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Venlafaxine - Is it safe to consume limited alcohol with this?

3 Answers

TC2020 3 June 2022

Alcohol used to make me sleepy while taking them, although it didn't stop me having any. It effects people in different ways.

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Inactive 3 June 2022

To be perfectly honest, NO. Up to you but it can send you manic and out of control. Personal experience.
Good luck.
I was on them for years and they ruined my life.
Much better on Prozac.
Hope it helps.

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WildcatVet 19 March 2022

Hi, eveyyantha!
The big debate question!!! Some people do fine with a drink or two occasionally, and others have very serious and dangerous reactions.
Remember too that you're taking an antidepressant and alcohol is a depressant drug.
If you're planning to, I'd suggest you talk to your doctor but if you do decide to drink try it first in a safe environment in case you react badly.,1034-14582

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venlafaxine, alcohol

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