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What anti depressant has least sexual side effects for women? Lexapro, Effexor, or Cymbalta?

4 Answers

Lorilynk 16 Dec 2017

Effector gave me absolutely zero sexual side effects, however, Lexapro messed me up so much in other ways, I didn't even want to have sex while I was taking it. I've been on Nafazodone brand name was Serazone for 18 years and it had no effect on my sex drive whatsoever, and I was able to climax. After going through many antidepressants, Nefazodone was the first to work for me regarding depression. I am now taking it with Pristiq. The combo works great for me.

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WildcatVet 12 Dec 2017

Hi, penni! I would have to agree with G Mc that Wellbutrin would be the medication to try first although every drug affects every individual differently.
From PsychologyToday:
"Meanwhile, a dozen years before Viagra’s approval, Burroughs-Wellcome also contracted with a noted sex researcher, Theresa Crenshaw, M.D., (now deceased) to investigate Wellbutrin’s side effects. Crenshaw, the coauthor of the medical text, Sexual Pharmacology, found that it caused fewer sexual side effects than other antidepressants—and that some users reported sexual enhancement.


If you’re currently taking an SSRI and suffering sex problems because of it, ask your doctor about the possibility of switching to Wellbutrin. Or ask about taking a low dose of Wellbutrin (75 mg) in addition to your SSRI two hours before sex. Unfortunately, a few doctors don't know that Wellbutrin is an effective substitute for SSRIs, one that causes few sexual side effects and may even enhance sexual satisfaction.
If you switch to Wellbutrin, or add it to your treatment regimen, the only unusual side effects is somewhat more risk of tremor, which can be scary. Fortunately, after a few months, any tremors usually subside."
Best regards and good luck!

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January233 12 Dec 2017

From personal experience cymbalta has cause sexual issues with me. Anti Depressant typically will suppress the your desire, nonetheless you can find ways to fulfill yourself. My husband and I play games, I do not miss the organism. Although I seem to have adapted to this scenario after 13 years. So, which antidepressant would have the least sexually side effects? That may depend on you Not everyone has the same issues.
Do research on this site and others.

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Inactive 2 Dec 2017

My vote would be for Wellbutrin to be the antidepressant with the least side effects. It is an NDRI - norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

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cymbalta, effexor, lexapro, depression, side effect, sexual dysfunction, ssri induced, antidepressant, sexual dysfunction

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