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What are some reliable antidepressants that increase dopamine levels. Are they addictive?

3 Answers

Shelly1966 29 June 2018

Wellbutrin XL, bupropion, increases dopamine.

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cetteferge 28 Oct 2011

Hi helpmybody - There is really no possible way to predict which of the antidepressants or combinations of such will work on you prior to getting a full assessment and diagnosis from a very good Psychiatrist. Because there is still so much unknown about the brain and neurotransmitters, even after you've gone through the assessment & the Dr. has a pretty good idea of what may work, there is usually a trial & error period, during which several different meds. are tried. But, once found, the correct anti-depressant can really change one's life in a meaningful way. I say this because I am a true believer, having been down that route before, and after several serious depressive episodes, and also being a Psychologist, myself, I've found the correct medications for my own depression. I know there are many bad Drs., but there are also many excellent ones. Its not an exact science because each person is so different.


But, Dopamine levels are depleted by stress, certain antidepressants, drug use, poor nutrition, and poor sleep. Alcohol, caffeine, and sugar all seem to decrease dopamine activity in the brain, as well as processed foods, preservatives, and additives. These have wreaked havoc on our brains & bodies. Dopamine is the precursor to norepinephrine and epinephrine. And, depending on what is depleted in your body or how your brain is/isn't working, any number of the neurotransmitters can be involved. I've been helped by a good combination of amino acids, taken in either liquid or powder formula. The formula, Alive, has a great combo of vitamin, mineral & particularly amino acids, or any other serious combo of amino acids (with L-Tyrosine). Some of this is controversial, but I've spent many years studying this in my career, so take what you'd like & leave the rest. And, none of the anti-depressants are addictive, in the sense that you increase tolerance & require a larger dose. But, once you find what works, you probably won't want to go back to the depression! And, best of luck to you. J.

Votes: +6
Lollaplou 26 March 2018

I am new on here and good info is hard to find. I stopped taking Zoloft bc it didn't seem to help. Reading about dopamine deficiency seems to describe me better. Wanting to try Wellbutrin but trying supplements first. Folate is one of them. I take many others for inflammation, fibromyalgia, and peripheral neuropathy. Just looking for additional information on what works. Your answer made a lot of sense. Thanks.

Inactive 16 Oct 2011

SSRI's and SSNRI's are hit and miss. Many doctors try a few to see which one works best for neurochemisy. This is complex. They all work different in each one of us. Be patient, and you will find the one that works,

And yea, by their very nature your brain gets used to them. When the day comes that you decide to cease treatment, there will be Withdrawl effects,

You can Taper, to minimize safety and side effects.

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dopamine, antidepressant

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