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Does Xarelto cause hair loss?

19 Answers

Official Answer by 22 June 2013

Hair loss is not a known side effect of Xarelto, however it may be a side effect and just hasn't been reported yet. Please let your doctor know.

Votes: +2
Wanda6293 12 April 2014

Just as I suspect red I have been off the xarelto and my hair has quit falling out
Wanda Henderson

Asigner4u2 31 July 2014

I have been taking Xarelto also, and experiencing hair loss for the past two months.

Jackie Law 7 March 2017

I too have been on Xrelto for over a year, and I am experiencing lots of hair loss. I didn't have any idea what was causing it except age, but I was aged 2 years ago, and still had very thick hair. I have A fib and A flutter, what is a good substitute for Xralto?

Carolyn Russell 3 May 2017

I started taking Xarelto Dec 14, 2016. I have been on my regular meds for diabetes II and high blood pressure for years, so the Xarelto is the only new one. My hairdresser confirmed today that I have lost about half of my hair since December. I had already brought it to the attention of my doctor who said it wasn't listed as a side effect... but I KNOW IT IS. I called Jenson Drug Co 800-526-7736 today (Lindsey) to add to their complaints list.

Dorothy A Joseph 10 July 2017

I want to tell my story also,my name is Dorothy and I had clots n the lungs n 1999 and I was on Coumadin an in 2017 I began to lose hands full of hair and I reported it to my dr.and I was removed odd the mess and my hair stopped falling out.I feel even though it didn't cause bleeding but it was so devasting to have lost my hair I had to cover my head from my husband and Never let him c my head.

Taylorstitans 3 Aug 2017

First I was on Warfarin and now Xaralto. My hair loss is excessive. I never had this much hair loss since being on this drug. A further research study needs to be done on this being a side effect so this is listed on the drug side effects pharmacy handout.

dianakellypecha 23 Aug 2017

It has to be! I have been on Xarelto for 5 years and my hair is falling out by the handfuls when I wash my hair. I hate even having to wash my hair as it is so distressing. I take Biotin and have tried all the shampoos. I'm convinced it's Xarelto and it is worse than Coumadin which I took for 18 years until it failed. I'm switching to Pradaxa tomorrow and hopefully hair loss will stop!!! Only switching to Pradaxa as I had a new clot in my leg.

Jewels918 21 July 2018

Anticoagulants are a known cause of a type of hair loss known as toalgen effluvium, which is hair loss of the entire scalp rather than just specific areas. These medications are toxic to hair follicles! Hair loss typically begins after 12 weeks of medication use.

tellierh 28 July 2018

I have been taking Xarelto since the end of April (3 months), and I am suffering important hair loss. My ponytail is now half the thickness it was... Is this ever going to atop ? Is it a question of dosage ?

tomandwill528 29 Sep 2018

I had blood clots in my legs and was put on Xarelto upon discharge from the hospital the end of June. I have experienced extreme hair loss the rest of the summer, but not before taking this drug. Hair falls out every time I brush my hair or even run my fingers through my hair. I now have extremely thinning hair and I may be on this drug for up to 6 months. I am fearful that my nice head of hair I had is going to be gone by then, so I definitely believe that hair loss is a side effect of Xarelto by reading all these comments, it's just not verified by the Food & Drug Administration.

HammyJ 31 March 2020

I have been on Xarelto for almost three months for blood clots in my left leg as a result of a botched varicose vein scleration therapy procedure. I was on 15 mg twice a day for the first two months... and 20 mg a day for this last month. I noticed after two months my hair was thinning incredibly... not so much in a comb, or when washing my hair, but gently tugging on the hair which results in two to three hairs coming out at a time. I have thin hair to begin with, so any unusual loss is disconcerting to me. I have another month of treatment at 20mg a day, and I wonder if I will have any hair left at that time. The drug seems to be working, the clots are getting smaller by the week, but if Xarelto does cause hair loss, it should be listed as a possible side effect.

Votes: +0
margieono 29 Aug 2019

Started Xarelto 6/18 and have just noticed hair loss. Another thing to worry about.

Votes: +0
JoanieParis 26 Nov 2017

I have been on Xarelto for less than two months and I have experienced significant
hair loss. I am calling my doctor to ask about some other treatment. The co-pay on
this drug is $111.00 for 3 months. My insurance company paid over $1,300.00 for

Votes: +0
CalMLin17 8 April 2017

I have been on Xarelto for a PE in my lung for around 6 weeks now and my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. I have, HAD, long beautiful hair. I have noticed in the last week that it is falling out more and more each day. I still have quite a bit of time remaining on this treatment. My heart is breaking reading all of these comments. I am terrified. I can only hope that my hair will grow back. Has anyone had their hair grow back after treatment?

Votes: +1
Wanda6293 27 Nov 2017

I used some rogaine and had some grow back I probably could’ve got more growth but it’s something that you have to put in your hair everyday and it’s a little pricey

mfluke50 19 Oct 2016

I started Xarelto in the hospital in June2016 . I have always had thick hair. Now it is falling out and even my hairdresser is concerned. The Xarelto is the only new medication I have been taking.

Votes: +0
colxade 26 Aug 2016

After I began taking Xarelto my wife soon detected significant hair loss and strongly advised me to discontinue the medication. At 65+ I had a thick head of hair which I was beginning to lose fairly rapidly. When I took my wife's advice, the hair loss stopped. My head of hair has recovered. "Thank god," she said today, "that you still have your hair." I thought I'd check the internet to see if I could find out a correlation between Xarelto and hair loss (I was well aware that there has been no reported association--but you can guess why). This website has confirmed my wife's diagnosis. Good for her.

Votes: +0
constanceaz 9 May 2015

I started taking Xarelto in November 2014 and have had tremendous hair loss since then. I'm 75 and all the doctors tell me is that it is age related. I don't think it is a coincidence that the hair loss started after taking the Xarelto. It is a massive loss.

Votes: +1
janytsie22 11 Nov 2014

I am wiring on behalf of my mom who is also on xarelto after a back fusion surgery, where she developed a blood clot! My mom had extremely thick hair, and since her use of this blood thinner in September 2014, her hair is falling out! Her pony tail is super thin! What's worst no one believes her! This medicine should be pulled off the market!

Votes: +3
ladeekatt 12 Nov 2014

I understand your frustration. I watched my daughter go through the same thing. She had PE's in both lungs, and the ONLY thing that had changed when she started loosing hair was this medicine. Her pulmonary doctor still says it "can't be the Xarelto", because it's not listed as a side effect. It will be soon! Call the 800 number and report it! The more people who do, the more our claim will be substantiated! I agree if it comes down to a bald daughter or a dead one, I'll take her bald every time, but it plays havoc with her self esteem.

jenbee 30 June 2014

I just switched over from Fragmin which I had some hair loss but now on Xarelto which I will be on for life as there is no know reason for the multiple clots I was diagnosed with last year. I've been tested for everything and gone through every test out there poked and prodded still found nothing which is bitter sweet. I'll be calling the Jansen 1-800 number tomorrow to report the severe hair lose. Its a relatively new drug so not all side effects are known. Not looking forward to being bald but if bald or dead are the choices then I will have fun with wigs.

Votes: +2
CathieRH 25 June 2014

I'm taking Xarelto after having PEs in both lungs. It took a couple of months but I too began experiencing above normal hair loss. I talked to my doctor about it and he has also said that it is not listed as a side effect, but it doesn't mean that it's not the cause. I told him that it's actually more my hope that Xarelto is the cause of the hair loss because if it's not, then it could be something worse causing it. Theoretically, I'll only be on it temporarily and I think the benefits far outweigh this side effect. I'm not sure how I'd feel if I was going to be on it forever though. It does make me feel better to hear that others are experiencing this side effect. At some point maybe it will be recognized as an actual side effect. I think that's part of what causes the anxiety -- you have this side effect and the professionals tell you they don't know why. Very frustrating.

Votes: +3
elmoudane 25 June 2014

I too have been having extreme hair loss. I racked my brain trying to figure out what was causing it. My doctor ran blood test checking for anemia and thyroid, but all my test came back negative. I bought shampoo for damaged hair thinking it was breakage. My mother talked me into fish oil... ugh! I stopped using the blow dryer, curling iron, and hair straighteners.I stopped coloring my hair. I might as well be bald cuz my hair looks like crap..whats left of it. I have was just about to shop for a wig or take classes on how to apply make up like a movie star (I might as well have a pretty face if I'm going to be bald), when I decided to put my self pity aside and THINK! Then it hit me, Xarelto. I've been on it about 2 months and that is when I noticed my hair falling out. Seriously, I'm wearing a hair net when I cook.

Votes: +0
blackdogs 25 June 2014

I hear you on the hair net when you cook thing! My hair falls out so continuously that my poor husband and kids have found hair in our food before I realized that I had to take precautions while cooking! OMG! so up in a hat my hair goes and my husband checks my clothing before I start cooking to make sure no loose strands are on my back or shoulders that I cannot see. How gross and aweful! The FDA needs to IMMEDIATELY add hair loss as a side effect to this medicine. I'm almost ready for a wig too or a beanie hat to hide the bald/thinning spots!

mfrawley 26 Sep 2017

I started taking Xarelto toward the end of August, 2017 and I too have noticed significant hair loss. When i brush my hair the brush is full of hair. I pull on my hair after I brush it to see if there is any loose hair, as I always have, and continue to pull out pieces of hair. I also called the 800 number to report this issue. They said it wasn't a known side effect, but after my experience and reading all these comments it needs to be listed as a side effect. This is the only new medication I am on so it has to be what is causing the problem. I will be calling my doctor and asking him about being put on something different.

Sonyad1975 5 May 2018

I have been taking Xarelto for a while my hair use to be so healthy now its falling out. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make it stop.

mary70 28 June 2018

My story is just about a duplicate to yours. I use to have a thick head of curly hair but not any more. I will be calling the 800 number and also reporting this to my doctor. I have been on Xarelto for 7 months and just now finding my answer to my hair loss. I hope that by taking Biotin, Barley Green, and wheatgrass and green juices that I can, once again, get back to a thick head of curly, blonde hair.

GrandDame1 19 June 2014

I have been on Xarelto for 4 months and lately my hair has been falling out a lot. It also covers the drain as was mentioned below. My hair is also brittle feeling. I am going to ask my hemotologist when I see him next time. Do all blood thinning medicines cause this?

Votes: +0
blackdogs 27 May 2014

I had a pulmonary embolism in mid March 2014, (a blood clot in my lung), and was put on Xarelto for the immediate future (4 to 6 months). Within three weeks or so of taking it (the only medication I am on), my hair started falling out! And when I say falling out, I mean like I am taking CHEMO falling out! I can't run my fingers through my long thick blonde hair w/o having a fist full of hair in my hand. Showers are awful! Hair falls out and clogs the drain ten fold compared to before the Xarelto, and when I brush my hair, OMG, I think I'm going bald! The only difference in my life is this medication, so I found your question while searching the internet for others possibly having the same problem. Well there we have it, many of us have this side affect and it is NOT listed. My Doctor said she did not know of hair loss as side affect from Xarelto. I called her two weeks ago asking. So...


I just called the 800 number above and gave my info and the more of us that do this will help get this side affect listed with the FDA for this drug. Everyone please call it only takes five minutes of time.

Votes: +2
Brhereford 23 Oct 2016

I too have been having hair loss to the point that about to shave my head bald. The added kick for me is I too take Xarelto, but I was also on omeprazole; taken off by bone specialist. Both meds for me has added insult to injury. What is the 800 number I can call to report?

jeni2017 15 Feb 2017


patterspolly 5 April 2017

I am experiencing major hair loss taking Xarelto. Started gradually. Now major hair loss. Just called the number to Janssen and they could not have been nicer. I suggest you call , Folks. We need to find out if this drug should have this as a listed/known side effect!

ladeekatt 11 April 2014

My daughter began taking Xarelto about 4-5 weeks ago. She is only 21, and has been experiencing rapid hair loss! She has been on Lovenox, and Coumadin before that, after being diagnosed with multiple blood clots in her lungs. Her hematologist refuses to believe it's the medicine causing the hair loss! She's also exhausted all of the time. His response was to ship her off to a dermatologist, who can't even see her until October!! I'll have her also call the 800 number to get hair loss listed as a significant side effect of the drug. Thanks to everyone who took the time to stand and be heard!

Votes: +1
Millie1945 22 April 2014

I have been on Xarelto since January 2014 for blot clot in my lungs and and legs. I have been losing my hair use to have a thick hair and now it's really thin. I also notice really dry skin around my face.

Truett829 4 Jan 2015

I am 21 and have a very similar history to your daughter. I am now on xarelto and have began experiencing hair loss. Is she still on the medication?

manuml 23 March 2015

I am 23 and I began taking Xarelto 2 months ago, also because of a pulmonary thromboembolism. Since last year, my hair was getting thinner, but slowly. Now, with Xarelto, I noticed my hair is getting thinner and thinner, I am even afraid of washing my hair, because that is when I lose more hair... I really associate this to Xarelto. My doctor says I will have to be on this medication for the next 2 years! I am really concerned.

Does your daughter still take the medication? If not, did the hair grow back again?

jannaw 27 March 2015

I was on Xarelto for 6 months following and stroke and embolis in my lungs. I have been off of it since December and still having massive hair loss, I have very thick hair and starting to see lots of scalp where I part my hair. I am one adult aspirin now and haven't seen a slow down of hair loss. I will report it also, by reading it here I know its not random and will talk to my primary care doc now.

hessie28 7 April 2015

I am having the same problem. I had bilateral pulmonary embolism in each lung in December 2014. No symptoms other then low oxygen saturation. I went to ER because abdomen was swollen. I thought it was related to my kidney stone surgery. My cardiac enzymes were sky high so they though heart attack. Then the did cat scan with dye and they found them. I did 15mg twice a day for 21 days. Then 20mg for 6 months. I should stop taking it the end of June. So, my hair loss started about 5 weeks later. I had not had my hair cut in over a year. I wasn't trying to grow it. I was just so sick for months with a kidney stent. This was the longest my hair every was. So I started to enjoy it. In my head it made my face feel thinner. Then the beginning of March I was washing my hair. Long clumps of hair were coming out in my fingers. It just got worse and worse. So two weeks ago I went to my hair salon and she cut of a lot of inches. Too short for me.


But, it's getting thinner and thinner everyday. It won't even hold a curl from the curling iron. It really is depressing. I know I'm being vain, but my hair was the one thing I had control of. I could style it, cut it, color it, Now it is out of control. I have no choice but to keep taking the pills. I do hope it grows back. I texted my Dr. and she agrees it must be a result of the medicine.

Bemmie2 12 Sep 2016

Have been taking xarelto for 7 months. Am experiencing noticable hair loss. I also am experiencing facial burning that feels like a bad sunburn. free discount card

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