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I have Tramadol HCL 50mg that I got in November 2007. What is the shelf life?


Delila 30 April 2013

Hi, i agree. Also the conditions in which the medication has been stored will make a difference.

Votes: +1
kaismama 30 April 2013

Taking old medication is iffy. The least that can happen is it won't be as effective. The worst, some medications if taken when old can actually cause harm. All prescriptions are considered expired street a year.

Votes: +0
kaismama 30 April 2013

Geez I don't know how my phone managed street out of after, but it did. Sorry.

chellebelle75 30 April 2013

LOL, that's okay.well, I wasn't sure and figured I should just throw it away and I most definitely will. Thank you!

Inactive 30 April 2013

Just so you know, the shelf life of Tramadol is 36 months.

Take care,

bestpup 2 May 2013

To chellebelle75. From bestpup.
Dear chellebelle not only do drug bottles say store the medication in a dark cabinet at room temperature but most scripts say "best used by" right on the bottle itself.
Finally, if your still under sided call the pharmacy where the script originated, they can give you the exact date.
Best of luck with your discission.
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