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Are tramadol and meloxicam comparable for swelling and pain after asurgery?

4 Answers

Delila 27 June 2013

Hi, i agree with Kathy, Meloxicam is an anti-inflammatory, so will help with swelling (& pain), and Tramadol is an opiate like pain killer. The 2 are commonly taken together, that is what i took after my back injury. You can also add Paracetamol (as i did) if you need it. Just a brief warning... if you haven't taken Tramadol before, beware of its potential for addiction. I hope you're feeling better soon!

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ken31gin 26 June 2013

Kathy is correct. Be careful with the meloxicam, it can give you stomach problems, try taking it with food. Tramadol, the same as Ultram, is for pain issues. Good luck, wishing you quick and complete healing.

Votes: +1
gmchummerh3 25 June 2013

I was taking both these meds for my back pain did not do a thing for me best of luck

Votes: +0
kathyhanson 25 June 2013

Tramadol is a pain med, while meloxicam is a NSAID like Motrin. Were you prescribed both after surgery to be used together? It would make sense on a short term basis. The meloxicam will help more with swelling but not as much for pain. Tramadol will help more with pain, but not so much with swelling. Hope you feel better soon.

Votes: +1
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