Hello. I have always dealt with what I will call “manageable anxiety.” However, Recently I had two big life changing events that caused my anxiety to become out of control. I started to not sleep, anxiety attacks, constant worrying about anything and everything.

So I went to my family physician who immediately put me on 20 mg of Prozac, which I took for exactly 2 weeks. At my follow up appointment it was decided the Prozac wasn’t working for me so he decided to switch me to 10 mg Lexapro (generic)

I’ve been on the 10 mg Lexapro for 7 days now and one of the worst side effects I’ve had is this strange depressed feeling that I did not have before. I have no motivation or interest in the things I once had. I loved my job before and now struggle every day to get through. I’ve also had the usual side effects as well, heightened anxiety, insomnia. I can’t take it anymore. I want my old mind back.

I want to quit taking the Lexapro and try to manage my anxiety myself and stop the sudden depression.

Now what I’m worried about is the withdrawals I may have... since I was on prozac two weeks and one week on lexapro. Both are SSRI so is it like I’ve been on them 3 weeks?

From what I understand the withdrawals from these meds is very extreme.

Thank you for any advice.