking the medicine I was feeling so much better and back in the land of the living."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 22, 2018

"I have Strep Throat when I start taking Amoxicillin 875mg my throat was not hurting bad at all . I had a bad cough and I could tell my throat was swollen. It's been 3 days and my throat is hurting bad the pain have move to the centre instead of the side. When does this medicine work."

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6 Report
  • Do...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 11, 2016

"I got strep throat for the 2nd time in a month, so they wanted to prescribe something more heavy duty I guess. I got prescribed 875-125 mg tablets, and I had to take them every 12 hours. After my 2nd dose, I fell asleep and woke up about 4 hours later to myself really needing to vomit. After I think 8 doses (5 days out of the 10 I was supposed to) nothing changed at all, well at least nothing changed for the better. None of my symptoms changed, I was still throwing up every few hours -sometimes it had blood in it-, when I wasn't throwing up I was continuously nauseous, I couldn't walk or really see, I couldn't eat, it was just really bad, so I stopped taking them. After I stopped I had really bad diarrhea, but my strep symptoms went away"

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  • random...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 27, 2017

"Wasn't entirely sure I had strep throat, no fever (but I never get fevers), but sore throat for 5 days, getting worse, couldn't swallow without extreme pain, doctor did strep test, was negative, but she said there were other strains of strep that the test didn't cover, was also concerned that sore throat was worse. Within 12 hours of taking first dose, my throat was much better and soreness was completely gone after 24 hours. Side effects however, were hard to live with I have been dizzy and extremely tired . Decided to stop after 4th day of taking because it would be hard to go back to work on this med."

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  • Xman
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2021

"Amox clav 875/125 worked great on my strep throat, but because it kills all bacteria, you have to take it correctly. You need to take a probiotic 2 hrs after taking amox/clav or you will probably get a bad case of diarrhea. I researched this and found that a good probiotic is one that is 1 billion active and at least 4 species of bacteria. Check your health food store , refrigerator section. After getting strep twice in one month, I also found out my wife was a carrier (asymptomatic) showed no signs or symptoms of having strep. So I would get medications, get cured and get strep again. If you are married or have a partner and you get strep, both of you need to get tested. If you don't, you could be passing the strep back and forth. Only 1 in 10 adults get strep so your partner could be just a carrier."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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