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Does warfarin allow you to lose weight?

4 Answers

Wsweetgold 25 Oct 2017

I've been diagnosed with 2 blood clots and have been taking warfarin for 2 months now. I hv gained so much weight. I also quit smoking, so I'm not sure which one is causing the weight gain. I am working out consistently to see if I can drop the weight. It's frustrating

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LByrd1961 15 Jan 2018

Ditto, I’m so aggravated I have contemplated smoking again. I need a appetite suppressant to take that’s safe on warfarin. Any ideas?

DemoninDC 8 Dec 2012

There are no studies that show that warfarin increases or decreases weight.

Votes: +0
Coco1031 8 March 2014

What mg of warfarin?

kaismama 7 Dec 2012

I'm not sure how you mean that. Do you mean can you lose weight while you're on warfarin or does it cause it? It doesn't usually effect weight.

Votes: +0
jojo-naicker 7 Dec 2012

I have dropped weight since on warfarin. That's my reason for asking.

Delila 7 Dec 2012

Hi, i came across this warning for using Warfarin for weight loss if not already prescribed it for blood thinning...

"In a desperate attempt to lose weight, some individuals will resort to dangerous measures including using prescription medications not intended or approved to support weight loss. Coumadin, also known as warfarin, is a prescription drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an anticoagulant for thinning blood. This drug is not approved as a weight loss aid, and clinical tests have not established the safety or effectiveness of using Coumadin as a weight loss drug. You should only take Coumadin as prescribed by a licensed physician".

I'm not judging anyone who tries it off label, but jut want to advise you ofthe dangers : )

Votes: +2
jojo-naicker 7 Dec 2012

Hi. Thank you. I'm asking the question because I am on warfarin and I am losing weight. Was just checking if it cud be a cause of warfarin.

Delila 7 Dec 2012

Hi I'm glad u asked because my dad takes it & is having trouble gaining weight, so at least I know he's not alone! Have you spoken to your dr about it?

jojo-naicker 2 May 2014

thank you

polaki 13 Sep 2016

I am on warfarin and am gaining weight. I have been eating a high carb diet because am afraid to eat any vegs or fruit. free discount card

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