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What are the effects of adderoll on the sex drive?


F_Kent_D 20 April 2021

Vast increase in my sex drive. It’s become a daily activity between my Wife and I. I’m sure she’s enjoying it.

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Rajive Goel 20 July 2010

An Overview of Adderall Sexual Side Effects
Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) is a prescription medication used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. A long-acting version (Adderall XR) is also available for the treatment of ADHD. As with any medicines, Adderall has possible side effects. Some reported sexual side effects of Adderall include:

* Decreased sex drive (libido).

* Impotence is usually defined as a total inability to achieve an erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or a tendency to sustain only brief erections. Ultimately, impotence is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Impotence is also known as erectile dysfunction (or ED for short).

Based on data from clinical studies, these sexual side effects have been reported infrequently.

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scotty019 20 July 2010

my female partner "fiance" is taking adderoll and I'm actually looking for the effects on a woman she seems angry a lot and there is a lot less affection than there used to be please advise.. thank you Scotty019

Rajive Goel 20 July 2010

I shall try to research it in the case of females.

scotty019 24 July 2010

thank you, please anything will help also she's had extra rapid heartbeat issues and vomiting with it I'm concerned that she keeps taking it

Rajive Goel 25 July 2010

I would recommend consulting a specialist/doc who prescribed the med or seek a second opinion, however I shall try to find the answers for you, all the best. free discount card

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