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Differin for Acne User Reviews (Page 2)

Differin has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 322 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 37% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Differin

  • Adlers...
  • February 27, 2014

"I've had acne for about 12 years now since I'm 13 years old. I have tried different things including Proactive and Acne Free along with some other prescription medications. Nothing ever cleared it 100 percent. I have been using Differin gel 0.03% for a little over two weeks now. At first my face was dry and broke out worse then normal. The last few days my face has gotten better, I have about 5 blemishes rather then 12 large cysts that I would normally have. I am hoping that the rest clear up soon. I notice my acne scars have gotten better looking as well since using Differin. I am super excited to see the coming weeks progress."

7 / 10
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  • Colef...
  • March 22, 2017

"I love seeing the 1 ⭐️ Ratings and reading about how the used the product incorrectly and blame the company for that. It says on the pamphlet to avoid UV's. You can't just blob it on and then go to the beach, it literally says not to do that. If it burns your face your using it more then once a day or your using it to much. Before you use a product as strong as this, please educate yourself on how to use it properly. This product will start to show results for most within a couple days if you just you a light coat once a day, at the same time, everyday. Be sure to read the box, it has a list of products that aren't compatible with this gel and make sure not to use those on your face or else it will burn worse then scolding water on your face."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • cleme...
  • March 31, 2015

"Worked really well after about 2 months my acne was a lot clearer. I hardly get acne any more. Hardly any irritation when I used the .01% and I've pretty bad reaction to other acne creams I've tried before."

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Ambre
  • July 17, 2017

"I had really bad dark marks from acne scarring . My dermatologist perscribed me this and not only did it clear up my acne it cleared up my dark marks as well. My face is so clear and I can actually leave the house without make up and feel confident. :)"

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  • Anonymous
  • September 16, 2020

"I recommend you to be very patient with Differin. In total, my skin had to support Differin for one whole year (with interruptions) + comedones to get better. It's a long process that has to be followed very rigorously. Exercizing + eating good food + not smoking and drinking few + sleeping well really helps everything going faster. Keep going, you gonna see the end of it"

8 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • ggano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 23, 2020

"Differin doesn't work for everyone, but it worked for me. The purging phase lasted about 2 months, but now my cheeks and chin are smooth and the scars are healing. To get the best results: 1. Wash you face once at night with a mild, non-acne treatment wash. I use Glossier Milk Jelly. 2. Dry your face with a paper towel. If you research how much bacteria lives in your towel, this will make sense.. 3. Put Differin on your face (don't over do it.. Use a small pea-size amount for the whole surface). Let it sit on your face without moisturizer for a few mins. 4. YOU MUST USE A STRONG MOISTURIZER, right after you use Differin and the morning after as well. This made all the difference. I wasn't doing this at first and it changed everything and allowed my skin to heal. I used Weleda Skin Food. It's a little pricey so sometimes I rotated it with Clinique Dramatically Different Lotion. They did the job! 5. Once a week I'd use a gentle exfoliater to get rid of the skin coming off."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • lumin...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 23, 2019

"I'm a 23 yr old male. I would have 1 or 2 pimples at most every 2-3 weeks but I was looking for something to help stop these few pimples and Differin seemed to have a good option. BAD IDEA. This has ruined my skin. I have never had so much acne and the worst part is the acne scaring that every pimple leaves behind. I've never been so self-conciseness of my skin to the point where I'm avoiding leaving the house. I'm a week away from being 3 months on Differin and have been "purging" since the first week. I am going to stop using Differin and will use only the VERY basic stuff like moisturizer and will try to update to see if my skin improves within a few weeks. I'm sure Differin or other retinoids work for some people but it seems like a hit or miss product. It's not worth suffering for so long just to hope for a chance at improvement."

1 / 10
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31 Report
  • Acne...
  • March 24, 2015

"I tried this medication when I was a teenager but did not stick with it because the irritation it caused me was unbearable. I wonder if it because my acne was worse and my skin more sensitive at the time but I can't remember how long I stuck with it. I started my current try with it about nine moths ago. I had about one-two months of redness, itchiness and a lot of skin flaking but as soon as this wore off (which it did completely) as my skin adapted to it, I started noticed big improvements: I have had almost no blackheads which were causing me lot of scarring. For most of the month I get no spots and when I do, it's just a few and they are MUCH smaller, less painful and disappear quicker and my skin overall looks clearer and more youthful"

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • Catlo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 17, 2015

"I've had bad skin since 4th grade, I never did anything about it I would just wear makeup and coverup, last year in grade 9 I went on the pill for my skin, it completely cleared the acne on my back and chest but my face was still bad. I eventually got put on differin gel, and within the first week my skin was clear for the first time! But I began getting a red rash on my face and my skin was peeling and very sensitive to anything else I put on there, even my makeup. I've now been using it for about 4 months, to anyone who is looking to go on differin gel I highly recommend it, but do not judge your skin within the first few weeks because your skin will be getting used to it. I now have completely clear skin and am very happy."

10 / 10
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  • howell
  • December 21, 2019

"I’m 20 years years old and have had break outs since I was about 16. I don’t necessarily have acne, but very bad break outs, mostly hormonal. I started doing research and found differin gel. Now, the reviews were extremely scattered. I saw plenty of good and bad reviews. I went out and got this gel at my local walmart. The first 1-2 weeks were completely fine,no difference in my skin at all. The 3-4 week mark hit, I was breaking out BAD. PAINFUL HUGE PIMPLES and my skin was dry too. I kept pushing and continued to use it, even though my confidence was out the window, I even struggled with wanting to leave my house. I’m on the 8 week mark right now, and my skin looks pretty damn good. Scarring, a few active spots. I like this product A LOT. I’m not even at the full 12 weeks yet and things are looking up for sure. If you have the patience to go through the terrible purging phase, then get this product. KEEP GOING, DO NOT STOP. IT WILL BE WORTH IT."

8 / 10
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28 Report
  • Angered...
  • December 4, 2016

"I was prescribed Differin 3 weeks ago. Two days after getting the prescription I finally purchased the item and started treatment that night. Worst mistake ever. My skin is not sensitive at all, and I mean at all. I have literally put bleach on it and nothing has happened. Not only has using this item every other day (at bedtime) made my skin breakout, it has also: - made it extremely sensitive - caused chemical-like burns - blistered - made my oily/combo skin dry in some patches - caused my eyes (while I didn't even apply it here) get wrinkles and burn 24/7. I can't even apply creams/face masks that usually soothed my skin when it was irritated. Horrible product, should be made illegal."

1 / 10
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  • Maddy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 18, 2017

"I have only just started this product but I'm in love! I usually don't leave reviews but this felt necessary- DO NOT USE IF YOU HAVE NORMAL SKIN OR LITTLE ACNE. This product is clearly meant for us more oily skin types, and I can honestly say it's worked like a dream. Yes, my skin has become a little more dry and sensitive, but that's to be expected. It cleared up my super bad breakout in about a week and now I'm working on getting rid of my blackheads and the scars. I definitely recommend this product, and be sure to moisturize when using!!"

9 / 10
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39 Report
  • Sharing
  • February 12, 2017

"I started getting acne in my early 20's and by 27 I was suffering from cystic acne.. In total I'd say I've tried 20 or more treatments without improving. I did two courses of accutane without improvement... about a year later I went to a new dermatologist and was prescribed differin gel. After three months my face was perfect.. no acne, no scars. Don't even judge it for two months... waiting isn't fun but discouragement can lead to quitting... don't quit you won't regret it... my skin did get dry and sensitive but got better within a month or so... don't scrub, use excessive products and use moisturizer... seriously perfect skin!!"

10 / 10
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  • Jessie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 22, 2015

"I had suffered with Acne for about 4 years. I was 29 when I first started using Differin gel. After 2 months my skin was completely clear and I am so happy. I would recommend Differin to anyone. I didn't need to waste money on other products that don't work. Differin has changed my life. Flawless skin finally. I'm 30 now and I've been using Differin for 6 months. Best acne treatment on the market."

10 / 10
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  • Nowur
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 2, 2020

"My acne wasn’t that bad to start with. I had 2 basic pimples that were very stubborn and just weren’t going away. I went to dermatologist and she gave me adapalene (Differin). What followed was a terrible purge that broke out those areas around my jaw and cheekbone. (Where the two pimples were). I had never broken out before and I was so frustrated. 3 months later my skin hasn’t healed from those breakouts and still on my cheeks new pimples form. My jaw is left with hyperpigmentation from the acne the gel caused.(I have never scared before). Not to mention, while using this product my face has become extremely dry and I look gaunt and older than when I first started. I heard all these miraculous things about adapalene but it seems my skin reacted opposite. I will say my skin is pretty smooth and “brighter”. But it’s not worth the damage it did to my face."

3 / 10
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  • Ally
  • December 26, 2013

"I've had acne since like the 7th grade and I didn't really bother to do anything about it because it wasn't bad but at the end of 8th grade it got worse so I went to a dermatologist and she prescribed Epiduo to me and I used it and had clear skin for almost the whole summer, but in August when school started my face started getting horribly dry and peeling and it hurt. So I went back to the derm. and she prescribed Differin (0.3%) gel and I've been using it now for 4 months and it works great! I have to say it does get worse before it gets better. "

9 / 10
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  • Nicol...
  • February 1, 2012

"I've never had acne until November of last year. Due to large amounts of stress, I broke out all over my forehead and chin. It caused me to get stressed out even more! I went to my doctor to tell her about all the symptoms I've been having due to all this stress and she gave me Differin for the acne. I've only been using it for about 2 weeks now and I've definitely noticed a difference! The left side of my forehead is almost completely cleared up! I remember after only 3 night of using this that I woke up and noticed my acne had gotten worse (this is a good thing, I knew it meant that it was pushing the acne up to the surface to get out). I love this!"

8 / 10
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  • Ashley
  • February 28, 2019

"My experience with Differin was horrible, I know they said you may get purging but believe me it’s not worth the pain and scarring caused by the purging process. Research for more natural remedies that are soothing for your skin, this product is designed to keep you buying more since you think it will get better over time. I have read reviews were some said it got better after months and then purging starting happening again so this sounds like a never ending cycle. Please beware, this is not the only acne product on the market and believe me all products don’t cause purging like this. My skin has never look this bad, I’m in the medical field and feel so embarrassed going to work with my face like this. I figured makeup will irritate my skin more so I’m trying to stick it out, I have stopped using Differin and wish I never started..."

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  • TankBoi
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 9, 2015

"I'm 16, and I had really bad acne on my cheeks especially, the first couple of nights of using the cream made my skin pretty dry and flakey. The first thing I noticed with the cream is it got rid of all my pus filled pimples straight away. It took a while maybe 2 months, but by the my acne had cleared up so much! There were a lot of red marks left behind but that's alright because they're not overly noticeable and they will fade away with time. For anyone that is suffering with acne, just go see a gp or a dermatologist, overcome the fear and the embarrassment of acne because the results are so satisfying."

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  • Sejal
  • February 21, 2016

"I've been using Differin 0.1 for years now (over 10 years) and swear by it. It keeps big cytic acne from breakout too badly / clears up blemishes and marks fast and most importantly prevents from them occuring in the first place. I have also read its anti-aging... I'm 33 now and people think I'm 26."

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  • Kitty
  • October 12, 2018

"I have to wonder if people leaving reviews are paid to do so or get some benefit out of it because differin is terrible for me. I've been using it for a few days shy of two months and it has not helped AT ALL. It creates NEW cystic acne in places I NEVER had it before. All over my forehead and the sides of my face. The stupid wash they tell you to use also burns while using differin and makes my skin oily as hell. I am so embarrassed to leave the house and all I can do is cry. Thanks for nothing!!!!!!!"

1 / 10
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  • maria
  • July 18, 2019

"I literally never leave reviews for stuff but I had to for this. It changed my life, I am significantly happier and more confident since using this product. I had cystic acne like I had never experienced before. It was HORRIBLE- my face was extremely oily and covered in deep red blemishes. Experiencing this in college was honestly making me depressed. My friend recommended differin & at first I was hesitant but decided it couldn’t get much worse. Within the first week I noticed a change in the overall quality of my skin. While the acne had of course not suddenly disappeared, my face was significantly less oily and appeared brighter overall. After a month I’d say my acne had decreased by about 50% After three months on Differin I’d say my cystic acne was about 80% gone. After five months on Differin, I genuinely do not have acne anymore. Even when I get the occasional pimple it comes to a head within a day and quickly disappears.It changed my life!"

10 / 10
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  • Doggyd
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 13, 2013

"When I first started using Differin my skin was really red and peels, for several days. After that it started to look better a lot but then out of nowhere it started to break more especially cystic acne on my face and my skin is really hot to the touch and painful. I hope it's just that it gets worse before it gets better."

7 / 10
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  • Jo04
  • March 14, 2017

"I've tried several over the counter Acne medications and washes, home made applications and NOTHING seemed to work. I saw a commercial on Differin Gel and literally told myself, " sure, another acne med that claims to be effective " I figured, I might as well give it try considering I was beginning to accept my terrible acne. I saw results in a week or so and so did my family n friends. I am almost 2 months in and my face is practically clear, even the dark acne scars vanished. I highly recommend Differin Gel to Everyone that is suffering from mild to severe acne, I promise!! I always apply the gel after washing my face in the evening, applying the gel all over my face and jaw bone. Good luck!"

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Bex
  • August 2, 2015

"I started using differin in February after dealing with horrible acne my last semester of college. I think it was stress related, because I've always had pretty great skin up until then. I went to my dermatologist and he prescribed me differin and antibiotics. All I can say is there is hope!! It took me 12 whole weeks to have skin I was comfortable with, but it really does work. My skin was horrible at first when I began using it, the purge as people like to call it, and I really didn't think there was going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. But seriously week 12 hit and it was night and day. I still use it every night with some days off in between but now I am actually comfortable in my skin w/ only the occasional zit"

9 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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