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What are side effects for long term use of melatonin?


Inactive 29 March 2010

I have problems getting drowsy enough to make my self go to bed .If I dont want to take a strong sleep-aid like Ambien I take melatonin.I started out with taking 5 and eventually worked my way up to 13 at once.Personally,it works just like any other medication you take over a long period of time.Your body becomes used to it night after nite and you feel required to take more of it.I did notice that it takes no time at all to get to this point so you're better off getting a prescribed sleep-aid like trazodone.

Votes: +1
Personal5 2 April 2017

I've been taking 500mg every night for a year because of my crazy work schedule and it always works the same. It is important to understand that melatonin is not a sleeping pill and will not 'nock you down'. You kind of have to be already in bed and ready to wind down, and i usually start yawning after 20 min and after half an hour I'm asleep; I haven't felt any need to increase the dosage, and oftentimes if I'm really tired I just don't take it and I sleep well and normal long hours. So for me, there are no side effects and there's no build up in any kind of 'resistance'..I don't really understand what are you talking about. It looks like you have some deeper issues here. Also I don't understand what do you mean by started with 5 and went to 13..5,13 of what? free discount card

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melatonin, side effect

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