I’ve been on Sertraline (Zoloft) for almost 12 years, started with 50mg for several years, increased the dosage to 100mg a few years ago, then over the summer increased it to 150mg daily. Over the past few weeks, my anxiety has gotten progressively worse so I decided to talk to my doctor about it and she decided to switch me from Zoloft to Pristiq. She had me go from 150mg daily to 50mg for 5 days, while adding 25mg of Pristiq for those 5 days then increasing it to 50mg and then no more Zoloft. Is it just me or does this sound like way too quick tapering? I got to day 2 and my anxiety got so horrible. Basically it felt like my whole day was one giant anxiety attack, all while trying to work and function. It was hell. What do you think?