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When Is it Best Time To Take Victoza - Morning or Night Time?

5 Answers

Official Answer Medically reviewed by Last updated on Oct 27, 2020.

You may use Victoza at any time of the day, with or without a meal - whatever works best for you.

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Votes: +0
live21563 27 Feb 2011

I came from Byetta so I was used to having to watch when I could take the pen. I was excited about not having to worry but I did as my physician suggested that it did not matter. Frankly I feel it does. If you are ready to have your morning meal, For me best to take AM before the meal. Less risk of nausea if on empty stomach before injection.

LABM 5 Dec 2017

Was taking it before bed , first week sick after that fine . Just started taking it in the morn (1.8 dose) . No weight loss at all.

Votes: +0
VINNY5674 6 Dec 2017

My doctor has me taking it first thing in the morning which i believe is best if you understand the way Victoza works. As far as weight loss it comes in time and like any weight loss drug you also must change your diet and get exercise. Do this and i guarantee you will loose weight.

VINNY5674 14 Feb 2017

I recently started taking Victoza for weight loss on my 3rd day started at . 6mg on an empty stomach first in the morning today's shot made me lite headed. I am going to start taking it after a meal and after my morning gym session. I will update this soon as of next week i go to 1.2mg then to 1.8 for my weight loss. I am currently 6'1 285 goal weight is 220 by end of year.

Votes: +2
oviebeltran 8 Aug 2017

So How much weight did you lose. How long were you on the drug

lmccammant 16 June 2018

how much weight have you lost using Victoza

Aprtyr1978 20 Dec 2016

What is the best time to take victoza

Votes: +0
Garyaa 21 June 2018

To avoid nausea, I take 0,6 mg in morning and 0.6mgs at night.

Gramamorning 2 Aug 2016

I started taking victoza on Friday horrible nausea and vomiting i couldnt eat nothing!so i switched to taking my shot from 11 am to 6 pm wow! Big diffrence i was able to cook without gagging,and i ate some but the nausea is so much better if ur having problems swich to taking itat night i hope this helps god bless

Votes: +1
abfab2222 14 May 2017

Me too! Mine was from 6am to 600 pm and the difference was huge! So much more tolerable.

wmpars 5 Nov 2017

I was also feeling fatigued and nauseated when injecting in the morning. I switched to the afternoon (5:30 pm) and I feel much much better. free discount card

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