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Can taking lithium give me a bad odor from my vagina?

5 Answers

endlessPred 27 Jan 2013

There are many infections possible. Do not treat this as a yeast infection. See a doctor right away. This could be an STD.

Votes: +1
lesliehelen 28 Jan 2013

i agree with endlesspred, as i said you need to go and see a dr. if it keeps on happening..definitely could be one of many things, std's not treat this lightly..please take good care..just because it goes away doesn't mean it is still need to see a dr..hugs!!!

nobody1234 2 Feb 2013

Thanks so much guys I re-asked the question with more details. I have been to the Dr. I was taking antibiotics. I had an infection and it was treated, but this smell remained. My boyfriend notices no odor at all. It's not an STD I go to my GYNO regularly I though maybe even the meds were effecting my perception of smell. I have no redness itching or fact nothing out of the ordinary. =) I do appreciate your time.

endlessPred 3 Feb 2013

By any chance were you taking endomyacin? This does leave a weird smell and taste that lingers after use. Just wondering...

nobody1234 4 Feb 2013

No I wasn't. I never heard of it. It has passed it seems. It went on for about 3 months. Strangest thing. I guess I'll never know what it was. It is the reason I did make my appointment at the GYNO though ;) thanks so much.

endlessPred 4 Feb 2013

Glad to hear you are doing better. I meant to spell erythromycin.

Take care, Karen

lesliehelen 4 Feb 2013

i am very glad to hear that it has finally passed!!! what a blessing that must be for you..hugs,

lesliehelen 27 Jan 2013

i think it sounds as though you have a yeast infection... have you been on any antibiotics lately? i would go and see a gyn dr. to make sure it isn't anything else, though... good luck and feel better soon..oh, you didn't mention any itching, do you have it?

Votes: +0
nobody1234 2 Feb 2013

Thanks so much guys I re-asked the question with more details. I have been to the Dr. I was taking antibiotics. I had an infection and it was treated, but this smell remained. My boyfriend notices no odor at all. It's not an STD I go to my GYNO regularly I though maybe even the meds were effecting my perception of smell. I have no redness itching or fact nothing out of the ordinary. =) I do appreciate your time.

lesliehelen 2 Feb 2013

some meds affect your sense of smell, something i take does..haven't figured out which one it is though... i drive my boyfriend crazyby asking him if he smells smoke or whatever i am smelling at the time... i hope this passes for you! take good care !!!

smileyhappy 27 Jan 2013

You should see the doctor! You might have a bacterial infection!

Votes: +0
nobody1234 2 Feb 2013

Thanks so much guys I re-asked the question with more details. I have been to the Dr. I was taking antibiotics. I had an infection and it was treated, but this smell remained. My boyfriend notices no odor at all. It's not an STD I go to my GYNO regularly I though maybe even the meds were effecting my perception of smell. I have no redness itching or fact nothing out of the ordinary. =) I do appreciate your time.

GuinnessGirl54 26 Jan 2013

It can cause vaginal dryness, but odor is indicitive of an infection.

Votes: +1
nobody1234 2 Feb 2013

Thanks so much guys I re-asked the question with more details. I have been to the Dr. I was taking antibiotics. I had an infection and it was treated, but this smell remained. My boyfriend notices no odor at all. It's not an STD I go to my GYNO regularly I though maybe even the meds were effecting my perception of smell. I have no redness itching or fact nothing out of the ordinary. =) I do appreciate your time.

kaismama 26 Jan 2013

No, it would not do this. You may have an infection.

Votes: +1
nobody1234 2 Feb 2013

Thanks so much guys I re-asked the question with more details. I have been to the Dr. I was taking antibiotics. I had an infection and it was treated, but this smell remained. My boyfriend notices no odor at all. It's not an STD I go to my GYNO regularly I though maybe even the meds were effecting my perception of smell. I have no redness itching or fact nothing out of the ordinary. =) I do appreciate your time. free discount card

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bipolar disorder, lithium, odor

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