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Zithromax - Does zuthromax contain sulfur?


pup6767 10 Sep 2011

So so true Dzoobaby. U r right om girl...

Votes: +0
DzooBaby 9 Sep 2011

No. Zithromax is not a sulfa drug.

Votes: +1
DzooBaby 9 Sep 2011

It is not sulfer that most people are allergic to with antibiotics. It is sulfa which is short for a group of the first antibiotics made called sulfonomides-sulfa drugs for short.

LILBIT78 6 Dec 2014

I was just put on this and wow am I feeling sick as a dog bc of it. I just really feel sick to my stomach I have a sulfate allergy and this is usually how I get. Now I'm wondering what gives I just don't know. Dumbfounded free discount card

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zithromax, sulfur

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