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Can I use tramadol 50mg HCL for Tooth Pain?


Delila 22 Oct 2010

Hi you can use tramadol for tooth pain but it isn't the best analgesic for this reason. Can i just say, if your tooth pain is due to broken/decaying teeth etc, take care with tramadol as they can cause weakening of teeth, chipping/breaking. I only found this out recently as i have experienced it myself! Just thought you might want to know?

Votes: +2
neison71 22 Oct 2010

Delila, I never would have known that!!! Never read it anywhere... thanks for that important info!!!

crawlermk 22 Oct 2010

i just came from the dentis cuz tooth grew to big and cracked the one next to it and is messing with the nerves and they prescribed tramadol and iburprofen 400mg to stop it til they pull it

neison71 23 Oct 2010

At a time when tramadol is about to become a controlled substance with a gazillion warnings why are dentists using it and not more traditional dental remedies like Tylenol 3... while I understand T-3 is controlled, the addictive properties of T-3 are less and the withdrawal of tramadol is known to be so horrible, I don't get it.
) :

crawlermk 23 Oct 2010

i got 20 pills and only took 5 and no more because they dont work

neison71 25 Oct 2010

crawler, please check out the question and answers posted by 'EXOPIATEC', and follow the whole string of questions and answers.
His question was "Opiate relapse, I know I shouldn't be saying this but here we go." Towards the end of the string right, exopiate mentions that his addiction BEGAN with tramadol prescribed by a dentist... hope you can read it and see more re: danger of tramadol use.
My best wishes to you,
( :

crawlermk 25 Oct 2010

i said i stopped using them i still got 15 left they dont work so i threw them away tylonol extra strength works better 800mg which the bottle says and it works

Rajive Goel 22 Oct 2010

It is used for pain, for dental or tooth pain please consult a dentist who would perhaps give you better advice, Tramadol has a potential of abuse it is prescribed for short term use of say 5 days or less, please talk to you doctor, take care & be safe & well.

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