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Trazodone has anyone else had sexual side effects or loss of desire?

9 Answers

Mandyree7 4 Feb 2023

Most of the time improves libido in men and women

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Withdrawnagain 4 Jan 2018

I have. Even 6 months after quitting it’s still sow in returning.

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Don46545 4 Jan 2018

I take 50mg of trazodone every night but trazodone has such a short half-life that if you skip a dose you can make your girlfriend happy the next night

Votes: +0
Buttercup0309 12 Aug 2017

I've been on Trazodone for 2 weeks for sleep... and for the last week, my sex drive is insanely high! I've called my husband home at noon for a quicky. I got home the other night and be was asleep and I woke him up to a blow job. He had to go to the chiropractor due to our crazy amount of extra sextivaties.

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happybrandee 30 June 2013

I was given Trazodone a few years ago and I took it for about 2 years and I also had problems with loss of desire, but I also think that it had alot to do with the fact that it made me so sleepy, but once I was off of it everything went back to normal for me.
Good luck to you!

Votes: +0
smileyhappy 30 June 2013

Hi Billhjr,

No, no problem here and I have been on it off and on for 6 years!

Votes: +0
Delila 30 June 2013

Hi, it is actually more common for patients to experience enhancement of libido, and an increase in erectile function. If you are experiencing the opposite, and it is affecting you badly, please speak to your doctor about what you can do to help this

Votes: +2
Inactive 30 June 2013

I used to take trazodone 150mg a 50 mg a day... it made me..and to a lesser extent on a lower dose..kind of groggy... if you are taking trazodone at night..keep a source of caffeine for in the morning
But loss of desire

Votes: +0
janiebme 30 June 2013

Hi billhjr59-
I was on Trazadone for a couple of months and did experience a decrease in desire.

Votes: +0
billhjr59 30 June 2013

Thanks for all the answers everyone. I read the product warnings which confirm what most are saying. I checked the warnings at Walgreens pharmacy site which included ED and loss of the ability to perform which has me wondering? free discount card

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