I am thinking of switching my meds for depression I started on Paxil which made me blow up like a balloon in turn making me more depressed, Cymbalta, I slept about 14 hours a day and finally Zoloft. I have been on 75mg of Zoloft for about four years, I absolutely feel better than i did. My side effects are still weight gain not like the paxil, trouble having orgasms and constipation which has become the real battle. I was thinking about switching to effexor, I know a few people on it who say good things although everybodys bodys are so different. My question really, is their anybody who was taking Zoloft liked it but switched to effexor and liked it even better without some of the side effects i listed. Or should i jus stick with Zoloft and not waste my time with Effexor.