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Acetaminophen / hydrocodone for Pain User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Xodol Zyfrel

Acetaminophen / hydrocodone has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 708 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 31% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Acetaminophen / hydrocodone

  • Abriton
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 26, 2019

"I have emailed Rite Aid, where I fill my prescriptions for acetaminophen/hydrocodone for my osteoarthritis pain, letting them know about Mallinckrodt, which they recently switched to. I asked them if they have analyzed these tablets. I told them of all the online complaints. I suggest we all complain to the customer service departments of our pharmacy headquarters. I have just heard back from Rite Aid. They have looked into this and said that they contacted Mallinckrodt, who said that they recently outsourced this to another manufacturer! They have lodged a complaint which has to be looked into. They said the FDA will get involved. I urge everyone to COMPLAIN to your pharmacy head office and the FDA."

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64 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 26, 2020

"I’ve been using hydrocodone for many years for chronic pain. This time I got a refill, I took one, and it’s like I threw it in the trash. What’s up? I usually only need one a day, but I have to take two in order to get some relief. I plan on complaining to the pharmacy."

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54 Report
  • Melly
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 24, 2019

"Please file complaints with the FDA about these scamming companies who are putting little to no hydrocodone into these generic acetaminophen/hydrocodone pills. I have been on the Tris brand for 4 years. Last year, they changed them, they work like there's only half the actual amount of hydrocodone that they should be. I just got the newest refill and have been feeling withdrawal-type feelings. The only way to stop them is to have the FDA investigate, unless this is all the government doing to torture us to death as they have been doing the last several years. This is absolutely sickening that they're allowed to do this. I have tried every generic Norco 10 mg, none of them work. This Tris brand used to sort of work, but now they've cut the hydrocodone again. It isn't just me having a tolerance because last year when this happened, I had some old pills left, and I took one, I felt immediate relief. Same thing this month. These companies need to go to prison for hurting us. The doctor won't prescribe name brand, and no pharmacy will fill name brand. I have called many, they all say they don't keep it in stock. What's the point of having name brand?"

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61 Report
  • Back...
  • December 13, 2018

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "I found hydrocodone to be more effective than tramadol, gabapentin, then they changed the drug over the years due to drug addicts' abuse. Once the gold standard until people learned how to abuse it. Taken as prescribed, it is effective with little or no side effects. However, it has deadly side effects when abused or mixed with other drugs. It was made with 660 mg of acetaminophen, which is dangerous if taking 10 pills to get high, you could do irreparable damage to your liver. So the amount of acetaminophen was limited to 325 in each pill. Some drug addicts figured out how to crush it up, prompting even more changes in the medication to prevent that abuse. Then some unethical doctors started overprescribing it to people who didn't need it, prompting tighter restrictions by the government. The government has moved it from schedule III to schedule II drug, further limiting its use, while states make marijuana, which is listed as a schedule I drug, legal for recreational use. Stop abuse."

7 / 10
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68 Report
  • Dink
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 16, 2019

"The drug acetaminophen with hydrocodone is not being properly compounded. They are complete junk! Mallinckrodt needs to be shut down! I've been on pain meds for more than a decade and had success until their brand hit the market. I took one one day and felt so strange I called my daughter, thinking I was dying. The next time I took it, I didn't know I took it. NO RELIEF WHATSOEVER!!! PLEASE Y'ALL.. CONTACT THE FDA!!! BRING BACK THE BRANDS THAT HELP - WATSON AND THE YELLOW ONE I DON'T RECALL WHO MADE THOSE... BUT THIS BRAND IS CRUD!!"

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60 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Shana
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 29, 2022

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "Note to Dentists/Oral Surgeons: Please do NOT RX no 5 mg. Generic Norco for extractions and/or abscessed teeth! Jesus, this weak stuff did NOT even give me one iota of pain relief! WTH, WHY are people having to suffer? Years ago, I'd say 20 years ago was the last time I had an abscessed tooth & was rx'd 5 mg Vicodin, and it worked great! It gave me so much relief after 2 long days and nights in severe pain. So recently, I had another bad abscessed tooth and was rx'd the same, 5 mg hydrocodone. I couldn't believe it, absolutely NOTHING, NO relief at all! I've read others' reviews on here, so I know it's not just me. You better believe we are being done over when it comes to these medications. Someone told me it's these generic ones, and the FDA in the U.S. cowers to them, gives them 3 weeks advance notice before showing up to audit their facilities, records/tests on these CRAPPY meds. There is also someone on Ted Talk spilling the beans about these meds! Write the FDA!"

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • Pd-Off
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 13, 2021

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "Illegal is what is happening with Generic Norco! If they are claiming the generics are equal to Brand Norco, they are lying to your face. More people know what's going on, and it's a secret to pretend they don't know. It's 100% rubbish. My pain level has continued to increase, and my dosage has been increased to 6 a day with minimal relief? It seems doctors stopped asking if you have suicidal thoughts after the initial exam. I believe the ones who seek out stronger drugs and overdose are tired of being joked around with by defective generic drugs. I'm not seeking out more pills or stronger drugs, I just don't want to be in pain and think about being in pain and how I'm supposed to live my life. A few years ago, 1/2 pill to 2 pills would be enough depending on my day and how much strenuous activity I did that day or the day prior. Now, 6 pills with no relief? Spinal fusion, disc protrusion, and RA until I die sooner rather than later. The people who responsibly use their meds should not be suffering."

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41 Report
  • Robert...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 7, 2016

Vicodin (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "I had knee surgery in 2001. The surgeon screwed up a nerve, and I have been in chronic pain (24/7) since. Vicodin works better than anything else I've tried, including morphine. Without it, I am in pain and can't sleep at night. I can now understand why people commit suicide because they can't take the pain anymore."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • 28...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 26, 2022

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "I have fibromyalgia/back pain/whole upper body pain. Norco was the best nonaddictive but also effective pain reliever without taking the stronger, more expensive oxymorphone that was being pushed in pain clinics. The generics available now are very inferior to the yellow generic and name brand. Us old people are suffering because of someone's mess-up, and ALL the generics being used should have to have been quality checked and be the same as Norco, as we have survived 28 plus years without going to stronger or more meds and would like it to be put back like it was. If a company cannot produce the medication right, they should have to resign from manufacturing it."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • AWM
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 15, 2021

Vicodin (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "Was just Rx’d 10/325 Vicodin from Tris Manufacturing. I recently found out I had several bulging discs and one herniated disc that pinched a nerve, causing cervical radiculopathy. Worse pain I’ve ever experienced. I thought maybe I was given the wrong medication because I was still in agony several hours later. I don’t take these meds on a regular basis, in fact, it’s been years for me. I thought I was crazy until I looked up these complaints. This terrifies me. If I end up needing surgery and this is what I get for pain relief, I’m in big trouble. Something needs to be done."

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40 Report
  • Manda...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 10, 2023

"I've been in pain management since 2012 and was Rx'd hydrocodone/APAP 5-325. The Watson brand worked great. Fast forward to 2022 and the pharmacy switched to Mallinckrodt. It didn't control my pain and made me very nauseous which I hadn't experienced before, and it also made me itchy. I had to take Benadryl before taking it to control the nausea and itching. I hadn't made the connection to how I was reacting to it until last Friday when my pharmacy switched to a different manufacturer, Lupin. I took my pill before bed and noticed that it looked different. I forgot to take Benadryl beforehand so I thought I was in for a rough night. Lo and behold, no nausea and no itching! Wondering if Mallinckrodt puts extra things in theirs that shouldn't be. Either that or it's possibly the bitartrate, which I don't think Lupin uses in theirs. After seeing the reviews here, I now know I'm NOT crazy and it's not all in my head! Lupin: 10 stars. Mallinckrodt: 0 (sad trombone)."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Greg
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 3, 2020

"I've been taking Norco for 3 yrs. My last two prescriptions have been the imprint WES 303, the manufacturer Wes Pharma Inc., and labeled under the Eywa Pharma Inc. brand. Never had any issues until I started taking these. I can't function, get out of bed, and insomnia through the roof. I never had this issue. I feel as if I am withdrawing all the time. I will be asking my dr to prescribe a different brand. It has been making me sick. Not sure if I am allergic to fillers or not. Please report if you have the same issue. I will return a message when I get back on a different brand to report the difference. Btw, never had issues with M367 pills."

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55 Report
  • Diana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 29, 2023

"I agree totally with these other people. I have 2 compression fractures and bulges all down my back. I also have neck and shoulder issues. I have taken Norco for many years but recently had to change pharmacies because mine decided to sell out to Walgreens. Since then I have been getting the ER pills and I have called an ambulance 4 times with 2 taking me to the ER. The last one was today. My blood pressure was 175/84 and my heart rate was 140. I was very dizzy and lightheaded, my throat swelled, my lips felt swollen, was nauseous, and had a headache every time. These pills cause more problems than they are worth to me. I pray the powers that be have the presence of mind to give us our medicine back before I end up having a stroke."

2 / 10
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21 Report
  • kamde...
  • April 26, 2017

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "I'm a 54-year-old woman with chronic back, leg, and arm pain due to degenerative disc disease. My whole lumbar is fused. 3 herniated discs in the thoracic area and 5 now in the cervical area that need repair. I rely on Norco just to be able to get out of bed sometimes and to do chores like cutting the grass. One of the best I've taken. The only thing I've noticed is I don't sleep when I take it. I just rest. I'm now lost as the laws are changing and my surgeon cannot give me scripts due to being post-surgical for a year. My family doctor doesn't issue narcotics at all, so I ended up at a high-priced pain clinic that will only prescribe 5/325 2x a day! What a joke... those of us that need it can't get it."

9 / 10
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76 Report
  • hurtin...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 22, 2022

"I am a 64-year-old female with pain from fibromyalgia, bone spurs, herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. I was always given Vicodin by the manufacturer Qualitest. After they sold to Endo, and then they sold to Par Pharmaceuticals, they started giving white ones. I complained many times about the efficacy of these white Norco generics and their inability to control my pain. Basically, my doctors and pharmacists did not believe me and basically said it was in my head. I can't believe that everyone has been saying and complaining about this and are getting the same rubbish as I did. I have an opinion that maybe the bitartrate they are putting into the pills may have something to do with it. Just a thought."

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27 Report
  • miss...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 11, 2021

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "I watch my father suffer in pain and lethargy, he’s taken this medicine for many years, yet it’s changed in side effects and effectiveness. How do I get my father better pain medicine? How do I get my old dad back while he’s still here with me? Is this intentional? Are they making pain medicine horrible on purpose? How do we fix it?"

4 / 10
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36 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 8, 2021

Lortab (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "This particular brand with the label G 037 is the worst brand of hydrocodone I’ve ever had in my life! No pain relief at all, as if I was taking a placebo pill. How can you sell this to folks in pain?"

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36 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 14, 2020

"10 years of taking these with little problems, and just refilled. I have been bleeding out of my nose, mouth, and urine since getting a new batch of medication. The doctor is too worried about the bleeding, and I am in pain. What is in these pills?"

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48 Report
  • Rose
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 27, 2022

"This medicine does not work for pain at all! It also gave me horrific nightmares. After taking only 1 tablet of my 1-month refill, I can’t take it at all. What a waste of money! Plus my pain and suffering! I am in chronic pain and have been on hydrocodone for many years. I am furious I get to deal with my pain without any pain meds. What are you putting in this? THERE IS NO PAIN RELIEF AT ALL WITH THIS MANUFACTURER! We are at the mercy of big pharma and the insurance companies! Doctors don’t believe the generics do not work. The pharmacies say there isn’t anything they can do because it’s what they ordered in bulk! So who is responsible for this? Who CAN WE HOLD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS? I am sick and tired of these manufacturers of generic drugs getting away with this! While we get charged a lot and the pharmacy makes money, along with the pharmaceutical companies, THIS DOESN'T WORK AT ALL! MY NITROSTAT DIDN’T work either (different company)."

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26 Report
  • MeToo
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 7, 2023

"I'm with other people who have complained about the Mallinckrodt brand. It's garbage. I had an allergic reaction to it (I'm on 10/325s). To be fair, I do have a hard time with medications of any kind, and hydrocodone is the only pain medication I can tolerate. I'm on pain management and have to call every pharmacy in town every month to find a different brand, and it's getting worse. The only one I found last month is $236 for my prescription. I have no choice but to pay it again this month."

8 / 10
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17 Report
  • Sir...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 23, 2018

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "This is a poor substitute for Norco. Watson 853 worked great, but Activist won't distribute it anymore. Therefore, I'm stuck with Tris Pharma G 037. Little or no relief! Just wanted to let others know."

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59 Report
  • Jake
  • May 22, 2008

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "The Norco works great for breakthrough pain. It does not last too long. You can double the effects of this drug if you take Tagamet 30 minutes before and you have an empty stomach. Also, taking Soma with this will increase the strength and will last longer. I guarantee if you try this, you will thank me."

9 / 10
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124 Report
  • Painful...
  • August 12, 2019

"So, as everyone above! It is so sad that we have to suffer because our voice doesn't count! I am in extreme pain, and it just seems like nobody cares? Watson was a great relief for me, but now, nothing just gives me headaches, upset stomach, and sleepiness? When I wake up, pain is still there. Not sure what to do as I am truly sick, doctors know it! But they have no say in what pharmacies carry! I am upset with Walgreens as I have been with them for 12 years."

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51 Report
  • Doesnt...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 4, 2022

"The Mallinkcroft 10/325 are an absolute joke! Unfortunately, our crooked government won't look into the negative claims from users of the drug because they consider us junkies and pill heads. These pills are trash and need to be pulled from the market. Too many kickbacks for politicians for them to step up. Do yourself a favor and demand your pharmacy not to sell this worthless, filler-full junk!"

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29 Report
  • Take...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 23, 2021

Norco (acetaminophen / hydrocodone) "These generic pain medications are horrible. Many times they have no manufacturer name on them. I am being given one now that gives me vertigo every single day, all day long. I lose my balance, have severe headaches, am nauseated, and have blurry vision. These side effects have me bedridden now. I am drowsy and sleep a lot. There was a note on my account with the pharmacy to not give this brand to me, but now I am being told, 'You get what we have.' I was willing to pay out of pocket for name brand, I was told, 'No one stocks name brand anymore.' I went to every pharmacy in our area and called ones that were not so close. I now don't have the energy to move and take care of many things. If I don't take them, I am in too much pain. Just as bad is the attitudes of the pharmacists now thinking it's open season on people who need these medications. They talk over me, they talk down to me, and everyone ignores me and acts like I am not a person."

3 / 10
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34 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.